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[Other FULL] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

  • 25,958
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

    OOC | IC | GM | Wanted List | Etherpad | Theme


    Welcome to Jeimas, a large and influential country famous for the skill and power of the sorcerers it produces. The north of Jeimas, where the capital of Orhurst is located, is a land of plenty where the government's influence keeps everyone happy, healthy and safe. The climate here ranges mostly from cool to warm (bar the mountains of the far north) and the land always gets the right amount of rain, never too much and never too little. The north of Jeimas is like heaven on Earth.

    That's the north, the further south you go in Jeimas the worse that things get. Especially once you reach the Barren Lands and the Great Chasm. The Barren Lands are an enormous desert that fills the entirety of lowest reaches of Jeimas until you reach the sea – well they assume that's how it works, nobody has ever made if far enough through the Barren Lands to find out. In the Barren Lands the ground is almost entirely covered in coarse, orange sand and there are few rivers or lakes. During the day those who live there experience scorching heat, during the night they experience bone-chilling cold. Food is scarce in the Barren Lands, communities rely upon cattle ranches for their supplies of meat and milk and many poor families frequently are forced to go without meat if they can't catch or keep their own – which is not always an easy feet. Perhaps the worst aspect of living in the South however is the crime. The reach of the government is weak in the Barren Lands, which has allowed numerous outlaws to emerge and thrive without the law to oppose them. Overstretched, outmatched and outnumbered law enforcement in the Barren Lands are often forced to rely upon bounty hunters to handle criminals, and even then there's always another outlaw to take a captured ones place… assuming they don't get there first and take control of the territory themselves in the first place.

    The worst cases of this affliction can be found in the Great Chasm, an enormous crater within the Barren Lands filled with small communities. The Great Chasm is extremely isolated from the outside world, but is also dependent upon trade with the outside to survive. This is why work is being done in an attempt to expand the small railway line inside the Chasm to link it with the major north-south line. Until then though, horses and carts are used to transport goods to cities outside the Chasm, which is very slow and inefficient and a large part of why those within the Chasm are poverty stricken. If the north of Jeimas is heaven on Earth, the south is hell.


    You are either a rookie bounty hunter, working out of Janet's Bounty Hunting Agency in Spider's Hollow, or a fledgling outlaw. You are also however, a sorcerer. For as I said earlier, Jeimas is a country of magic and even in the Barren Lands spellcasters can be found using their abilities to commit crimes or to capture those who do. Many bounty hunters and outlaws alike have some degree of magical ability.

    Bounty Hunters – As a bounty hunter, you will begin your story working under a crotchety, old ex-bounty hunter named Janet. She was once a formidable force in the Barren Lands until she was injured attempting to capture one of the "Big Bads". As a bounty hunter it is your job to make money by catching criminals and collecting their bounties. The more experience you get as a bounty hunter, the more powerful you will become and your rank as a sorcerer will grow to match. The ultimate goal of a bounty hunter is to not only break off from their agency and to free-lance successfully (so they can keep the entirety of the money they earn) but to eventually build up enough finances and reputation to open an agency of their own. One should not be fooled into thinking that bounty hunters are all allies though, it's a hard life and competing bounty hunters will often go to extreme lengths to capture their mark, even at the expense of their fellows.

    Outlaws – As an outlaw you will begin either working under a more notorious criminal, or committing small robberies and raids of your own. As an outlaw your goal is to steal and extort to make money and to take out anyone who stands in your way. The more your own bounty increases and the more powerful and notorious you get, the higher your rank as a sorcerer will grow and the closer you'll get to the end goal. The end goal of most outlaws is to become notorious and powerful enough to be categorised as one of the near-legendary "Big Bads" who dwell within the Barren Lands – the ten worst criminals alive who even most bounty hunters try to avoid. The life of an outlaw is not an easy one either, you will not only have to successfully steal, extort and kill to earn your money – escaping the clutches of the law and bounty hunters both in the process – but you will also often be forced into turf disputes and conflicts with other criminals seeking the same things you are.


    Gunpowder is predominantly a sandbox roleplay in which you may go about fulfilling the roles of your character in any ways you see fit, thus resulting in the development of plots. Events I throw in along the way, such as the eventual appearances of some of the "Big Bads", will also serve to develop plots within the roleplay. The roleplay does have an ending planned, but that's for me to reveal later.

