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[Other FULL] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Just so everyone knows, I have updated Wrench's information in the OP (and finally added Merlin to the player list).

Now, for those of you who play Outlaws with a following (so Foxrally and Estrello) it would be extremely helpful if you could provide me with information on the various notable members of your gang for the Wanted List. It would be even better if you wrote it in the same format as the other entries on the list.

Speaking of the Wanted List, I'll be updating it relatively soon since three of the Outlaws on said list are now rather dead.
We're falling way too low people, where's my posts?
I know I vanished for a while but I'm back and I'm as pushy as ever!

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

dw tho we should have a new post up by this weekend if we try hard enough
So, I'm trying to figure out the state that the map is currently in and how all cities are doing. I'm posting what I think is going on, but I don't recall everything.

Spider's Hollow: Still doing fine, I think

Gilded Brook: Partially blown up

Ironhaven: In complete lockdown currently

Larkin: Home to gang warfare, between gangs like the Dead Priests and others.

Wrench: R.I.P.

Silverston: Where?

Fairbell: Finishing up the rebuilding of the church. Local priest Ezekiel missing.

Orhurst: What? Could you say that again?

Orhurst: I don't think I've heard of that. What was it again?

Orhurst: Oh, that place. Fine, but there's loads of panic concerning Veralice.
Where are my posts people?

;-; coming, coming ;-;

Me and Foxy are about to finish a monster JP, so the Gunpowder one may get pushed back a bit, but I can assure something should be out before the month is done.

Actually...assure is too certain, but soon
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Name: Rory Ryder West
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Status Outlaw

Personality & History:
Rory's personality is likely the result of growing up without a father, after his mysteriously vanished when he was a young boy. As a result, he never had anyone around to smack him upside the head when he did something stupid, and these small stupid things eventually became big stupid things when he became a teenager, such as getting addicted to a strange substances, mugging, and later... murder in the first degree.
Originally Rory was a happy child, however after losing his father he become secluded and quiet, often never speaking a word to anyone spare his fragile mother, Eliza West, for whom he cared, and seemingly enjoyed caring for. This is perhaps the sole thing that allowed him to retain his humanity for the past ten years or so.
This personality can rapidly change, most noticeably while intoxicated or high, but occasionally without any need for substances, generally when irked... he once again becomes quite happy, but not in a good way, as it comes with a rather terrifying unquenchable bloodlust that allows him to not only kill without remorse, as he could do that before, but to kill in such brutal ways that some might call them demonic or animalistic. But the icing on the cake is of course the fact that his addled brain causes him to enjoy "toying with his pray" and playing ventriloquist with the corpses of his victims infront of their comrades is only one of his many terrible habbits.

Roughly eight months ago, Rory returned to his mother's little shack in Fairbell to find the place a complete disaster, the door had been kicked in, chairs knocked over and his mothers most prized possesion, A jade crucifix, sitting on a table with a note beneath it reading:
"If you don't want to find your mothers head in a box, You will wait here untill nightfall and someone will contact you. Do everything they tell you or she'll be making peace with her devils."
Pissed off and incredibly angry, he sat and fumed in the little shack for several hours until a knock on the door was met with a shotgun blast that scattered someones brains across the sand. The body of said person contained yet another letter, this one congratulating him on "a job well done" and that the bearer of the letter had been caught stealing from "The boss", and that Rory should head to Larkin where another job would be waiting. The letter also contained a not so friendly reminder about how if he didn't do exactly what they told him to do that his mother would be slowly dissected and given to him piece by piece.
...And so Rory's duty to save his mother forced him to work with the mysterious man, doing whatever dirty jobs the kidnapper required of him. However, the thought that burned at the edge of his mind while he did the work was... was he actually enjoying it?

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Red eyes and Black hair, Tanned skin. His face is covered with a black bandanna and his jacket is a dark brown leather with tattered edges and his shirt is a simple white cotton. His hat is quite large and triangular in shape. He wears a calfs skull where a sheriff might wear their badge, and another has been made into a belt buckle. On his neck he wears a jade crucifix, not because he grew up in Fairbell or because he was religious, but because it is his religious mothers most prized belonging and she would kill him if he lost it.

