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Gathering all Magic Players - The Magic: the Gathering Club!

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Gathering all Magic Players - The Magic: the Gathering Club!

    Magic: the Gathering (MtG) is a collectable card game that can be played with two or more players. Over the years it has expanded to have over twelve million players and has spread into the online world through the medium of Magic: the Gathering Online (MTGO).
    Regardless of if you are a beginner Mage who has just bought their first deck, or you're a premending 'walker who has been playing for decades come join us in our obsession!

    - Follow PokéCommunity general and FC&G rules.
    - Try and remain on topic as best you can.
    - No trolling, flaming, bashing, etc.
    - Keep spoilers in spoiler tags.

    Discussion Topics:
    What format do you play?
    What decks do you have?
    Modern Masters 2015!
    When did you first start playing?
    What was your first plane?
    What was your favourite theme for a block?

    Magic Origins Release
    Magic: The Gathering Club theme collab
    Gain Your Spark!
    Favourite Colour: WUBRG
    Favourite Deck:
    Mode of Play: Online/Paper

    Hybrid Trainer
    Weiss Schnee
    Judge Mandolore Shepard
    Bidoof FTW
    White Glint
    Last edited:
    YES! MTG IS THE GREATEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm glad there's an MTG club now, I saw that there was one for Yu-Gi-Oh!, but was disappointed that MTG didn't have one.

    Username: mariomaniac432
    Favourite Colour: Green
    Favourite Deck: EDH: Prime Speaker, Zegana
    Mode of Play: Paper

    I'm strictly a EDH/Commander player these days. I used to play standard, but quickly got annoyed by having to always buy new cards that almost never hold value just so I could play. I did however win the first standard tournament I entered with a R/G Aggro deck shortly after the release of Avacyn Restored, and won the tournament two weeks after that with American Control. Those were my only two serious decks though, and everything else I made was usually some kind of gimmicky deck that I just wanted to try and see how it help up, and after I won with them I never used them again in tournaments. I didn't like the slower pace that came with the Return to Ravnica block (though I must admit I enjoyed Bant Midrange during this time and won once using it), so shorty after Gatecrash came out, I stopped, and switched to exclusively EDH. I had intended to start again when Khans came out, but decided it was too costly, and that EDH was more fun.

    All of my EDH decks can be found here:


    Most of them haven't been updated since before KTK came out, and none of them have been updated since the new EDH tuck rule was made, so they're a little out of date. Also, some of the descriptions I just threw together since I had all my decks marked as private so I wouldn't have to put one in.

    My first EDH deck was Skullbriar, the Walking Grave, but it made me a target right off the bat because I could kill someone too quick (I think it was a guaranteed turn 6 or 7 kill against someone if they never bocked him), and the decks I was up against at the time didn't have much of a board presence (creature-wise) until usually turn 4 or 5, but by then, being black, I had removal spells. So I dismantled it, and struggled to come up with something else. But one day I was looking at all the cards laying out on my desk, and I saw Jin-Gitaxias, as well as several good artifacts. So I threw one together, not really sure if it would work or not, and it has been one of the more powerful decks in my playgroup ever since, and has needed little change in order to keep up. When Gatecrash came out, I made Prime Speaker Zegana, which is also one of the powerhouse decks in my group, but has gone through several renditions in order to keep up. Aside from them, Azusa, Lost but Seeking is my other powerhouse deck. If it gets going, it's really hard to stop.

    I just checked out the spoilers for Modern Masters 2 a few hours ago. Looks good so far, but it doesn't really matter to me since prices of many cards didn't go down (and stay down) after the first Modern Masters set, and because I don't play Modern. The only deck I was willing to pay in Modern was Birthing Pod (I had it before it was cool...), but it got the banhammer, so I have no interest in it now.
    Username: Weiss Schnee
    Favourite Colour: U
    Favourite Deck: RTR Dimir
    Mode of Play: Paper and Online (Cockatrice).

    What format do you play?

    What decks do you have?
    Illusions Tribal. RTR Simic and Dimir.
    Username: Yeyinde
    Favourite Colour: RGB
    Favourite Deck: dun have favorite
    Mode of Play: Online

    Format: Standard/Unlimited
    Deck I have: Destructive Deck Deck
    Username: Sonata
    Favourite Colour: Anything that's not White.
    Favourite Deck: I've started playing around with Damia and she's pretty good. But idk, I don't usually rely on my generals too much.
    Mode of Play: EDH Paper

    I was running Kresh for the longest time, but I haven't updated it in a few months and then before that when I first got into MTG I was running a mix of zombies and vampires with Thraximundar as my general, but switched it out for Nekuzar for a couple of weeks. I'm getting ready to put my wip Damia up but I just haven't found the time.
    Welcome everyone! I'm so excited that EDH seems to be pretty popular round here too :p

    Username: Hybrid Trainer
    Favourite Colour: Black
    Favourite Deck: Mono-Black control EDH
    Mode of Play: Paper, some Online.