    In this roleplay there a certain mechanics to consider, mostly surrounding magic. There are three categories of spells, these are
    • Black Magic – Offensive spells, or spells that negatively affect a target
    • White Magic – Defensive spells, or spells that positively affect a target
    • Grey Magic – Spells that are neither offensive nor defensive by nature but that could be used for either purpose depending on the thinking of the user.

    In addition to these three categories, most spells are of an elemental nature being affiliated with fire, water, earth, wind or electricity. At first sorcerers only have access to one element, however as they become more powerful they gain access to more elements. It should also be noted however, that some spells are non-elemental and can be used regardless of a sorcerer's affinities.
    All sorcerers possess the innate ability to use magic, but in order to actually use this ability they require a spellbook, something not easy to come by. The further away a spellbook is from its owner, the harder it is to use magic and should a spellbook be destroyed the owner will not be able to use their spells unless they can somehow claim a new one. For this reason criminals who are captured always have their books burned and often do the same to their enemies.

    As characters either capture more criminals or commit more crimes, their rank as a sorcerer will gradually increase to match their reputation, their power growing along with their rank. A character's rank, determines the kinds of spells they are able to use, expanding the number of spells they can use and the power of their magic. The ranks are as follows

    • Rank One - Initiate: Weak spells, one element, two custom – Five spells
    • Rank Two – Noviciate: Moderate spells, one element, three custom – Eight spells
    • Rank Three – Moderate: Moderate spells, two elements, five custom – Twelve spells
    • Rank Four – Accomplished: Moderate spells, three elements, six custom – Fifteen spells
    • Rank Five – Veteran: High Spells, three elements, eight custom – Twenty spells
    • Ranks Six – Superior: High Spells, four elements, ten custom – Twenty-two spells
    • Rank Seven – Master: High spells, any elements, thirteen custom – Twenty-seven spells

    As can be seen in the points above, at first you will be able to only use weak spells of one element. Three of these will be generic "stock spells" listed below, whilst two will be custom spells of your own creation. In addition to magic, your character will also be able to use weaponry similar to that of the weaponry available in the Old West (ie. Revolvers, knives, shotguns and hunting rifles, and nothing automatic). In Jeimas, electricity has been discovered, however in the South fires and gas lamps are generally still the majority, flames are used for cooking and most travel is done on foot or on horseback as the steam engine trains are used only for transporting goods or on occasion miners who are returning home from the site.

    Stock Spells

    Black Magic
    • Elemental Burst – Fire: A fireball is launched at the target.
    • Elemental Burst – Water: A pressurised globe of water is thrown at the target. It explodes with a violent spray on impact.
    • Elemental Burst – Air: A concussive blast of air.
    • Elemental Burst – Earth: A large rock is formed or levitated and launched at the target.
    • Elemental Burst – Electricity: An electric shockwave is sent at the target. It has the capability to stun those it hits.
    • Minor Jinx: Causes sudden, but rapidly disappearing, bad luck.
    • Hex of Pain: If this spell hits it causes pain throughout the targets body.

    White Magic
    • Elemental Shield – Fire: Causes a ring or dome of flames to form around one's vicinity. This is effective at stopping physical or most average magical attacks but can't stop bullets.
    • Elemental Shield – Water: Forms a bubble around the user. This is great for deflecting most physical or magical attacks but will pop if cut or hit with bullets.
    • Elemental Shield – Earth: A stone structure – generally a wall – is produced. Excellent for blocking physical attacks or weapon attacks but ineffective against many magical attacks.
    • Elemental Shield – Air: A short acting blast of air in all directions that nullifies any average attack for an extremely short period of time.
    • Elemental Shield – Electricity: A matrix of electrical charges are formed around the user. This deflects all physical attacks and some magical attacks but leaves the user vulnerable to bullets and most magical attacks.
    • Minor Healing: Heals small wounds with ease and with time and patience moderate wounds relatively well. More serious wounds are beyond this spell's capability.
    • Minor Nullification: Nullify weak jinxes or hexes and slightly weakens more powerful ones.

    Grey Magic
    • Blink: Teleport to a nearby location instantly so long as it is visible and not magically protected.
    • Minor Repulsion: Repel objects (inanimate or living) in the immediate vicinity. Potential for offensive or defensive use but ineffective on spells.
    • Summon Weak Familiar: Summons a familiar, typically a spirit animal of small to moderate size and practically never a mythological creature bar the most minor of imps. With practice specific familiars may be called.
    • Summon Small Object: Summon a small inanimate object. Along with the next, this spell is pretty much the reason criminals now have their spellbooks burned. It is far easier to summon an object you are familiar with.
    • Short-Distance Portal: A portal that allows you to move from one side of a wall or locked door to the other. Criminals must always have their spellbooks burned.

