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[PKMN FULL] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]

"What do you mean I was wrong? And please stop flashing that smug grin!"
'Cute and Cunning'
Katrina Purcell
It's definitely her real name alright :)
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]

Preferred Name: Whatever, not literally though.
Age: "Why do you want to know my age so much?"
Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Somewhere in Galar. She's surprisingly truthful about this one.
Devices: The newest model of Holotch

Katrina is standing at a height of 157 cm tall, with a slim build. She has a fair complexion and an auburn hair which she kept on shoulder length. She also wears round-rimmed glasses she wears in front of her blue colored eyes.

For her journey, she usually wears a white wide-brimmed hat, white shirt with black heart patterns, and a black knee-length skirt, completed with black tights and a set of high heels. She has several other outfits including a black sundress and keep a pair of white sneakers if she had to walk far.

(Excerpt from Jack's personal diary dated Saturday, 19th of September)
...About Kat, apparently, my deduction was correct. As I've already written on yesterday's log she is actually the biggest red flag on my plan, even compared to Alice she's even more shrewd and quick-witted which really scares me out about how my plan will roll out, it thankfully also showed on how she battled, well I've written it yesterday, but she'll be a great rival with how great her battling instinct was, she just needs a better understanding on more battling techniques and strategies... I sincerely hope my notes helped her.

Also, judging from her comments, mannerisms, and knowledge, she came from a very fortunate family, maybe even a very wealthy one. The issue is she's kind of reckless with her money, I mean who carries that much money in their wallet!? That's too much, even for my standards... It's a great thing I keep small changes on my wallet, otherwise who knows what'll happen earlier. Her background was definitely exuded in her table manners, I'm not going to say it's suffocating but it's certainly rare to see someone with that table manners, I mean I only know it from movies so I couldn't rashly say it's perfect but she's definitely learned table manners. I just hope she can be more relaxed with it, as... You know... Not a lot of people really like people who are really strung up, I've experienced that myself... In a hard way.

But my biggest concern with her is her trust issues... I was very surprised at the fact that she expected me to ask for something as a return of what I've done for her. I mean we're... Friends... Or acquaintance, depends on who you ask, but still we're not some people from two different corporations who are trying to negotiate a deal. It didn't cross my mind until now, but it actually brings up a huge question about her upbringing... I mean, I never know a person who grew up in a rich family and is this distrustful of pure intentions on this scale... Could it be connected with her mother? Or is it because of personal experience? Well, with how little I know of her, and I'm not even sure she even told me the truth, I could make some logical conjectures from that information, but I wouldn't dare to make a hasty conclusion out of what I have right now.

Well, with how she smiled earlier I shouldn't be worried, but I guess I couldn't stop being a worrywart about my friends haha... Well, I hope she could find what she was trying to search for in this journey, and also for our arrangement to hold up. Because seriously, if she broke it... I'm so dead... Well, I hope Alice and Mom Nah, what's her new name again? It's Shuna, isn't it? Is changing your name a trend right now? Well, I guess I'll search that up later. Anyway, I hope both of them safe travels, as for Kira I have no doubt she'll be fine, one way or another. Well, that's all for today's log I guess...
(The note ends here)

Brief History
(Jack's Viewpoint)
Katrina is quite secretive about her past and she is pretty good at it too, so there was nothing I can scrap around, not even using the internet. Although I can say this with confidence, the girl Katrina Purcell doesn't really exist... Well, she exists, but that is definitely a fake name she's using. She claimed to be an only daughter from a salesman father and a housewife mother who decided to travel because she desperately wants to know what she wants to do for the future, but that's an absolute Muk of a story. Why? Because it's an obvious lie, and a liar recognizes another liar.