    Like Mario and Sonata I only really play EDH, haven't gotten round to putting all my decks up on TappedOut yet but so far I have Niv-Mizzet draw, Phenax mill/unblockable, Kiku/Sidisi mono black control,Teysa Tokens, Olivia Voldaren tribal vamps, Thelon tribal fungus/saprolings, Slivers.dec and I'm in the middle of building a Tasigur deck which I plan on actually spending a decent amount of time/money on instead of just building it and then ignoring it for five thousand years.

    I just checked out the spoilers for Modern Masters 2 a few hours ago. Looks good so far, but it doesn't really matter to me since prices of many cards didn't go down (and stay down) after the first Modern Masters set, and because I don't play Modern. The only deck I was willing to pay in Modern was Birthing Pod (I had it before it was cool...), but it got the banhammer, so I have no interest in it now.
    I was really sad with Birthing Pod being banned! I don't play modern but I always enjoyed watching a pod deck, no matter what tier/build it was. That being said though I can nab one cheaper now for my commander decks!

    I was running Kresh for the longest time, but I haven't updated it in a few months and then before that when I first got into MTG I was running a mix of zombies and vampires with Thraximundar as my general, but switched it out for Nekuzar for a couple of weeks. I'm getting ready to put my wip Damia up but I just haven't found the time.
    What sort of Damia list are you thinking of? Is it going to be straight up control or the more combo route?
    Also the last combo listed of your Kresh deck looks glorious I need to see it played haha
    What's the best combo for a deck destructive deck?
    I try using kill your creature thing and I didn't go so well though
    It really depends on the type of deck you want to build. Do you want an EDH deck? do you want a casual 60 card deck? do you want a modern "money is no barrier" tournament deck?
    Either way though the colours you say are your favourite are some of the best at destruction.

    Black is easily the best at creature control, having cards like Murder, Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall and other cards like it that can kill a create for a small amount of mana. Be careful though because black is fond of its brothers so will often struggle killing other black creatures.
    You can even get creatures that you can use to kill your opponents things, such as Avatar of Woe and Shriekmaw.

    Green doesn't do destruction often, but when it does it does it well. Green loves its creatures though so you'll often find it can blow up anything that isn't alive and kicking. Some examples are Terastodon, Bramblecrush, Destructor Dragon, Mold Shambler. But there's the amazingly good Beast Within, which can destroy any permanent for the small price of giving the opponent a 3/3 green beast (which you can kill with a black spell later on ;D)

    Red is just happy to smash and burn things. Nowadays red is best at killing artifacts and burning little creatures to dust. Back in the day though red got a couple of good destruction spells, such as getting rid of nonbasic lands (which all the high tier decks play btw, and pretty much all multicoloured decks) such as Incendiary Command and Ruination. There is also the odd mass destruction spell, such as Decree of Annihilation, Obliterate and Jokulhaups.

    If you meant infinate combos though there's a pretty nifty thread here that has a list of a lot of infinate combos for each colour/colour combination. It's pretty out of date though.

    Also btw, you may want to get this. It'll scan pages you visit (including this post) and show you each card I've listed as a hover over thingy.
    Username: Judge Mandolore Shepard
    Favorite Color: Blue
    Favorite Deck: I don't have one
    Mode of Play: Paper

    What decks do you have?: Since I only started getting into Magic in February of last year, the only deck I have is the Blazing Beasts of Myth starter deck from the Theros expansion.
    I prefer go with kill for deck destruction thing, but the cards are good with it
    Do you have a decklist you currently use Yeyinde?

    Username: Judge Mandolore Shepard
    Favorite Color: Blue
    Favorite Deck: I don't have one
    Mode of Play: Paper

    What decks do you have?: Since I only started getting into Magic in February of last year, the only deck I have is the Blazing Beasts of Myth starter deck from the Theros expansion.

