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[PKMN FULL] Hoenn: Square One [IC]

  • 1,660
    Edison Kintobor, Sunny Dey, Marie Rachelle Mocinno
    Thursday, October 1st; morning
    Route 103

    Ed and Sunny had discussed her Seedot over breakfast, with Ed scanning the little nut with his Pokédex. Sunny was reluctant to share information, no doubt hoping to keep a competitive edge by withholding Seedot's moves from him, but he'd convinced her to show him his moves with a quick battle after breakfast while Marie packed up her cooking gear. Ed had no misconceptions about winning, so Aster had volunteered to be the punching bag again.

    The battle was quick, even with Aster's Recover, as Seedot had access to both Mega Drain and Growth, which was at least somewhere to start.

    "Growth is even better than Absorb, or Mega Drain in this case. It's already drawing upon the solar energy Seedot stores through photosynthesis, so he already has access to what we're trying to recreate. I'd recommend you start there, Seedot. Use Growth, start getting a feel for the energy within you. I know the sun is hidden behind the clouds right now, but there's still some sunlight around, so you can get some from without as well."

    Unsurprisingly, speed wasn't exactly Seedot's strong suit, so Sunny found herself carrying him so he didn't fall behind. Ed didn't mind too much, and found himself walking beside Sunny to observe Seedot's progress. His own team specializes in status effects and debilitating the opponent, so to see a Pokémon focusing on boosting themself is fascinating to watch. Seedot actually increased in size upon using Growth, almost imperceptibly at first, though the change was noticeable upon comparing his base size to after fully maxing out the technique.

    Along with the increase in size came an increase in power, and while it didn't affect his speed, Seedot burned through his energy faster.

    "You'll have to keep an eye on that in combat." Ed cautions Sunny. "I don't expect he'll be very mobile to begin with, but he'll tire out quickly. Don't push him too hard, and maybe use Mega Drain to restore his energy."

    He calls out Aster, telling them to allow Seedot to drain their energy. Aster regards him coldly, although Ed has spent enough time around his Staryu to get a better read on their body language. He lightly pats their top limb as they Recover from the attack. "I know it's not exactly glamorous, but thanks for putting up with all this. I shouldn't keep making you the target during these training exercises, but… your healing abilities are unmatched. You're a great research assistant, Aster. Thank you."

    Aster doesn't say anything, but a faint pink glow forms at the edges of their core, almost looking like a blush.

    For her part, Sunny looks rather bored of Ed's methods, and keeps looking around impatiently. "This is all very enlightened, and I'm sure it makes sense on paper, but I think we need some real action. Every other move I've taught has been in battle, against an opponent that fights back. We need to let him stretch his legs a little, you know?"

    Ed looks at Seedot, who doesn't even have legs. Just feet attached directly to his body. "In case you forgot, this rain is only getting worse." He spreads his arms, the rain drumming against his poncho to emphasize his point. "I doubt we'll find any Pokémon out here to battle against. If they're smart they'd be taking cover until this all blows over."

    "We could be smart and do the same, if your guy hasn't figured out how to clear it yet," Marie grumbles from some steps behind. She's gotten quieter as the day has worn on, clearly put out by the dreary weather.

    Sunny shakes her head, while Seedot in her arms looks at the ground sadly. Seeing his friends in such a dour mood somehow makes the rain feel even heavier, the droplets hitting harder and the chill growing worse.

    "That's probably for the best." Ed starts walking again, making for one of the northern paths. "Let's head this way, we should be able to find some shelter on the rocky path."

    His hope was that Seedot would learn the move on the way, but no such luck. Fortune does smile on them in a smaller way, however, as they manage to find a suitable place to rest. Not a true cave, but some standing stones nestled against the side of a hill form a wind break, and stretching Ed's tent over top of the stones allows the three to huddle together in relative dryness.

    "This sucks." Sunny complains, pulling her hood down and shivering. Even with the poncho, her clothes and hair are still somewhat wet. She holds Seedot's Poké Ball, giving the little acorn a rest. "Why hasn't he learned the move yet? We're doing exactly what you said, Eddie!"

    Ed sighs, lowering his own hood. "You can't just learn something instantly, no matter how much you want it. It's going to take time. Or maybe it's like you said, he needs the adrenaline of combat to unlock it. Every Pokémon learns differently, after all."

    "Fine. Then battle me. Fight me for real, and we'll get that adrenaline. I'm tired of this rain!"

    Ed frowns slightly, glancing at Marie. Her relative quiet is out of character, and despite his focus being on Seedot and his training, he kept thinking about her. She looks tired, more distant. Is it because of the rain? Something's different about her… she's not wearing her bandana? Maybe he's just not used to seeing her with her hair down. Curious…

    He looks back to Sunny, who is staring at him impatiently. "Fine. If it'll make you feel better, I'll battle you. At least one of us will be happy."

    Ed leaves the lean-to, grabbing a Ball from his belt. He realizes immediately that he forgot to put his hood back up, the rain plastering his hair to his head. A minor irritation. What's one more?

    Sunny follows him out, delayed by not forgetting her hood. Marie keeps to the relative shelter, but a flash of light introduces Pokie to the scene.

    Sunny sends out Seedot, looking sternly at Ed. "Now, don't hold back this time. No giving up, no tricks, this has to be real or it doesn't mean anything."

    Ed just stares, not sure how to respond. I'm going to assume that's the frustration talking. Clear head, Edison, focus on strategy... He throws the ball, sending out Aster again. "Then we'll do this for real."

    Sunny actually rolls her eyes at him. The nerve! "You wouldn't send him out against a Fire type, but you'll send him out against a Grass type? At least this proves Tsu right, he'll cover my weaknesses."

    "Your Seedot isn't the only one training, Sunny. I've been working on a new trick. Aster, jump under the tent and use Camouflage!"

    Before Sunny can even issue a command, Aster leaps toward the rocks, spinning in the air like a shuriken (unintentionally spraying water on Pokie) and landing on the dry land. Their core flashes white, then they leap back to Ed's side.

    "What was that?" Sunny tilts her head in confusion, then shakes it off. "Never mind, just use Bullet Seed!" Seedot waddles forward, tilting forward to aim his cap toward Aster. A rapid stream of tiny seeds launch from the tip of his cap, three short bursts striking Aster as they spin to deflect.

    "Step one was neutralizing your advantage. Camouflage changes Aster's type depending on their environment. Out of the rain, devoid of any other features, they became a Normal type. So your Grass attacks aren't so threatening any more. Now, use Swift!"

    Aster leaps forward, their core flashing as five white darts of energy form, one on each limb. Imbued with Normal-type energy, the darts are stronger than ever, and fly unerringly into Seedot as Aster spins in mid-air.

    Seedot stumbles back, but Sunny catches him. "Easy, little guy. You still got this. Restore some energy with Mega Drain!" Seedot steps forward, acorn cap glowing green as they point threateningly at Aster. Small motes of energy are pulled from their body, drifting toward Seedot.

    "Just like before, use Recover." Aster doesn't need to be told twice, having gone through this exact scenario several times today already. "This isn't getting you anywhere, Sunny. Are you just lashing out because you're frustrated?"

    "Shut up, Eddie! This was your idea, remember? We wasted all morning trying to learn your way, and when that didn't work-"

    "Aster, use Psywave!" A wave of invisible force pushes Seedot back, interrupting Sunny.


    "Are we fighting, or are you going to complain some more? Because if it's the latter, then this is the waste of time!" A crack of thunder rings across the sky, accompanied by a gust of wind that makes their ponchos flutter wildly for a moment. Ed takes a slow breath, clenching and unclenching his hands. "...well? I'm waiting. Make your move."

    Sunny bites her lip, looking concerned for a second. Doubt? From Sunny? That's new… But it doesn't last, and she orders Seedot to use Growth. Seedot hesitates, slumping like a petulant child, but does so, swelling slightly with latent energy.

    "Use Bubble Beam, try to trip him up. His strength won't matter if he can't keep up with you." Aster lowers their top limb, projecting a stream of thick bubbles at Seedot. Rain is absorbed into the bubbles, making them swell with additional moisture and thus, additional power. Many pop on impact, but some stick to Seedot, slowing his movements.

    Sunny doesn't seem too bothered, though. "Speed's overrated when you have as many ranged options as we do. Hit him with a Leech Seed!" Seedot again aims at Aster, but rather than several small seeds, he launches one larger seed. Aster is fast enough to dodge it, but Sunny isn't easily deterred. "Keep it up, he can't dodge forever!"

    "Knock it back with Psywave!" Aster's core flashes, but after moving so quickly, they don't have the energy to push back the seed. The seed bursts on impact, wrapping Aster in vines. They jump up, spinning in place in an attempt to dislodge the vines, but they grow too quickly, fed by Aster's own energy. Extra energy flows off the vines and into Seedot, healing him a little.

    "Heal from that, Eddie!" Sunny taunts, but Ed isn't having it.

    "You know that they can. Their healing powers are stronger than Seedot's, especially without the type advantage. You've turned this into a battle of attrition."

    "And it's not a battle I intend to lose! Use Growth again!" Seedot draws on more energy, and the seed saps more from Aster to restore what was lost.

    Ed puts his hand to his chin. While Aster can heal more with Recover, they have to stop fighting to do so. Seedot can still inflict damage, and between Mega Drain and Leech Seed the damage output almost matches what Aster can heal. Aster could allow themselves to be drained beyond what can be healed all at once, but would the extra attack make that much of a difference? And Seedot isn't even at his limit. If Sunny allows him to use Growth again, her victory is all but certain.

    He could try Confuse Ray, that would buy him some time… but it also defeats the purpose of this exercise. Seedot won't learn anything if he's too addled by Aster's eerie light to even see straight. Much as it pains him to admit it, Ed knows he's lost. And it must show on his face, because Sunny yells at him.

    "Eddie, what are you doing? I said you're not allowed to quit! Come on, show me what you got!"

    Ed shakes his head, suddenly feeling exhausted. His neck feels sore, why would that happen? "Sorry, Sunny. I just don't see a way out of this. Not unless I… well. I just don't."

    "Unless what? You have an idea?" Sunny stomps her foot, making a splash in the puddle forming around her. "You're holding back again? You're going easy on me? Why, Ed? Do you know how belittling that is?"

    "Because the whole point of this was to make you stronger!" Ed snaps back, his temper finally getting the better of him. "And the only way I can beat you is to make you weaker! And that is just counterproductive, inefficient, and a waste of time! And I know how much you hate that."

    "Fine! Then do it! I'd rather you make me weaker and actually fight on equal terms for once, instead of you making yourself weaker because you think you need to… what? Protect me? You think you're helping me? Why can't you just make sense? You say I'm better but you act like I don't know what I'm doing!"

    Aster tries to get Ed's attention, their core flashing red in distress, but Ed swipes a hand at them. "Not now!" His gaze never leaves Sunny's, an intense staring contest with emotions high and nerves frayed. "Half the time I don't think you do! You're always going off half-cocked, you never bother to plan or prepare, and you expect me to do all the heavy lifting, mentally speaking, without giving me adequate time to process or recover! I'm not like you, I don't just do things! And to expect otherwise, especially after all this time, is just ludicrous!"

    "So now it's my fault! Again! Well you know what, Edison?"

    "What, Son-"

    "AAH!" Aster cries out, the last of their energy sapped by Leech Seed. They collapse, the light of their core reduced to a barely visible glow. The vines crumble to dust, unable to sustain themselves any further.

    Both trainers look at their Pokémon, having been too caught up in their argument to realize the battle of attrition was partially autonomous. Ed recalls Aster to their ball, looking at it in shock. Sunny bends down to pick up Seedot, looking burned out.

    "You… you did good, Jalapeño. Good fight." Seedot chirps happily, nestling up to Sunny.

    Ed just turns away, tucking Aster's ball back into his pocket. He puts up his hood, accidentally pouring more water on his head in the process, shaking out his hair to clear the droplets. "Hope that helped. You won't have Aster to train with for a while, they need to rest."

    Sunny scans Seedot- Jalapeño, apparently- with her Pokédex. "Hey! He did! I told you it'd work if we just trained my way!"

    Ed sighs. Mission accomplished, but now Sunny's going to be even more obnoxious about it. "He won't be able to keep it up for long, though. Give it a try, and we'll move on." He lowers his goggles over his eyes, not wanting to make eye contact right now. Not after his outburst at Sunny. He's just too tired.

    "Sure. Okay, ready? Use Sunny Day!" Jalapeño squints as energy gathers in his core, a glowing bead forming atop his cap. He launches it up, it rapidly expands, and a miniature sun hovers over the group. The rain vanishes in a 20-foot radius around Sunny, though it's falling just as hard outside the circle. "Hey, Eddie? How long does this last?"

    Ed walks past her, starting to untie his tent. He pauses, noticing Marie and Pokie still underneath it, quietly but intensely surveying him. "Oh. Um… we can wait if you're not ready…"

    Marie shakes her head. "We can go." She's still quiet.

    Ed looks at Sunny, who frowns at being ignored. "I'm not sure. This will be a good way to find out, though. In battle, it usually lasts less than a minute, though I've seen some last longer. I once saw a Sandstorm last for… nevermind."

    Sunny scoffs. "Thanks, Eddie. You're real helpful."

    That's rude. But he ignores it for now. At least she's not complaining anymore. "In any case, the worst should be behind us soon. It'll start getting lighter again soon if the weather report is accurate. Should be clear by nightfall, if not dry."

    "Then I'll just Sunny the area before we set up camp later! You can count on me!" Sunny grins.

    Once everyone is ready and everything is packed up, the trio set out once more, with Sunny in the lead and Ed walking behind. Marie hovers in the middle for a while, but eventually falls back and into step with Ed.

    "...Are you okay?" she asks, hesitantly, as if she's not sure it's the right thing to say.

    "I… I'll be fine." He doesn't look at her, just keeps his head down. He doesn't want to talk about it, but he also doesn't want her to worry. "I shouldn't have yelled at her. Normally I'm better about keeping everything in check."

    Marie hums. "Are you going to keep everything 'in check' forever? She has to know how you feel at some point."

    Ed wants to deny that, say that it wouldn't help. But Marie has been very insightful before, and seems more knowledgeable than he is on this subject. "Maybe, but things have gotten complicated lately, and I need to figure out why. I'm no good to anyone if I'm going to blow up at them, or can't even think straight."

    "So what can be done to help you figure it out? Or at least think straight, I suppose."

    "Okay, well… you know I've been feeling frustrated lately, and I suppose that it was advantageous that Sunny and I came this way together. Specifically, meeting up with you. But now… I think I need some time apart from her. She insisted we take this route together, but after? I hear Mauport has two distinct roads leading to Mauville. Whatever road she wants to take, I'll go the other one."

    "Oh." Marie lets a beat pass, and then: "And what will you do with time apart from her?"

    What will he do? "I think I'll get back to why I started this journey in the first place. Not for the Gyms, or for getting to the next town, I think I'll explore a little. Maybe go looking for Pokémon. Not to battle or to train, but just to see what I can find. I don't know. I'm just… feeling drained lately, I need something to help me recharge, something stimulating."

    "I suppose you're the type that recharges better alone, hm?" There's a hint of disappointment in Marie's voice. "There's not much that can be done about that right now, unfortunately. Or is there? What would you do here if you were on your own?"

    "Here? I'd find shelter from this rain. I wouldn't be walking in a straight line along this road. There are dozens of little hiding spots, in the trees down there, in those rocks farther away, and I feel like we're missing all of them. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a plan of action, but Sunny's plans leave little room to improvise. And I could probably do that better alone, you are correct." It's an odd feeling, but saying that out loud almost makes him sad. How bizarre.

    "Why do you have to stick to Sunny's plan right now?"

    "Um… well, I can't just leave, can I?"

    "Why not?" Marie shrugs, though it's hard to tell under her poncho. "What happens if you say 'I'm going to go check out those rocks over there'?"

    "I, I don't know. I don't want to hold her up, I can ask if she wants to…" He trails off, feeling oddly flustered and a bit nervous suddenly. Why does Marie have to ask such hard questions?

    "But you want to, right? Why does Sunny get what she wants but you don't?"

    "Well… that's just… I mean, I've always… do you want to?" He can't find the words, and looks to Marie hopefully.

    "Why does it matter?" Her lips quirk up to flash him a challenging smile.

    "I don't want to slow you down, either. I mean, if you want I'll go with you, but we don't need to go there if you don't."

    "Edison. Two things. One: why do you think I'm in a hurry? Two: if someone really wants to travel with you, why do you think they will leave because of a detour or several?"

    "You're not in a hurry, I didn't mean to say that you are, I just… we're already going one way, I didn't think you'd… I don't know?"

    Marie shakes her head, water rolling down the hood of her poncho. "Hey, Sunny!" she calls up to their leader. "Edison wants to go see if there's anything in that pile of rocks."

    "No, what are you- it was an example I don't actually-!" Ed protests, but cuts himself short when Sunny actually comes over.

    "Did you see something? Because honestly, it's been pretty dull so far. What did you see?" She looks over toward the rocks, squinting against the rain.

    "Oh, no, it was just… I thought it looked more dry over there, maybe there was something taking shelter? I was just making small talk, I didn't actually see anything…"

    "Oh." Sunny looks disappointed. "We can go look if you want, maybe we'll find something."

    "If I…?" Why is this his decision now? He looks between the two, Sunny slowly starting to frown and Marie watching him expectantly. "If… you two don't mind? Just a quick peek. Change of scenery, right?"

    "Sunny just said she didn't mind, didn't she?" Marie gently rebukes. "Let's give it a try, shall we?"

    "Right! Let's go have a look." When neither girl steps forward, instead just watching him, he starts walking over, feeling stiff and incredibly self-conscious the whole way. He vaguely regrets pointing out these particular rocks, and can't help but dread how foolish he'll look if there's nothing there.

    But, to his surprise, he does find something. A hole in the ground, about two feet wide, which looks to have been recently reinforced around the edges to keep the rain out. But with the clouds, there isn't enough light to see inside. He could fit his arm in there, but that would be reckless and potentially hazardous if something is living in there. "Looks like something is or was living here! Can I get a light, please?"

    Almost immediately, two devices with flashlights switched on are shoved into his personal space- Marie's vibrant green PokéGear and Sunny's familiar Holotch. He recoils slightly in surprise, lifting his goggles off of his face. "Thank you. Just need to shine the light into the hole…"

    He hesitates, then grabs the PokéGear from Marie. With the added light, he can see the hole goes down at a slight angle, curving slightly out of sight. "It curves, I can't quite see…" He hears shuffling, as something moves around inside the burrow. He pauses to turn the light off before handing Marie back her device. "There's something in there. We don't want to disturb it, do we?"

    As though answering his question, Sunny grabs a stick from the ground, grinning as she brandishes it towards the hole. "Let's get its attention! I wonder what kind of Pokémon it is…"

    "Sunny, no…" Ed moves to stop her, just as more shuffling is heard and a curious nose sticks out from the burrow, sniffing the air cautiously. It slowly advances, revealing more of its face as it shows itself to be a Furret.

    "Aww, it's so cute!" Sunny gasps, tossing Jalapeño toward the burrow. "Let's battle it!"

    "At least let it leave its house, first!" Ed protests, but stays where he is so he doesn't spook Furret. "And isn't he still tired from training?"

    "He's fine! Besides, I don't want to send anyone else against a Ground type. Covering my weaknesses!" She pumps her fist in the air with confidence.

    "Ground type?" Marie murmurs. "That's just a regular Furret."

    Sunny freezes, slowly lowering her arm. "Yes… but it lives underground, so… it might know Dig. Or other Ground moves. So… shut up."

    Marie shrugs. "Sure. Whatever you try- Sunny Day it up, Sunny Dey, it's still raining."

    "Don't tell me how to fight, Marie. I know what to do. Start with Sunny Day!" Jalapeño does as instructed, clearing an area around the burrow of rain. Furret seems a little tense, but slowly emerges from its burrow, smiling at the warmth of the artificial sun.

    Furret is much larger up close than Ed had thought. He glances away from the… not fight, as Furret hasn't yet shown any signs of hostility, but towards the burrow. Furret is almost the exact width of the entrance, slightly narrower, but it would have mostly filled the hole. So why does he still hear movement inside?

    "Sunny, might I suggest using Growth? Sunny Day doubles its effects."

    "It does? I mean, yeah, of course it does! It's like getting an extra turn for free! Growth it up, Jalapeño!"

    Furret actually seems concerned now, even looking at Ed. When it sees him move closer to the burrow, it hisses at him, revealing tiny fangs and canine teeth. That makes sense, they're carnivores primarily. Supplemented by fruits and such, but still… those look sharp.

    "Easy, little one. We don't want to fight you. Well, I don't. You don't have to be scared." He slowly reaches forward, putting a hand on Furret's head.


    Yep. Those teeth are sharp.

    Ed stumbles back, Furret still latched onto his hand. He winces in pain, resisting the urge to flail his arm around. He can hear his heartbeat in his ears, drowning out his friends' voices. Furret suddenly lets go as a stream of Bullet Seeds slam into it, pushing it away from Ed. He looks at his hand, which is bleeding from several needle-sized bite marks on the area between his thumb and index finger. Suddenly a pair of brown hands are covering most of his, gently angling the bite toward the owner's eyes for inspection.

    "And what exactly did you hope to achieve there, Edison?" Marie's words are casual, but there's a slight waver to her voice and her eyes warily flick from his hand to the Furret now occupied with Jalapeño and Sunny.

    Ed chuckles at the question. He can already feel the pain receding and his hand numbing. What a rush! "I thought it would be friendly! They're always so cute and happy looking. I've never seen their teeth before, but now I can see the bite marks!"

    His laugh fades to just giggles as he looks over to the fight. Sunny isn't doing very well. Furret is much faster than Jalapeño, and keeps dodging his attacks, striking whenever Sunny stops to think of a strategy. It seems to just want them to leave.

    "We should step back. I think it has family in the burrow. It's only fighting to keep us away from the entrance."

    Marie pulls him back, to the edge of where the artificial sun staves off the rain, but seems unwilling to get wet again.

    "You too, Sunny!" Ed calls out to her, but she shakes her head.

    "I think I got him figured out now. I can win this!"

    "Sunny, its not trying to fight you, it just wants you to leave!" Ed sighs, but a rumble of distant thunder gives him an idea. "If it knocks out Jalapeño, the sun goes away and we get rained on again!"

    Sunny pauses at that, looking at the Sunny Day orb. Furret stops attacking, but watches warily. "Fine! But we're calling it a draw."

    She grabs Jalapeño, coming over to Ed and Marie. The circle of sunlight travels with her, and Furret dives back into its burrow before the rain can hit it.

    Marie tugs at Ed's injured hand. "Do you have a first aid kit? Hand sanitizer? A bottle of vodka?"

    "I don't- Well, yes, do you not? Wait, what?" Ed answers all of Marie's questions, though slightly confused.

    "We have to disinfect this, yes? And probably bandage. You don't know how filthy that thing's mouth is."

    "Probably extremely, it is a wild animal after all." Ed rummages through his pockets with his free hand, since Marie won't let go of the other. "Here we are, sanitizer. I'll see about a proper first aid kit when I get to town."

    Marie takes the hand sanitizer and hesitates. "No bandages on any of us?"

    "I used to have a handkerchief, but I left it back in Kinyo. Unfortunately, I never restocked." Ed smiles ruefully, while Sunny just shakes her head. "I could tear a scrap off my shirt?"

    "Oh, no, that would be silly. Here." Marie flips back the hood of her poncho and pulls out the ends of her hair, which falls fully loose around her shoulders when she undoes the tightly folded bandana she had been using as a scrunchie. She unfolds it quickly and turns it to the clean side, applying the sanitizer and gently wiping away the blood on Ed's hand. "And I think we can- yes, this will wrap up decently, won't it?"

    Ed winces at the touch of sanitizer, instinctively pulling away, but Marie keeps a firm grip. "Ahh… the burning means it's working…" He resists pulling away again, letting Marie tend to his wound, Sunny grabbing his shoulders gently to offer moral support.

    He's cleaned up in no time, Sunny even reusing Sunny Day to keep the rain off them for a little bit longer. With the soft yellow bandana tied tightly around his hand, Ed slowly flexes his fingers, making sure there isn't any permanent damage. "Thank you. That was a bad plan."

    "But we did find something." Marie smiles as she tucks her hair back into the hood of her poncho.

    "Yeah! And it was really strong, and really exciting! Not you getting bit, though. Don't scare me like that!" Sunny swats his arm, but smiles at him.