Pokemon List
Current Goal
Be a successful trainer, challenge the champion, and that's it... Or is it? =)

- Her favorite drink is Strawberry Milk
- Sorry, that's all :)
- Well one more thing I guess, her battle theme music

Writing Sample
It's still the F-Zero chapter, it contains a chased men running away from an angry flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto while riding a Beldum at high speed also, he had to use a Hoothoot as a gun turret, so here it is.
(P.S. I miss you Hunter, I really do =( )


Water . Ice Body
Hail . Blizzard . Smart Strike . Aqua Ring . Rest . Sleep Talk
Sets up. Big hits. Heal. Big hits.

Alolan Sandslash
Ice/Steel . Slush Rush
Hail . Icicle Spear . Protect . Rapid Spin . Fury Swipes . Swords Dance.
Distraction, but with a speed boost and an attack boost.

Trash Wormadam
Bug/Steel . Overcoat
Sandstorm . Quiver Dance . Signal Beam . Flash Cannon . Electroweb . Magnet Rise
Sandstorm to conceal. Electroweb to catch targets so it can throw moves from afar. Magnet Rise to stay out of ground-type field moves.

Bug . Overcoat
Stealth Rock . Sandstorm . Toxic Spikes . Pin Missile . Iron Defense . Rapid Spin
With sand: hides in the storm and tosses field effects into the swirling winds.
With hail: sets field effects and Rapid Spins around the field, uses Stealth Rocks as shields and ramps.

Alolan Diglett
Ground/Steel . Sand Force
Sandstorm . Bulldoze . Iron Head . Dig . Rock Tomb . Protect
Hit and run. Tries not to get hit; uses Protect and runs.

Ground/Electric . Sand Veil
Sandstorm . Muddy Water . Charge . Discharge . Mud Shot . Dig
Buries itself and attacks opportunistically.
Marie Rachelle Mocinno

PREFERRED NAME: Marie ⟡ AGE: 17 ⟡ PRONOUNS: she/her ⟡ HOME REGION: Johto ⟡ DEVICE: PokéGear
POKÉMON ON HAND: Tuie ⟡ Natu ⟡ Female ⟡ LV 15 ⟡ Magic Bounce ⟡ Peck // Teleport // Stored Power // Cosmic Power

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]
Marie is a tall girl, 5'11 and still growing! It's her father's fault, she says. Her figure comes from him as well, though where one might call her father gangly, Marie tends to get the kinder description of willowy. Her eyes are blue, her skin is somewhere in the olive-tone family, and she gets a smattering of freckles across her cheeks when she's had too much sun. Her hair is brown, chin-length, and wavy-bordering-on-curly. She usually keeps it pushed back with a bandana in some bright color. For clothing, Marie favors light, billowy short-sleeved shirts and high-waisted pants.

Marie is quick-witted and somewhat sharp-tongued when she wants to be. She likes to take charge and frequently pressures people into doing what she wants. She's not cruel by any means, but people tend to think twice about getting on her bad side. She's incredibly independent and happy to be so, following her own whims as she starts to think about what she really wants to do with her life.

Marie grew up in Johto with her younger brothers, splitting their time between their father's spacious house in Goldenrod and their mother's little Olivine apartment. All four children were allowed to pursue their interests at their own pace, so it became very clear early on that Marie was not going to be the child to take charge of the family business. Oh, she'll have a job- her father's old one will be perfect for her- but to be in charge of an entire corporation? Nobody wants that, least of all Marie. Her mother was more annoyed with this than her father, even though it's his company and legacy. Marie doesn't appreciate her mother's attitude and has grown closer to her father over the past few years.

Have an adventure! Make some friends! Hang out with this neat Natu she inherited! Win some badges or trophies or something! As for why she picked Hoenn specifically… it really could have been anywhere but Johto. If she's not in Johto, it's much easier to ignore her mother.

⟡ Her name is common in her family, dating back generations. It's even her father's middle name!
⟡ As much as Alton loves his daughter and loved his great-aunt, he's been getting more and more worried with each passing year as the former starts to take after the latter.
⟡ Said great-aunt was an eccentric person in general. She owned and lived in a chunk of forest in rural Johto where she exclusively bred Natu. She left this land in Alton's hands when she died and he has no idea what to do with it. This is where Tuie comes from!
⟡ Marie has made the choice to attempt financial independence during this journey. She's not unaware of how money works- her father made sure of that- but managing it on her own for the first time is probably going to be a challenge.
-> All of the below is in the Player Reference Document.