    Sign-Up Sheet

    Age (16+):
    Status (Bounty Hunter or Outlaw?):

    Appearance (Image, written or both):

    Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Electricity):
    3 Stock Spells:
    2 Custom Spells (and a description of each):

    Roleplay Sample: Either write a day in the life of your character for this RP, or include a link to another RP.​


    1. GM word is law
    2. All RPC rules apply
    3. Do not god mod and do not bunny without permission – if you don't know what these terms mean refer to RPC rules.
    4. The GM will determine when your character's rank increases (although you're welcome to request this if you feel you have a good reason). When your rank is increased you will receive a PM with a list of the new spells available to you.
    5. Be respectful in the OOC at all times
    6. Try to get a post in at least every two weeks.


    Spider's Hollow
    Spider's Hollow is a small but rather central town located in the Great Chasm. It is notable only for it's popular tavern and for the bounty-hunting agency located there. Most of the breadwinners from Spider's Hollow earn their income trading with the many travellers who pass through or by working in other nearby towns such as the nearby mining town Gilded Brook.

    Gilded Brook
    A town slightly larger than the nearby Spider's Hollow that is populated primarily by miners and their families. The town got its name when prospectors discovered gold by panning the nearby river, something that lead to the discovery of rich gold deposits nearby. Gilded Brook is frequently targeted by bandits raiding the stores of gold.

    The Great Chasm
    The Great Chasm is an enormous crater located deep into the Barren Lands. Nobody is sure exactly how such a large crater came to be but since its discovery several small settlements have sprung into life within the Chasm due to it's rich mineral deposits and easily defensible location. Most towns inside the Chasm are only hours away by horseback.

    The Barren Lands
    The Barren Lands are a large desert region located in the south of the continent of Jeimas. Towns in the Barren Lands are primarily known for mining and livestock as well as for having higher crime rates and harsher climates than locations in the north.

    Ironhaven is one of very few large cities in The Barren Lands and is located several days travel away from the entrance to The Great Chasm – Sinking Road. Merchants and traders from the nearby small towns flock to this city to sell their goods and it is one of the few places with a decent government presence. Ironhaven is well known for being the best place to learn sorcery in the south of Jeimas and is characterised by its enormous stone walls.

    The largest town in the Great Chasm, Larkin is located right near the edge of the Chasm close to the entrance. Residents from Larkin earn their income as farmers on the outskirts of the town, as workers maintaining Sinking Road, as tradesman, working on excavating a railroad tunnel or as miners at the nearby town of Wrench.

    Wrench was the smallest town in the Chasm and, like Gilded Brook, was a mining town. The entire community of this town was dedicated to mining the various ores and minerals found underground and within the sides of the Great Chasm.

    After the events surrounding Cosma and Veralice, the town of Wrench was destroyed. All that remains of the town now are a few barely standing, deserted, buildings and piles of wood, metal and other debris that used to be the rest of the town. Some have begun trying to rebuild but progress is slow and costly without support from the Northern companies that run most of the mines.

    Silverston is a mining community located not far from The Great Chasm. It is a town far larger than most in the Chasm, bar maybe Larkin, and is tough competition for the mining towns there as it is responsible for not only the largest silver mine in the world, but also for smaller platinum and iron ore mines.

    Fairbell is a town not much larger than Wrench. It is located only a few hours from Spider's Hollow and is notable only for its small but beautiful church. There are no religious buildings in Spiders Hollow or Gilded Brook, so religious individuals from those towns often visit here.

    Situated far to the north of the Great Chasm, well outside of the Barren Lands, is the city of Orhurst – the capital of Jeimas. This city is enormous with many well-maintained cobble streets and is the home of many government buildings, businesses and houses – although only the richest live in the large inner city houses. Most residents live on the outskirts of the city with farms and plantations being the furthest out properties. Orhurst is home to the greatest educational facilities in the world including Skyrith Academy, a school and university dedicated to not only educating people, but also producing great sorcerers.

    Accepted Players

    I will be accepting players until I feel it is becoming too many to handle.