    "I suppose we did. And it was fun, even with this… setback." An idea hits him, and he's suddenly excited. "But you know, I wasn't aware that Furret lived around here! We should keep an eye out for any more, I could write a report to Professor Brendan about them!"

    "That's far too much enthusiasm for our homework, thank you," Marie sniffs. "But as long as you don't try to pet any more, we can have a look around."

    "Oh, there's no need for that. I have more than enough evidence already! Come on, let's see what we can find!" Out of his funk and back in his element, Ed leads the way forward, alert for any indicators of his quarry.

    A joint post between Groc and Aquacorde.


    ⟡ dig down, dig down ⟡
  • 12,521
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    AGE: 17 ⟡ HOME REGION: Johto
    DATE: Thursday, October 1 ⟡ TIME: Night
    LOCATION: Route 103

    Chapter 4 #16 - Closer

    "It's really very stuffy in here, don't you think?"

    Marie's rented tent is designed for two people, not three. Edison's presence atop the girls' sleeping bags is not unwelcome, especially since he is doing a good portion of the legwork for their shared-data-but-separate-summation reports on Furret, but the fact remains that they are one medium and two tall teenagers in a very un-breathable tent on a damp night.

    Sunny pouts as she sits by the door, arms around her legs with her knees up in her chest. "It's still damp and cold out there. You expect me to just wait outside all night?"

    Edison sighs, lowering Sunny's Holotch. With his still not working, he'd commandeered hers for the report. "If you'd like, you could go sit in my tent. I'm not exactly using it at the moment, and it might make this all go a little faster if we could more efficiently use the space."

    "I have a book you can read, if you like," Marie offers. She has no idea if Sunny is into cheap romance novels, but she still has one on her. And the tiny little clip-on light she'd bought at that same bookstand in Slateport.

    Sunny doesn't move, she just stares them both down. But either she gets bored or just outnumbered, because she soon relents. "Ugh, fine. I'll give it a try. Just come get me when you're done." She reaches out for the book, one more limb in a space already too crowded, sparing one last glance before leaving. The soft sound of a zipper marks her arrival at the single-size tent.

    "...she'll be fine." Edison shakes his head, focusing again on the screen. "She'll have to be."

    Marie nods. That's what she'd been getting at earlier, after all. Seems like Edison might be getting used to the idea. "Now what were you saying about the one's tail markings?"

    ⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

    Compiling data takes forever, and it's past even Marie's usual bedtime when they both add the finishing touches to their reports- Marie's absorbing the overabundance of words Edison needed to cut down. Some of them, anyway. He's quite excited about it all and while it's very cute, it's far more than what Brendan wants.

    Marie flops back onto her sleeping bag, loose hair splayed across a good portion of the tent. She always forgets that when it grows past a certain length, the weight of it kills her curls and makes it look so much longer. The bandanas don't look right anymore, which is why she had no problem giving one to Edison, but she still doesn't know what to do with them or her hair now.

    It occurs to her that she's spacing out, and Edison is saying something. "...tell her she can come back. Good night, Marie." He steps outside, zipping the tent shut behind him.

    "Hm? Oh, yes, goodnight." Bedtime. Yes. Switching clothes. That has to be done.

    Her nightshirt is easy to find, and right after she kicks off her pants, the tent rustles again as someone fumbles with the zip. "Welcome back," she hums, but…

    "Sorry, she's already asleep. Do you mind if…" Edison stops suddenly, looking away from Marie's legs. "Ah. Um… I'll just wait out here, then."

    "Huh? No, I'm done changing. Do come in. She's asleep?"

    He pauses for a moment, but hurries in after a cold breeze flutters through the flap. "Yes, and she's a heavy sleeper. I didn't want to wake her, so I just left her phone and came back here. I… hope that's okay?"

    "Yes, of course. You have to sleep somewhere; may as well be in the most comfortable place." Marie unzips her own sleeping bag and slowly slides her legs in one after the other. It's fun to fluster people. Edison is, of course, no exception.

    Edison distracts himself with his own clothes. He'd already changed into lighter pants, but he quickly undoes the buttons on his shirt, removing it and putting it by his shoes. Climbing into Sunny's bag, he finds it slightly too short, his bare shoulders still sticking out. "Yes, this is better than outside. Thank you."

    "Any time, Edison." Marie finally switches the flashlight off on her phone and plunges them into darkness. "Sleep well!"

    "You as well, Marie. Pleasant dreams."

    Marie smiles to herself, and rather hopes she doesn't dream of Sunny kicking down their tent in a possessive rage.

    ⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

    Exploring the northern path of Route 103, I located a burrow hidden among some rocks, which ended up being home to at least one Furret. It seemed curious at the light and voices of my friends and I, and came out to investigate. Initially it wasn't aggressive, and seemed curious about our Pokémon and the light of Sunny Day, but defended its home when we got too close. Its teeth were very sharp, and it held on quite firmly, despite its battle style favoring speed and mobility. By sound, we determined there to be more than one Pokémon inside the burrow, despite not seeing any others. Perhaps the Sentret scouts were taking shelter from the rain?

    After leaving the first den, we continued forward, even finding other burrows, made easier by the presence of Sentret. There were more Sentret than Furret, but a notable lack of pairs. Even with multiple Furret, there was occasionally an uneven number of males and females, all living in a sort of communal den. They showed no hostility unless the young were approached, we sent out our own Pokémon, or most bizarrely, they were offered food. Unfortunately, we were unable to continue observing them for long, as they retreated back into their burrows as the day went on, suggesting they are less active at night.

    This did give us an opportunity to approach their dens, however. We observed Sentret keeping watch in shifts, and using Supersonic we detected multiple Sentret, roughly three per Furret, lying down with their parents wrapped around them, presumably for warmth. Unfortunately, Supersonic angered the Furret and we had to leave shortly after gaining this information. It will be difficult to observe them inside their homes, but physical interaction is likely possible as long as they aren't provoked, though I am told that I am not allowed to attempt this.

    ⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

    The first Furret we found on Route 103 was hiding from the rain in a den sheltered by some rocks, some ways off the northern path. It had very sharp teeth and I was told it was defending its burrow because it had family inside. I didn't see any of them, but we assume they were young Sentret. After that, we decided to see how many more we could find. It was easier after the rain let up part way through the afternoon.

    There were a lot of Sentret, but not as many Furret. Sometimes there were multiple per den, but it didn't seem like a male-and-female parental situation. We weren't able to gather much information about how many were underground, because they got very angry when we attempted analysis using Supersonic. They also were offended at the food we offered to them. As it got less rainy, we did see quite a few Sentret keeping watch, though we are not sure which family units they belonged to. There must be several units near each other, as they would scatter different directions if startled. They also thumped their tails on the ground, which I read is a way of warning others of their group that there is danger nearby- they only did this when we had our own Pokémon out. We chose to keep a healthy distance and retreat quickly when they were upset, as not to suffer any more bites, though the Furret's speed made a few encounters rather close for us.

    We had trouble seeking them out as it got later. It may be that they are less active at night, or that we moved out of their territory as we progressed. I officially counted at least twenty Sentret and seven Furret, but I lost count and gave up before we were done seeking them out. My apologies. Perhaps an appropriate estimate would be forty and fifteen, though I am unsure how many Sentret may have been accounted for multiple times.

    ⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

    Hey Edison!
    Be careful when interacting with wild Pokémon! I'm sure you know this, but sometimes reminders do a body good. It's likely that the Furret were defending their homes and young from perceived threats- food included. Some Pokémon are more mistrusting than others about being given food, especially ones that have been traditionally considered "pests". Unfortunately, there is a history of humans using food to either gain trust and trap or simply poison certain species, and those species remember.

    Using sonar was a great idea to "see" inside their dens, but a full Supersonic may have been a little over the top. You could potentially fine-tune that move in order to give the desired result- keep trying! But just in case it goes poorly- I'll send along some Persim berries. I only have five on hand, but they'll have to do. Keep up the good work!

    Brendan Birch

    ⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

    Hey Marie!
    Please be careful when interacting with wild Pokémon. Some Pokémon are particularly wary of humans and human-offered food, due to an unfortunate history of human-led culling of certain species. Try to be aware of which species may be hostile, and protect yourself and your friends- ideally by removing yourself from the situation. There are often far more Pokémon around than you may notice.

    I have a pair of items that may help in situations like that- two toys known as "Fluffy Tails". They are designed to distract Pokémon, particularly carnivores, by making them think easy prey is nearby. Just throw it into a group and run away, if you're ever in trouble. Stay safe!

    Brendan Birch

    featuring Groc as Edison Kintobor + Sunny Dey

    Spoiler: Team
    Pokémon On Hand
    Tuie ⟡ Natu ⟡ Female ⟡ Magic Bounce ⟡
    Peck // Teleport // Stored Power // Cosmic Power // Ominous Wind // Confuse Ray

    Stunnie ⟡ Stunfisk ⟡ Male ⟡ Static ⟡
    Sucker Punch // Mud Shot // Thundershock // Discharge // Water Gun // Mud Sport // Charge

    Cutie ⟡ Alolan Exeggutor ⟡ Male ⟡ Frisk ⟡
    Bullet Seed // Hypnosis // Reflect // Leech Seed // Dragon Hammer // Barrage

    Pokie ⟡ Slowpoke ⟡ Male ⟡ Own Tempo ⟡
    Disable // Confusion // Yawn // Water Pulse // Growl // Curse
    Spoiler: Inventory
    Trainers' License [Johto and Hoenn] ⟡
    $5,000 ⟡
    Knuckle Badge ⟡
    Dell Badge ⟡
    TM Magical Leaf ⟡
    Empty PokéBalls x 3 ⟡
    5x Chesto Berries ⟡
    2x Fluffy Tail ⟡

    Sunscreen ⟡
    Berry-Print Bikini ⟡
    Beach Towel ⟡
    Oversized Sunglasses ⟡
    Large But Lightweight Backpack ⟡
    Rechargeable Battery + Charging Port Housing ⟡
    Lidded Pot, Dishes, Chopsticks, Spoon ⟡
    Camp Stove ⟡
    Soap, Washcloth, Towel ⟡
    Spoiler: Contacts
    Dad ⟡
    Mom ⟡
    Brothers #1, #2, and #3 ⟡
    Brawly ⟡
    Brendan ⟡
    Edison ⟡
    Natsuko (via insta) ⟡
    Sunny (via twitter) ⟡
    Van ⟡
    Wally ⟡

  • 1,660
    Sunny Dey, Marie Rachelle Mocinno, Edison Kintobor
    Friday, October 2nd; morning
    Route 103

    "Up with the sun" is a ridiculous phrase. The sun rises just fine, it doesn't need encouragement. And anyone who'd be up that early is clearly crazy, and the sun should get a better cheering squad than those lunatics.

    That's what Sunny would be thinking, but it's expressed much less eloquently, as a garbled utterance of "mmmmm… I don' wanna…"

    Her pillow isn't very comfortable, either. Too big and lumpy, who made this thing? She finally opens her eyes to glare at the pillow, only to see she's cradling a backpack. Eddie's backpack.

    This is Eddie's tent. Which means he's still…

    She bolts upright, eyes wide and hair all messy, and dives for the tent flap. She struggles with it for a moment before she finds the zipper, stumbling out into the light of the morning. Ed and Marie are already up and about, so she scowls at them both. "What the hell, guys? I waited for you, why didn't you tell me when you were done?"

    "Edison did try," Marie says.

    "Good morning to you, too." Eddie rises from his spot, heading toward his tent. "I didn't want to wake you, so I let you sleep and I took your spot. I'm going to get dressed, you should too."

    Sunny notices he's still wearing his clothes from last night, though his shirt is unbuttoned. She's never seen him so casually dressed, or rather undressed, around other people. She looks between him and Marie as he disappears into his tent. "Am I missing something here? Is there… something between you two?"

    "A few feet, usually. Aside from last night, I suppose." Marie's light laugh grates on her nerves.

    "That's not funny." Sunny stomps her foot, refusing to look at Marie. "It's not fair. Why is he so different around you, and why is he pushing me away? He's supposed to be my…" She stops, not entirely sure what she's about to say. My what? What are we, anyway?

    Marie tilts her head. "If he's different with me, I wouldn't be able to tell. Would I? What's he supposed to be doing that he's not? Or not doing that he's supposed to?"

    Sunny pouts as she looks away from Marie, then sighs. "He's… so casual lately. He's usually so formal, so uptight. It's… adorable, really. I always had to drag him out of his shell, but now… he's out there on his own, and he doesn't want me around anymore." She sits down, hugging her knees to her chest again.

    Marie alternates between watching Sunny and watching whatever is on her camp stove. "I suppose he's changing. That's not a bad thing. Why do you think he doesn't want you around anymore?"

    "Because of you." She glares at Marie, but there's no energy behind it. "He just gets mad at me, and he's either off by himself or he's with you."

    "So it's because of me that he gets mad at you?" Marie quirks an eyebrow at her. "I don't see your reasoning."

    "No, that's not… I don't know anymore. I thought things would be different, and they are, and now I don't like it. That crazy Professor lady in the woods got my head all twisted, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do, and I'm losing the one person who can help me figure this stuff out! And… I guess I'm blaming you because you're close by."

    "Well, I'm glad you recognize that much. Talking it out helps, doesn't it?"

    "...I guess." She smiles at Marie. "Thanks for listening."

    "I'm not mad at you, Sunny." Eddie's voice startles her, and she looks back to see him standing by his tent.

    "Huh wha-? Eddie? How much did you hear?"

    He shakes his head, gesturing to the distance between them. "You're sitting five feet from my tent. I heard everything."

    "Oh…" Sunny looks away, slightly embarrassed now. Damn it, what did I say? I didn't say anything embarrassing, did I? She frantically goes over the conversation again in her head, but is distracted when Ed puts a hand on her shoulder.

    "Yes, I got mad yesterday. And before that, too. But only because I don't like who you're becoming, Sunny. You're still my best friend, but I don't know why you're pushing yourself so hard, or why you're trying to drag me with you. And if you don't know, either? Maybe it's time to stop."

    Her heart sinks into her stomach at his words, and his disappointed tone. "What do you mean? Stop what?"

    "Stop… well. Stop traveling together, for starters. I think we should spend some time apart."

    "Wait, you're leaving me?" Sunny jumps up, throwing herself at Ed and almost knocking him over. "That's not fair, you can't just do this, what about all the times we've had together?"

    "Sunny, stop being dramatic!" Ed pushes on her shoulders, making her stand on her own. "I just think some time apart would be good for us. You said it yourself, your head is all twisted. Take some time to figure out what you're doing, what you want and all that, and maybe just take a break. I know I need one. You're running yourself into the ground over… what? Some badges?"

    "Well… I mean, isn't that why we're here?"

    "It's not why I'm here. And look where it's got you." He ducks into his tent, pulling out Sunny's jacket. Did I leave that in there? Did he go through my stuff?!

    "You worked yourself into a frenzy getting ready to fight Merry. You almost stole Tsu's Pokémon. And you didn't even win. You beat Benji because you knew what you wanted. You haven't won a single badge since." He tosses her jacket to her, her one badge pinned to the inside.

    "Eddie… you shouldn't have gone through my stuff." She glares at him, dropping her jacket to the ground.

    "Sunny, I don't like seeing you like this. Please, just think about what we've said? Just…figure it out. You don't need me to do that for you."

    Sunny looks away from him, then quickly steps up and hugs him. Eddie tenses, but only for a moment. "We're still friends?"

    "Of course we are. Even if you're a pain in my neck, I'll have your back."

    Sunny smiles. "Thanks, Eddie." Then she punches him in the arm and walks over to her jacket.

    "Ow! Why?" Ed rubs his arm gingerly, more shocked than angry.

    "That's for getting into my stuff!" She sticks out her tongue at him, throwing her coat over her shoulders.

    "Go change! You can't wear the same clothes you wore yesterday!" He starts taking down his tent while Sunny goes over to Marie's.

    "I knew you were listening," she hears Marie say smugly.

    "It wasn't difficult." Eddie replies. "And she was being refreshingly honest for a change. I'm glad she was able to figure all that out. It'll be good for her."

    Sunny hmph's as she digs through her bag. They have to know she can hear them, right? Kind of rude for them to talk about her like that. But it's whatever. They said it would only be a couple days out here, she'll be in Mauville before nightfall…

    🎒 🎒 Later...🎒 🎒

    "Wait, Mauport?!"

    After packing everything up, the teenage trio again resumed walking, eventually making their way to the intersection of Routes 103 and 110. Ahead, Ranger check-in stations lead the way to the natural land bridge, while the man-made Mauport Bridge crosses overhead.

    "Well, a town's a town, I guess. At least we'll have a place to stay the night." Sunny starts moving toward the bridge.

    "Um...actually?" Eddie speaks up, not following her. "I want to check out the lower path. So I'm not going to town."

    "What?" Sunny looks back at him in surprise. "Eddie, we just spent two nights camping out! You want to keep going? You hate the wilderness!"

    "No, I don't. I may prefer being inside, but this is my chance to explore. It's a regulated route with limited Trainer activity, and a large population of wild Pokémon to observe. It's just what I've been wanting."

    "But… Marie?" Sunny turns to her. "That doesn't sound fun to you, does it?"

    "Unfortunately, I'm rather tired of camping at the moment. I suppose I'd rather take the high road here."

    "There, see?" Sunny nods, glad that's settled.

    "That's fine. It's been fun, and I'll see you both ahead, right?" Eddie smiles at them, leaving Sunny flustered again.

    "Wha… you're really doing this? You're actually going down there? ...fine. I don't like it, but I'll come-"

    "No." With one word, Ed stops Sunny in her tracks. "You wanted to go to the town, right? Then go. We talked about this, Sunny. About each doing what we want, even if we split up. I want to go this way, you want to go the other. You can tell me all about it later."

    "But…" She tries to complain, but knows he's right. "Fine. I'll go this way and have an awesome adventure in town. You go have your little field trip. Try not to get bored!"

    "That's the spirit." Ed pats her on the head, and she swings at him, but he dodges her fist.

    "Just don't get lost, okay? If I have to come find you, I'm kicking your ass."

    "Looking forward to it." Eddie steps back with a slight bow, then turns to Marie. "It's been fun traveling with you, Marie. Thanks again for last night."

    "Oh, you're welcome anytime," she replies with a coy smile. "Sooner rather than later, I hope. Call me up when you get your new Holotch, will you?"

    "Right. I'll do that. I still have your number." He turns away, heading off toward the Ranger station.

    "Bye Eddie!" Sunny waves after him, then looks to Marie. "'Thanks for last night'? What's that all about?"

    "I don't kiss and tell." Marie's wink is accompanied by a finger to her lips, and she uses those long legs to stride away before Sunny can properly retaliate.

    "Kiss?!" She looks over toward Eddie, but he's already out of sight. She instead chases after Marie, heading towards Mauport. "Hey! Get back here!"

    A joint post between Groc and Aquacorde.
  • 1,660
    Natsuko Soyokaze
    Thursday, October 1st; midday
    Route 103

    Rain always made Tsu feel lonely. Her parents didn't like her going out if it was raining, said it was too dangerous. But they never let that stop them from going to work, which left Tsu by herself. Having Pokémon would have helped, but Shiny doesn't like the rain any more than she likes being inside. No word from Cyrano how he feels about rain, but he doesn't like walking, and Rip doesn't mind, but Tsu is concerned he'll run off and she's concerned she might slip if she has to chase him. Stacy always liked the rain, but with her size...

    But Tsu had decided she wasn't going to let that stop her anymore. She was initially concerned that Stacy would have trouble on land, not sure if she'd have to slither like a snake or flop like a fish to move around. But apparently, Stacy's history of resting on the ground was simply a lack of motivation, because she's actually flying right now. It's a little surreal, seeing the massive serpent floating a few feet off the ground, twisting and swimming through the air with a massive grin on her massive face.

    "You're really loving this, aren't you?" Tsu happily calls out. She's sure that Edison or Sir Bill would smugly remind her that Gyarados are part Flying type, but to actually see it is a whole other experience. Speaking of which, she pulls out her camera, getting some pictures.

    Stacy comes in for a close-up, swirling around Tsu and splashing her with water. "Hey!" Tsu protests, laughing. Hoenn rain is different from Kanto rain. It's light, and warm, and not at all dreary like the rain she'd see in Celadon. "Go for distance, I want more of you in the shot!"

    Stacy races off toward the trees, diving towards the ground to skim the surface, causing ripples in various puddles she passes over. She Splashes down into a particularly wide one, roaring loudly with pleasure. It makes for a great shot, although it sends several smaller Pokémon scurrying out of the trees in panic.

    A stream of ropey silk bursts from the trees, striking Stacy in the face. Her happy grin is immediately replaced by an angry glare as she looks for the culprit. Her eyes focus on something, Leering furiously at whatever hapless Bug dared to String Shot her. Coupled with her Intimidate Ability, the poor creature probably regrets its actions.

    "Uh-oh..." Tsu hurries toward the trees, taking care not to slip on the wet and uneven terrain. Wasn't she concerned about Riptide doing exactly this? "Stacy, wait! You can't just charge in after it!"

    Stacy charges in after it. Tsu hears a frightened squeak, followed by a terrible crunching sound as Stacy tears through the little copse, ripping branches off and making whole trees shudder as she slams into them.

    "Duchess, you get back here this instant!" Tsu chases after Stacy, who lands on the ground with a soft *whump*. Tsu catches up to her, frowning like a stern mother. "What do you think you're doing? I told you to stay put, and you... Stacy, look at me."

    Stacy reluctantly looks over at Tsu, her mouth closed tightly.

    Tsu's eyes widen in realization. "Stacy, drop it! I don't know what it is, but spit it out right now!"

    Stacy whines in protest, but Tsu's stern expression doesn't waver, so she lowers her head and spits out a small leaf-covered Bug that Tsu's Pokédex identifies as Burmy. It gasps for air, scooching away as fast as it can.

    Tsu puts her hands on her hips, fixing Stacy with her most disappointed frown. She's seen her mother with the same look many times. "Seriously? You need to stop trying to eat everything that makes you angry. I would expect this kind of behavior from your brother, but not you! You're supposed to be a good example for him!"

    Stacy whines sadly, leaning down to lick Tsu's face, slightly lifting her off the ground in the process. "Eww, Stacy! Don't kiss me when I'm scolding you!" She lightly smacks Stacy's cheek, earning a surprised snort that almost knocks her hat off.

    Before Tsu can say anything else, she catches a blur of movement out of the corner of her eye, and something fast slams into Stacy, knocking her away from Tsu.

    "Stacy!" Tsu cries out, but something blocks her path. A large Bug Pokémon, holding out an arm to stop her. It faces away from her, toward where Stacy landed.

    "Hey! What's your problem..." She consults her Pokédex, "Heracross? That's my friend you just tackled!"

    Heracross finally turns to her, puffing up his chest and striking a pose, hands on his hips triumphantly. If he had a cape, it would no doubt be fluttering in the wind after he just "rescued" the "damsel". Tsu just stares, bemused.

    A low, angry growl echoes through the trees, distracting Heracross and giving Tsu a chance to step away. As soon as she's clear, Stacy flies toward Heracross, Tackling him to the ground and pinning him underneath her.

    "I think you owe the Grand Duchess an apology." Tsu taunts from the sidelines, but Heracross gets his arms under him, throwing his head back to strike Stacy with his horn, pushing her just enough to wriggle free and turn to face her. Stacy snarls in anger as Heracross holds his hands up, waving one hand in a "bring it" motion.

    Wait, I've seen that stance before... Tsu tries to remember, and Brawly's voice echoes in her mind. "She only knows how to fight head on, not much room for strategy. It works pretty well, until you meet someone who knows how to turn that power against you."

    "Stacy, wait!" But Stacy charges forward, water swirling around her, the rain boosting her Waterfall attack. In desperation, Tsu cries out, "Splash into Tackle!"

    Stacy slaps her tail into the ground, soaring up and over Heracross' head. She does a flip, now diving straight down toward the Bug. Tsu reaches down, grabbing a handful of mud and throwing it at Heracross. It hits him in the face, and he stumbles, staring at Tsu in surprise.

    Until Stacy flips again and lands fully on top of him, her weight driving him into the dirt. She hops off, leaving Heracross dazed and half buried in the soft earth.

    "Yes! Just like the Contest!" Tsu cheers, and Stacy looks over, still frowning slightly. She roars softly, inquisitively. Tsu shakes her head, smiling. "Of course I'm not mad at you! We were just having a moment before he arrived." She hooks her thumb toward Heracross.