• A bet of $1500 is automatically assigned to the match unless otherwise agreed upon. Loser pays out. Not paying the prize money is essentially theft.
• Gym leaders pay out to winners, but those who lose do not have to pay in. The same applies if a gym leader requires a challenger to fight other gym staff.
• Matches in tournaments or contests do not have prize money assigned to them, as the ultimate winner(s) will receive payout at the end.
• Swaps are limited. One per battle if using 2-4 Pokémon, two per battle if using 5-6.
• Any of these rules can be changed upon prior agreement. This ruleset is usually just called "standard rules" when asking for a battle.

Holotch: A device by the Pokétch company that is gaining popularity in Kinyo. It is basically a flexible, foldable screen that has all the functionality of a phone. It can be folded to slot into a watchband (sold separately).​

Items and TMS-
TMs are not numbered and do not break. TRs for very powerful moves may be available down the line. Any move that has ever existed can be written to a TM or TR! But your Pokémon can still only learn things that its species can normally. Most of the time, when I give aTM as a quest reward, it won't be a named TM. Instead, I'll give a category like "a grass-type status move" or "a physical steel-type move with power 60 or less".​

Moves and Abilities-
Moves are limited to six. You may use any move table from XY and newer, but make sure that when you choose one for each Pokémon, you stick with it! Gets confusing otherwise. replaced by the following:
Moves can be chosen from Gen 7 and 8 movetables. If a Pokémon does not have a Gen 8 table at time of writing, it can be supplemented by Gen 6.​

Prerequisite Class
All Contest Halls provide one-on-one or small group coordinator lessons for about $2000. These lessons are a prerequisite for obtaining a Contest Pass, which allows participation in Contests across the region. You do not need a Hoenn-registered license to take the class.

To sign up for a class, you just go up to the desk at the Contest Hall and ask when the next available time is. They usually say "oh, I can get you someone in about twenty minutes". Usually the classes are one-on-one, but you can go with a friend! Or you may be put in a small group with others who showed up around the same time.

The class covers the basic format of Hoenn contests and shows some video examples of past contests. You also get to practice on one of the Hall's stages for a while while the instructor gives you pointers.

Contest Pass
To apply for a Contest Pass, you must provide staff at the Contest Hall with a signed receipt for your class and a Hoenn-registered trainer license. The pass activates immediately. Your pass will allow you to participate in D-Rank contests, which is the beginner level. One ribbon in D-Rank allows a coordinator to graduate to C-Rank and upgrade their Pass. Three ribbons in C-Rank and a coordinator graduates to B-Rank and may enter the Grand Festival. It is unlikely that anyone will make it to A-Rank. There is also S-Rank, which is given to top-level coordinators who have achieved multiple Grand Festival wins.

Coordinators may choose to enter the singles category or doubles category. Singles allows one Pokémon to be registered and this Pokémon must complete all three rounds- it may not be switched for another. Doubles allows two Pokémon to be registered and both must participate in each round. Neither may be switched for another.

Hoenn contests have three rounds. Of the 32 participating coordinators, 16 are eliminated in the first round and another 8 are eliminated in the second.

The first round is a themed challenge. Coordinators will interpret the challenge however they choose and present the judges and audience with their take.

The second round is a five-minute timed battle. Coordinators are judged both on their battle skills and on their ability to create a performance while still furthering their goal of knocking out their opponent.

The final round is the individual performance. This is where a coordinator's creativity really gets to shine. This is their planned, choreographed, best work that they are presenting to the judges. This is what determines the winners.

