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Game: Stupid Question, Stupid Answer

You didn't sign your name on the line! Now the legal document is invalid! :sadwick:

How many straws do you need to make a strawberry?
Solving this will result in correct answer :

17x + 68y = 138
50x + 2y = 100

where x is number of straws, and y is number of strawberries. And if you take the ratio y/x, then you will get number of straws per strawberry !!

Why matchstick burn up if we rub on the matchbox surface, but our fingers do not catch fire if we do the same ?
The plants which are in the garden of Prince Harry !!

Why clocks tick-tick-tick, but not tic-tac-toe ?
Use Pokesnacks on the people whom you want to befriend !!

How can I write with my both hands ?
You should change the EXP share mechanics to make it that the chances of finding one would increase to the amoung of EXP gained.

How easy do you think the gen3 remakes are?
I'm very sure you need to look up that oven's Twitte account in order to find out about that. But If I could assume, I think it would be the same amount of ovens you could fir in the bathroom.

Why do you think MCR are afraid of teenagers?