    Or rather, the now empty dent in the ground where they'd left him. Tsu and Stacy both look around, wondering where the Bug had scurried off to.

    "I guess he ran away." Tsu shrugs, but Stacy roars as Heracross leaps from the leaves of a tree, smacking her with his horn. His wings buzz loudly as he slows his fall, jabbing his horn under Tsu's chin and glaring at her.

    She freezes, not used to a Pokémon attacking her directly. "H-hold on... let's talk about this."

    Stacy roars, but Heracross steps closer, forcing Tsu's head up slightly as his horn digs into her chin. "Stacy, stop!" Stacy cries out, sounding... scared?

    In truth, Tsu isn't sure what Stacy can do. Brawly was right, she only knows how to hit things, she's not built for precision or finesse. Stacy is probably worried more about hurting Tsu herself than Heracross doing anything.

    Which means it's up to her to fix this.

    "We got off on the wrong foot. My name's Tsu. What's yours?"

    Heracross just glares, gesturing slightly with his arms.

    "Right. You can't speak. I'll just call you Heracross. Even though it was super rude of you to interrupt our conversation earlier-" Heracross lowers his head slightly, resting his horn on her throat. "What I mean to say is... you still looked really cool doing it?"

    Heracross sighs, gesturing to the trees behind him. The ones Stacy had recklessly ripped through chasing that Burmy. He points to her, lifting one hand as though waiting for an explanation.

    "Okay, I can't excuse that. But we're working on it! She's been having a tough time since she evolved, you know? Everyone always says 'you can't do this' or 'you have to stop' or 'that monster is too big!'" Tsu stops, realizing that she's said those exact things herself. "And it's hard. She's a Pokémon, just like you. She's just bigger, and people are afraid of her because of it. But she still has feelings, you know?"

    Heracross scoffs, gesturing to the trees again. He holds his hands close together, indicating something small, then presses them together like he's crushing something. He glares at Tsu again.

    "Oh, what? Small Pokémon have it bad, too? Like it's somehow worse for them? Stacy deals with fear and prejudice and hate from people she's never even met, all because she's big! It's hard all over! She didn't start the fight, she just wanted to play in the puddles! Burmy spat in her face, and somehow she's the bad guy? Why do you care? You his dad or something?"

    Heracross steps back, gesturing to the trees all around him. He picks up a fallen branch, holding it like a child, then drops it. He pats his chest as he looks at Tsu, then points to her pockets, where she keeps her-

    Her Poké Balls.

    She doesn't care what else Heracross is saying, waiting for him to look away and going for an empty ball. She throws it at him, but he effortlessly bats it away, looking at her in annoyance.

    Then Stacy dives onto him, grabbing him in her mouth and cracking his shell with a sickening Crunch. He flexes, jabbing his horn into the roof of her mouth and jumping free as she roars in pain. She lunges at him, but he manages to grab her crest and redirect her momentum, flipping her like Brawly's Machoke had. She lands next to Tsu, groaning softly.

    "Stacy!" Tsu runs forward, stopping by her face and checking on her. Stacy slowly lifts her head, staring down Heracross as Tsu rests her hand on her side.

    Heracross holds his chest, at the crack Stacy left in his shell, and lifts his hands, daring her to try that again.

    "Wait, Stacy... when did you learn Crunch?" She checks the Pokédex, and sees that Stacy upgraded her Bite to Crunch while trying to protect Tsu. She also forgot Leer, learning...

    "Oh, that's cool. Use Twister!"

    Stacy roars loudly, her breath sparking with Dragon type energy. The swirling winds push Heracross into a tree, and he can't Counter what he can't touch.

    "Like that, keep it up!" Stacy roars again, making Heracross flinch from the rushing winds. The tree behind him cracks, and one last shout from Stacy pushes Heracross through the broken wood and out of the thicket entirely.

    Stacy coughs, panting for breath but smiling victoriously. Tsu is much less restrained, hugging Stacy as much as she can.

    "That was so cool! That'll teach him to pick on someone his own size!" Stacy snorts, somewhat offended. "Yeah, I guess that sounds kinda rude, considering. Maybe we should just go before he gets back."

    Stacy snorts in agreement, and the pair make their way back to the road and press on.


    Princess Era 🎀
  • 6,564
    • Age 24
    • she/her
    • Italy
    • Seen May 30, 2024

    Avril Reese

    16 - ♀ - Laverre City

    Written with QueenNothing as Junko Enomoto

    Pokémon / Inventory:

    AVRIL'S MONEY: $44 000

    🌼 Poppy (Flabébé) ♀
    Flower Veil
    Synthesis, Fairy Wind, Grassy Terrain, Aromatherapy, Wish, Magical Leaf

    🌼 Hydrangea (Shellos) ♀
    Storm Drain
    Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Recover, Rain Dance, Mud Sport, Hidden Power (?)

    🌼 Wisteria (Inkay) ♂
    Night Slash, Hypnosis, Topsy-Turvy, Pluck, Reflect, Psybeam

    🌼 Thistle (Wooloo) ♀
    Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Copycat, Guard Split, Double Kick

    🌼 Venus (Mawile) ♀ - at Littleroot Research Lab

    🌼 1 Empty Pokéball
    🌼 2 Potions
    🌼 Eviolite
    🌼 Silk Scarf
    🌼 TM for Ally Switch
    🌼 5 Rare berries
    🌼 Sea Incense

    🌼 Holotch (phone version)
    🌼 Fanclub Membership card - valid until October 17th
    🌼 Various clothes and commodities
    🌼 Pink Woolen Hat

    Jordie, Shuna, Natsuko, June, Marcella, Hikaru


    🎀• 1

    🌼 Character art made with [SPAN="color:rgb(40,180,40);"]https://picrew.me/image_maker/338886[/SPAN]
    Thursday, October 1st - late evening - Route 103
    Some things didn't change from the ordinary. Angie still ate a bit more than she should have, Poppy enjoyed her berries, and Avril still checked on Thistle's wounded leg, noticing that she was indeed healing well but was still not very keen on walking on her hooves. She was in fact barely rolling at all, prompting Avril to not stress her any longer! Oh, and of course, dinner went swiftly - much better than the rain-ruined lunch, where Avril and June had to eat some canned food right under the shelter provided by their umbrellas.

    But when it was almost time to sleep, a realization hit drowsy Avril. All of her usual routine didn't change, yes, and in fact it was probably pointless to mention it at all. But this time June was there all the way through and saw everything.

    Is that really a good thing? It's not something she should take for granted, because staying for so long with someone is an amazing way to discover their flaws. And the way Avril handles Angie, for example- or the way she deals with the terrible rainy weather, the lunch, all of that- can be seen as a flaw in the eyes of June.

    Then again, June never seemed to act any different, even… now. It's safe to say she doesn't mind, then, or maybe finds all of those things even cute. She's a good person to open up to, just like that… or maybe she's the best one so far, on par, if not better, than Tsu.

    As she's lost in thoughts, a word escapes her mouth and spills over, that being the name of the other girl. Spoken in some sort of dreamy, blissful tone, of course.

    "Avril? Do you need something?"

    "I just, well…" Avril replies, slightly startled. "I think I… appreciate you a lot, yes! Traveling with you has been great today as well…" She replies, still in that state of mind.

    June, who was previously doing something on her Pokegear, glows a more stable shade of red. She might finally be getting used to this. "Thank you! And, um… I also appreciate you a significant amount!"

    "Oh, you… really do?" Avril blushes herself.

    "Definitely, yes… " June starts sinking into her sleeping bag, pupils pointing to the ground. "Just having you around I, um… um, well, y'know…"

    The blonde girl is not that lucid anymore, and what she says isn't fully a product of her reasoning. She's in no condition to tell lies or dodge bad topics.

    "Oh, that's all? I'm glad to know…" She continues. "I'm just glad to know that, even if I didn't do anything special…"

    June opens her mouth to say something, but freezes. Clearly she's struggling to think of a response. "Well, you don't need to do anything special to earn my appreciation!"

    Avril blushes more. But is that really anything new? Of course June would be like that, the only problem is that this might be missing the mark.

    "But… is there anything that could take that away?"

    "I don't think so..." June taps her lip. "Why do you ask?"

    "You… know a lot of the things I struggle with by now, and I'm not so proud of that, you know."

    "I'm sorry to hear that." June sets her phone down and takes a deep breath. "Not too long ago I had that same issue- remember the contest in Petalburg?"

    "Oh? Yeah, sure do. Not my finest moment either." Avril shrugs. Maybe it's a good idea if she gets to the bottom of this, especially now that June seems to be on the same page.

    "In retrospect, it was just a little embarrassing that I reacted the way I did." June gives a stifled giggle. "I suppose there's no undoing the past… but um, what I wanted to get as is that… I also once struggled with being a Pokémon trainer. But with the help of my uncle and setting a reachable goal, I was able to persevere. Because of that I earned two badges since that day! So what I'm saying is, um… it might help to find a reasonable goal to work towards! Mine is to display the beauty of bug Pokémon to many, for example."

    "Well… I'm happy to hear that of course!" Avril sighs. "I've already decided I should take things slow but what you said is still true. A goal…" She shakes her head. "I think my goal was just to make my Pokémon and my family happy. And proud of me… and I've already been told that's not a great idea. But what else is, then?"

    "Well…" June bites her lip. pupils shifting to the right. "Maybe, um, maybe that means you might need to find something else to work towards? Obviously this isn't to say pleasing your Pokémon and family isn't important, but it could help to have another objective! Besides, you could always still do the former while aiming towards something else!"

    "June… that's what I'm lost with…" the blonde girl comments, definitely feeling resigned. "What objective can I follow, that doesn't just, like… go against what my Pokémon want?"

    "...That is a good point. I think the best course of action there might be to try forming a deeper connection with your Pokémon… no wait, that just falls under making your Pokemon happy, doesn't it? Um…" June gives it as much thought as she can before she ends up looking defeated. "I… I'm not sure, honestly. It's a little difficult to give advice when I've had a stable relationship with my Pokemon, whereas you and your Pokemon have been a lot more- umm, how do I say this…?"

    "You did see that, right? With Venus and Angie and the others?" Avril hastily speaks out. It sounds like she's scared about the answer, and that's somewhat true, but it's actually the affirmative answer that she's hoping to hear. "The contest, the gym battle, even our last lunch…"

    June gives an indecisive nod. "Honestly my memory of your performance during the encounter with the Mightyena isn't the clearest, but as far as the contest and your battle against Wally… Well, that's what I had in mind."

    "Right… I think I'm understanding." Avril changes position inside her sleeping bag to face June. "Maybe..."

    "Maybe what?" June tilts her head.

    "Yeah, it's like…" Avril pauses. She's only now realizing what kind of conversation she's got herself in, but she tries to calm down by repeating herself that she's talking with June. "In battle my Pokémon don't really obey me, do they? And probably not even outside of battle. They, they don't really need me to be their trainer… so that's already something."

    "I can relate to some extent. Occasionally I question if Sting and Heracross really need me as their trainer, albeit it to a lesser extent. But clearly they both appreciate having my presence! I feed them, hone their skills in ways they wouldn't be able to on their own, and groom them when necessary. That's what my uncle told me, and so far I haven't found much issue with it."

    "You… hone their skills, uh?" Avril interjects.

    "By that I mean I allow them to manifest their natural abilities in unique and interesting ways. A good example of that would be, hm… ah, Kit! Surskit are naturally able to move along the surface of any body of water by secreting an oil from its tarsi, and it can do so at a speed faster than on land, hence its ability, Swift Swim, although well, it's not so much swimming as it is skating… b-but I digress! The point I'm trying to get at is that through the combination of my knowledge and Kit's natural abilities, I was able to train her to take advantage of them so she could move as gracefully as you saw this morning! That's something she couldn't do without my help."

    The blonde girl is… slightly confused by the answer June's given. She definitely expected something about battles, but what she got was more broad, so to speak. Her tiredness definitely made her skip some words- she can't say she's understood everything the other girl has just said- but she gets the feeling that it's something interesting, at least for June, to talk about and think about. But, might as well clear some doubts…

    "Natural abilities, moves… so it also applies to battles, doesn't it? How can I train my Pokémon to make them hurt their opponent more… effectively?"

    "W-well, that can apply to more than battles!" Any confidence June had left continues to shrink. "Like… When I helped at my aunt's farm, Giorgia did just that. She used those same abilities for tasks completely unrelated to battling, such as using Kit's Water Sport to water crops and Einstein's telekinesis to help harvest those same crops! I, um, hope this is suitable advice..."

    "Oof, you're right June…" Avril is the one sounding apologetic now, and for good reason. "I've been so concerned about battles that I overlooked everything else I can do with my Pokémon! Today hasn't helped, with the Mightyena group forcing our hands… of course. But you're right, Pokémon can do more than that…"

    June sighs with relief. "Not every move a Pokémon can use inflicts harm, afterall. There's plenty of non-offensive moves, such as Einstein's Light Screen and Reflect, and well, most of his moves really."

    "Yes, sure thing! My Pokémon already knew a few…" Avril smiles."If they feel like using them, though!"

    "It's important to be in sync with your Pokémon, yes." June nods. "It sounds difficult, but perhaps so much as spending more time with them could go a long way?"

    "Not the easiest thing but… I figured that's the best approach, yes!" Avril speaks up nervously, a hand on her hair. The other girl is stating the obvious after all, isn't she? "You've already seen how it is, I'm not the best at handling all those Pokémon together, but… I will get better!"

    "That's a great attitude to have about it!" June grins. "I'm certain if you keep that up you'll accomplish that in no time at all!"

    "Eh… not without your help, June…" Avril trembles inside the sleeping bag, but smiles as she releases tension. "I sort of owe it to my Pokémon, anyway..."

    "I-I think you might be overestimating me there, but either way I'm glad to see you improve your outlook!"

    Avril chuckles, knowing that's probably true. But that's not something she's ashamed of, as her blushing can attest…

    "Thanks… thanks for everything. I'm feeling quite better now."

    "I-it's nothing really, but it's good to know I helped you out… um, it is getting late right now though so I think it'd be a good time to rest. Goodnight Avril!" Once she stops talking, June hastily slides into her sleeping bag to hide her excitement.

    "Alright, goodnight…" The blonde girl replies, turning the other way as her cheeks grow even more red.

  • 1,660
    Natsuko Soyokaze
    Thursday, October 1st; evening
    Route 103

    It's good to finally sit down and rest. The rain had stopped partway through the afternoon, so Shiny was able to help Tsu start a small fire and put a kettle on. After feeding her friends, Tsu used the hot water to make herself some tea and a cup of noodles. Not the most glamorous meal, but it carried well in her backpack.

    Altogether, she's proud of herself. She'd practiced with Stacy a bit more, especially on aiming her Twisters, and the big serpent had fallen asleep right after eating. Rip wasn't too happy with that, wanting to play, but Tsu had convinced him to let Stacy sleep by playing keep-away with his Wave Incense. She got tired of it before he did, but Shiny helped out so Tsu could eat. Cyrano stood by, as aloof as ever, but kept an eye on them.

    After returning everyone to their respective Balls, she gets herself ready for bed, finding a dry patch to set up her sleeping bag, hanging her poncho over her backpack. She sighs in content as she looks up at the sky. Still partly cloudy, there are no stars to see, especially since it's not that late. But Tsu didn't want to walk in the dark, so it'll be early to bed and early to rise.

    💤 💤 Later... 💤 💤

    Tsu jolts awake with a yelp as a sharp pain shoots through her leg. It's still dark, and without her glasses she can barely see, but she notices a lump in her sleeping bag, near the zipper. It's right by her leg, and in a panic she smacks it, earning a hiss for her trouble. Another smack causes the lump to retreat, a small Pokémon emerging to chitter and hiss at her some more. From the sounds, it's a Bug type, and it doesn't take long to figure out that she woke up from it biting her.

    "What are you doing? Get out of here!" She swats at the Bug again, and it lunges at her hand. She yelps as she pushes herself back, almost getting tangled in her sleeping bag. She uses that to her advantage, turning and kicking at the Bug with her feet still inside the bag. It can't bite through the fabric, so she gets a few good hits in before it simply jumps onto the bag.

    It occurs to Tsu that she should set a Pokémon to fight a Pokémon, as she is hopelessly outmatched here. She scrambles free of her bag, rushing for her backpack. A blast of sand stings against her bare legs, but she doesn't let it stop her. She fumbles with the pouch containing her Pokémon, but the zipper gets caught. The Bug lunges for her again, so she swings her backpack wildly, knocking it aside.

    "Stay back! I don't want to fight you!" Tsu yells as the Bug rises again, chittering ominously. She looks around for her glasses, but can't find them. They were right next to me, where are they? How can I fight if I can't see?!

    Suddenly, a beam of light cuts through the darkness, illuminating the Bug. It's small and pale colored, but she can't make out many other details.

    "Watch out, it's mean!" She warns the light, or rather whoever is carrying it.

    "Geodude, get out here!" The new arrival calls out, and a Poké Ball pops open with a burst of light. "Hit it with Rock Throw!" There's a sound of impact and a screech of pain, and the pale Bug skitters away from Tsu.

    "Are you okay?" The light is turned on Tsu, and she has to shield her eyes from it.

    "I'm fine, it just snuck up on me. Hang on, I can't see. Lower the light, will you?" The light tracks down, and Tsu blinks several times to clear her vision. "I dropped my glasses, help me find them."

    The light scans around the area, eventually finding Tsu's glasses near a small flat rock, where she'd placed them. "You're lucky I found you. What are you doing out here without your Pokémon?" Her rescuer hands over her glasses, keeping the light low.

    Tsu puts her glasses back on, squinting to see the other person in the dim light. "Wait, Sam?! What are you doing here?"


    Samara holds the light over her head, shining it down so she and Tsu can see each other better. "Looking for you, actually. You never left a review like you said you would."

    Tsu just stares slack-jawed at Sam, earning a grin from the village girl.

    "I'm kidding! Come on, get your Ponyta out, I need more light."

    Still dazed, Tsu works the zipper free on her pack, pulling out Shiny's Ball. Much like back in Granite Cave, her flames serve as a light in the dark. "Okay, but why are you really here? Doesn't your mom need your help?"

    Sam is quiet for a moment, then shakes her head. "Mom's fine. You aren't. I heard you yell from the road, are you sure you're okay?"

    "Um... I got bit, but I'll be fine."

    "Where? Show me."

    "On my leg, here." Tsu lifts the hem of her shirt, showing a small red mark on her outer thigh. Sam crouches down to get a closer look, and Tsu can't help but blush.

    "You caught a Sand Attack, too, looks like. That's not a problem, though. Any other bites? Take off your shirt, let me check."

    "What? No! Why?"

    Sam looks up at Tsu, reddening herself a little. "That's not... Nincada aren't Poison types, but their bites aren't to be taken lightly. They're predators, that thing was trying to eat you."

    Tsu shudders at the thought, turning around and removing her shirt. "Didn't even buy me a drink first."

    Sam laughs, lightly touching Tsu's shoulder. It makes her shiver. "You can make jokes, you're probably okay. I promise not to stare. Much." She checks out Tsu's back, taking her time. "Okay, show me your-"

    "No need to worry!" Tsu steps away from Sam, blushing furiously as she puts her shirt back on. "No bites up here, I guarantee it!"

    Sam pouts for a moment, then smiles in relief. "You're fine, then. The first one didn't break skin, you just got pinched, luckily."

    Tsu sighs in relief, hugging Shiny as the pony pushes against her side. "It's a good thing you showed up when you did, then. But, seriously, why are you here?"

    Sam puffs out a breath, setting down the large gym bag Tsu just now notices she's had on her back. "I'm going on a Pokémon journey. Just like you."

    "Me? But... your mom? Your... job? I guess?"

    "That's her thing. She wants to be a great host, renting out rooms, and serving guests, and... but that's not me." She looks at the ground, letting her hair fall in front of her face. "I don't want that. I don't want to just... sit at home and take care of people, listen to their stories. I want to have an adventure of my own, travel around and see the world, like my dad. Like you."

    "Oh. Okay, that's..." That's kind of a lot, Tsu wants to say, but she can't exactly argue against it. "And she's okay with that?"

    Sam looks up, a small grin on her face. "Actually... she is! She said she'd call me every day, make sure I'm taking care of myself, but she was happy that I made the decision. It's not for her, but she doesn't want me to be her. I'm me, and I want to be a Pokémon Trainer. And you showed me that."

    Tsu sits back down on her bag, suddenly very tired as the adrenaline fades. "No I didn't. All I did was catch you in the act. You wanted this for yourself."

    "Okay, yeah, but it's just like the stories!" Sam pulls out a sleeping bag of her own, unrolling it across the remains of the fire from Tsu. "Every hero has a call to action, something or someone who inspires them to start their journey! That's you. A pretty girl who shows up and sets off a chain of events that sends me on my way. My angel in a black bikini."

    Pretty? Angel? Bikini?! Tsu had started to nod off, but sputters out a laugh at that last part. "Okay, I think that's enough of that! I'm flattered, and glad for the save, but I'm not all that. I'm a friend, that's all. I have no idea what I'm doing. I almost got eaten by a Bug!"

    "Hey, it's a Pokémon, not just a Bug. And where are your Pokémon, anyway?"

    "They're in their Poké Balls, resting. That's where I always keep them."

    Sam frowns, rolling her eyes. "You don't have a tent, yet you bed down in the middle of the woods without a Pokémon by your side? No wonder you almost got bug-eaten. Look." She gestures to Geodude, quietly sitting by her side. "Geodude will stay by my side all night. If something tries to sneak up on me, he'll keep me safe. You have a Rock type of your own who can do the same."

    Tsu opens her mouth to argue, but can't actually think of anything to say. Cyrano won't run off like Rip, or keep her awake with light like Shiny, or be a large disruptive serpent like Stacy. He'd be a perfect night guard. "Oh. I guess I've just never had this issue before. I've always stayed indoors, or in a tent."

    Sam just smiles smugly as Tsu calls out Cyrano, who slowly turns to face North. "See? You're a better trainer already. I'll be a great rival."

    "Wait, we're rivals now?!" Tsu can't help but think of her other friends, of how Sunny and Marie clashed in the brief time they'd known each other. "When did this happen?!"

    "Shh..." Sam smiles as she lays back. "I decided it just now. I'm gonna be a Trainer, and you're gonna be my rival, and it's gonna be awesome. Now turn out the light, let's get some sleep."

    Tsu stares at Sam, but doesn't get any further explanation, so she gives Shiny one more pat on the cheek before returning her to her Ball. She lays back down, her mind racing. How am I supposed to sleep now? This is too confusing!

    She's asleep less than a minute later.
    Last edited:
  • 443
    • Age 30
    • Seen Dec 11, 2023

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Tuesday, September 29th @ 1230 - Winston Ranch (Route 102)

    Clint and Sergei rode back towards Winston Ranch, herding a group of twenty-nine Tauros, their contribution this morning to the two-hundred and fifty Irving Winston needed for his sale. The herding was easy enough, aside from the close call with the Mightyena back in the woods. Between what Sergei and Clint brought in, plus the cattle brought in by the other crews, they were about halfway done. One of the others, pretty sure it was J.P, opened the gate to the cattle pen as the Tauros' Clint and Sergei rounded up were added to the group, before the gate was closed again. The gate man, again probably was J.P waved for Clint and Sergei's attention then said,

    "There's lunch ready up the hill, go fill up then head back out there."

    Clint could go for lunch right about now, he could never turn down a chance to eat, especially if it's free food. The two riders agreed, it was time to head up the hill. The lunch set up was simple, a big charcoal grill attended to by Irving Winston himself, along with a couple of wooden tables covered in buns and condiments staffed by two women, one thin and in about her sixties, and the other also thin but looked about forty years old. Sergei pointed them out, telling Clint who was who. The older lady was Martha Winston, Irving's wife and the younger one was Angie Winston, Irving and Martha's only daughter. Clint and Sergei tied their steeds up to a hitching post nearby the table set up.

    "How many burgers you boys want," Irving said as Clint and Sergei walked up, pointing his spatula at the two of them.

    Sergei asked for one, while Clint went for three.

    "Three boy? You better be working your a** off out there to be eating like that," Irving joked.