Contests winners receive Ribbons, one for the trainer and one for each of their participating Pokémon. There is also a cash prize for the top three coordinators. D-Rank prizes are $10000 for the winner, $5000 for the runner-up, and $2500 for third place. Sometimes, local companies will sponsor a competition and add another prize on top of the usual.

Trainer Licensing-
There are multiple classes of trainer license. Yours is "journeying trainer", which says you can keep up to six Pokémon with you and that your main purpose is battling. It also lets you take advantage of amenities provided by the League to assist you in your journey- free rooms at Pokémon Centers, free or reduced transit between cities with gyms, discounts at certain shops, etcetera.

Trainers may apply for a license at age 12 or older. School is recommended, especially if the goal is a specific career, but all they must do is pass a basic Pokémon Care test in order to keep Pokémon. Children under 12 may obtain a license with parental permission, the caveats being that if they journey, they must either do so in their home region or have a guardian journey with them.

Registering a license with another region is simple; you just take your license to any Pokémon Center and the staff will file your information with the regional government. Processing takes twenty-four hours and after that, your license is active. You may either keep your previous physical license or have the Pokémon Center staff issue you a new one. Most people just keep their first license until they lose or destroy it.​
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[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]
Emilio Estéban Grácia - 17 - Kanto
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]

Art by the lovely Robin Yao: robinyao.com

Tia called him Milo, otherwise, nada.​
He, Him, His​
A pine green PokeGear with brown details.​
Galarian Ponyta
Tail Whip - Confusion - Fairy Wind - High Horsepower (TM)​

Standing at 180 centimeters (~5' 9"), Emilio Estéban Grácia is a tall, lanky teenager of cool, medium tan skin. Loose, mossy green curls poof into a small bundle of mess resembling an afro on his scalp, hence the beanie hats that tame the unruly locks.

Similar to how he inadvertently hides the true nature of his wild hair, his choice of clothing is comprised by skinny jeans and thick sweaters, all of which come from a dark palette. For the sake of the journey he had chosen two pairs of clothes to avoid hefty luggage:

- A charcoal hoodie with strings to control the size of the hood itself, light pale brown T-shirt, fossil gray skinny jeans, and dirty green converse.
- An oversized country blue hoodie with a single black, horizontal line cutting at the clothing article's abdomen, a deep black turtleneck t-shirt, seaweed green skinny jeans, and mossy green military boots.

A single, dark teal beanie with a pale mustard pom pom rarely leaves his scalp. A small wooden chip with the image of a fish burnt into its surface clings to the front of the headwear. Like the hat, he does carry two bags at all times; a hefty, pale mustard backpack and a powder blue, canvas messenger bag. The former contains his daily wear and needs such as, but not limited to, his hygiene products, first aid, cups and plates, straws, detergent, etc. The latter however has been given the opportunity to hold his pokéballs, delicate food items, laptop, sketching tools, and the like.​

He's a sarcastic, fragile idiot with the patience of a spoiled brat. The kind first impression he may give off easily peels at the first hint of hostility. Topped with a lack of thick skin and sensitivity, Emilio takes out his hurt not in tears or stutters, but rudeness and aggression. However, despite these drawbacks, he does wield compassion - it's not too apparent due to the way he may deliver it - and care. He pays what he owes, he returns the favors, often places others above himself, and carries quite a bit of politeness.

An exhausted resting face may deceive others into assuming he's tuckered out for the day, yet this is far from the truth. Emilio is owner to a very vast quantity of energy, unable to sit still without feeling jittery and uneasy. Whether it is exercising, training, or riding rollercoasters, he avoids resting and being left to dwell into his thoughts for far too long.