    Welcome Judge! How are you liking the deck so far? I know a few friends who bought that one and they were a bit hesitant to use the foil rare you get with the pack.
    Hmm. Online deck for MAGE exactly. It basically black mixed with colorless and my main key would be Extractor Demon
    Have you thought about focussing on sacrificing your own creatures to mill your opponents instead? Stuff like Reassembling Skeleton you can sacrifice multiple times a turn if you have the mana.
    Yes, I tried that and resurrecting cards like above is the key, but what's other good cards to keep opponents at bay from targetting resurrectors.
    Like Mario and Sonata I only really play EDH, haven't gotten round to putting all my decks up on TappedOut yet but so far I have Niv-Mizzet draw, Phenax mill/unblockable, Kiku/Sidisi mono black control,Teysa Tokens, Olivia Voldaren tribal vamps, Thelon tribal fungus/saprolings, Slivers.dec and I'm in the middle of building a Tasigur deck which I plan on actually spending a decent amount of time/money on instead of just building it and then ignoring it for five thousand years.

    Niv-Mizzet was the first EDH deck that was made by my playgroup. I will forever hate it because it's infinite combo and set the standard for how powerful all subsequent decks needed to be to keep up.

    How well does Olivia play? Can it compete with some of the more powerful aggro and control decks? I threw one together about two years ago, but at the time I didn't have the cards to make it work well, and I didn't feel like getting them. I'm still interested in using her as a BR commander, and I was thinking of making a variant where I steal everyone's stuff all game, but I'm not sure if she's powerful enough for my group.
    Niv mizzle was my first commander too, its changed so much since then though as it's been a melek deck since then too haha. It's in need of a lot of maintenance though because its become a mishmash of "oh that's a cool card" that I find.
    Olivia is a better deck than I expected if I'm honest. She is solely tribal and spot control so that the vampires can get through. It works pretty well against other aggro decks because I can kill of their biggest threat and then fly over with a couple of vampires. Control is another story, most of my good vamps get countered but if I can somehow get Olivia down and attatch some grieves or boots to her then I can switch to a pretty decent voltron style with her first ability.

    Yes, I tried that and resurrecting cards like above is the key, but what's other good cards to keep opponents at bay from targetting resurrectors.
    Maybe try givng your guys hexproof if your things are getting destroyed? There are loads of Instant hexproof cards out there.
    What sort of Damia list are you thinking of? Is it going to be straight up control or the more combo route?
    Also the last combo listed of your Kresh deck looks glorious I need to see it played haha

    Combo route. For the most part my kresh deck that I'm tearing apart right now works fine. It's just the red that messes it up so I'm replacing it with blue but have decided against using any counters. I've got a manabond and primal surge to work with too, as well as an Ambassador Laquatus . So turn 1 lay manabond and then ideally the rest of your hand giving me 7 land, turn 2 lay Damia and another land giving me 8 and then turn 3 lay a land, drop sol ring and then play primal surge to get out roughly half of my deck since I'm planning on removing most of my instants and sorceries. If all goes well it's another moderately reliable turn 4 win. I'm just stacking the deck with as many combos as possible haha. If I don't have win by turn 3 most of the time I've already lost.
    Why not try and build a primal surge deck? You could try and find as many creatures that'll do what your instant and sorceries do and there are loads of ways to give them flash. That way you can put in Labratory Maniac and then when you play PS you can flip your deck and win on your next draw step.
    Joining since I used to play casually quite a bit (and actually went to a Regionals once with a Bant deck in the Alara block and got smoked, going 0-6 on the day) and still occasionally play, even though I haven't bothered adding any cards to my collection in 3 or 4 years. I may be able to advise on some casual play strategies, but not too many as I'm not intensely into the game anymore.

    Username: donavannj
    Favourite Colour: Don't Have One
    Favourite Deck: Currently, my casual burn deck. I think it's just straight red, though it might have some black in it. I kinda haven't touched it in 6 months. So, aside from Lightning Bolt, my memories of its contents are hazy.
    Mode of Play: Paper

    @Yeyinde: The most consistent way to destroy your opponent's deck is by milling (specifically using card effects to force your opponent to discard cards straight from their deck - best color for that is typically Blue) them into a deck-out. Using blue milling cards also aides in that you can use Blue mana for the sea of control cards available in Blue to further lock them down.

    Now if you're talking about trying to keep the field clear and bring their Life total down, you'd be best served looking at a Red/Black deck that uses "burn" type cards, specifically ones that give you a choice between destroying a creature and target your opponent's life.

    Not sure what format you're playing, though, so specific card recommendations beyond that I cannot give at the moment. I think the last prerelease I went to was M11.
    By the time that I would get maniac out it would just be like rubbing salt in the wound. Several other cards I have give me an instant win by the end of my turn or beginning of my next. The only thing that would stop me is if someone else got win before it got back around to me.