    Clint waited there as the burgers cooked, watching the two ladies get fixings together. Martha seemed to be happy working away preparing food, while Angie was lethargically doing her tasks, clearly Angie would rather be anywhere then on this farm making food for a bunch of cowboys. Angie finished what she was doing, wiped her hands on her apron, then walked around to the other side of the table, and over to where Clint and Sergei were waiting. Irving looked over, clearly annoyed with Angie, who saw Irving's dirty look.

    "Can you mind your own f***'n business old man, I just wanna' introduce myself to the new guy," Angie yelled at Irving, who huffed and puffed briefly before returning to the grill.

    "Sorry about that partner, old balls there doesn't like it when a woman does anything other than cook or clean, Angie Winston, pleased to meet ya kid," Angie introduced herself, sticking her hand out towards Clint.

    "Clint Shaw, good to meet you as well miss," Clint replied, shaking her hand.

    "Those poke-balls on your belt, that mean you're one of them trainers? Lucky you getting to travel all over like you do," Angie asked.

    "I don't know if Clint's much of a trainer yet, there's room for improvement," Sergei interrupted, shooting a smirk at Clint.

    "Maybe one day I will be, I guess," Clint replied.

    "Well enjoy it while you can kid, I went on a trip of Hoenn when I was around your age, best time of my life. Spend as little time around these a-holes as neccesary," Angie said, stating her displeasure with life on the ranch.

    Irving was huffing and puffing in anger over on by the grill, taking the scraper and very aggressively cleaning the grill. Angie, Sergei and Clint stood off to the side, talking about the places Clint had been so far. Slateport where he caught up with his long lost Uncle, Dewford Town and Petalburg City with their gym challenges, and now arriving here in Littledale was the next chapter. It was all happening pretty fast, Clint hadn't even been here a fortnight yet, but Sergei was quick to remind Clint there was still a lot ahead of him on his path. Sure Clint had two badges but there was fourteen in total. There discussion was interrupted by Irving letting Clint and Sergei know that their food was ready. The two walked over, as Angie bid Clint adieu,

    "Good luck out there."

    "Thanks miss, pleasure to meet ya as well," Clint replied, tipping his hat at her.

    Clint walked up to the table, where Irving was less enthused about Clint and Sergei's presence then when they first showed up.

    "Kids these days, all you got crazy ideas," Irving muttered under his breath.

    Clint shrugged him off as he got his food, he wasn't really sure what he did to get the boss mad at him, hopefully it didn't effect Clint's bottom line. Clint had heard his fair share of grumblings about todays youth, but in most circumstances Clint's work spoke for itself. Guess it wasn't enough for the Winston's. Clint couldn't get a read on these people at all, one on hand they acted very rude towards outsiders, but at the same time they had a big lunch spread ready to go for everyone. Guess Angie was right, get your pay and skip town.

    Based on who was riding up the hill, Clint wished he could skip town now. Isaac and Sam Winston, the two cousins who Clint had met the night before and this morning, were coming up the hill for lunch. The two of them rode by Clint and Sergei, Sam spitting at Clint, the spit landing on Clint's boot. Good thing he had just finished eating, or else he wouldn't be able to continue. Sergei suggested to Clint that they should make their way back out into the field, but Clint couldn't help to stare down Sam, who for some reason didn't like or didn't trust Clint, most likely both.

    The two duos found themselves walking towards each other, with Clint and Sam exchanging eye contact as they did so. Sam went clearly out of his way as their paths crossed, slamming his shoulder into Clint's. Sam wasn't all that strong, and Clint barely got put off course. Clint scoffed at the attempt, but reacting to that move gave Clint a clue as to what Sam's issue was. Sam had Pokeballs of his own, so he must be a trainer who sees Clint showing up as competition of some kind.

    "You be careful out there, never know what could happen," Clint lectured Sam, as Clint walked towards his Mudsdale.

    "Why don't you f****** be careful," Sam responded.

    "Oh I will, don't you worry," Clint replied, as he mounted up and took off back into the fields.

    Looks like Clint had an inevitable showdown with this Sam Winston character in his future.

    Team & Inventory:



    ⟡ dig down, dig down ⟡
  • 12,521
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    AGE: 17 ⟡ HOME REGION: Johto
    DATE: Friday, October 2 ⟡ TIME: Afternoon
    LOCATION: Mauport

    Chapter 5 #1 - Making Nice

    Sunny is sulking.

    That's boring.

    But Marie has been baiting her for the better part of an hour, letting her relax and think nothing happened between herself and Edison and then riling her up with an "well, I suppose if you define…" or "then again…"

    It's been fun.

    But now, Sunny's no longer rising to it, and the topic must be changed as they take their first steps onto the bridge town, sea air slamming into their lungs. It reminds Marie of leaning over the rails of Olivine's lighthouse, trying to see Cianwood in the distance.

    "Now, there's no gym here, of course. We'll have to wait until Mauville to one-up each other." In that way, anyway. "You know, it was surprising to see you only had Benji's badge. Didn't you tell me you had at least two?"

    "I…" Sunny takes a moment to break from her sulk, clearly trying to remember her own words. "I don't think I actually said a number. So I technically didn't lie. Not my fault if you assumed I had more than one. I am pretty good at battling."

    "Then you should have more badges, shouldn't you? Brawly gives them out for learning a lesson; why don't you have his?"

    "Brawly was a hack, okay?" Sunny flares up again. "He had every advantage and he just quit right before the final blow, and he tried to act like I learned some powerful lesson or something, and I refuse to accept his pity badge!"

    Marie herself is certainly not going to fuss about not beating Brawly outright. She's skimmed the rankings. "So are you going to go fight him again? He is ranked as more powerful than Benji. However… I believe Merry was far lower, and you didn't defeat them, did you?"

    "Yeah, but… Merry cheated too! I didn't even have a full team yet, I had to get a fourth just to challenge him! And those uneven win conditions? That's called a stacked deck, which I'm pretty sure isn't legal!"

    "Them," Marie corrects. "It's a tough challenge, I'll give them that. But you could have used a Pokémon that went already, if you had less than four. They allow that. It's just a disadvantage to you, if your Pokémon is low on energy and they've seen it before.

    "And," she adds, smirking, "it's clearly possible to win, if so many people have decided that Merry is a beginning-level leader."

    Sunny falters a step, clearly taken aback by all this. "Hang on. What? Then he wa- uh, they- what? I thought they were a big challenge, and Eddie only won because he's skilled. They're a beginner Leader? ...do you have the badge?"

    Marie fishes her charm necklace out of her shirt, pushing the PokéBalls out of the way to show two badges. "The Dell Badge, right there."

    Sunny stops at the sight, looking back the way they'd come. She grabs at the lapel of her jacket, where her Badge is stored. "I need to go back. This can't stand! No way you're beating me!"

    "Have some sense, Sunny Dey. It's three day's walk and a canoe trip back."

    Sunny glares at her, looking like she's going to do it anyway just to spite Marie, until she crosses her arms with a pout and walks beside Marie again. "Yeah, that would take too long, I suppose. And you don't have to call me by my whole name all the time. You sound so… patriarchal when you do."

    Marie takes a moment to parse that sentence. "Patronizing?"

    "Yes, that. Whatever."

    "I don't mean to be patronizing in that regard. I just prefer full names. Yours is fun to say, and I know I don't know your real name. Sunny's just a nickname, right?"

    "Yeah, but no one calls me by my real name. Except my Ana back in Kinyo. Why?"

    "Not even Edison, hm?" Marie shrugs. "I don't know. I think I just like the way full names sound better. The only people I call nicknames are my brothers."

    "Brothers? I didn't know you had any siblings. Are they Trainers, or are they like you?"

    "Excuse-? I am a trainer, thank you very much. One with more badges than you, even." Marie huffs. "They're all younger than me. Only Alty knows what he's going to do with his life, and that's not Pokémon training. He's set to actually take over Dad's job, even though Mom still thinks I'm going to. Benny and Bitty said they're going to see how it goes for me, first, but I don't think they're paying much attention."

    Marie hasn't talked about her family in a long time. Why is she starting now?

    "You behave like an only child. Are you?"

    "As far as I know, yes." Sunny says flippantly, but gets serious again. "I moved in with Ana when I started at the Academy. My parents lived in a different town, and didn't really support my decision to be a Trainer. After the Kinyo League shut down… well, they didn't expect me to come to Hoenn. They thought I'd give up. So I have to get those Badges. To prove to them I have what it takes!" Sunny looks at the sky with determination, until a look of realization crosses her face as she looks at Marie. "Uh… I mean… forget I said anything?"

    "I won't." Marie assures wholeheartedly, and keeps her mouth firmly shut about all the comparisons she could make to her own mother, to her own goals, to her own methods. "Let's see how many tries it takes for us to get Mauville's, hm? Apparently it's very luck-based. I read that people often have to rematch several times."

    "I'm not leaving without it…" Sunny mutters. "What is with all these weird challenges? A luck-based badge? What's that supposed to prove? I already know I have good luck!"

    "Good luck, you say?" Marie jumps as a new voice laden with salesmanship enters the conversation- a woman with purple hair pulled into a short, spiky ponytail at the back of her head shoves her way between them and claps a hand on each of their shoulders. "Luck enough to win a grand prize, I hope! Right this way, entry number 510 and 511!"

    "What, what, what are we doing?" Marie's questions are left hanging and Sunny's protests ignored until they are firmly deposited under a canopy next to a building.

    "Welcome to Rydel's Cycles!" The woman announces, with a sweeping gesture encompassing the many models of bicycles before them. "Mauport is Hoenn's home of cycling, and we want to make sure visitors experience every aspect of our city the way we do! Just ₽1000 to rent a green visitor's bike, and when you drop it off at our other location on the north end, you'll be entered to win a custom-painted foldable bicycle for the rest of your travels!"

    "A bike?!" Sunny's demeanor shifts from angry confusion to childish excitement. "I've always wanted my own bike! Where do I sign?"

    A tablet is procured and the woman walks them through the rental agreements- don't break it, don't be mean to it, call a Rydel's location if it does break, don't get it stolen- and Marie thinks about biking through Goldenrod, and how she'd given it up as soon as she convinced her father she needed a scooter.

    She had been twelve.

    This may be difficult.

    As soon as their signatures are saved, the Rydel's attendant fits their bikes to their heights and offers a choice of helmets, which Marie declines. Her hair always feels itchy underneath them. Sunny, of course, chooses a red one, which has Rydel's name stamped on the side.

    And now they have bicycles.

    "So. Awesome!" Sunny grins at Marie. "I bet Eddie regrets going the 'scenic route' right about now."

    "Does he like cycling?" Marie asks. The bikes were cheap, and they had them for the flat rate as long as they were in Mauport, but that's still another ₽1000 out if her already-light wallet. She really will have to find a job, won't she?

    "Well, no. But these things are expensive! If we win, we get a bike for only ₽1000! They cost, like, a million back where we're from! It's kind of a steal."

    "It is pretty cool, but if Edison doesn't like cycling much, what would he even do with the prize?" It's interesting, to see Edison's problems with Sunny quite clearly laid out even when the guy himself isn't around. She doesn't think about what he wants at all, does she? At least Marie considers how others will feel about what she does. She just doesn't care very much.

    "Ugh, whatever! I'm just trying to gloat a little, jeez." Sunny hops on her bike, adjusting the seat to be more comfortable. "Let's go."

    It doesn't take long for them to get into the groove of leisurely cycling, though it's a little more difficult to carry on a true conversation. It mostly becomes pointing things out to each other, keeping an eye on other cyclists and pedestrians, and occasionally stopping for a break. The art covering the bridge and the performances at every turn keep them fascinated even when they've stopped to lean against the high rails of the side of the bridge.

    "I could spend a while here, I think," Marie says, even though what she's really staring wistfully at is a boba stand.

    Sunny hums in agreement, looking at her wallet. "Hey, Marie? We're friends, right?"

    Marie pauses, perhaps a fraction of a second too long. Are they? She tends to spend most of their time together mildly tormenting Sunny. But, she supposes she does that with her brothers, too. "Yes, I suppose we are," she decides. "Why?"

    "Well, I just thought we should find a place to stay the night, if we wanted to stay here a bit. And if we're friends, we could pool our resources and get something nice, you know, treat ourselves? It's what Eddie and I do."

    Marie grimaces. Sunny beat her to the punch, and apparently she wouldn't have even been helpful if she hadn't. "I'd love to, honestly, it's simply… well. I don't exactly have much to pool."

    Sunny groans as she puts her wallet away. "I don't either. And there's no Gym here or anything. How are we supposed to get money? Eddie just has it, where's he when I need him?"

    "Down there, I suppose." The girls peer over the edge, as if they could possibly see their friend in the late afternoon shadow cast by the bridge. "I've been working on and off, like trainers normally do. We'll have to do that."

    "You mean we have to actually find a job?" Sunny whines. "I was hoping to avoid this part, but fine. Let's see what there is in this town."

    featuring Groc as Sunny Dey

    Spoiler: Team
    Pokémon On Hand
    Tuie ⟡ Natu ⟡ Female ⟡ Magic Bounce ⟡
    Peck // Teleport // Stored Power // Cosmic Power // Ominous Wind // Confuse Ray

    Stunnie ⟡ Stunfisk ⟡ Male ⟡ Static ⟡
    Sucker Punch // Mud Shot // Thundershock // Discharge // Water Gun // Mud Sport // Charge

    Cutie ⟡ Alolan Exeggutor ⟡ Male ⟡ Frisk ⟡
    Bullet Seed // Hypnosis // Reflect // Leech Seed // Dragon Hammer // Barrage

    Pokie ⟡ Slowpoke ⟡ Male ⟡ Own Tempo ⟡
    Disable // Confusion // Yawn // Water Pulse // Growl // Curse
    Spoiler: Inventory
    Trainers' License [Johto and Hoenn] ⟡
    $3,000 ⟡
    Knuckle Badge ⟡
    Dell Badge ⟡
    TM Magical Leaf ⟡
    Empty PokéBalls x 3 ⟡
    5x Chesto Berries ⟡
    2x Fluffy Tail ⟡

    Sunscreen ⟡
    Berry-Print Bikini ⟡
    Beach Towel ⟡
    Oversized Sunglasses ⟡
    Large But Lightweight Backpack ⟡
    Rechargeable Battery + Charging Port Housing ⟡
    Lidded Pot, Dishes, Chopsticks, Spoon ⟡
    Camp Stove ⟡
    Soap, Washcloth, Towel ⟡
    Spoiler: Contacts
    Dad ⟡
    Mom ⟡
    Brothers #1, #2, and #3 ⟡
    Brawly ⟡
    Brendan ⟡
    Edison ⟡
    Natsuko (via insta) ⟡
    Sunny (via twitter) ⟡
    Van ⟡
    Wally ⟡

  • 302
    Junko "June" Enomoto
    Friday, October 2nd
    Slateport City
    Slateport is a lot more mundane the second time around. Everything constructed in the past two years blends into the background, and while it still is an exciting city to visit with much to do, the rose tint is starting to fade away. Initially she was just going to have a quick chat with Mr. Yamaguchi after delivering his stolen item, but she found out something that'll make this visit more than a simple side-quest.

    During June and Avril's downtime along the final stretch of Route 103 a Pidove had flown by to deliver items to the both of them, an Absorb Bulb and fishing bait respectively. It was also during that time her research led her to discover a gym located in the vibrant city, and since she needed to stop by Slateport anyways she might as well kill two Wingulls with one stone. The gym is closer to her than the International Market, so her current plan is to book an appointment there before delivering the Master Ball back to its rightful owner. Just one thing….

    "Um, Avril," June speaks up a bit timidly. "I have some errands I need to run, and I thought it might be quicker if I do those on my own, i-if that's okay with you anyways! Not to say I don't want to spend time around you, it's just- It's complicated is all."

    "O-oh… I actually have some stuff to deal with as well, so that checks out!" Avril nods. "We can meet up later, that's fine!" She adds with a slightly nervous smile.

    "That's good to know." What a relief. As much as she genuinely likes and appreciates Avril, it'll be nice to have some space to breathe- something June has sorely lacked these past few days. "It shouldn't take me too long, maybe an hour or so. Do you think we could meet at the Pokemon Center afterwards?"

    "Good idea, yes." The blonde girl waves, Poppy doing the same from on top of her head. She hesitates for a few seconds, but she's soon on her way, her phone already in her hand. "Goodbye June!"

    "Goodbye Avril- and if you have a sudden change of plans let me know this time!"

    She looks back again, but doesn't seem to have heard that. June's first instinct is to worry, but she trusts Avril won't make such a catastrophic decision a second time in a row.

    "Well, looks like it's just us Einstein." She says to her Pokemon who nods in response. Come to think of it, when did he start doing that? Did he take after June? She wasn't able to notice when she was so preoccupied with making it out of Route 103 while also keeping Avril company.

    On her stroll over to the gym, she starts to realize that it's been so long since it was just her and her Pokemon. Well, it hasn't actually been long, it's only been a few days, but with how much has been going on it's felt more like months. That makes it clear how much she needed this time to herself, where she can get stuff out of the way while taking in the beauty Slateport has to offer. She probably wouldn't be doing that had Avril tagged along, and instead would have been concerned with how she'd feel about June booking a gym battle…

    Yeah, she's glad they split up. She holds no ill will toward the girl, she really doesn't, but Marie's warning is starting to make more and more sense.

    Of all the gym's June's seen so far, the Slateport City Gym is by far the most modernized of the bunch, being the only one she could reasonably assume was at most built within the past few decades. When heading inside her plan is to book a time-slot ahead of time regardless of if the gym leader is available to battle right-away or not, and that turns out to be the right call as the gym trainer who greets her lets her immediately know walk-ins aren't an option at the moment.

    "Sorry to say that, but Benji gets off most days at noon." The gym trainer shakes his head. He's a few inches shorter than June, has long blonde hair parted at the side, and covers his pale body in a royal blue tracksuit.

    "Oh, well that's not an issue. I was planning on scheduling a time for tomorrow, if that's alright?"

    "Gotcha, gotcha." The gym trainer nods while handing a clipboard and pen over to June. "Fortunately for you, we have a few time-slots open for tomorrow. Just sign your name and preferred time here."

    June puts some effort into making her signature as neat as possible, but tries not to stress it too much. Upon handing it back to the gym trainer, he glances at the sheet before suddenly widening his eyes.

    "Umm, is there an issue with anything?" June asks with concern in her voice. Did she write her name too fast and sloppy? That can't make a good impression.

    "Nono, it's not like that, it's just- the kanji used in your name is very similar to someone I knew. And…" The man squints at June and scratches his chin. "Well, now that I think about it, you kind of look like him as well… hey kid, by any chance are you related to Junichi Enomoto?"

    "Oh… well yes, he's my father." She gives a single nod.

    "Holy shit, Jun had kids!?" His cackling echoes through the room, nearly startling June. "I never would have thought one of his little flings would have lasted, but I stand corrected! What's your old man up to these days?"

    Old man? It's a tad confusing to June since her dad isn't even forty yet, but for the sake of keeping the flow of the conversation, she doesn't ask. "Well, he's been employed as a teacher at a trainer's school in Goldenrod, which is also where we've been living for as long as I can remember. Um, if you don't mind me asking, how exactly do you know my dad?"

    "We were good pals back in the day, we both journeyed through Hoenn around the same time. We battled against each other a number of times, and those were a lot of fun. Man, those were the days…" The man gives a comforted sigh as he reminisces of his younger years. "But that's in the past. Today I work here at the gym, hoping to pass some knowledge onto young trainers. My name's Jack by the way, Jack Fukui. It's a real pleasure to meet ya, Junko!" Jack extends his arm to offer a handshake.

    "Y-yes, it's nice to meet you as well." June looks at his hand with a bit of hesitation before accepting. "Although I should inform you that I prefer to be called June."

    "June, Jun… wow, like father like daughter I guess!" Jack snickers. "But yeah, all I need to do now is enter you into the system. Good luck with your match tomorrow, you'll need it against Benji!"

    "Thank you. But I have some other tasks to attend to, so I'll be on my way." June bows. "Farewell for now."

    "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow June!" Jack gives a brief swipe of his palm as a way of waving. "Oh, one more thing- next time you speak with your old man, just let him know ol' Frosty said hello!"

    "I'll definitely be sure to." June says right before she walks out of the sliding doors of the gym. She'll try keeping that in mind, but first she'll have to take care of something more important to her.

    🐞 June's Party 🐞
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    🌼ft. Avril Reese (Eleanor)🌼



    Princess Era 🎀
  • 6,564
    • Age 24
    • she/her
    • Italy
    • Seen May 30, 2024


    18 - - Castelia City

    Pokémon / Inventory:
    ⚡ Rei (Tynamo), ♂
    Spark, Charge Beam, Tackle, Thunder Wave
    ⚡ Hoshi (Staryu)
    Psywave, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Camouflage, Confuse Ray, Harden
    ⚡ Aruku (Clobbopus), ♀
    Rock Smash, Leer, Feint, Detect, Bind, Brick Break
    ⚡ Tsuga (Treecko), ♀
    Mega Drain, Pursuit, Pound, Quick Attack, Quick Guard, Detect

    🥊 - 🧱

    Friday, October 2nd - morning and evening - Slateport
    The more I stay in this hospital, the more I regress into Nathan.

    The blog is not going well, if that's not obvious. I'm running out of topics to talk about, I'm running out of pictures to show, I'm running out of comments to read. Knowing that the mighty algorithm prefers consistency over quality, I went ahead and published some content about my health, or about the few things I still got to do in Slateport this last week, but as expected… only a small number of people cared. Most of my followers just dismissed me with a half-hearted "get well soon" message and didn't even see the post I made about my victory over Benji - which honestly felt like the last arrow in my quiver.

    That feeling spilled over, from my XT into myself, and I became lazier, indifferent- no actually, I went back a few years, to that moment in life where I had plans for some kind of future but a hazy present that wouldn't connect with it regardless. To sum it up, I wanted out of the hospital, and I still do. All I can think about is the things I can do once I get out, not the ones I can do now.

    My sulking has been made just a bit better by the messages of one girl I've met over the internet. During my time in bed, I was able to not only read her messages but also have some proper conversations- they never lasted that long, but I was able to learn a bit more about Pokémon training that way… because yes, it turns out she's a trainer too, and a fairly accomplished one at that. I admire trainers a lot, I have to say, and I love how exciting their life always seems to be. Then again… purple hair, great fashion style, lovely smile, sporty… what's not to like?

    Of course, most of the advice I got was about being creative with my Pokémon and their moves (honestly, I couldn't expect anything different from that girl). Thinking about it, that sounds like… something my Pokémon can't always figure out on their own, something they need me for. Which is interesting because, by looking at them while battling Benji, the feeling I got was that they could take care of him by themselves.

    But another piece of advice was to enjoy my journey together with other trainers. Look at how they do things. Help each other out and work as a team if needed. Looking at how that went the last time I tried to do that, I'm fairly torn: if it wasn't for Avril I would still be in that Dewford Cave, and that's an easy point for staying together. But there's some special kind of freedom you can enjoy when you're by yourself, or at least when all of your friends are behind a screen.

    Oh right. As I was saying, I hate it here. But it turns out, I'm leaving soon, because on Friday morning, the doctors have scheduled to remove the stitching. They say it would be better for me to stay until Saturday, so that they can check on me and make sure I have recovered, but I'm already considering the option of leaving before then. For my sanity.

    The question would be, where do I go after that? Dewford sounds nice but I've already been there, and the only thing that makes it interesting is the possibility of reaching Petalburg via boat. But I could also go north, towards Mauville… I am, obviously, not very keen on reaching Oldale or Littleroot since they don't seem to be easy to reach unless you spend some days camping.

    Who am I kidding, of course it's Mauville. M A U V I L L E. The city itself is stunning and unique, there is literally so much to do, there's a gym, and there's even a tournament, or so I heard. Not only is it the easiest place to reach- I could literally take a bus and I'd be there- but it's also the most interesting to blog about. I am totally sold.


    Avril is amusing. I'm interested to see where this goes.

    "So you're saying that Mawile is no longer with you? What if I want to give her the stone personally?"

    "I… don't know, but can't you just get this over with, Hikaru?"

    "I mean, are you even sure you'd be able to put the stone to good use?" I try to sound serious. "It can net us so much money if we find a good seller. And money is definitely easier to use."

    "Look, I just made this promise to Mawile and she seems to have taken…"

    "Oh, so you don't need the stone then?"

    "I was saying she's taken it quite seriously!"

    "But if she isn't here…"

    I'm not really good at this. On the outside, I'm trying to keep calm and in control, but on the inside, I'm a sweating mess. Avril doesn't seem to be doing any better though, or rather, she seems to not care about how she appears anymore. Poor girl is getting more red and more anxious by the minute.