Emilio is an impatient fool, feeling as if life is slipping through his fingers. This approach to life he also takes into the battlefield, where he likes to get things over with and finish fast; raw power dancing with speed is key.​

A young, naive couple eloped and abandoned the Galar region, settling in the myth-riddled Lavender City of Kanto. There they happily added six additions to the family; Emilio emerged into the world as the third of six children. Unfortunately the boy grew up plagued with respiratory illnesses and misfortune, drowning the family in hospital bills and hundreds of sleepless nignts. Oh yes, his parents did what they could to help him see the next morning, but his arduous infancy and toddler years chipped away at his guardians. Unbeknownst to them, they had taken their stress on the child, resulting in a boy that had acquired a wide arsenal when it comes to snatching the attention of others; misbehaving, tantrums, disobedience, etc. From this a young boy blossomed into a fragile young man that desperately clung to any sort of approval from peers, no longer requiring it from his family. Whether good or bad, comrades and acquaintances continually disappointed and disposed of Emilio, yet the young man did not appear to learn from his mistakes, attracted to rather toxic individuals like his own family. Like a moth to a light, he nearly perished when his own abandoned him mid-fight against a drunken stranger at an alleyway. Fortunately Emilio escaped, but had walked home that day promising to keep to himself.

Despite his misfortunes the Grácia boy did have one human being he held close to his heart and that honor belonged to his dear Tia. Tia Grácia, an aunt who had raised him while his mother and father worked full-time jobs, became his role model. Foul-mouthed, yet kind and patient, the old woman gave him the affection he so craved. But all things do come to an end, and the wondeful human being met her demise in a car accident when Emilio turned sixteen.

Without her by his side and a family that daily reminded him of the disappointment he had grown to be for the family of five other successful children, Emilio embraced his depression and demons. Immediately he cut the world off to toss and turn in the turmoil.

Of the belongings his aunt left behind, her one pokémon had been specifically handed to him due to a note she left behind; her companion the Galarian Ponyta, a reminder of her roots.​

He and his aunt shared the dream of standing before the Hoenn legendaries and mythical pokémon, being one of the first to document them and study them. However, now with the passing of his aunt, he had begun to grow obsessed over locating Jirachi.​

He has asthma, albeit it is not severe.​

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Full name: Kaya Sheen

Age: 16

Pronouns: She, her, them, they, their

Home region: Kinyo- lived there her whole life and is incredibly excited to explore a new region.

Device: Pokedex (duh) and poketch

Partner pokemon: I really want them to have a Growlithe but if they need to have a 3-stage-evolution then Rookidee.
Nickname: If Growlithe: Taraki. If Rookidee: Rookie
Moveset: If Growlithe: Ember, Leer, howl. If Rookidee: Peck, leer, powertrip.

Appearance: Fairly long, dark brown hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes, black glasses, normally wears shorts and big hoodie with trainers.

Personality: Stubborn, hot-headed, curious, energetic, childish, loves pokemon, doesn't talk much with people except friends.

Brief history: graduated Kinyo trainer school but was offered chance to come here shortly after and jumped at the chance. Lived with mum and dad and an older brother. Family used to have a growlithe but it died 7 years ago.
Found started pokemon hiding in bins (if Rookidee it's wing was broken and is slowly healing)

Goal: Wants to travel to every region and see every regional variant and region exclusive pokemon- has a list of favourite pokemon and wants to ride, on a flying, land and sea pokemon.
Full name: Kaya Sheen

Age: 16

Pronouns: She, her, them, they, their

Home region: Kinyo- lived there her whole life and is incredibly excited to explore a new region.

Device: Pokedex (duh) and poketch

Partner pokemon: I really want them to have a Growlithe but if they need to have a 3-stage-evolution then Rookidee.
Nickname: If Growlithe: Taraki. If Rookidee: Rookie
Moveset: If Growlithe: Ember, Leer, howl. If Rookidee: Peck, leer, powertrip.

Appearance: Fairly long, dark brown hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes, black glasses, normally wears shorts and big hoodie with trainers.

Personality: Stubborn, hot-headed, curious, energetic, childish, loves pokemon, doesn't talk much with people except friends.

