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Hello Hello.... Anyway read if you wanna hear me sing.


  • 2,260
    Ok, well hello there.

    Wow first blog entry ever and I'm premiering a song.....

    I wrote the lyrics to this song a while ago, but I didn't have it recorded until a friend of mine saw it, don't know if he was a friend at the time, he was helping me with a Singing Contest that I took part of with on behalf of the school, I got 3rd seat, he's majoring in music so he organized most of this, he practically wrote the music, you know the notes he plays the guitar and his friend helped with the other instruments, all I had to do was sing, anyway we've been working on this together since early April (Yes my forum activity started going down around that time, I miss being voted nicest), and it's finally ready... So I give you for the first time ever, well me...

    View My Video

    If you listened to it you should have heard it's in Icelandic, seeing you don't speak that I'll have to give you a short version of it.

    I wrote this song for my dad that died in 2001, I miss him and I wrote him this song. Hvar ertu nú is the name of the song, or aka Where are you now, it's dedicated to my father that I wish had been with me longer, but stuff happens.

    If you wanna translation of the text, then I'm afraid I'm not able to do that seeing translating it to English would semi ruin it, so if you desperately wanna know what some of the words mean then just give me the time of the word on the time line and I'll translate that part......

    And if someone would be so lovely to help me figure out how to upload it so you don't have to click a link, just hit a play button and it's like a small banner then PM me.

    Anyway the reason I'm here blogging is because some kind anonymous stranger gave me a gift card, I'm thrilled that someone would do this for me, and I wish I knew who gave me this gift. So whom ever you are thank you, thank you so much, you've made me very happy. :D

    XOXO Angela

    I'm listening to it right now actually. You're really good with your voice Angela and I personally think you should take this the next step ahead. You might find a bright future with this.

    However, it is great to have you back active on PC again, and congratulations for your gift, I'm sure you deserved it. By the way, I personally like hearing it in your language, as it sounds cooler this way. ^_^
    You do have a wonderful voice Angela. Keep it up. ^_^

    & also congratulations on becoming a PC Supporter. I hope you have fun with the supporter perks.
    Thank you guys. :)

    Thank you Mary your so sweet, I hope you feel better soon, I got so sad when I heard yesterday... I hope Kimmy delivered that hug.
    Wow. Just wow. @_@

    I'm finding it hard to describe it with words. I don't even understand the Icelandic, yet I still find it mesmerizing. Amazing job, Angela! :D
    Omg...that was beautiful. Seriously, don't translate this into English, it sounds perfect as it is now :)
    Rukario;bt14010 said:
    ohhh a new blog (wow now you have so many :))

    Love the song.. very emotional and heartfelt. your voice is just awesome and your friend's music fits it perfectly.

    Thank you. :D

    Don't worry I won't forget PPS. :D

    Thank you Jake. :D
    If you're also playing the guitar as well, then you are the definition of win.

    Either way, this is great Angela. I wish I could hear it in english, but it sounds very beautiful. Well done <3
    Thank you guys. :)

    I'm not playing the guitar, tho I wish I could, tho I can play the beginning of nothing else matters. xD

    Lol, I can't play a guitar (except for the beginning of Nothing Else Matters), but I can play a piano. :)