    1. gimmepie as Alex Rose (Bounty Hunter) and Elias Stork (Bounty Hunter)
    2. aeternum as Jebediah Sanders (Bounty Hunter)
    3. Foxrally as Sophia Hartmann (Outlaw)
    4. Ice as Emmet Holliday (Outlaw)
    5. Shak as Achilles 'Black' Nimbus (Bounty Hunter)
    6. Sir General Admiral Fancy Swank as José "Anima" Dartmoor (Outlaw)
    7. Lord Sephear as Kelmorr Kuvag (Bounty Hunter)
    8. Oddball_ as Rory Ryder West (Outlaw)

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    This gives me severe Wild Arms feels, a series I miss greatly. So reserve me a spot, Gimme. <3
    It's here! I've been looking forward to this! Here's my SU:

    Name: Dustin Rhodes
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Status: Bounty Hunter

    Personality: Dustin is a jolly and upbeat guy, with a sharp wit and love of conversation. He is very patient and slow to anger, but a little stubborn and reluctant to change. He can be lazy, trying to dodge physical labor, and is always on the lookout for his next meal. He enjoys challenges, relishing an opportunity to prove his superiority, but he is always a good sport, win or lose. He doesn't hold grudges, but he doesn't forget his losses, either.

    Appearance: At 6 feet tall and just under 230, Dustin is a big guy. His arms and hands are big and strong, but he carries around a bit of extra weight in the middle. His skin is darkly tanned, while his eyes are a soft grey, and his red hair is short and unruly, though it is receding in front. His large eyes, flat nose, and thick mustache give his face a friendly, if walrus-like look. He always dresses in style, though her wears drab colors. He wears an orange shirt with matte grey buttons, with dark brown pants and matching boots. He wears a brown canvas duster to protect against the elements, and a stylish black bowler hat. He keeps a pair of protective goggles perched on the brim of his hat, in case of bad weather.

    Element: Earth

    Weaponry: .45 lever action hunting rifle, .40 single shot derringer, boot knife

    3 Stock Spells:
    Earth Burst
    Earth Shield

    2 Custom Spells (and a description of each):
    Trap Hole - Causes the earth to open up, spontaneously creating a hole in the ground.

    Dust Bowl - Conjures a swirling cloud of dust and sand to obscure vision, cover tracks, or simply coat an area in dust.

    Roleplay Sample: From "Curse of Hogwarts"

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    This gives me severe Wild Arms feels, a series I miss greatly. So reserve me a spot, Gimme. <3

    Wild Arms?
    Also, consider it done.

    It's here! I've been looking forward to this for a while! Would you kindly reserve me a spot? I've got most of an SU written, just need an RP Sample.

    Name: Dustin Rhodes
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Status: Bounty Hunter

    Personality: Dustin is a jolly and upbeat guy, with a sharp wit and love of conversation. He is very patient and slow to anger, but a little stubborn and reluctant to change. He can be lazy, trying to dodge physical labor, and is always on the lookout for his next meal. He enjoys challenges, relishing an opportunity to prove his superiority, but he is always a good sport, win or lose. He doesn't hold grudges, but he doesn't forget his losses, either.

    Appearance: At 6 feet tall and just under 230, Dustin is a big guy. His arms and hands are big and strong, but he carries around a bit of extra weight in the middle. His skin is darkly tanned, while his eyes are a soft grey, and his red hair is short and unruly, though it is receding in front. His large eyes, flat nose, and thick mustache give his face a friendly, if walrus-like look. He always dresses in style, though her wears drab colors. He wears an orange shirt with matte grey buttons, with dark brown pants and matching boots. He wears a brown canvas duster to protect against the elements, and a stylish black bowler hat. He keeps a pair of protective goggles perched on the brim of his hat, in case of bad weather.

    Element: Earth

    Weaponry: .45 lever action hunting rifle, .40 single shot derringer, boot knife

    3 Stock Spells:
    Earth Burst
    Earth Shield

    2 Custom Spells (and a description of each):
    Trap Hole - Causes the earth to open up, spontaneously creating a hole in the ground.

    Dust Bowl - Conjures a swirling cloud of dust and sand to obscure vision, cover tracks, or simply coat an area in dust.

    Roleplay Sample: 

    Either write a day in the life of your character for this RP, or include a link to another RP.