Brief history: graduated Kinyo trainer school but was offered chance to come here shortly after and jumped at the chance. Lived with mum and dad and an older brother. Family used to have a growlithe but it died 7 years ago.
Found started pokemon hiding in bins (if Rookidee it's wing was broken and is slowly healing)

Goal: Wants to travel to every region and see every regional variant and region exclusive pokemon- has a list of favourite pokemon and wants to ride, on a flying, land and sea pokemon.
Hi! This is a good start but you're going to need a writing sample of 300 or more words, and to decide which starter you are choosing! I do allow a 2-stage evo line, so Growlithe would be just fine. Please read the OP carefully for details on levels and movesets. In addition, there is a player document that you will want to familiarize yourself with! It's a lot of reading, but it's important to have a good handle on how the world works. :)
I'm brand new and so I think im a bit to confused and noobie for this, I think I'm probably going to have to back out, sorry. But a least I have a new character I want to develop now.
I'm brand new and so I think im a bit to confused and noobie for this, I think I'm probably going to have to back out, sorry. But a least I have a new character I want to develop now.
Understandable! This roleplay in particular is front-loaded with a lot of information and prep work, so it's a bit intimidating & I totally get that. But take your time and explore the rest of PokéCommunity & pop into the roleplay section to read and figure out how we do stuff! I intend for this roleplay to stay open for applications for its entire lifespan, so when you feel ready just stop back in. :) If you want to read the IC, talk about the world and characters, or just have questions, you can totally post them in this thread as well and I/the rest of the cast will answer and chat! :)
Understandable! This roleplay in particular is front-loaded with a lot of information and prep work, so it's a bit intimidating & I totally get that. But take your time and explore the rest of PokéCommunity & pop into the roleplay section to read and figure out how we do stuff! I intend for this roleplay to stay open for applications for its entire lifespan, so when you feel ready just stop back in. :) If you want to read the IC, talk about the world and characters, or just have questions, you can totally post them in this thread as well and I/the rest of the cast will answer and chat! :)

Thank you!
Maritza White
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]

15 years old - She / Her - Galar
Maritza stands in 5'5'', which is a little bit too tall according to Miranda, but that's because she is already very short. Her most visible characteristics are her fair skin, her gray hair, always tied in a ponytail, her somewhat reddish eyes and the tiny moles under her eyes. Her usual attire is… expensive and formal; gloves, black pants and long sleeved shirts that cover her skin from the sun and to cover her head, she always carries a white umbrella nearly all the time. She also likes wearing a black vest and a black tie for no actual purpose, she just likes it.

If you had to describe her in two words, those would be either talkative and curious or insufferable know-it-all, and both descriptions would be correct! Maritza likes to learn new stuff and tell people what she knows… sometimes too much about it.

She can be very sarcastic with her humor and at times maybe too dark with it. She is also very careful and likes to have everything organized and clean, and in case she has trouble with the latter, Juggernaut takes care of it. She also is either extremely patient with complicated, explosive people or just doesn't take insults and harsh words too seriously.

She loves to read, and she obviously knows a lot about Pokémon biology, human biology, plant biology, whatever other thing biology, and about other non biology-related stuff as well, but mostly scientific topics. Reading about all of that amazing stuff outside made her love the idea of exploring the world, but that's just that: and idea.

Maritza comes from Motostoke City in the Galar Region. Due to the contamination on the city, she developed a respiratory illness and her family had to move to Hammerlocke as a result. Not only is her respiratory handicap a problem, but she was born with an already weak physique and frail skin that only gave more reasons to her parents to keep her inside her home with her father's books (her father is a chemistry teacher in Hammerlocke University but is specialized in all kind of science) being the only thing she'll have close to the outside world… Until a wild Wimpod knocked on her window one night and by hiding it from her parents who wouldn't let her have a Pokémon of her own, she befriended him.

Her parents eventually found out about Juggernaut (the name she gave the Wimpod after researching about its evolution) and obviously kicked it out and secured her windows so no dirty Pokémon enters ever again.