    "...and just so you know, selling that stone is not the best way to make money anyways!"

    What is that answer? I raise an eyebrow towards the blonde girl. "Have you like, ever worked in your life?"

    "You bet, I probably got more money last week than the stone is worth!"

    "Wow… and what have you done to earn that money?"

    "Well, just be useful? I helped out with a farm and then worked as a waitress…"

    "Oh really? How did you find the time to be a trainer then?"

    She flinches. Looks like I asked a difficult question. "Well, Hikaru… don't you know I'm not that good anyways? I'm not that invested in being a trainer anyways, I'm taking things slow."

    I am starting to believe it actually. Not traveling alongside her Mawile, who is likely much stronger than the little slip of a thing on her head. Spending so much time working (which is kind of what I escaped from by coming here). Downplaying herself too for good measure.

    "So you don't need the stone."

    "Dammit Hikaru, why are you like this…" She hisses. Then all I hear is Poppy's confused chirping mixing in with the background noise of the Pokémon Center lobby.. Then she speaks up again. "Ok, that's it, if you're not giving me the stone, I'm keeping my part of the reward. And, I'll go find a new one eventually."

    "Avril… please."

    "Don't talk to me!"

    "You would never."

    Just in time. She was about to walk away as I say that and lock her into place. My chance to keep talking.

    "I'll be more than happy to give it back, no need to make such a scene. I'd just love to see your Mega Mawile in action when she's back, and see what you're capable of!" I say excitedly, hoping this will make her stay a bit longer. Slowly, I grab the stone from my backpack and hold it in my hand. "Will that happen anytime soon, Avril?"

    "Uhh… actually, like I said, I'm taking things more slowly, and…"

    "Time's up Avril!"

    "No, you can't…" She reaches for my hand, scratching it as she tries to pry it open. I wince in pain, but I manage not to give her the Mawilite. "Listen up, I have a better idea."

    "Oh goodness, what is it?"

    "I just got out of the hospital and I want to resume my journey. Of course I'm not in top shape and a fellow trainer to travel with would be great. I don't really know many people other than you, so will you travel with me to Mauville?"

    "What!? Please, I haven't even settled here or decided where to go next-"

    "I. Have. Your. Stone."

    "I know and I hate it…"

    "I'll give it to you if you prove to me you're a good trainer, easy as that. And this time I promise you that, Avril. In the meantime, you'd better follow the stone wherever it goes…"

    I think it's working because Avril is actually thinking about it. She's not given up on being a trainer yet, and maybe the fact I gave her a clear condition has also made her reconsider her plan to go back in the caves by herself to find a second Mawilite. Furthermore, if she ends up saying yes, all of the things I wanted to happen will, in fact, happen: I'll finally get to reach Mauville and have a partner trainer to help me with stuff.

    "You're not giving me much choice again…" She hisses. To that, I shrug - but also smile at the same time, and it's a genuine one.

    "You did say something about taking things slow, right Avril?" I say as I take some deep breaths and try to calm down. "In my experience, that never works. Might as well think of this as my way of helping you back."

    She nods, then reaches for the Pokémon Center counter. I'm guessing she needs to pick up her Pokémon, or cancel a room reservation. Whatever it is, I wait for her in my usual seat in the lobby, occasionally reading messages on my phone, hoping she's going to walk back to where I am once she's done.

    That's just what happens.

    "If you're all ready…" I look towards her. She's wearing outdoorsy clothes, a tee and shorts to be precise. She has her fruit print bandana on her head, and looks a fair bit tired as she drags her rolling bag. A sigh escapes her mouth as she stops in front of me, but I don't let that distract me.

    "If you're all ready, then let's hit the road! Pedal to the metal, we're going to Mauville!"

    Avril, 2/10, 5:25 p.m.
    Hello June :'c
    I'm sorry but I can't meet you at the PokéCenter because… hard to explain. Had another problem and now I'm going towards Mauville already because of some other trainer who's making me come with them -_-
    See you there, I guess… I'll keep you updated in the meantime though!

    Last edited:
  • 302
    Junko "June" Enomoto
    Friday, October 2nd
    Slateport City
    It's a busy day for the Slateport International Market, so much so it actually takes more time than it should for June to find who she's looking for with all the crowds obscuring the view. Einstein lends a metaphorical hand luckily, using his radar he scans the area for the old man he met two weeks ago. He beeps at his trainer once he picks up on his location to get her attention and leads her to him. After a bit of scurrying, she spots Mr. Yamaguchi in his booth, happily selling unique Pokeballs to customers that come and go.

    "Mr. Yamaguchi!" She cries as she makes her way over. "It's good to see you again!"

    "Eh- oh, ahoy there June! Glad it wasn't as long as the last time!" He guffaws.

    June gives a little giggle of her own. "Fortunately that isn't the case."

    "But even though it's only been about two weeks, I can see you've still grown a lot." Mr. Yamaguchi fixates on Einstein. "And not just you apparently! Within that much time he's grown into an Orbeetle already!"

    June nods. "Since then I've named him Einstein. He's not the only Pokemon I have either." June pulls out her phone, showing Yamaguchi pictures she's taken of her team. "I caught these four while traveling!"

    "Einstein, eh? That's quite the clever name. And it looks like your Pokemon are all bugs, can't say I'm surprised, heh. But I'm impressed! I'm proud of how far you've come!"

    "Thank you! But I can't forget why I came here," June digs through her purse for a bit until she pulls out the same Master Ball Yamaguchi had stolen from him. "Here you are! It's a shame it had to be taken from your possession in the first place, but I'm glad I was able to get it back for you!"

    "Why thank you very much!" Yamaguchi's eyes sparkle at the sight of his treasure, and he accepts with a grin. "Must have been a hassle getting it back from that troubled young man."

    "It… wasn't actually, surprisingly. I met him again in Petalburg, and after battling him he practically handed it over. Honestly I suspected it would have been more of a journey getting it back."

    "Well that's good that things went easier than expected. You were in Petalburg though, eh? Who is it that runs the ol' conservatory now that Sachiko's passed? I think I knew at some point but I can't remember for the life of me…"

    "My uncle Tetsuo." She states.

    "Right, Tetsuo!... wait, Tetsuo?" Yamaguchi shoots up his bushy eyebrows. "Really? He doesn't seem like the type who'd be interested in running such a place."

    "Honestly, you aren't wrong… he's only really doing so out of obligation. All my other aunts and uncles either have families to take care of or have moved too far away, so Tetsuo was the only option."

    "I see. Well, how's he running the place?"

    "He could be better at it…" June's pupils slowly drift off while clenching her teeth together and inhaling sharply. "He's doing decently enough that the conservatory can still function, but well… clearly his interests are elsewhere. When he inherited it he opened it to the public, charging a fee for visitors and the rest of the family has been very displeased with that, some going as far as to discommunicate with him."

    "Yes, I see..." He repeatedly nods, crossing his arms. "I can understand why they might be upset with that, it must be frustrating to see Sachiko's legacy monetized like that. But as I've said with the troubled young man, everyone needs to eat, and I could hardly fault him for doing so- especially since I've done much worse to survive."

    "Yes, I suppose so." The last thing said by Mr. Yamaguchi reminds June of the other reason she wanted to see him again. It's not an easy thing to bring up, especially given how Akira reacted, but she feels a need to discuss it anyways. She takes a deep breath before she has the courage to say anything.

    "Sorry to change the subject, but, um, well- I, um-"

    "Hm? What is it dear?"

    "I… Is it true that grandma was a gym leader when she was younger? It might be a silly question considering I've seen photos of her from back then, but even seeing that it's still been so hard to take in."

    Mr. Yamaguchi goes dead silent, and his smile deflates into something more askew while his eyes nearly pop out of his head. The question clearly left him in shock, and June can't help but be concerned. "I-I'm terribly sorry! Perhaps I shouldn't have asked..."

    "Oh, I'm fine, no need to worry about me. It's just… well it was only a matter of time you found out. She wanted to keep that secret to the grave, but I knew it'd get out sooner or later. Hell, Tetsuo asked me not too long ago if I was in one of those ol' photos."

    "It was something I definitely wasn't supposed to look at. I feel awful that her dying wish was betrayed... but ultimately it's necessary for me to know. You see, I want to show everyone that bug Pokemon aren't what they think, I want everyone to witness what makes them so incredible! That's why I want to enter the Hall of Fame. Knowing grandma's failures benefits me in that I can pinpoint where she failed and improve upon them."

    "I see..." Yamaguchi strokes his chin, taking his time contemplating what to say in response, eventually coming up with "That's definitely admirable. But it's important to keep in mind it's easier said than done."

    "I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but I'll do my best regardless!"

    The old man takes a deep breath. "I don't just mean you'll face hard foes, although that's certainly a factor. There's a reason Sachiko resorted to the measures she took, and that's because such a path has pitfalls that can be hard to not fall into."

    "Yes, but… I-I'm certain I can avoid that! I've had tough trials I've faced before, and I have three badges to prove that! I know it'll only get harder from here, but if I've accomplished that it can't be that out of reach!"

    Yamaguchi goes dead silent again, and his demeanor completely changes, appearing more grim and serious. "I know you mean well June, but battling isn't something to take lightly. Three badges is impressive, but gym leaders use only a fraction of their skills. At higher levels though things can get brutal. I don't mean to discourage you, but rather warn you- having been one of Sachiko's gym trainers back in the day, I know full well of it. If this isn't enough to convince you though I can demonstrate just how harsh battles can get later today."

    June widens her eyes, taken aback by Yamaguchi's tone. She always knew him as a kind old man, but for once in her life she finds him intimidating. The rational part of her brain wants to turn down the opportunity, but at the same time the aurora emitting from his glare poses a challenge to another side of her. She'll probably regret this, but...

    "I accept!" June declares.

    "Very well then. Meet me at the northern battlefields at 8 pm?"

    "Yes, I should be able to!"

    "I look forward to it." Yamaguchi grins, returning to his usual calmer and friendlier self. "But in the meantime, I almost forgot- you must be running low on Net Balls, correct?"

    "Oh? Um-" June flounders as she tries to match his tone. "Hmm, I believe I only have one left, so yes... I am in need of more."

    "Perfect! As a reward for returning my Master Ball back to me, I'll give you a discount: ten Net Balls for half off, so a total of 40,000 pokedollars! How does that sound?"

    "Oh no, I-" She wants to decline, but remembering what the old man said two weeks ago... "Yes, that's just swell! Thank you so much Mr. Yamaguchi!"

    "No need to thank me, you're the one who did a good deed!"

    After the exchange is made, June says her farewells and heads back to the Pokemon Center to regroup with Avril as Mr. Yamaguchi's offer sits in the back of her head. The way he did a one-eighty like that was so jarring, and now that she's completely come down from that headspace, she questions if she was in over her head…

    It's not worth stressing over. When she gets back to the Center, she can regroup with Avril and spend some time with her again. Now that they've spent some time apart, it'll be nice and relaxing to see her again.

    🐞 June's Party 🐞
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
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  • 1,660
    Edison Kintobor
    Friday, October 2nd; afternoon
    Route 110

    Leaving behind his traveling companions, Ed heads to the Ranger check-in station before he can be drawn into further conversation or antics. He is greeted by the Ranger on duty, a no-nonsense woman with short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

    "Greetings, citizen. I am Ranger Lake, and I will be in charge of your Poké Balls today."

    Ed pauses, confused at her abruptness. "I'm sorry, what?"

    "Apology accepted." Ranger Lake nods. "If you are unfamiliar with the rules of this road, allow me to inform you. Due to the protected nature of this route, you will only be allowed two of your Pokémon to accompany you, and they are to remain outside of their Poké Balls. Those Balls, along with all of your others, empty or not, will remain with me, and will be returned to you when you leave, or transferred to the northern gate when you arrive there. Catching Pokémon is strictly prohibited, and the use of Poké Balls has been shown to upset some of the Pokémon here. For your safety and theirs, we also prohibit use of the SCAN function here."

    "That won't be an issue..." Ed mutters bitterly to himself, but apparently the Ranger still heard him.

    "Excellent. I'm glad we could reach an understanding. Please choose which Pokémon will accompany you. Take your time, I understand it can be a difficult choice."

    Ed steps back from the counter, triggering all four Poké Balls with a practiced flourish. His team emerges, Addie immediately rushing up and hugging his leg, Gremlin looking around the area curiously, and Aster and Neo both waiting patiently.

    Instantly, Ed knows he'll be taking Addie with him. The only question is who to take as well. Gremlin is rather fond of the child, but she's also an incorrigible prankster and he'd be leaving behind his only way to restrain her, her ball. Aster already helped train Sunny on the previous route, so perhaps Neo would enjoy some time with Ed?

    He returns Gremlin and Aster, handing them and his empty Balls to Ranger Lake as she inputs his information. She inspects his choices carefully, a slight raise of the eyebrow her only sign of concern.

    "Munchlax are notoriously big eaters. Are you confident you'll be able to keep him happy and nourished while you're here?"

    "Quite confident. I've researched his dietary needs extensively, consulted with my Professor, and experimented with various food sources and snacks. I dare say he'll be better fed than I am." Ed doesn't mention that he forgot to bring adequate food for himself, but he did actually pack enough for Addie.

    Lake smiles at that, which makes her look much more friendly. "Then I approve your choices. Enjoy your visit, and don't hesitate to call for aid if the need arises."

    Ed simply nods. "Right. Thank you, Ranger." He turns to his team, Neo hovering nearby and Addie... playing with a discarded drinking straw? "Addie, where did you find that?"

    "Oh!" Ranger Lake averts her eyes, mortified. "I'm afraid that's mine. You see, I was drinking a boxed juice before you arrived, and in my haste to dispose of it I missed the trash bin. I regret to say that this lovely route, of which I am caretaker, is littered with such lost or carelessly discarded detritus."

    "Hmm." Ed takes the straw from Addie, taking it to the bin and properly disposing it and the nearby box, which Addie had already drained of any missed juice. "Addie is adept at finding such items. If we find any others, we'll make sure they reach the bins."

    Lake shakes her head. "Unfortunately, there are no such bins on the road itself. But, if you are willing, we offer canvas bags for the collection of said debris to be returned at either gate. If you're willing, we would be appreciative of your efforts to clean up." She places one such bag on the counter, along with a modified walking stick with a retractable grabbing implement.

    Addie coos at the stick, impressed by it. Ed smiles at him, certain that he'll just blindly pick things up anyway. "Thank you, I appreciate it. Always happy to help."

    "And I appreciate it, Mr. Kintobor. Enjoy your visit, and stay safe."

    Ed settles the bag across his shoulder, evening it out with his own satchel bag. He waves once to the Ranger as he departs, Addie waddling happily beside him and Neo buzzing in thought, as the three of them enter a new area together just as they had when they first departed Kinyo and arrived in Slateport.

    It's been a while since he's walked with his Pokémon like this. The land bridge is peaceful at this time of day, with the bridge overhead casting long shadows as the sun creeps toward dusk, the wind blowing through the long grass, and the faint lapping of waves against the shore providing consistent white noise.

    As he walks along the path, he keeps an eye on Addie, who frequently rushes toward some interesting thing, even if it usually just turns out to be a rock or stick. Sometimes it's trash, and Ed uses his new tool to grab it and put it in the designated bag. As Addie hands him one such item, a paper cup, Ed stops as he hears something. A sourceless noise, like someone whispering in his head.

    Ed slowly looks around, Addie and Neo both looking at him with confusion. "Do you hear that?" The sound seems louder as he looks east, so he starts moving that way. Addie shakes his head, his perpetual smile faltering. Ed pats his head to reassure him. "N.D., use a low-frequency pulse, see if you can detect anything."

    Neo does so, buzzing a negatory. Ed strokes his chin in thought, taking a moment to retrieve his Holotch from his bag. He'd barely looked at it since arriving in Oldale, but maybe he could make use of it here. The SCAN might not be allowed, but by combining it with Neo's Supersonic, he might be able to use it as a dowsing machine.

    After hooking Neo up to it, he follows the whispers toward the water, detecting faint radio waves coming from that direction, growing stronger as he gets closer. When he reaches the water's edge, even Neo seems to notice the sound, though Addie is distracted by a nearby bush, most likely looking for berries. Ed cautiously prods the water with his tool, taking off his bags and leaving them on the shore as he wades in. When the water reaches his waist, he stops, as the signal is starting to grow weaker.

    Backtracking a bit, he searches around the water for the source, thinking it must be a discarded electronic device of some sort. Instead, the only thing he finds is a piece of dark purple fabric, which looks to be torn from a scarf or shroud of some kind. His Holotch confirms that the cloth gives off very faint radio waves, and it almost sounds like whispers.

    "How bizarre..." He mutters, wading back to shore. Rather than put it in the trash bag, he tucks one corner into his satchel, letting it hang loose to dry. "I'll have to look into this later."

    Addie waddles up to him, proudly holding up a small case. Ed smiles as he takes it from Addie. "What's this then? A disk of some kind?" Inside, he finds a data disk for a TM reader. It's an older model, commonly referred to as a TR, which erases itself after use. It contains the data for Waterfall, a powerful Water technique. "Where did you find this?"

    Addie points to the bushes, and Ed glances up at the bridge overhead. Someone must have been quite careless to drop this over the edge.

    He shivers slightly as a light breeze blows. The bridge blocks out a good deal of light, and after wading into the water, it's colder than he's comfortable with. They haven't been walking very far, but now might be a good time to find a place to camp.

    They move away from the water, back under the shadow of the bridge. Ed keeps walking until he finds an area free of the long grass, and flat enough that he can set up the tent without needing to clear the area. He sets up his tent first, changing out of his wet clothes as the sun starts to set. He leaves them and the strange scarf to dry as he gives Addie some food.

    Unfortunately for him, he hadn't thought to get food for himself. Sunny and Marie had both had food back on 103, but all Ed has is Pokémon food and some water, and a small amount of leftover trail mix.

    "We'll have to look for food tomorrow." Addie grins at the thought, snuggling up beside him. Neo lowers themself to the ground, resting by the door of the tent. Ed makes a quick meal of trail mix and water, ushering Addie into the tent when he's done. "For now, we should get some sleep. We'll get up early tomorrow and go explore."

    Something catches his eye before he enters the tent himself. Catching the last rays of the setting sun, a faint glint stands out amongst some rocks. He glances at Addie and Neo, then decides not to bother them. He heads toward the object, finding a small gemstone tucked between the rocks. Even without direct sunlight, it glows slightly, like a star in the night sky, although it slowly fades as he holds it. It reminds him of an old glow-in-the-dark toy he had as a child: shine light on it, and it glows. It's oddly nostalgic, and oddly comforting. He takes it back to his tent with him, where Addie has already sprawled himself across the sleeping bag.

    Ed chuckles, zipping the tent shut behind him. Moving Addie takes a bit of effort, due to his weight, and once Ed has made enough room for himself, he finds it easy to fall asleep between his companions at his side, the faint glow of the gem, and the subtle sounds occasionally coming from the cloth outside.

    Item get!
    Ed found one (1) Reaper Cloth!
    Ed found one (1) Waterfall TR!
    Ed found one (1) Star Piece!​
  • 302
    Junko "June" Enomoto
    Friday, October 2nd
    Slateport City
    Avril, 2/10, 5:25 p.m.
    Hello June :'c
    I'm sorry but I can't meet you at the PokéCenter because… hard to explain. Had another problem and now I'm going towards Mauville already because of some other trainer who's making me come with them -_-
    See you there, I guess… I'll keep you updated in the meantime though!

    June, 2/10, 5:28 p.m.
    Oh goodness O_O I hope everything goes well! Good luck with that! ^^
    I'll be fine on my own, so no need to worry about me, although I'll miss you. I'm glad you let me know beforehand at least. Don't hesitate to call or text me if you need me for anything. ^^
    I'll be staying here for the night to challenge the gym tomorrow morning, and after that I'll be heading up to Mauville as well. Hopefully I can see you then! <3

    Avril leaving so suddenly is unfortunate, but it feels like a weight was lifted off her shoulders? June feels awful for thinking that, but having to appease someone else at all times is tiring, no matter how much she may like the other girl. Still though, it is disheartening she couldn't spend the afternoon with Avril, and the fact she lacks backup plans doesn't make things much better.

    Wanting to occupy herself with something before meeting with Mr. Yamaguchi, she stopped by a local soup shop for dinner, where a sociable old lady served her some absolutely delectable soba. Afterwards, she took up another last minute job at the Slateport library, where she was paid 5,000 pokedollars. Her shift was supposed to end at 8 pm, but when telling the manager her situation, they agreed to let her off a half hour earlier so she could meet the old man on time without taking it out of her pay.

    "Mr. Yamaguchi!" June shouts as she jogs towards the old man, waving at him. "I hope I haven't been keeping you long!"

    "Hello there June." He somberly greets, two Pokeballs in-hand. "It's always a pleasure to see you, but I think we should cut to the chase, shall we?"

    June nods. "Very well then." Yamaguchi chucks one of his two Pokeballs out to the field, revealing a Masquerain. According to the weakness listed on its Pokedex page, Sting would be the best match-up type-wise, but June has a different idea.

    "Kit, come on out please!" Normally in battle, using a pre-evoled Pokemon against its evolved form would be suicide, but since Surskit and Masquerain are two drastically different Pokemon it might not be so clear-cut.

    Mr. Yamaguchi squints. "June, you're taking this seriously, aren't you?" June nods. "Then why are you using a Surskit of all Pokemon in your possession? You've shown me the others and I've seen you have a Beautifly. Why didn't you send him out?"

    "Kit has some techniques that I thought might be useful." June stands her ground.

    "I see." Yamaguchi strokes his chin. "You don't need to explain any more to me. Now then, let's begin- I'll be kind and let you make the first move."


    When June calls for Kit to start out like she normally does, she's initially unresponsive, trembling at the pattern on Masquerain's wings that resemble eyes filled with wrath, but by mustering up some courage she's able to pull through, using Water Sport to create shallow puddles of water around her so she can speedily maneuver around the field. When she has that up and running, a barrage of Bubbles are aimed at Masquerain.

    It's not at all hard for Masquerain to dodge though, and one after the other, she successfully evades each and every bubble that comes her way, no matter how fast. Kit picks up the pace by increasing the output, but Masquerain barely has to put in any more effort to avoid them. When Kit starts to exhaust herself from the attack, Masquerain flies up into the air so it can't be reached and vibrates its wings to make a painfully grating sound, literally, as it creates visible sound waves that hit and send Kit skidding back, almost knocking into June. She skates forward a bit, but Masquerain hardly flaps her wings forward to create harsh gusts of sharp air that scratches Kit, causing her to collapse to the ground.

    June almost calls out to her, but Kit gets up again and skates around her pond, using Agility to increase her speed while circling the flying bug, kicking up her speed until she's barely visible all while sprinkling water sport to try and dampen Masquerain's wings, but despite her efforts it's nothing it can't mimic. Masquerain floats left and right a few times until a dozen or so more Masquerain appear- it turns out to just be Double Team, but it still makes it more difficult for Kit to land a hit. Whenever one copy is destroyed, another one appears immediately in its place, and soon enough it starts to move so quickly that even the copies are hard to hit. Masquerain and its copies circle around Kit, following her as she tries to slide away.

    Drops of syrup secrete from Kit's antenna which is then hurled around to create a whirlwind made of a saccharine scent. Using Sweet Scent, she actually starts reducing the amount of copies until one remains. Seeing one remains gives June a glimpse of hope, that she can turn the tides of the battle!

    ...until Masquerain shoots a stream of scalding hot pressurized water directly at Kit, burning her so harshly that she still feels it even after the attack ends. The burn causes her to writhe, and Masquerain takes her out with a finishing Air Slash that leaves multiple scratches and cuts across her body.

    "Oh no, Kit!" June gasps, returning Kit to her Pokeball. "I'm so sorry, I should have been more cautious…"

    "Not bad June." Yamaguchi compliments while also returning his Pokemon. "I can see why you chose your Surskit. It's good you know how to strategize. Now," He holds up his second Pokeball. "Do you want to continue? At your level that must have been exhausting, so don't feel pressured to keep going."

    June shakes her head. That last round only has her further engaged, and she readies herself for the next one.

    "If you say so." Yamaguchi then tosses his next Pokeball, and what materializes has June's mouth agape. She stands in shock and awe as a bipedal Pokemon around Heracross' height sits across the field from her, its body layered with gray or blue plates and its eyes poke out from the side of its head.