Element (Fire, Electricity):

Weaponry: Two sawed off shotguns, a knife, two revolvers.

12 Stock Spells:

-Blink: Teleport to a nearby location instantly so long as it is visible and not magically protected.

-Short-Distance Portal: A portal that allows you to move from one side of a wall or locked door to the other.

-Summon Moderate familiar: (Lynx) https://a2ua.com/lynx/lynx-014.jpg

-Moderate Healing: Heals moderate wounds with ease and with time and severe wounds relatively well. Still can't heal near lethal wounds.

Elemental Burst – Fire: A fireball is launched at the target.

Elemental Burst – Electricity: An electric shockwave is sent at the target. It has the capability to stun those it hits.

Elemental Shield – Fire: Causes a ring or dome of flames to form around one's vicinity. This is effective at stopping physical or most average magical attacks but can't stop bullets.

Elemental Shield – Electricity: A matrix of electrical charges are formed around the user. This deflects all physical attacks and some magical attacks but leaves the user vulnerable to bullets and most magical attacks.

Moderate Nullification: Nullify mid-tier jinxes or hexes and slightly weakens more powerful ones.

Summon Small Object: Summon a small inanimate object. Along with the next, this spell is pretty much the reason criminals now have their spellbooks burned. It is far easier to summon an object you are familiar with.

Hex of Pain: If this spell hits it causes pain throughout the targets body.

5 Custom Spells

-Ignition: Ignites the caster ablaze with a roaring red flame, without causing any harm to him.

-Thunder: A bolt of lightning strikes the caster and can be redirected through the casters body.

-Smokescreen: Causes the caster to cough up a thick black smoke. Acts like normal fire smoke. (IE obscures vision and hampers breathability)

-Fire breath: Expels a breath of flame from the casters mouth.

-Magnetism: Can draw metallic objects towards himself or deflect them away, most notably bullets. (Doesn't work if he doesn't see the gun fire, IE from behind)

Roleplay Sample:

I'll edit in a CSS if I get time to learn to make on or if I stumble across one I like
Oddy is accepted.

He's also the last person I intend to accept into Gunpowder ever. With the end somewhat in sight now, we don't need more story lines to tie up or more characters than this to complicate things. Let's get this shit finished people!
Oof, last post here was September 19th last year. Don't despair we're always talking on discord. We're in Jps and I finally finished my exams. Let's get this wrapped up! Final Stretch!
At long last. Something new and 'fresh'.

Name: Azael Aeeb aka 'Zel' and 'The Judge'
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Status: Outlaw

Personality & history:

Somewhat condescending in tone and attitude, Zel hardly ever speaks but when he does it's usually to put someone in their place with a rasping and wheezy voice. He shows no remorse in killing, and even has been known to take enjoyment in various torture methods from time to time. The man often has a hard time recalling past events, even things that happened just weeks or days beforehand. The Outlaw is often subject to excruciatingly painful headaches and phantom limb pains when he tries to recall anything beyond his joining up with the gang he's currently a member of. He is neither the smartest nor strongest man in Jeimas, however he has found a home in the up and coming group of outlaws called the Rainy Days. While the group sounds like a bad name for a comedy or singing group, The Rainy Days are nothing to scoff at. Currently sitting at seven members strong, and continuously searching for ways to strengthen their ranks, The Rainy Days are quickly rising up the ranks on the bounty boards. Zel joined up with the group roughly a month ago, just as they were getting their start. The group initially consisted of two magical adopted brothers known as Jacques "One" Bourgeouis and "Pastel" Pete George, but were quickly joined by a blind native swords master by the name of Roe before Zel found himself amongst their numbers. Joining up after him are a number of other magical and non-magical men and women alike the likes of which include a number of fodder level followers whose names are casually forgotten by the higher ranking members of the group. The group currently has put their plans for domination on the back burner as they travel across the region, following a map which their leader was sold upon first reaching Jeimas. The mystical map is an enchanted item which is inconsistent and usually completely illegible, but at times will show the locations of men and women who exert above average magical powers.