    Looking good so far, just got to get that sample in and you're all good. Glad there was some hype xD
    I'll be posting the list of wanted people once we get a few more SUs in. I should have my own SU done up today at some point.
    I think I have a character in mind for this, so you'll probably be seeing my SU soon. :)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)
    Name: Claire Winchester

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Status: Outlaw

    Appearance: Standing at a height of about 5'8" and with somewhat curvy figure, Claire is a young woman who could be definitely considered easy on the eyes. She sports a lightly tanned skin complexion, with flowing, somewhat messy, light blonde that easily reaches down to her lower back. This is offset by a pair of pale, chocolate-brown eyes. A tattoo of a snake is wrapped around her upper left arm.

    In terms of clothing, Claire dresses in a manner that could never be called modest. She is usually seen sporting a pair of cut-off, denim shorts held around her waist by a brown, leather belt. She wears various pouches on this belt, which usually keeps hold of her extra bullets, along with a holster for her trusty magnum. A pair of brown, leather boots with white, furry trim adorns her feet and she sports a brown officer-styled cap on her head. Claire's hands are clad in a pair of long, fingerless gloves. The fabric of the gloves vary in color. The part which cover the woman's hands are brown with white padding along the back and around her wrists. The fabric which extends from the hands and up her forearms are a dark, navy blue. Claire offsets these gloves with a pair of gold bangles worn on her upper arms. Claire wears a white, bikini-styled top which shows off her ample cleavege and long, lean torso. A white, leather choker is worn around her neck. Claire will occasionally wear a long, black duster for weather-related reasoning.

    Personality: Shifty. Deceitful. Sensual. These are all terms that are generally used to describe Claire Winchester. In this world, Claire is more than willing to use her mind and body to succeed. She speaks in a rather flirtatious manner and often comes up with pet names for those she happens to deal with on a regular basis. It should be noted that it does not matter whether or not the person in question is a man or woman, as she takes equal pleasure in "both sides". When not committing crimes, Claire can often be found in taverns enjoying a good drink and a less-than-honest game of poker. If she has one flaw more than anything, it's her terrible gambling addiction. The blonde outlaw has the ability to make anything a wager, from how fast she can rob a bank to how many shots of whiskey she can down before getting completely gassed. Rumor has it that she also has a fondness for very cute things, but she would never willing admit this.

    Element: Electricity

    Weaponry: .44 Magnum and Chain Whip

    Stock Spells:
    • Electric Burst
    • Minor Jinx
    • Electric Shield
    Custom Spells:
    • Thunder Leash - Focusing her magical energy into her chain whip, Claire is able to electrify the chain and use it to more or less tase whoever she strikes with it.
    • Submissive Kiss - Claire blows a kiss in the direction of her opponent, causing them to falter in their original course of action. This is usually done to more or less aid her in escaping the law or from a successfully commited crime, often causing the target to stand to the side as she walks by. The stronger the will however, the easier this "curse" can be broken.

    Roleplay Sample: Taken from Crossroads

    May I reserve a spot in this? I thought for a while about it and this RP is quite intersting in terms of concept. I'll write up an SU tomorrow :D

    Also quick question about custom spells - do they have to fit in with the element? The character I'm hoping to make is a form of beastmaster.
    May I reserve a spot in this? I thought for a while about it and this RP is quite intersting in terms of concept. I'll write up an SU tomorrow :D

    Also quick question about custom spells - do they have to fit in with the element? The character I'm hoping to make is a form of beastmaster.

    The custom spell must only fit with your element if it is elementally-based.
    Just remember to keep the spells you start with relatively weak so ou have plenty of room to build into.

    My SU is incoming xD
    My SU, the art is not my own.

    [CSS-DIV="background-color: #FFFFF0; padding: 15px; border: double; border-color: #000000; border-width: 12px; text-align: left; width: 600px;"]

    Alex Rose
    23 Years Old | Male | Bounty Hunter | Fire

    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

    Personality: Alex Rose is a man who appears apathetic to many, which isn't entirely untrue. Alex doesn't pay much attention to anything that he deems "uninteresting" but is actually a thrill seeker at heart. Alex thrives on the adrenaline rush that comes from being a bounty hunter. Originally from a farming family who live on the outskirts of Fairbell, Alex grew up with a boring monotonous life of constantly planting, ploughing and harvesting wheat – one of the few types of plant easy to grow in the Barren Lands. The only time he felt alive was when he went hunting for food. Now a grown man, Alex's personality has changed little. He isn't happy unless he is pursuing a target.