    "An Armaldo!? But I thought they were extinct!?"

    "Indeed they are. I've just been around that long." Yamaguchi guffaws. "I kid of course. Science and technology has advanced to a point where DNA from Pokemon fossils can be used to revive long extinct species, although it's usually just used to research them. Don't expect to see them in the wild, they'd destroy the ecosystem." Yamaguchi clears his throat. "With that out of the way then, go ahead and send out your next Pokemon.

    "Fascinating! I've always wanted to see an Armaldo in person! I read that-" June stops herself. Now's not the time to fawn over bugs. She takes a few deep breaths to get herself back into her battling mindset and then sends out Heracross, who comes out with a booming battlecry.

    "After our last round it's a bit of a straight-forward pick, but still a smart idea." Yamaguchi remarks. "Just like last time, I'll let you make the first move."

    Heracross doesn't even wait for June to make the command, taking Yamaguchi's signal as a cue to fly forward and swing at his foe. Armaldo reacts at just the right time though, crossing its claws creates a barrier that completely blocks the attack. Heracross, not even the slightest bit discouraged, thrusts his palm forward with all his might, copying that with his other arm in quick succession, and repeats this a total of five times. But behind the barrier, Armaldo's exoskeleton grows thicker and shinier, almost resembling metal- Iron Defense, the Pokedex says.

    Heracross' attack ends, and the second the barrier goes down, Armaldo hits back by slashing his claw across Heracross' body, leaving him grunting as he endures the cut left behind across his body. A large blade of water forms along Armaldo's claw, and almost before June can comprehend what the attack is, its swung forward to end the battle quickly. Fortunately Heracross knows Endure, and smirks as he survives the hit. While the blade is leaving another cut on him, Heracross uses Counter and extends his fist forward straight into Armaldo's face, channeling all the damage he took that hit right back to his foe and doubling it to add insult to injury.

    Armaldo leans back from the impact, hissing in pain, and Heracross follows up with a flurry of Arm Thrusts, hissing with confidence as each blow flies forward and letting out a might cry when Aramaldo skids back just a little from a finishing move. But with how thick Armaldo's exoskeleton is, "finishing" is used quite loosely, and Heracross flies forward again with a Horn Attack, hoping to land a finisher that actually does as the name suggests.

    That's why his hopes are crushed when his attack is parried with X-Scissor, Armaldo using its green glowing crossed claws to block the attack and flings Heracross through the air. Armaldo isn't even done either, he stomps a foot into the ground and pillars of stone burst from the ground in a straight line, reaching further into the air the further out it goes until reaching so high up that Heacross is thrusted into the air, eventually slamming back into the ground with a THUD! Not even Endure could save him there.

    "Heracross!" June shouts as she runs up to check on her Pokemon. "Not again! Oh Heracross, I'm so sorry!"

    "If you think that's bad, wait until you get to Evergrande." Yamaguchi bluntly states, returning Armaldo. "Seeing as how your Pokemon stood their ground somewhat, it'd be foolish to say you lack potential. But I'm sure you understand what I meant when I said there'd be increasingly difficult trials."

    "It was foolish of me to underestimate that…" June reaches behind her glasses to wipe a single tear. "I'm sorry for not taking your advice seriously enough, Mr. Yamaguchi."

    "No need to dear. It's only natural a young trainer such as yourself would have a narrow view of the world. But now that you've gotten a glimpse of the broader picture, I implore you to not lose track of this in the future. Remember when I said Sachiko was as brutal as she was because of how many pitfalls were too easy to fall into? During our battle I couldn't help but notice early signs of those habits."

    "What!? Wh- what do you mean!?"

    "You've surely noticed it by now- the times in battle you had a different side of you come out where your mind gets really focused on the battlefield. This isn't anything abnormal of course, this can happen to anyone who takes something competitive so seriously, even outside of Pokemon battles. Where this is dangerous however, is when you get so lost in your thoughts you start to disregard the well being of your Pokemon- sound familiar? Now I don't think you're quite at her level yet, far from it honestly, but like a Spheal using Ice Ball, something small can potentially snowball into something much more dangerous."

    "I… yes, I have noticed those moments." June says, guilt seeping through her. "The Petalburg gym leader actually gave me advice about that. When I get into that head-space it comes without warning, almost as if it takes over. The gym leader told me I should learn to control it and tap into it when I feel the need to."

    "Good advice." Yamaguchi grins while rubbing his chin. "But I'd like to add something to that: Learn the limits of your Pokemon and play cautiously. It's great if you can master battling, but without knowing what their limits are, when will you know you're pushing them too far? That's especially relevant for your Heracross. When you get into that head-space I could tell you were synchronized with your Pokemon, and usually that's a good thing. But your Heracross is very careless and rash, which might lead you to make careless and rash commands. Instead of meeting Heracross at his bar, have him meet you at yours so you can keep him safe. You are his Pokemon Trainer after all, and that goes for the rest of your Pokemon as well."

    "I see now. Um, thank you Mr. Yamaguchi!" June bows. She has noticed the few times she's battled and won with Heracross that she's played by his rules, and it seems it's time to change that- assuming she has it in her to grow a spine anyways. "I really appreciate your guidance!"

    "It's nothing really, but you're welcome. I should thank you as well though, honestly I haven't had that much fun battling in some time!" He gives a toothy smile. "But anyways, I take it you'll be challenging the gym?"

    June nods. "I have an appointment tomorrow at 11 am in fact!"

    "Well, good luck with that dear! I'd love to spectate, but I'm afraid I'll be very busy during that time of day. And I'm sure I don't need to say this, but don't forget the wisdom I've parted you with!"

    "I'll definitely keep that in mind." She bows.

    "Excellent! But it's getting late now, and I should be on my way. Take care June!" The old man strolls away, occasionally turning back to wave at her while June returns the gesture.

    "Goodbye Mr. Yamaguchi!" When he's out of sight, she stands in silence for a bit to evaluate the battle she just had, and reaches through her purse to examine an encased brown disc and a label detailing the instructions.

    "Hmm, this might come in handy…"

    🐞 June's Party 🐞
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  • 443
    • Age 30
    • Seen Dec 11, 2023

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Tuesday, September 29th @ 1900 - Winston Ranch (Route 102)

    The day's work was finished, but apparently there was work for the night as well. Irving wanted night patrols done throughout the night, and Sergei volunteered him and Clint for the first go around. According to his logic, it was better to get it out of the way so the likelihood of being woken up in your sleep was decreased, which was good enough reasoning for Clint.

    Sergei was the one to break the silence brewing between the two.

    "So tell me Clint, how do you think this whole Pokemon Trainer thing is gonna play out for you?"

    Clint was confused by the question, and even more confused by the fact Sergei called him by his name for the first time.

    "Umm.. well I'm not quite sure Sir. I've heard the stories from my father about the great trainers of the past, not sure I can be like them but at the very least I'd hope I ain't herding Tauros for the rest of my life," Clint replied.

    Sergei chuckled at Clint's idea,

    "Funny, I thought like that. Even got pretty close to it as well. But my luck went south and look at me, herding Tauros for the rest of my life."

    "I used to be able to fill stadium when I was not much older than yourself, now look at me all I got is this job that doesn't care about me or what I've done."

    Clint took in Sergei's story, and how a similar fate could befall him, maybe even without the successes Sergei enjoyed. His father did say many people tried to go pro as trainers, only a very few 'made it'.

    "What's your suggestion then, what do I do," Clint asked.

    "Enjoy the gym challenge while you can, good for a young buck such as yourself to get out and explore, after that go to school or something, throw everything away like I did." Sergei replied.

    "I ain't smart enough to go to school Sergei," Clint explained.

    "Of course you're not. Better practice ropin' and ridin' then kid," Sergei retorted, lighting a cigarette,

    "Well how about this for an idea. There's a tournament coming up in Mauville, the Winstrate Cup. Meant for kids like yourself, a couple gym badges in and on the come up. I'm a former champ, not that it matters now. You prove your mettle in that, and maybe I think you have what it takes."

    "Gym badges aren't enough," Clint asked.

    "Problem with gym badges is you aren't facing the leaders at one-hundred percent. Their express purpose is to gage where you, the trainer is at skill-wise. You're supposed to win those battles kid," Sergei said,

    "Take that Sam Winston kid, sure he's got about as much brains as a pile of dirt but he's going to go all out to try and beat you in a battle. Not saying he's the standard to set yourself to but at some point you're going to have to distinguish yourself from amongst your class of trainers."

    This talk gave Clint something to think about, about where his future was going. He never was one to stress about it, figuring that everything would work itself out, but Sergei made a point. Not just anyone could survive making a living battling, Clint would have to focus in on his goals, and prepare his team for what was next.

    The duo kept riding along, both had lit their lanterns now and were holding them, as the light of the sun faded away. They still kept riding for a little while longer before Sergei and Clint agreed to stop for a break by a creek. Good place for the Mudsdale to get a drink of water. Clint and Sergei dismounted, and waited while the steeds drank from the creek.

    "Let's see that Grovyle of yours again, hopefully she's recovered from earlier," Sergei asked.

    Clint complied, and let Grovyle out of her Pokeball. She looked slightly fatigued still, but in much better shape than she was in the morning. Whatever was in that vial Sergei had certainly worked. Sergei commented on the 'shinyness' of Grovyle, before going into a diatribe about how an old friend of his used to run a Sceptile on his team. Then that lead on to Clint and Sergei going through Grovyle's moveset. Leaf-age, Detect, Quick Attack and Double Kick.

    "What, no Assurance," Sergei asked.

    Clint didn't pick up on what Sergei was asking. Assurance was a move Grovyle could learn, A Dark type move which would help with coverage. The move was a physical attack in nature, but used dark energy to inflict double the damage if the user had just been hit by an attack. If you weren't afraid to take an extra hit every now and then this move could prove highly useful. Sergei, metaphorically pushing Clint to the side began to teach the move to Grovyle. After a few attempts of training, Grovyle was able to harness a little bit of energy, but not enough to complete the move to full capacity. Sergei, scratching his head got Clint involved in the training process. This helped, with the bond between trainer and Pokemon playing apart but was still not quite there. In the midst of searching through a breakthrough, the training seemed to have caught the attention of a Ralts, who was watching the training session peeking out from behind a bush. Sergei poked Clint on the shoulder and pointed at the Ralts.

    "You don't see Ralts around here all that often."

    Clint took that as a hint, and prepared to capture the wild Ralts. First, got to weaken the Ralts a bit, good thing Grovyle was already out of her ball. Grovyle used quick attack after the Ralts, knocking the Ralts down, who then immediately vanished into thin air.

    "What the hell," Clint was dumbfoundead.

    "Heh, most Ralts know Teleport, don't worry this one likely couldn't have gone far," Sergei came in with the information.

    Sure enough, Ralts hadn't gone very far, and was standing in the field a little ways ahead. Clint instructed Grovyle to try again, with the same result. Ralts got hit and Teleported once again. This time the Ralts had teleported to the other side of the creek. Noticing the creek was fairly deep and unsure of Grovyle's swimming abilities, Clint made a switch, withdrawing Grovyle and sending out Poliwag. Poliwag swam across and went after Ralts. Poliwag used Mud Shot to batter Ralts and slow it down, followed by a Water Gun to further weaken Ralts. Ralts let off a Confusion attack, sending out Psychic waves which caused Poliwag to stagger in place. While Poliwag was feeling the effects of the confusion, Ralts used Double-Team, moving back and forth at a rapid pace, making it hard to keep track of Ralts. Poliwag was able to figure her situation out and let off another Water Gun, knocking the Ralts back. Ralts Teleported again, this time messing up the direction and planted itself right in front of Clint.

    "Guess something's were meant to be kid," Sergei joked.

    Clint knelt down in front of the tiny Pokemon, who looked up at Clint, the Ralts attempting to connect with the emotionally closed off Clint. Ralts felt a sense of familiarity, as did Clint. He couldn't quite explain it, but for some reason it felt like Ralts and Clint had known each other for a long time. Poliwag swam back over to the scene, and awaited her next order. But Clint simply motioned for Poliwag to stand down. Clint opened his dirty hands towards Ralts, who put its little hand on top of Clint's. Clint reached into his backpack and pulled out one of his empty Pokeballs, and brought it in front of Ralts. Ralts touched the release button on the ball, and the ball encapsulated Ralts. The ball jiggled a few times, as they do before it clicked closed. Clint had added yet another new member to his party, as Clint picked up the Pokeball.

    "Well I think that was a good enough coffee break, let's get back to work," Sergei said.

    Clint nodded, barely containing his excitement over catching a new Pokemon.

    - Grovyle learned Assurance!
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Ralts was added to the Party!

    Team & Inventory:

  • 1,660
    Natsuko Soyokaze
    Friday, October 2nd; morning
    Route 103

    After last night's incident, Tsu was fully prepared to sleep in, but she finds herself being shaken awake at first light. She groans at the interruption, blearily sitting up and squinting at the figure crouched beside her.

    "Hey. Sorry to wake you, but I need your Ponyta again if I'm going to make breakfast." Sam hands Tsu her glasses so she doesn't have to search for them.

    "Wha- breakfast?" Tsu sleepily rubs her eyes before putting her glasses on. "Yeah, hang on..." She pulls her bag closer, rummaging through the Poké Ball pocket until she finds Shiny's. She notices that Sam has already rebuilt the little campfire Tsu had put together last night, wondering how long the village girl has been awake. "Don't you ever sleep?"

    "Only when I have to. I'm used to getting up early and cooking, remember? I don't have a coffee pot or anything, though."

    Tsu lazily pushes her bag toward Sam, refusing to leave her sleeping bag. "There's a kettle in there. I have tea. You can use it."

    "Oh! Smart thinking! I'll have something whipped up right away! Do you like pancakes?"

    "Yes, I like pancakes..." Tsu mumbles, already dozing off again. She jumps when Sam shakes her again, noticing there's more light now.

    "Oi! Wake up, sleepyhead! Breakfast is ready!" Sam hands her a paper plate with several small pancakes and some eggs on it, along with a fork and one of her own steel cups with tea in it.

    "Wait, how did you..." Tsu accepts the food, realizing she must have fallen asleep again. Shiny steps away from Sam's Geodude to come nuzzle Tsu. "Thanks... sorry, guess I was still tired."

    "No problem. I figured I'd handle breakfast for us, because I don't know what your Pokémon eat. Geodude usually just eats rocks and whatever people food I can sneak to him, but I don't know what all you have. I've only seen Ponyta and Nosepass."

    "Oh, besides them I also have Rip and Stacy." Tsu takes a sip of her tea while Sam just stares at her politely, waiting for an explanation. "Right. They're a Totodile and a Gyarados."

    "No way, really?!" Sam leans forward excitedly. "I've never seen a Gyarados up close before! Is she big? Is she scary? Do you keep her in her ball to contain her destructive temper?"

    "Ummm... yes, but smaller than average; yes, at first; and no, she's actually pretty relaxed most of the time." Tsu answers each question in turn. "She's actually pretty sensitive about the whole temper thing, I think she doesn't like people judging her before they get to know her."

    "Oh. Yeah. That makes sense..." Sam stays quiet for a moment, watching Tsu eat her food. It's actually a little weird, and kind of annoying.

    "So, are you going to eat, or did you only make enough for me?"

    Sam shakes her head, still smiling. "I already ate! Figured I'd let you sleep. What do you feed a Gyarados, anyway?"

    "I buy special food for her. The Rangers get on my case if I let her hunt for herself, something about disturbing the local ecosystem, so I buy her fish cakes at Poké Marts. It's what I feed Rip, too. They're dehydrated for easy transport and storage, but she can eat a whole one by herself. Rip only eats about a third of one. He'll try to eat more if I let him, but it's probably not good for him to stuff himself at every meal, and they're not that cheap, to be honest."

    Sam listens intently during all this, and Tsu can practically see her taking notes. It dawns on her that Sam knows even less about Pokémon than she does, and despite her talk of being rivals, what Sam really needs is a mentor. The thought that Sam sees Tsu as that mentor is a little scary.

    "In all honesty, I don't really know what I'm doing half the time. It's been mostly trial and error, and some help from my friends. I know you said your mom doesn't really train Pokémon, but do you know anyone else who does? Besides me?"

    Sam looks away at that question, letting her hair fall in front of her face again. Tsu's noticed that she does that a lot when she's uncomfortable. It's kind of sad, but also kind of cute.

    "I... guess my dad? I don't talk to him often, but he probably knows a lot. If I called him... but I think that should be a last resort."

    "You sound pretty sure about that!" Tsu laughs nervously. She knows a touchy subject when she sees one. "I can try to teach you some things, but we're heading into uncharted territory for me!"

    "Oh, I'm not going with you." Sam says bluntly.

    "...what? But what about us being rivals?"

    "I don't even have a license, remember?" Sam sighs, looking wistfully at the sky. "I'll travel with you for now, but I can't follow you to Mauport. You're going north, and I'm taking the bus south to Slateport. I'm going to start my journey there, and do my best to catch up to you. If I traveled with you, we wouldn't be rivals, we'd just be partners or companions or something."

    Tsu has to think about that. Admittedly, her only experience with rivals in the past has been the odd triangle of Ed, Sunny, and Marie. And that's definitely not the kind of relationship she wants with Sam.

    Wait, not relationship, I meant...!

    "Hey!" Tsu exclaims slightly too loudly. "I know people in Slateport! My aunts live there, they used to be trainers! Or my friends Lucy and Sir Bill at the Fan Club! I bet they could be helpful! They taught me a lot when I was first starting out."

    "Wow, you do know people. It's that natural charisma of yours, I bet." Sam teases Tsu lightly. "Finish up, though. We can talk while we walk."

    Somehow Tsu had forgotten about breakfast, and quickly finishes eating. Sam volunteers to pack up camp while Tsu feeds her Pokémon. There isn't that much, but Tsu can't help but feel indebted to Sam, at least a little.

    Feeding her Pokémon doesn't take long, but Tsu notices Stacy looking at the sky forlornly. She's sitting on the ground again, not flying like she was yesterday.

    "You really enjoyed the rain, didn't you?" Tsu gently pats Stacy's side, but the Duchess just snorts out a breath. She leans down, gently nuzzling Tsu like she's seen Shiny do.

    "Don't be sad. It'll rain again sooner or later. Hey, how about we go for a swim later? Would that cheer you up?"

    Stacy licks Tsu, making her sputter and step back. "Yuck! My lips touched sea monster drool! I need mouth wash! I need antiseptic!"

    Stacy snorts out a laugh, looking very proud of herself. Tsu laughs as well, returning the Duchess to her ball. She turns around to see Sam staring at her, her mouth pressed into a firm line as she valiantly tries not to laugh.

    "What?" Tsu looks away, blushing slightly. "It's just a joke, a little game, you know?"

    Sam nods, covering her mouth with her hand. It doesn't stop the sound of her choked laughter, nor hide the shaking of her shoulders. Her attempts to hide her laughter are appreciated, but it just makes Tsu laugh, too, which just makes Sam laugh even harder.

    It takes a moment for their giggles to subside, but the girls eventually regain their composure. "Alright!" Sam wipes a tear from her eye. "Ready to go?"

    "Ready whenever you are." Tsu nods, and Geodude hops once in acknowledgement. Tsu is surprised to see him still out, while Sam seems confused that Tsu put all of hers away.

    "Aren't you going to walk with your Pokémon?"

    "Well, normally I would, but I figured that since you're with me, I would just walk with you."

    Sam shakes her head at that logic. "That's sweet, but I don't mind you having your Pokémon out. I'm sure they'd like it too! I've had to hide Geodude from my mom for so long, I'm taking every chance I can get to spend time with him. This is his journey as much as mine."

    Tsu hadn't thought of it like that before. And Sam was looking to her for advice? She calls Shiny back out, the little pony happy to be out in the sunshine again. "You have a good point. Like I said, I'm still new at this."

    "It's fine. I'm sure there are times when you don't want them out. Like when you arrived at my house, you wouldn't want to leave Gyarados out, right?"

    Tsu grins at the image. She'd had Shiny out at the time, she's sure Stacy would have caused considerably more fuss.

    As they walk, Sam brings up plenty of questions, which Tsu tries to answer as best she can. She wishes Sir Bill or Ed were here, they'd probably have much more information to share. She almost doesn't notice when Sam changes the subject.

    "You said your aunts used to be trainers? Why aren't they now?"

    "You'll have to ask them that, I guess." Tsu shrugs. "They just found other jobs. Aunt Nyamo teaches at the school, and Aunt Carrie sells fruits and Berries at the market. They probably still have their licenses and stuff, they just don't travel or use them much. I bet Nyamo still does a Contest now and then, or Carrie probably fights trainers sometimes. I gave them my Sandygast, because I knew they could take care of it."

    "You have a Sandygast? Why didn't you keep it?"

    "I didn't really want it." Tsu sighs, remembering how scared she'd been on that day. Sandygast really did a number on Shiny, and with Poppy's help and a lucky Poké Ball... "Aunt Nyamo said she'd take it to school with her, let the kids play with it. Can you imagine? Playing in the sandbox and the sand could play back? It's probably really happy there."

    "Yeah, especially snacking on children's souls..." Sam mutters.

    "That's not a real thing!" Tsu protests, lightly pushing Sam. "Nyamo wouldn't risk her kids like that! She told me the worst it would do was Absorb some energy while they played. Not enough to hurt them, just enough to make them sleepy. But even that was a joke!"

    "If you say so..." Sam keeps walking, and doesn't bring it back up again. Tsu frowns in thought. Does Sam not like Ghosts or something? Maybe she should change the subject...

    "You know, if you're going to Slateport, there's a Pokémon Gym you can get a badge at. But your Geodude isn't going to be enough."

    Sam looks at Geodude. The Rock type had been keeping pace by putting his hands on the ground and throwing himself forward. He's gotten pretty good at matching their speed, but he'd shown he could move faster if he wanted. It's probably a good arm workout, though. "You don't think he can handle it? Is the Gym Leader really tough?"

    "No, nothing like that!" Tsu realizes too late just how insulting that sounded. "I just meant that it's a Double Battle Gym. Geodude literally won't be enough, you need two Pokémon. It's why I skipped that Gym."

    "You can just skip Gyms if you want?" Sam is surprised by this.

    "Yeah, there's no rule that says you have to challenge them. You can challenge as often or as little as you like. Like if a Leader is too strong for you, you can just not fight them."

    "Interesting... so, are you going to come to Slateport with me, challenge the Gym again? You have enough Pokémon."

    "Yeah... no. I don't really see the need. I don't really like fighting the Gym Leaders, it's too stressful."

    "Darn." Sam snaps her fingers in faux disappointment. "And here I was hoping I could get a free room if you introduced me to your aunts."

    "They only have one guest bedroom." Tsu mutters, but Sam just raises an eyebrow at that, so she hurries to continue. "Besides, the Pokémon Center offers free rooms and meals to traveling trainers! Or you could join the Fan Club! It's not free, but rooms are included with membership, so you can always stay somewhere fancy if you're a member."

    "You sure know a lot about this Fan Club. You said you have friends there?"

    "Yeah, I'm a member. My friend Lucy is a receptionist at the Slateport office, she actually helped me sign up. And my other friend Sir Bill stays at the Beachside Resort."

    Sam laughs again. "You keep saying Sir Bill, is he some kind of knight?"

    "I think so?" Tsu shrugs. "His full name is... oh, what is it... Sir William Bertrand Reginald Chandler the Third. He's from Galar, but he doesn't bring it up much."

    "Galar, huh? Never met someone from Galar." Sam shrugs, but Tsu cam see her filing that information away. Maybe she shouldn't be so open with her friends' details.

    "So... why'd you catch a Geodude? And how did you do it without a license?"

    "Convenience, mostly. But I like his spunk. The other Geodude in the area all stay away from the water, but not this guy. He liked to eat rocks from the river there, and didn't let any Wishiwashi or Basculin stop him. Just zap, pow! And he'd get what he wanted. I admire that about him. But one day, I was fishing out there and some trainer came by and started picking fights with the Geodude. My boy here stepped up, but he got smacked down hard. That trainer didn't notice that he'd... dropped a Poké Ball, so after he left I scooped Geodude up and nursed him back to health. We've been friends ever since, and he helps me fish."

    Tsu doesn't know when she started smiling, but it's a nice story. "You thought about what others you'll catch on your journey?"