Aside from what's visible in the pictures, his skin is charred black due to previously sustained burns. His ears are now simple flaps of skin fused to his face and no longer bearing a resemblance to their intended forms, while his nose is riddled with holes and missing chunks. Both arms and legs have also been replaced with enchanted mechanical versions. Zel wears a rather bulky hodgepodge of pelts and furs over his bandages, which hides his unique choice of weaponry.

Element : None


- Mechanical limbs for upgraded strength, speed, reactionary time, stamina and durability. They must be re-enchanted every so often by a specialist.

- Two generic .44 revolvers which are holstered around Zel's waist.

- The Z's favorite. A custom made gun which is practically a hand-held cannon. The weapon weighs roughly 80 pounds on its own, with each round it fires weighing in at an additional 5 pounds. The weapon can only carry and fire one round at a time, however that round consists of a large canister filled with 20, 10-gauge shotgun shells which are arranged within the canister in three rings which are set within each other. The gun is held on a sling across Zel's back when not in use along with a sling of ammunition for the weapon.
At long last. Something new and 'fresh'.

Name: Azael Aeeb aka 'Zel' and 'The Judge'
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Status: Outlaw

Personality & history:

Somewhat condescending in tone and attitude, Zel hardly ever speaks but when he does it's usually to put someone in their place with a rasping and wheezy voice. He shows no remorse in killing, and even has been known to take enjoyment in various torture methods from time to time. The man often has a hard time recalling past events, even things that happened just weeks or days beforehand. The Outlaw is often subject to excruciatingly painful headaches and phantom limb pains when he tries to recall anything beyond his joining up with the gang he's currently a member of. He is neither the smartest nor strongest man in Jeimas, however he has found a home in the up and coming group of outlaws called the Rainy Days. While the group sounds like a bad name for a comedy or singing group, The Rainy Days are nothing to scoff at. Currently sitting at seven members strong, and continuously searching for ways to strengthen their ranks, The Rainy Days are quickly rising up the ranks on the bounty boards. Zel joined up with the group roughly a month ago, just as they were getting their start. The group initially consisted of two magical adopted brothers known as Jacques "One" Bourgeouis and "Pastel" Pete George, but were quickly joined by a blind native swords master by the name of Roe before Zel found himself amongst their numbers. Joining up after him are a number of other magical and non-magical men and women alike the likes of which include a number of fodder level followers whose names are casually forgotten by the higher ranking members of the group. The group currently has put their plans for domination on the back burner as they travel across the region, following a map which their leader was sold upon first reaching Jeimas. The mystical map is an enchanted item which is inconsistent and usually completely illegible, but at times will show the locations of men and women who exert above average magical powers.


Aside from what's visible in the pictures, his skin is charred black due to previously sustained burns. His ears are now simple flaps of skin fused to his face and no longer bearing a resemblance to their intended forms, while his nose is riddled with holes and missing chunks. Both arms and legs have also been replaced with enchanted mechanical versions. Zel wears a rather bulky hodgepodge of pelts and furs over his bandages, which hides his unique choice of weaponry.

Element : None


- Mechanical limbs for upgraded strength, speed, reactionary time, stamina and durability. They must be re-enchanted every so often by a specialist.

- Two generic .44 revolvers which are holstered around Zel's waist.

- The Z's favorite. A custom made gun which is practically a hand-held cannon. The weapon weighs roughly 80 pounds on its own, with each round it fires weighing in at an additional 5 pounds. The weapon can only carry and fire one round at a time, however that round consists of a large canister filled with 20, 10-gauge shotgun shells which are arranged within the canister in three rings which are set within each other. The gun is held on a sling across Zel's back when not in use along with a sling of ammunition for the weapon.

Make it very clear that those limbs are operated via spellwork and not machinery. That should do it as long as the need for maintenance from an expert is apparent as a hindrance.
I'm out. Emmet dies from stabbing, Ezekiel from bronchitis.