    If it weren't for his strong morals, Alex's personality could easily have lead him to become an outlaw instead of a bounty hunter. However, despite Alex's hatred for life as a farmer, growing up on his parents' farm did instil in him a respect for good, honest work and a desire to punish those who trampled over the work of others. Aside from the adrenaline rush, Alex enjoys his work at a more emotional level as well simply because he is able to achieve justice for those affected badly by outlaws. Even though Alex has striven to develop his mind as well as his body in order to be as good as he can at his job and distance himself from his years as a simple farmer, Alex still feels a connection to his home deep down and will always value hard work.

    Alex's life is his job, which means he isn't particularly good at social interaction and at times causes him to be downright tactless. He is very competitive, wanting to be the best at what he does and that leads him to be possessive of his targets unless he has agreed to work with another bounty hunter. Even when seeking the same target as another of Janet's bounty hunters it takes a lot of work to make him agree to cooperate or back down. This can make Alex enemies although some admire his dedication. Over all Alex tries to be a good person, however his dedication to his work is not always a good thing.

    Weaponry: Alex primarily makes use of two kinds of firearm (generally not at the same time). His main weapon is a sawed-off Lupara shotgun. This weapon is preferred by Alex since he doesn't have to aim as carefully due to the wider spread of its shots but also because despite this it is still quite easy to conceal below his jacket. The second firearm that Alex carries on his person is a simple revolver, this is preferable for use in an area populated by a lot of civilians since it doesn't have the wide spray of a shotgun. Alex is very proficient with guns and tends to use them before turning to elemental magic.

    3 Stock Spells:
    • Elemental Burst - Fire
    • Blink
    • Elemental Shield - Fire

    2 Custom Spells:
    • Multiply - Alex creates several illusions of himself or an object. These manifestations do appear to cast shadows but are not physical entities and as such don't have a scent, cannot make a sound and cannot interact with the physical world. Despite these flaws (that Alex is trying desperately to fix) this spell still proves useful in the confusion of battle.
    • Reload - A more specific version of Summon Small Object that only works within an extremely limited range. This spell can move any bullets that are on Alex's person, or that he is touching, directly into the chamber of his weapon. The most minimal amount of contact that this spell requires is for the bullets to at least be stored in a pocket of Alex's. Any further away and the spell will fail.


    Edit: I have added you to the list Sonata. Is it bad I never realised you take part in RPs? xD
    I have also added Chocolate to the list since he VM'd me about it. Generally a post in the OOC is preferred though guys.
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    Here it is! Outlaws get all the ladies ^^ Also, I made up a criminal group just so she could be working under someone noticeable, is that fine? Please do tell me if you have any issue. I actually really enjoyed writing this SU :D

    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

    Name: Sophia Hartmann
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Status: Outlaw


    A few years ago, one would have never had imagined Sophia Hartmann's name to appear among the governments' names of wanted criminals. Sophia was the daughter of Elias Hartmann, a rich salesman who owned most of Jeimas' weapons distributors. She never got to know her mother - according to her father, she was a "waste of a woman anyway". Having made his fortune through a series of aggressive business takeovers, E. Hartmann was a man with a competitive nature and a fiery passion for power gain. Therefore he made sure these qualities were passed on to his daughter Sophia. He enrolled her in the top schools in Orhurst. Always top of her class, Sophia would do whatever it took to get the highest marks in the school - even if it meant threatening students or teachers.

    After graduation, she immediately enrolled into the healing and medicine program of Skyrith Academy as requested by her father; whom she respected and whose every command she obeyed. She was sixteen at the time. Soon after enrolling, she realized her strategy did not work anymore. Teachers here were sorcerers, much more powerful than those at the schools she attended. So were the students. She immediately requested for her father to remove her from the academy and allow her to be his apprentice and heir to the business.

    Her father strongly disagreed. He knew his daughter. The moment he would take her in as an apprentice, she would begin rising up the chain of command, eventually taking his place as owner. He explained to her that he had chosen her step-brother as heir to the business. the latter was much less obsessed with success and had a "clearer mind". Sophia was to stay in Skyrith and become a nurse.

    A week later, Sophia's step-brother was found in his room, pinned to the wall by his shirt, apparently having being stabbed numerous times in the chest.