    Sam shrugs. "Not really. Figured I'd just coast, let the currents take me where they will. If I see a Pokémon I like, and that Pokémon likes me, maybe we can work something out, see if we vibe."

    "I can dig that." Tsu nods sagely, thinking about how similar that is to her own methods. She and Sam spend the next few hours discussing Tsu's journey so far, and Tsu rather enjoys reliving it. She offers some of her cup noodles to Sam when they stop for lunch, which Sam is hesitant to accept, saying she's never had them before. Tsu finds that hard to believe, and explains the portability and versatility of soup cups, and how they are a staple of a traveling trainer's diet.

    Sam likes them, especially how simple they are to make.

    But the day goes on, and afternoon shifts into evening, and dusk rapidly approaches as they come to a T in the road.

    Sam stops, looking up at the bridge to the north. "This is it. This is officially the farthest I've ever been from home. And it's where we part ways."

    Tsu sighs, looking to the south. "No need to worry, Sam! We'll meet up again, I know it. This is how the journey starts, right? In Slateport. It's a new town full of new beginnings! It only took me a couple weeks to get here, but they've been fun! Imagine what kind of stories you'll have for your mom when you get back to Cottage Grove!"

    "'Remember where you started, and imagine where you'll end up', right Eyes?" Sam smiles sadly.

    Tsu just grabs Sam in a hug, then quickly turns to grab a picture with the sunset behind them. The pinks and oranges in the sky make for a pretty backdrop, even with Sam's surprised expression.

    "You really gotta warn a girl next time!" Sam complains, but she's smiling again. "I'm gonna miss you, Natsuko."

    "I'll miss you too, Samara." Tsu steps back, lowering her hat to hide her eyes. "But we'll see each other again! Give me a call if you need any advice! Or send me a picture if you find anything cool!"

    They go their separate ways, eyes hidden from each other and the world, but they each lift their heads to face whatever comes next head-on.
  • 302
    Junko "June" Enomoto
    Saturday, October 3rd
    Slateport City
    "The battle between Benji and June may now begin!"

    In a massive battlefield in a stadium approximately twice the size of a baseball field while a flood of people watch from the audience, roaring to their hearts' content. June stands still, shaking uncontrollably with fear while a faceless man stands across from her.

    "Um… E-Einstein and Chip, please help me out!" She tosses two Pokeballs, and Einstein comes out alongside a very timid Golisopod. She doesn't remember Chip evolving, but it doesn't matter, he'll stand more of a chance now.

    ...at lease she thinks, until the faceless man who is apparently Benji sends out a Ho-Oh of all Pokemon. June gasps and panickedly orders Einstein and Chip to use Confusion and Aqua Jet respectively. Both Pokemon attack, but for some reason both attacks just come out as a puny String Shot that Ho-Oh merely laughs off.

    "Ho-Oh, use Sacred Fire!" The faceless gym leaders yells in a foreign language June can understand perfectly for some reason.

    Ho-Oh rears its head back, charging up an attack inside it's throat, and then unhinges its beak so that it can unleash a scorching wave of flames that completely engulfs both of her Pokemon.

    "CHIP!!! EINSTEIN!!!" June screeches, horrified at the sight. The fate of her Pokemon turns out to be the least of her problems though, as the fire doesn't stop there! It continues to move forward, quickly approaching her as well. She wants to run away, but her feet are glued to the ground- literally. She looks down to see honey had been splattered all around the ground she stands on, making it impossible to move. Terrified of what her fate will be, all she can do is close her eyes…

    "WAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" June wails as her upper body flies forward, tightly gripping on her covers. She looks around her room in a cold sweat, the blurry details bringing her back to Earth.

    "Just a dream… of course." She sighs as she reaches for her glasses.

    Needless to say, June has been nervous about her upcoming battle with Benji. After Mr. Yamaguchi shared some of his wisdom with her, she stopped by the Pokemon Center to heal up and trained at the nearby battlefields until almost midnight, honing her Pokemon's skills and learning what their limits are. She was kind and lenient with her Pokemon, but she might have pushed herself a little too much, having stayed up way later than she's used to and all. She couldn't sleep very well that night either, worries of her gym battle kept her up- that certainly explains the dream.

    Saturday morning is a little better at least. She spends that morning relaxing with a nice plate of omurice for breakfast, and that definitely helps. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after all. She does notice halfway though that she needs to get to the gym in an hour, so she hurries through her meal and flies upstairs to shower and change into her usual green dress and flip-flops.

    When she's all ready for the day, she makes her way over to the gym where a lot of people are hanging out around. After the sound of glass doors sliding open, she's almost immediately greeted by Jack Fukui.

    "Hey there, it's June!" Jack waves with a smirk. "Ready for your big battle today?"

    "Oh, hello there!" June bows. "I suppose I'm just a tad nervous, but I'm certain I'll be fine!"

    "That's the spirit!" The gym trainer gives a thumbs up. "I've been excited for this since you booked your time slot, I have no doubt Jun's daughter will put on a worthwhile battle!"

    "Ahhh, th-thanks…" She half-heartedly laughs. Jack isn't doing a great job at easing the pressure she feels.

    "No problem kid! I got so excited that I offered to ref for your battle- usually I have Saturdays off to spend with my husband, but how could I turn this opportunity down?"

    "Umm, you're too kind, really…"

    "He'll be watching too of course! We both told our friends there'll be a promising battle today, they told their kids who in-turn told their friends… yeah, we got a full crowd today!"

    "F-full crowd??" June trembles. That's a lot of eyes on her, meaning there'll be more people to see her if she messes…

    "Yep, sure are! But anyways, battle will be starting soon, so we gotta be on the field! Good luck June!" He gives another thumbs up while flashing both a smirk and a wink before running through the battlefield entrance. June gulps nervously and follows suit, taking in the large crowd he was talking about. It might be nerve-wracking, but she can do this, she can do this…

    "Welcome one and all to the Slateport City Gym! I'll be your referee for the day, Jack Fukui!" Jack, who now hosts a headpiece mic on his face, riles up the crowd and gets them to applaud, in particular a lot of girls seem to squee when he introduces himself. "In this corner, we have quite the challenger today, hailing from Goldenrod City in Johto with three badges, introducing- JUUNKO "JUNE" ENOMOTOOOO!!!" She slowly raises her hands so she can wave to the crowd. This isn't making anything better…

    "And of course, facing June is none other than who you came here to see! You know him, you love him- give it up for the one and only, BENJAMIN "BENJI" INOUEEEE!!!" The audience gets especially pumped up for Benji, a tanned slightly stocky man shorter than her donning a blue work uniform, who waves to his adoring audience.

    "Welcome to Slateport Gym, June! We both have nicknames derived from our first names- what a coincidence, huh? I like that!" Benji, hands on his hips, belts out a gutsy laugh.

    "Aha, yeah…"

    "We'll be doing a 4v4 double battle. I'll send my Pokemon out first and you can choose what you think is the best matchup, got it?"

    June gives one unsteady nod. "Excellent! These'll be my starting Pokemon!" Benji reaches for his shirt pocket to grab two Pokeballs, one in each hand. She recognizes both of them, one of them is a Seel and the other is a Sandslash except it's… blue? It can't be like that green Teddiursa or Big Blue, because this Sandslash's claws and spikes along its back are shaped differently.

    "Oh, you've never seen an Alolan Sandslash before? Not many beginner trainers here have." Benji speaks up. "Instead of being a ground-type like the ones found in Ransei, Sandslash from Alola are ice and steel-type because of their habitats. Neat, huh?"

    Why is it called Sandslash then? After some deep breaths, June starts with Einstein and Chip.


    Right as the battle is declared, Einstein projects a Reflect barrier, Sandslash moves its claws to an inaudible beat, and Seel claps its hands to call on a sudden hailstorm that bothers both June's Pokemon. Chip is the only one to attack, using Aqua Jet to target Sandslash in the belly while a portion of Reflect breaks off to protect him while he moves about. Sandslash nearly retaliates, about to strike with Fury Swipes, but Ally Switch has Einstein swap places with Chip, and a psychic blast fans outwards from a point-blank range on both Pokemon. Ally Switch activates again, and Chip kicks up sand at both Pokemon. Sandslash and Seel are only slightly irritated from it, and Seel's now iron-coated horn is jabbed into Chip while Fury Swipes slashes him across the back multiple times. After the third strike, Chip frantically high-tails it back to his Pokeball and opens another Pokeball in the process, and Heracross is sent out.

    "And June's next Pokemon is Heracross!! She's got the type-advantage here, smart move, but will that be enough to best Leader Benji!?"

    Einstein uses Supersonic on Seel, but not before it can surround itself in a ring of purifying water. Trying to dodge the hail, Einstein floats about, rapid-firing Struggle Bug at the opposing Pokemon.

    Meanwhile, Heracross focuses on Sandslash, throwing forward a thrust of his palm, but Sandslash reacts by swiping it away with its claw. Heracross grunts, annoyed by that, and tries again only for the same thing to happen. Sandslash then arches forward a claw that's now covered in a sharp icicle, but Heracross smacks that away with an Arm Thrust. The two engage in this exchange of attacks, each blow coming out faster than the last, yet no matter how quick it may be they're still countered. No matter how much his cries of fury suggest otherwise, Hercaross can't keep up, so Sandslash's bolstered speed and strength beats out Heracross, who was already being worn-down from the constant hail.

    "Gotta be weary of weather effects!" Benji speaks up in a cheery manner right as Sandslash goes in to land a clean-hit, but using Counter, Heracross extends his arm over Sandslash's claw to hit 'em straight in the face- but that's blocked with a Protect. While that happens, Seel fans its tail forward and exhales a freezing cold blizzard that also blows forth the chunks of ice falling from above, and both June's Pokemon are buffered. Einstein uses Light Screen to weaken the attack, but that doesn't prepare them for what's next- Sandslash spins around, increasing his speed by the second, and using the gain momentum to maneuver around the field. While the amplified Blizzard makes it difficult to see clearly, Sandslash takes advantage of that by mowing over Heracross when he can't accurately predict an incoming attack. It's not different at all from Merry's Miltank, but the weather makes it all the more effective. Just like with that battle, Heracross tries to grab Sandslash and push him back, but its moving too fast to get a proper hold of him and instead he ends up grazing his hands against the pointy spikes. The continuous ice-type attack is troublesome for Einstein as well, and even though he doesn't have to deal with Sandslash, the storm makes it hard to so much as stay afloat.

    Seeing as how most of the trouble I've received has been grounded perhaps its time to test out that new move in battle… "Heracross, Bulldoze!" In the midst of the storm and the occasional Rapid Spin hits, Heracross jumps as high into the air as his legs allow him in such condition, and comes crashing down, his weight creating quakes in the ground. This causes both opposing Pokemon to lose their footing and forcibly stop attacking, which in-turn causes the storm to subside.

    Heracross seizes the opportunity, flying forward and swinging his horn in a downward arc to slam it into Sandslash, burying his feet into the ground. He gloats to the roaring audience, extending both arms outwards and points to himself, and doesn't notice Seel flying forward horn-first. Einstein takes care of it though, using Confusion to fling Seel backwards. Snoring is heard from the Sea Lion Pokemon, but for some reason Jack doesn't declare him unfit to battle.

    "Heracross, now isn't the time to boast!" June pleads. Heracross turns back to Sandslash, who Rapid Spins in an attempt to free itself, kicking up chunks of dirt in all directions that pelt Heracross. Doing whatever he can to keep Sandslash trapped, he jumps up and down again to create cracks in the ground, and Einstein even helps out now that Seel isn't an issue, using Confusion to put weight on the ice-type.

    Turns out June was wrong about Seel though, as out of nowhere, it flings itself forward to jab its steel-coated horn in the area above Einstein's face which releases Sandslash from his grip. Most shockingly though, is how Seel appears to be completely unconscious while doing this! June is completely taken aback, looking to the Pokedex for answers- ...Rest and Sleeptalk, I see. So that's why Mr. Fukui didn't say anything! Einstein is able to rid himself of Seel though by once again using Confusion to toss him away. Einstein's little scuffle almost distracts Heracross until weak drilling is heard from behind him. That's when Heracross sees Sandslash using the last of his strength to escape, but Heracross puts a stop to it by thrusting forth a barrage of Arm Thrusts, knocking Sandslash out cold.

    "Sandslash is unable to battle!" Jack announces. "But what else does Leader Benji have up his sleeve?"

    As Heracross confidently flexes with his boosted strength flowing through him, Benji grins and shouts "Way to go June! Now let's take that up a notch!" before tossing out his next Pokemon, and one that completely takes June out of her battling mindset.

    "Oh my gosh- a Pineco!" June fawns, eyes sparkling as her hands are clasped together.

    "I thought you might like that, seeing as how so far all your Pokemon have been bug-types. Of course, that's not why I called Pineco out- this is!" While Seel creates another hailstorm, Pineco starts to spin in-place much like Sandslash, but rather than building up speed, rocks are flung outwards and scatter all across the field. Once that's over with, another Blizzard comes from Seel, obscuring the vision of June's side. Pineco rams its body into Heracross, and while that deals less damage than Sandslash did, Pineco is able to follow-up in quicker succession, not leaving much time for Heracross to strike back. June, curious as to why, tries her best to see through the weather until she can find an answer (even if it means defogging her glasses a few times): Pineco is using the rocks it set-up as bumpers to get out more hits! It doesn't stop with that though, because soon enough Pineco uses a rock as a ramp, and gains enough air to smash its entire body into Einstein! Despite Orbeetle being quite the defensive Pokemon, the attack is enough to send him straight into the ground.

    "Einstein!! Are you alright!?" There's a bit of struggling from Einstein, but ultimately he can get himself back in the air to nod towards June. It might have been the hail that's worn Einstein down… he wasn't fond of the rain at all, so it's only natural he'd dislike hail. I'll have to keep this in-mind next time. "Thank you for helping Einstein, but it's about time you get a little rest. Return!" She beams the psychic-type back to his ball before signaling to Jack that he won't be able to battle.

    "Well I'll be- looks like Orbeetle is throwing in the towel! Fortunately for her, June still has two more Pokemon left! Will we see her Wimpod a second time or is it time we find out what her fourth Pokemon is?"

    Hmm, I can't imagine Sting will appreciate the hail very much, and Chip should be a little more well-rested before sending him out again. That just leaves… "Kit, I choose you!"

    Seel creates another Aqua Ring and as always whenever she's sent out, Kit uses Water Sport to create puddles of water around her to skate around the field. Whenever Pineco comes hurtling forward, Kit gracefully leaps over it, and when Pineco uses a rock to spin upwards and crush her from above, she slides out of the way, eventually getting into a rhythm. Soon Pineco starts to get frustrated and begins pursuing her, but Kit capitalizes on this by leading it to Heracross where Mega Horn bats it away like a baseball player getting a homerun.

    It looks like June has the advantage until another Blizzard comes out and completely freezes over the shallow pond. This worries June, especially when Pineco comes twirling forward to smash into Kit, causing her to skid back, and the frozen pond has her sliding back further than she would otherwise. Hold on a second! "Kit, skate around on the ice while using Bubble Beam!"

    Kit does just that, using the frictionless ice to become nimble while shooting more and more bubbles towards Pineco before Heracross uses Bulldoze again. The quakes this time around are a lot more harsh though, making it especially hard for Pineco and Seel to really do anything. Even though Kit is able to avoid it by leaping midair, cracks form in the ice and June takes note of that, opting to call off the attack, much to Heracross' displeasure. But once Bulldoze is called off, another Blizzard is blown forth. I often forget Seel is a threat until Blizzard is used, but I'm starting to suspect that might be Benji's strategy, where he has a speedy Pokemon act as a distraction. In that case, I'll have to do something as soon as possible.

    Pineco shoots Pin Missiles from its spike like a fountain, making Kit busier evading the attack than actually using attacks of her own, and Heracross Aerial Aces straight toward Seel. Seel, who looks to finally be awake, intercepts the attack with Smart Strike, but Heracross intercepts that with Counter and follows up with four hits of Arm Thrust to finish the job.

    "Seel is unable to battle! It's now 3v2, but looks like Heracross is on his last limb! Can June keep up the pace, or will Leader Benji blow her out of the water?

    Jack is right- although doesn't acknowledge it with all the celebratory flexing he does, Heracross is covered in dirt and bruises, and he struggles just to stand upright- Mr. Yamaguchi's advice comes to mind. Like with Einstein, it might be a good idea to have him rest.

    "Heracross, return." June shoots the beam of Heracross' Pokeball at him, but she's shocked to see him completely sidestep the laser. "Wh-what!? Heracross-"

    "A defiant Pokemon, huh? That might make this next round tricky." Benji remarks. "But I'm sure you'll give it your best! Speaking of- seems the theme of this battle has been spinning and weather. Why don't we combine them?" He hurls a Pokeball forward, revealing his final Pokemon: A Trash Coat Wormadam. A little underwhelming as a final pick, but not to June

    "Wow, you don't often see that variant!" June beams. "It makes sense why they aren't as common as the other two, afterall Burmy are mostly found in grassy areas. Of course though as cities expand in recent times, they've become easier to find, but it's still not as-"

    "Woah, you sure know a lot about bugs!" Benji chuckles. "That's great! But rather than telling me what they're like, how about I show you what these two bugs can do together? Wormadam, use Magnet Rise!"

    Through some means, Wormadam is able to levitate into the air, high enough that Bulldoze isn't at all an issue for her. Pineco then makes its way to its partner Pokemon, using Rapid Spin to stand right below her. Both Pokemon start to spin, but in opposite directions, and a gust of sand is kicked up and seems to have the same effect as the earlier hail. It's not an issue for either of Benji's Pokemon of course, quite the opposite in-fact. Pineco spins in a particular fashion so as to suck up the sand and remaining chunks of hail, creating a hurricane that surrounds both Pokemon. As if that wasn't intimidating enough, the tornado of sand and ice begins to move around the field, Pineco acting as its legs, and Wormadam going on the offensive as she continuously shoots Flash Cannon as she continues to spin! Resorting to her usual strategies, Kit skates around with Agility and shoots bubbles, doing her absolute best to not get hit.

    Heracross has a different idea though. June is a little overwhelmed by the hurricane, and calculates some kind of solution in her head, so he acts on his own. He leaps up high into the air to come down with a heavy thud that creates intense tremors throughout the ground, debris being mercilessly thrown around the field. While it does make Pineco's spinning less stable, it serves as an obstacle for Kit as well when she already needs to worry about her opponents. Desperately she tries to stay airborne as much as possible while simultaneously moving around Flash Cannon, dreading every instance she has to land so she can gain air again. Even professional ice skaters screw up sometimes though, and Kit accidentally jumps right into the trajectory of the steel-type attack, sending her hurtling towards the ground.

    Heracross shows no signs of stopping though, despite June's pleading, and the ground continues to shake violently. Kit hangs in there as much as possible while the ground rocks uncontrollably beneath her, but Pineco has adjusted to that by this point, and even if its movements are a little wobbly, soldiers on. Wormadam launches an Electroweb towards Kit, but her unsteady aim has her miss, instead falling right onto Heracross. He furiously struggles within the cramped web, frustrated he's unable to jump up and down, and the web reacts by giving him a weak shock. Despite how little damage it is though, it does Heracross in- he definitely pushed past his limit. June sighs in relief as Jack declares he's unfit to battle, and is returned to his Pokeball.

    Luckily for Kit, her own partner isn't a problem anymore, but that still leaves the frequent Electrowebs which are now aimed at her that she goes out of her way to evade the super effective attacks, skiing right past every web and leaping over every Stealth Rock, circling the tornado and getting into a rhythm again. However, this brings about something June didn't expect at all-

    Kit starts to glow white.

    "Wow, what an incredible turn of events from Surskit!" Jack comments. "Looks like June might just gain the upper-hand again!"

    Even though her entire body is flashing white, she's not changing shape at all and continues to skate around with Agility, not even bothering to avoid any Electrowebs her way, as the white light seems to almost absorb it. June was initially excited by the sight, but seeing it go on for longer than it should has her confused. She'd really like for Kit to evolve, but recalling the last time this happened, she forms an idea that could save her skin.

    "June's next Pokemon is the same Wimpod we saw at the beginning of the battle! But nevermind that, Surskit still hasn't evolved somehow! What could be going on here!?"

    "Kit, hold back as much as you can and use Agility! Chip, use Aqua Jet!" Kit continues to circle the tornado, getting faster by the second, all the while Aqua Jet allows Chip to ride along the air current. Unsure of how to deal with Chip, Pineco shoots pin missiles that get stuck in the current fly upwards, either pelting the pesky Wimpod or coming out from the top and giving Kit more projectiles to dodge. Once Wormadam shows signs of exhaustion, June decides to strike.

    "Kit, use Bubble Beam! Chip, aim for Wormadam!"

    In the same way Kit rejected evolution at the Pokemon contest, the glowing energy that surrounds her body is expunged into bubbles that flow effortlessly from her antenna. Unlike her regular bubbles though, these are much faster, more abundant in numbers, and much more powerful as witnessed by the impact they have upon popping against both Pokemon, where they burst into nearly blinding sparks of light against the two. As soon as the light wears off, Chip builds up momentum all the way from the bottom of the vortex and slams right into Wormadam with all his might, taking her down and causing her to collapse right onto Pineco, as well as all the ice and sand that was sucked in the tornado.

    "It looks like both Wormadam and Pineco are unable to battle! That means the winner of this battle is Junko 'June' Enomoto! Give her a nice round of applause, why don't ya?"

    "That was fantastic!" June claps her hands together. Maybe that could have gone smoother, especially with Heracross acting up for a bit, but she's too caught up in the moment to take that into account. "Thank you both so much, Chip and Kit!" Chip seems more relieved than ecstatic, but Kit praising him with a few happy squeaks gets his spirits raised, even if just slightly

    "I agree, that was fantastic!" Benji claps, walking up to the tall girl. "And that's why I wanna give you this!" He holds his hand open and reveals a shiny new badge atop a stack of 10,000 Pokedollars. "Here- the Cloak Badge as proof of your victory!"

    "Ah, thank you!"

    "What I'd tell ya Benji?" Jack smirks, removing his earpiece. "She's a promising trainer! That Heracross of yours though, he's a real Joe!"

    "...He's a what now?"

    "Oh, my bad. That's just what your dad would call anyone with that much vigor. Musta dropped it from his vocabulary I guess." That's a bit of an odd thing to call someone, but it fits Heracross. Honestly he's gone without a nickname for too long. "The rest of your team was pretty fun to watch as well, of course! I'm impressed your Surskit ended up not evolving yet you still came out on-top!"

    "This isn't the first time that's happened funnily enough. Admittedly though the first time I couldn't help but feel a tad let down by her not evolving, but… if she feels that's best for her, I'll accept."

    "That's a good attitude to have!" Benji gives a thumbs up. "That's what'll get you to the league in no time!"

    "...if that's the route you wanna go though, I'd suggest swinging by the Pokemon Fanclub to sign up for a membership. They'll give you a free item that'll be beneficial to unevolved Pokemon." Jack butts in before flashing a sly look at Benji. "Man, you need to step up your advice game." Throarty giggles can be heard through his teeth.

    "It's just not my style. Besides, I'd put you out of a job if I did!" He laughs before facing June. "Anyways, unless you had anything else you needed, it was nice meeting you June!"

    "Same goes for both you and Mr. Fukui! But yes, I will be on my way now- farewell!"

    Benji and Jack wave to June as she walks out the door, with Jack giving an additional "Don't forget: Tell Jun that Ol' Frosty says hello!"

    🐞 June's Party 🐞
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
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    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]


    Hi I'm Cube
  • 2,767
    • Age 24
    • She / They
    • Seen May 21, 2024
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Jordie "Jo" Hughes
    Thursday, September 24
    Chapter 3: Part 7 - We keep moving
    10:00 - 10:20 Route 104
    I went back to Route 104 in the morning to train the last two pokémon I caught. There's no way I'm using them in tomorrow's battle now that I have the option of using better trained pokémon, and I doubt Wally will make me use all six pokémon I have -it hasn't happened with either gym I've challenged so far, and since I have only two badges, it's not very likely-, so I'm taking my time to properly train them while I have time.

    Since I'm not taking Maroon and Gabby outside their dusk balls today, I'm not training Dewey and Quinn on getting adapted to Trick Room or trying to break Maroon's defenses. Of course, that will be top priority after Wally's Gym.

    Using the scan feature, I manage to find a small area of trees on the way to Petalburg, good enough for a training spot with weak wild pokémon such as Wurmple, Slakoth and Teddiursa, which are easy enough for both of them to take on. And most importantly, they are slow, making it possible for Quinn to do something.