    After this incident, Sophia knew she had no place in Orhurst. Disguising herself as a peddler, she took the first carriage to the city of Larkin, having taken only a few boxes of food and her personal firearm which her father had given her. In Larkin, most of the money she made was though petty theft and occasional spying tasks for rich merchants. Despite living in harsh conditions, she never resorted to prostitution, and punished anyone who dared try to seduce her in any way.

    Three years after her escape from her father's household, Sophia now calls the Barren Lands home. She is now an outlaw working under the notorious Culebra clan, known for their use of poison and disease to execute their crimes. Her Chameleon, Nico, was given to her as an egg at first, typical of members of the Culebra clan who receive a pet upon finishing their training. Sophia is surprisingly fond of Nico, and is rarely seen away from him. Now 13 months old, the reptile has gotten accustomed to Sophia and is often seen perching on her shoulder or head. Nico is usually calm and rarely agitated or irritated. It is quite agile and may exhale a small poison cloud as a method of self-defense, which can be used by Sophia on her enemies.

    Sophia's has a good relationship with her fellow outlaws, and considers them to be her family. being known to be the most success-driven, obsessive and temperamental member in the clan has gained Sophia the respect of many of her leaders and peers. Nowadays her tasks range from robberies to assassinations to escorts.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

    Standing at a mere height of 5'3", Sophia is one of the shortest people in the Culebra clan. However, despite her looks, she is quite strong - having been sent to the best self-defense schools in Orhurst. She is often found challenging other members and outlaws to arm wrestling matches and even fistfights. Sophia sports shoulder-length, chestnut-colored curly hair which matches her chestnut-colored eyes, which often turn golden when she is casting magic. She is sometimes seen wearing a brown bandanna over her head (mostly used to conceal Nico). Like every other member of the Culebra clan, Sophia has a symbol tatooed on her left arm - a snake. This tatoo is used to enter hideouts and is magic-proof, i.e. cannot be copied by impostors. It is also the signature of the Culebra clan. Nico is a small Dwarf Chameon whose color changes based on his mood and/or environment. He has the ability to secrete toxic gas, unlike most of his species.

    Sophia's attire allows for both comfort and utility. She is usually seen wearing a long-sleeved green undershirt and bra with a small brown jacket. Her gloves are fingerless and preceded by long cyan-colored wristbands which often cover up most of her forearm. On her left arm, there is a hole in her shirt near her biceps - allowing her to display her tatoo whenever necessary. Sophia keeps her money, ammunition weapons in a pouch attached to her belt, which is brown. Along with a brown skirt, she also wears green tight-fit pants that match her shirt. Her boots are brown and made of leather. During cold or rainy weather, she wears a thick leather jacket similar to the one she normally has on (except it is larger and longer), as well as a cyan-colored scarf.

    Element: Air

    • Poison-tipped Dagger
    • Classic Revolver
    Stock Spells:
    • Elemental Burst - Air
    • Elemental Shield - Air
    • Minor Healing
    Custom Spells:

    • Poison Cloud - Sophia's Chameleon exhales a poisonous gas which causes skin to burn and occasionally temporary blindness. Sophia may infuse the Chameleon with air magic to increase the size of the poison cloud. Cannot be used repeatedly, and depends on the presence of the Chameleon itself.
    • Cham-ouflage - Mimicking the powers of a Chameleon, Sophia blends in with the environment and may temporarily take the appearance of any nearby object such as a chair or tree. While in this state, she is incapable of moving, speaking or casting magic. The illusions are also not always perfect - e.g. slight discoloration, presence of a few hairs, inability to function (in the case of machinery), etc.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Spoiler: Taken from "The Pokémon Trainer Academy" RP
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

    Ryan Williams - Suicune Dorm

    The Search for the Fire Stone - Part 1

    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)


    Ryan clutched his coat. I'm starting to regret this journey already... he thought. He frowned at his own remark - he was doing this for Vulpix. It was cold, and he was tired. He was accustomed to cold temperatures, but spending a full year in the academy had made him more used to the mild ocean air of the island. His Pokemon were more experienced now, having gained in levels.


    It was almost 2 weeks since Ryan had left the academy to go to the Volcano. As Vulpix had started to get more experienced, the flame within it had began to grow bigger and bigger. It had gotten to the extent that the fire was beginning to harm the poor fox Pokemon. Ryan had visited multiple Pokemon centres:

    "Your poor Vulpix is suffering from Inner Combustion." Nurse Joy had told him. "It's a rare disease that usually affects fire types, and predominantly Vulpix. The flame that gives Vulpix its abilities has gotten too strong for Vulpix's body to host it, and can potentially damage his inner organs if not dealt with. This usually happens when the Pokemon is too strong for its level - the only way to cure it is through evolution, which would give the flame more space and negate the effects of the disease."