    Dewey shoots a Spider Web at a shiny Teddiursa I found, and while it's restrained and busy trying to take it off, Quinn Yawns at it, making it fall asleep on the spot. Right now, this is the best strat I've gotten so far for these two. It will definitely be more useful once both pokémon are under the effects of Trick Room.

    It is at that moment, though, that what I was fearing would happen today, happens: Another call from Unova. It's not as bad as I thought it would be though, since it's not family who's calling this time.

    Andrea it says on the screen. She's a friend of mine, she used to study with me at Trainer's School and should be working at the Battle Subway's Care Center now, or at least she applied to that when we graduated. Considering what I did yesterday, am I to assume she was accepted and this is probably about baby Boo? I don't know. But the fact that such a chance exists is enough to make me nervous about it.

    I hesitate a bit, holding my stylus on the call button, thinking if I should swipe down and ignore or swipe up and answer. I'd rather not talk to anyone from Unova, but this is also something I got myself into after forgetting Dewey was my sixth pokémon. And regardless, Andrea isn't family and is the same age as I am, she might be more understanding about this. If I'm going to communicate with someone from Unova, it'd rather be with her first.

    I swipe up.

    "... Hi?"

    "Jo! Ohmygosh, it's actually you!" Andrea cheers, but she grimaces soonly after, after seemingly being yelled at from the background. "Shit, sorry about that. We should talk more quietly. How are you? How's Hoenn?"

    "It's... hot."

    She laughs. "Well, right, it's… Hoenn. Is that why you are so red?"

    "Wha-!?" I look away from the camera after that. Am I really? Well, I definitely am now. Embarrassing.

    "Sorry! I was joking!" She laughs again, and looks at me with a smile. "You know why I'm calling, right?"

    "My Clobbopus?"

    "Yeah, Boo or something. Just wanted to tell you he's in good hands. Your brother said he will take care of him."

    "Alright." I can say I'm relieved over the fact that he's taking care of baby Boo. My brother is a capable trainer when it comes to difficult pokémon. Why isn't he the one talking to me then? It seems like my answer didn't satisfy Andrea, either, since she's stopped smiling now.

    "... You know? Everyone's been mad worried about you since you left."

    And here it goes. I try to keep my cool, but I don't think I can hide how uncomfortable I'm feeling with this topic. I can't even look directly at the screen. "They don't have to, I'm fine."

    She snickers. "Yeah, we can't know that if you don't tell us anything, you know?," she says.

    All the reasons I have to avoid communication with Unova and all the possible answers I could've given to her, I decide to keep to myself. To be honest, the main reason I did this was because I was afraid my parents would come to Hoenn to drag me back home, but…

    "People aren't even mad about the fact that you left home leaving only a note behind, they are just worried," she says.

    It is, in part, relieving, knowing I took them to rethink about my decision. But still, something about this thought doesn't allow me to feel entirely happy, in fact it makes me feel uneasy. Guilty conscience? Maybe. Whatever it is, I don't like it.

    "Did anything happen before you left? There must be a reason why you don't want to talk to anyone from Unova, right?"

    Right, she doesn't know about the fight I had with my parents about coming here, I didn't tell anyone about my plan to escape, either. "It has nothing to do with you. I believe I had good reasons, though, y'see? "

    She lowers her head and sighs. I can tell she definitely didn't want an answer like that and is clearly disappointed, but there's nothing I can do for her. She doesn't have to know, I don't need her opinion on this.

    "... I wonder about that," she says, or at least it seems like it, she said it in a low voice and I was unable to fully understand her words. "... I gotta go now. I just wanted to let you know your pokémon was in good hands."

    "... Sure. Thanks."

    "It's not me who you should be thanking."

    I glare at her after that. I don't think she meant to sound rude with that line, but I can't help but feel about it like a punch on the face. She's not wrong, the person I should be thanking for that is my brother, who I still don't want to talk to.

    "I meant thanks for calling, y'know?"

    "I really don't understand you... how you don't seem to care at all... How do you do it?" She clearly doesn't expect an answer to that question. I wasn't going to give it to her either. She gives me a docile smile, but her eyes have a different feeling on them. Disappointment, sadness, the list can keep going. "I'm glad you are fine, Jo," she says and immediately closes the call, leaving me only with the gut feeling that these two years of friendship have all gone to the trashcan and it is all my fault, somehow.

    What would be different now had I not answered that call? Or any of the previous ones? Seems like all paths take to inevitably ruined relationships. All of that for doing what I thought was the best for me?

    Before thinking too deep into that question I look at the three pokémon in front of me and try to shake these thoughts out of my head. There's no contest here, this scene is enough to tell me what to do. Tomorrow I'll aim to beat not Gym Leader, but Hall of Fame Wally and getting my third badge. I will become the strongest trainer, and right now, this goal is the most important to me. We keep moving.
    Jordie's Party:
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Battle Subway:
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]


    Jo's portrait made with: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1140610/
  • 302
    Junko "June" Enomoto
    Saturday, October 3rd
    Route 103
    "Joe?? Ah jeez, that really takes me back… yeah, it was something I used to call people who had a certain attitude to 'em. Y'know, like Joe Yabuki." June's dad explains.

    After picking up a Fanclub membership and Eviolite and nabbing some lunch, June immediately set-out for Route 110 to trek to Hoenn's biggest city, Mauville. While on the road, she thought it a good idea to give her parents a call to update them on what's happened, as well as ask the origin of the whole "Joe" thing. "I-I'm sorry, who now?"

    "Y'know, the main guy from Ashita no Joe! The boxing show!"

    "Dear, I don't think she knows what that is. It's way ahead of her time!" June's mom butts in.

    "Oh come on, it's ahead of my time too but I've seen it like a bajillion times!" He groans. "Ah whatever. How do you even know about my old 'Joe' thing anyways?"

    "Oh, I met a man from the Slateport gym who claimed he used to know you. That reminds me- he told me to tell you that 'Old Frosty' says hello, whatever that means."

    "Ol' Frosty!?!? Don't tell me, you mean…"

    "Ah dear Arceus…" June's mom sighs from the other end. "That's a name I haven't heard in awhile."

    "W-wait, did I say something wrong!?"

    "Jack Frost!!!" Her dad growls through his teeth. "That asshole!!! I'll never forget how much he screwed me over!"

    "It's just a bit of a sore spot for him Junko, that's all."

    "Jack Frost? You mean Jack Fukui? He told me you were friends when you were younger?" For someone who was once allegedly friends with her dad, this man sure seemed to leave a bitter taste in his mouth.

    "Friends my ass! We were rivals if anything! And boy, did we have a burning rivalry! Time after time, he'd always steamroll me in battle DESPITE how I had the type-advantage. He'd always do this stupid goddamn thing where he swished his stupid long hair which always made the stupid legion of fangirls he had swoon, although they did that for every stupid fucking word that came out of his mouth! Whenever he'd beat me he'd give me the most condescending glare while making some snarky-ass comment! Worst of all is that to pour salt in the wound he'd always unleash the most loud and obnoxious ear-splitting laugh that still haunts me to this day…" He shudders.

    "Well, it's not the most pleasant sound in the world…"

    "What still confuses me about him though- he had all these obsessive fangirls, right? That's normal for pretty boys like he was, but he didn't date a single one of them! You'd think a guy like him would be drowning in-"

    "Jun!" Her mom cuts off. "Not around our child, please!"

    "Well, he briefly mentioned having a husband so… maybe that has something to do with it?"

    "Oh. Huh. There's that answer I guess. A little anticlimactic for a question I've had for so long, but it makes sense."

    "...He literally asked you out after the Pokemon League in like, 2006. Did you not know?"

    "Ehh!?!? He did?! What the hell, how come I don't remember that?! I mean, not like I'd have gone out with a dipshit like him anyways!" He scoffs. "Fuck that guy!"

    "Hey, sooooo speaking of going out with people," June's mom changes the subject, trying to get her husband's mind off of the current topic, "How have things been going with that Avril girl? Is she with you right now?"

    "I'm afraid not." June shakes her head. "She had to part ways to deal with an important situation. As for how our everything else has been, well, it's… a tad complicated."

    "Is she treating you poorly? Cuz if she is, I'd like to have a few words with her!"

    "Nono, it's nothing like that! It's just, well, I think I was in over my head… I still do like her, it's just, it's harder than I thought. I really don't want to break it off, but I'm starting to suspect Marie had a point."

    "Hm, sounds like things could be going better. Have you talked with her about it?"

    "I, um, no but-"

    "There's your problem!" Her dad butts in. "How's she gon' know if ya don't ever tell 'er?"

    "You're probably correct, it's just, she's quite, um, well not to be rude, but some might describe her as 'sensitive' so to speak, and, um, you see, I'd really hate to upset her."

    "Then that's her own damn problem!" Her dad roars. "If ya ain't gonna communicate, what's th' point of bein' with her!? You're doin' all this work just to please her but what's she doin' for ya, eh!?"

    "Ooo, been awhile since the Hoenn-ben came out!"

    "I- I really can't argue with that, can I? In-fact I initially was going to tell her why I think it'd be a bad idea, but I just…" Her face flashes red as she tries to explain. "She's just really kind and cute, and… Oh, I just couldn't bring myself to do it! We both wanted the same thing, how could I have turned her down?"

    "Well I don't think this is a black and white thing- surely compromises can be made! Relationships couldn't function without them after all, and that's why I mentioned talking to her about it. Tell her what's bothering you and surely you can find a solution that works for both of you."

    "It seems as though that'd be the best course of action, yes. I think that'll be all the advice I need for now… Um, thank you." As if June would even have the backbone to bring that up to Avril… Honestly this doesn't sound like anything she doesn't already know, and it seems like the only advice she can get at this point is obvious.

    "All the advice you'll need? You sure about that?"

    "Um… not really to be honest, I just… I'm not sure I want to talk about it, that's all."

    "Ah, that's fair. If you ever change your mind though, I'll always be here to help. Otherwise, all I can really say is good luck with her- and with your journey as well. Keep winning those badges!"

    "Junko, I'm proud of you, y'know?" Her dad says. "Four badges already, on your way get your fifth… They grow up so fast. I almost don't believe it, I never thought you'd be the battling type, but I guess that's just the Enomoto blood running through your veins! Go get em Junko!"

    June exchanges goodbyes with her parents before hanging up. Something her dad said sticks out to her, his usual parental spiel about how kids grow up too fast, but he might have a point here. In just a matter of two weeks, June has gone from knowing virtually nothing about Pokemon battles to having earned four badges- compare that to Avril, who is two years older than her but has only seemed to regress in terms of battling. It's not that she got into her current situation without being aware of that, but with how much progress she's been making it's only becoming more apparent that she's going to have to put in more work than she's ready for.

    She's glad she has an excuse to put off bringing this up to Avril, with the two traveling separately for a few days and all. But she can't leave it on the back-burner forever- Eventually they will have to have this conversation. But how will Avril react? Knowing her, there's a good chance she might just start crying- and is that something June can handle witnessing? Seeing the girl she cares about bawling her eyes out after having her biggest insecurities confirmed by her beloved June of all people? That wouldn't lead to any outcomes she wants- How would June feel bearing the label of a heartbreaker? Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place...

    Gosh, Marie really was right, wasn't she?

    🐞 June's Party 🐞
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
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    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Hoenn: Square One [IC]

    Hoenn: Square One [IC]
    Last edited:


    Princess Era 🎀
  • 6,564
    • Age 24
    • she/her
    • Italy
    • Seen May 30, 2024

    Avril Reese

    16 - ♀ - Laverre City

    Featuring Hikaru

    Pokémon / Inventory:

    AVRIL'S MONEY: $38 500
    - $ 4 000 to Hikaru (Dewford Berry Search shared reward)
    - $ 1 500 (Rydel Rental Bike + Use outside of bridge daily fee)

    🌼 Poppy (Flabébé) ♀
    Flower Veil
    Synthesis, Fairy Wind, Grassy Terrain, Aromatherapy, Wish, Magical Leaf

    🌼 Hydrangea (Shellos) ♀
    Storm Drain
    Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Recover, Rain Dance, Mud Sport, Hidden Power (?)

    🌼 Wisteria (Inkay) ♂
    Night Slash, Hypnosis, Topsy-Turvy, Pluck, Reflect, Psybeam

    🌼 Thistle (Wooloo) ♀
    Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Copycat, Guard Split, Double Kick

    🌼 Venus (Mawile) ♀ - at Littleroot Research Lab

    🌼 1 Empty Pokéball
    🌼 2 Potions
    🌼 Eviolite
    🌼 Silk Scarf
    🌼 TM for Ally Switch
    🌼 5 Rare berries
    🌼 Sea Incense

    🌼 Holotch (phone version)
    🌼 Fanclub Membership card - valid until October 17th
    🌼 Various clothes and commodities
    🌼 Pink Woolen Hat

    Jordie, Shuna, Natsuko, June, Marcella, Hikaru


    🎀• 1

    🌼 Character art made with [SPAN="color:rgb(40,180,40);"]https://picrew.me/image_maker/338886[/SPAN]
    Death Magnetic
    Friday, October 2nd - late evening - Trick House
    They did it again. They didn't change a single bit. They dragged me through hell once again.

    Hell in this case is some kind of huge circular room with dull grey walls, inside of which are standing a sleeping behemoth that might go crazy if you get too close, and a blue haired buffoon that seems interested in doing just that. They wanted to come here because they heard about a very special reward, and gave me no chance to split up from them.

    We were in the middle of the process of renting bikes for our Mauport Bridge journey when they eavesdropped on another trainer, who was talking about this "Trick House" thing down towards Route 103. They immediately asked if they could go there with the bikes we just got and guess what, that cost us a fee. We added that to the original price of rental anyways, we biked through the path I walked on with June by my side, and we got to our destination when the Sun was already well into the setting phase.

    I have to weigh my choices very carefully by now. When to complain, when to shut up. I said, let's give them a chance. That's what has led me here.

    I angrily shake my Holotch in my hand, but to no avail, because the magnetic field inside the room blocks out all of its features. No calls, no internet, right when I could've used some comforting words from, I don't know… June. In the meantime, Hikaru is growing more impatient, pushing some random buttons on the ground more and more often.

    At first, I was interested to see how this would work. The notes that were left by whoever invented this place were at least engaging and provided some information. I could see the button sending some kind of electric impulse to a little Pokémon above it, a Klink, who would in turn spin faster than usual and disperse some of that energy around the room.

    So what?

    The more time passed, the more bored I became. I didn't care about that task or those rewards, I just wanted to get out of there, enjoy some dinner, and sleep. The fact that prima donna over there didn't rent any tent only made things worse: you can't tell me we're going to sleep on Mauport Bridge and have an easy journey, and then change your plans on a whim! And where do you think you're going anyways, you said it yourself you weren't fully healed.

    It's past 8 pm now. Why am I still afraid of going up to them and saying, "surrender"?

    Hikaru thought this was going to be easy and didn't give me any instructions on what Pokémon to get. In fact, I think we both chose somewhat randomly, with me going for Angie and them picking their Treecko. Both of them are staring at either me or the blue haired trainer without understanding what's happening.

    When Hikaru presses a button for too long, a jolt of electricity seems to reach one of "Klinklang"'s spikes. Klinklang being the large, gear-like Pokémon in the middle, who much like Hikaru's Staryu, doesn't even have a face we can look at to tell how angry it is.

    It doesn't react. Apparently, we need it to, in order to have it move the Klinks on the wall, but we can't use too much energy or attack it with other moves, or it will get mad. And actually… the same will happen to Klink! We can't let any of them get energized for too long, or they will also get mad.

    Well, needless to say but… I don't want those Pokémon to get mad. I'm not in the mood for fights. Hikaru doesn't want that either, but that's mostly because they were told that if no Pokémon gets mad, rewards are way, way better than otherwise.

    I skim through the notes again and again, hoping there's a way out, but the sad truth may as well be, we chose the wrong Pokémon to take. The reason why? From what I'm understanding, we need to activate multiple buttons at once to have a chance. "Electricity should be delivered to all six of Klinklang spikes for it to wake up." is what the notes say, and we can notice said electricity dissipating after a short period of time - once it hits the spike that is.

    I take a sip of water from my bottle, which I brought in and put somewhere near the exit door. Some of the water runs down my chin. I'm hungry, I need a shower, not a single annoying water drop.

    8:20 pm and by now Hikaru has clearly grown tired of trying to keep me interested. They haven't looked my way for a very long time, let alone called my name or walked closer to where I'm standing. They're probably waiting for a light bulb to appear over their head magically.

    Technically, we have time. Nothing's out to get us yet. But I'm sure of it, Hikaru is not considering how long it will take us to reach the closest sleeping accommodation, be it Slateport's Pokémon Center (again) or a place along Mauport Bridge. And we can't be in two different places at the same time, can we?

    Can we?

    "Hikaru! What moves does Treecko know?"


    "What moves?"

    Hikaru looks a bit puzzled. I probably disturbed them while they were burying their head into their X-Transceiver, oh well.

    "Uh, last time I checked there was Giga Drain, Quick Attack, Agility… and something else I don't remember."

    Treecko is rolling her eyes at that, but nods shortly after.

    I might have an idea, finally. Not Hikaru, me. But I need to find enough courage to test it. Funnily enough, that's the easy part when you're feeling so stressed out and only care about getting out of here.

    I press a button. Klink spins faster. Electricity leaves its body and quickly reaches Klinklang. It lingers for a few seconds before the sparkles disappear entirely.

    In that amount of time, I've barely made it one third of the way towards the next button, obviously. The room is big, it's meant to be like that. But not everyone in this room is as slow as me.

    "You… uh… realize we need to hit all the buttons at the same time or so?"

    Hikaru looks at me, slightly confused. "Oh, yeah, I guess so." I raise an eyebrow.

    "Try letting Treecko use Agility. See how fast she can get!"

    The Grass-type does just that, running around the room erratically and becoming progressively faster. After a few minutes, and by throwing in a Quick Attack too, she can go from one button to another in the blink of an eye. Ok, maybe that's too quick, but I'm surprised at the difference myself.

    Two buttons remain. Angie is up. The buttons happen to be raised from the floor and too tall for her to reach but I have to think of a solution. The fact I've been able to get Treecko, a single Pokémon, to take care of two buttons (at least that's what I hope) is already galvanizing me.

    Eventually the solution I get to is Mud Sport. Over the course of a couple minutes, Angie creates a small ramp made out of mud that lets her reach one button, press her body against it, and then slide down. I help her with the shape of it, so that the ramp allows her to launch herself and fly towards the next button. She doesn't seem to mind, mostly because I'm still convincing her to do what I say by promising berries after we're done. I know I shouldn't do that, but this is a dire situation and it calls for desperate measures.

    Admittedly, Angie seems to have a lot of fun sliding down her own Mud Sport. She smiles at me as she gets back up the little mountain that acts as the starting point and tries again, helping me shape the mud so that she can reach the next button more easily.

    It's almost 9 pm when we're ready. Hikaru, who has been looking at me from afar and has sort of stayed in a state of slumber this whole time, is ready to do the honors and count to three. After that…

    I press one button. They press one button too. Treecko presses one button before running as fast as she can towards the next, activating it and totaling two buttons. Angie also presses one button before sliding down the mud ramp we built and latching herself onto another button, pressing it and also covering two buttons.


    First attempt is kind of a disaster, with me letting go of the button too soon and Angie sliding right past her second target. It must be hard to stop, for sure, that's a weak point in the plan. But we may as well try again.

    Third time's the charm.

    We made it.

    Actually, I should say "I made it", because that's how things really went. But I already know they'll take all the credit, since they were the one to drag me here in the first place.

    Last edited:


    Princess Era 🎀
  • 6,564
    • Age 24
    • she/her
    • Italy
    • Seen May 30, 2024

    Avril Reese

    16 - ♀ - Laverre City

    Featuring Hikaru

    Pokémon / Inventory:

    AVRIL'S MONEY: $38 500

    🌼 Poppy (Flabébé) ♀
    Flower Veil
    Synthesis, Fairy Wind, Grassy Terrain, Aromatherapy, Wish, Magical Leaf

    🌼 Hydrangea (Shellos) ♀
    Storm Drain
    Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Recover, Rain Dance, Mud Sport, Hidden Power (?)

    🌼 Wisteria (Inkay) ♂
    Night Slash, Hypnosis, Topsy-Turvy, Pluck, Reflect, Psybeam

    🌼 Thistle (Wooloo) ♀
    Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Copycat, Guard Split, Double Kick

    🌼 Venus (Mawile) ♀ - at Littleroot Research Lab

    🌼 1 Empty Pokéball
    🌼 2 Potions
    🌼 Eviolite
    🌼 Silk Scarf
    🌼 TM for Ally Switch
    🌼 5 Rare berries
    🌼 Sea Incense

    🌼 Holotch (phone version)
    🌼 Fanclub Membership card - valid until October 17th
    🌼 Various clothes and commodities
    🌼 Pink Woolen Hat

    Jordie, Shuna, Natsuko, June, Marcella, Hikaru


    🎀• 1

    🌼 Character art made with [SPAN="color:rgb(40,180,40);"]https://picrew.me/image_maker/338886[/SPAN]
    Tiny Guardian
    Saturday, October 3rd - early morning - Mauport Bridge
    Hikaru's half baked plan did somewhat work when we tried looking for a room on Mauport Bridge at… 10 pm or so. Probably even later than that, I don't remember.

    It turns out that, despite the name, this is more than a bridge. There's buildings right on top of the bridge (Hikaru says they copied a bridge in Unova, of all things), all rising on the two sides of a rather large and pleasant walkway. It also turns out that there's a Bed & Breakfast that owns several of them and can rent out rooms to trainers just like a Pokémon Center usually does.

    …it also turns out that the bed & breakfast was about to close down when we got there. Hikaru had to ask directions to a resident (yes, people live here) and then sprint on their bike like a maniac to make it in time and pray to the receptionist for a room. But by the time I got there, they made it, and had the keys dangling in front of my face.

    Oh sorry, the single key. We share a double room.


    For once, I can't complain. There wasn't much else we could've done - or rather, it was their fault for not bringing a tent or at least telling me to do that, but they somehow saved themselves from living through the consequences. I still felt bad for the poor receptionist though, who had to endure this person barging into the building just seconds before he would be free to leave his job.

    I will however complain about how Hikaru was still awake when I crashed into my bed. They were still talking to themselves and messing with their X-Transceiver when I was already trying to sleep, and guess what, that's kind of a big nuisance. It's kind of hard for me to sleep if the room isn't dark and quiet.

    Oh, and then, then my own little curse comes into play. I tried to close all the curtains as best as I could, but when the Sun started getting high enough on the horizon and the wind started to blow stronger, I felt that. The fact we were assigned a room on the top floor made this worse too. And so, I woke up.

    I was still tired from the day before, from all the bike trips, from the somersaults my mind had to make in order to adapt to everything that happened (from camping with June, to reaching Slateport with her, to leaving the city in the blink of an eye because of this idiot). But when the Sun is up, I just can't go back to sleep, I can only stare at the ceiling.

    I look to the side and notice Hikaru in their bed, still laying down. They're really sleeping like a rock…

    I wasn't interested in meeting them again after what happened in Dewford, if not for that little thing we'd left undone. But now they're using said thing to force themselves inside my journey, inside my mind, and that's getting too much. I have my own Pokémon and my own friends to care about. So if I can use this curse of mine as an advantage, and end this joke, I'll at least give it a try.

    Hikaru's red backpack is lying right beside their bed. It's surely smaller than my own rolling bag, but it still looks sturdy and able to carry lots of things… and it does have some external pockets and straps too, perhaps to tie even more objects to it. Nothing of note is exposed though, and that really doesn't help. I wonder where the Mawilite could be, where I should look in order to find it quickly…

    I take a few steps, trying to get closer. Poppy helps me as well, floating towards the backpack way quicker than me, but then shakes her head, signaling she needs help unzipping the main compartment. That, I can take care of myself… slowly.

    I can fit my hand inside! It just feels… weird though. I have no idea what I'm touching and I don't even want to know. Not until I hear some cries.


    Rei is in there!?

    Looks like the rather odd, almost squishy thing I was feeling is just that… Hikaru's starter Pokémon! He winces in pain before giving me a small electric shock that makes me squeal as well. I immediately retract the hand but the damage is done, and Rei peeks out of the backpack with a pout on his face.

    I surrender.