    Unfortunately, this meant Ryan needed a fire stone - a rare item only found in volcanoes and underground caves. He therefore had decided to plan a trip to the Volcano and get the fire stone to cure Vulpix's illness.

    On his trip to the mountains, Ryan had also caught a new Pokemon - Dwebble. The poor creature had been stuck in a hole when Ryan found it, unable to move. Ryan had saved and fed it, and it had willingly agreed to join him in his travels. It was extremely helpful when Ryan had to go down cliffs or walk through narrow paths, as it could use Dig to help him.


    Ryan looked sideways at Snover. "You doing good?" he asked. It was a stupid question, really. The ice-type Pokemon was at home in the mountains. Frolicking in the cold and snow, she absolutely loved the weather.

    "Snover! Sno!" she chimed, jumping up and down in the snow. Ironically, we're heading towards a volcano, he thought, chucking to himself.

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    Welcome to the RP Fox xD
    I will say though, I'm reserving judgement on the grappling hook for now since it's not very "western"

    I also would like to ask some things of you guys.

    1. How many people would you guys like to see on the wanted list to start with bearing in mind all player Outlaws should be considered wanted criminals?
    2. Would you be agreeable to uniform post headers?
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    Welcome to the RP Fox xD
    I will say though, I'm reserving judgement on the grappling hook for now since it's not very "western"

    Thanks :D Basically consider the gun shooting a bullet with a rope attached to it. XD If you still thing it's weird then I can take it off.

    I also would like to ask some things of you guys.

    1. How many people would you guys like to see on the wanted list to start with bearing in mind all player Outlaws should be considered wanted criminals?
    2. Would you be agreeable to uniform post headers?

    I'm fine with both, as long as the post header is good (I trust your css skills though, no worries :D) Plus, it would be kind of boring if the outlaws weren't wanted.
    Thanks :D Basically consider the gun shooting a bullet with a rope attached to it. XD If you still thing it's weird then I can take it off.

    I'm fine with both, as long as the post header is good (I trust your css skills though, no worries :D) Plus, it would be kind of boring if the outlaws weren't wanted.

    I'll see what I can do so long as the others don't mind, although I am always open to suggestions from the rest of you who can do CSS (probably better than me xD). The reasoning behind that question, is that I'd like certain things displayed at the beginning of everyone's posts.

    Whether or not outlaws would be wanted or not was never in question, any player outlaw is automatically wanted. My question is, how many NPCs do we want on the wanted list to begin with? I'd like to see what you think before I actually post the list. I want this RP to be as much fun for everyone as possible.
    Whether or not outlaws would be wanted or not was never in question, any player outlaw is automatically wanted. My question is, how many NPCs do we want on the wanted list to begin with? I'd like to see what you think before I actually post the list. I want this RP to be as much fun for everyone as possible.

    Well, you should first of all list the names of the "Big Bads" as theye're the principal outlaws. You could also have a few weak self-employed thieves for the Bounty Hunters to start off with, and maybe some of Sophia's clan because I'm a selfish little shit
    Well, you should first of all list the names of the "Big Bads" as theye're the principal outlaws. You could also have a few weak self-employed thieves for the Bounty Hunters to start off with, and maybe some of Sophia's clan because I'm a selfish little shit

    I can perhaps include some of Sophia's group.

    I'm not planning on introducing the "Big Bads" yet. The idea is that as characters get stronger so will the people on the wanted list.
    I can perhaps include some of Sophia's group.

    I'm not planning on introducing the "Big Bads" yet. The idea is that as characters get stronger so will the people on the wanted list.

    So we won't know any of them till they actually appear? I was hoping to have at least a list of them for reference, would suit the Bounty Hunters too (e.g. "I wann' be the best bounty hunter ever and kill *insert big bad* 'cause he killed me nan!")
    So we won't know any of them till they actually appear? I was hoping to have at least a list of them for reference, would suit the Bounty Hunters too (e.g. "I wann' be the best bounty hunter ever and kill *insert big bad* 'cause he killed me nan!")

    You do raise a good point, I think I will include a list.