Days passed and Maritza's condition worsened. While her parents were crazy looking for a solution, Maritza did a research on her own and found a 20 year old article about a kid in the Hoenn region with a similar problem than her, whose condition got way better during a Pokémon Journey.

Her parents laughed about it at first, but after having no luck doctor after doctor and already hopeless, they decided to grant her her only wish so she can be happy. They tried to convince Maritza to go on a Journey with a Yamper but she insisted on traveling with the Wimpod that has been waiting on her window since Maritza's windows were locked.

Her goal in life is to become a researcher or at least better her health condition.​
FULL NAME: Jason Lee
AGE: 16
DEVICE: Grandfather's Old Cellphone, his grandfather updated it so he could transfer Pokémon between Hoenn and the Jhoto Ranch
POKEMON ON HAND: [Ok, so I'm kind of asking for a rule bend for this, but I would like to have a Gyarados that evolved early, and I'm hoping I pitch it in such a way that you would allow, and I'm Ok with it being lvl 15 and only knowing tackle and splash and possibly misbehaving from time to time]

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn: Square One [OOC]

PERSONALITY: Well behaved and polite, but not familiar with children his own age. Having only interacted with his grandparents and other elders. Will always respect his elders, but does not know how to act around kids his own age. He often talks to himself, a habit he picked up from his grandfather.

BRIEF HISTORY: Jay's parents disappeared when he was a small child, so he grew up on his grandparent's ranch. His grandmother is an aging Pokémon breeder, and his grandfather is a retired tech developer. One Fateful day, Jay Found a broken, old fashioned pokeball while in a hike in the woods. With parts from the old pokeball, his grandfather's tools' and a green Apricorn , he mad his own pokeball. Eager to test his pokeball, He set out to catch his first pokemon. He attempted to catch a Magikarp with much success. Jay developed a special bond with magikarp, and dedicated all of his time to raising it. Magkiarp's favorite food were the yellow apples that grew on only one of the apple trees on the ranch. Jay's grandmother was superstitious, and always said that golden apples lead to a great calamity. Jay had a great sense of humor, so he nicknamed Magkiarp "Calamity" and clamed the apples would make his Magikarp great. Jay and calamity would spend most of their time playing and training in the river that ran through the forest behind the ranch. Their favorite spot was a small waterfall. One day, Jay and calamity decided to try and climb the waterfall, but once they had reached the top Calamity fell and hit his head on a rock. Causing him to evolve into Gyarados, Tragically, Calamity also suffered amnesia. Jay rushed to the side of his pokemon, only to go unrecognized and be attacked by Gyarados. Jay's attempt to return Calamity to his pokeball made it feel threatened and he destroyed the pokeball. Gyarados continued to attack Jay, and he had no choice but to flee and abandon his best friend. Defeated and broken hearted, Jay locked himself in his room, wishing for his best friend to return. Jay's grandfather did his best to comfort him, and even constructed a stronger pokeball, so that Jay could recapture the gyarados, whether it remembered him or not. Although, during His time Alone, Calamity began to remember Jay, and began to miss him, and a year after their heart breaking separation, Jay recaptured Calamity with the Pokeball made by his grandfather. Reunited with his best friend, jay set out on his pokemon adventure, to discover the world of pokemon, and to solve they mystery of what happened to his parents. Mossdeep city is the last place anyone could account seeing them.
CURRENT GOAL: Solve the mystery of what happened to his parents , And to get his name out there so they can find him, if they are still alive.

FLAVOR: His simple and tough exterior does not well represent his intelligent and gentle interior. He has an interest in making his own pokeballs.

Writing Example
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FULL NAME: Jason Lee
AGE: 16
DEVICE: Grandfather's Old Cellphone, his grandfather updated it so he could transfer Pokémon between Hoenn and the Jhoto Ranch
POKEMON ON HAND: [Ok, so I'm kind of asking for a rule bend for this, but I would like to have a Gyarados that evolved early, and I'm hoping I pitch it in such a way that you would allow, and I'm Ok with it being lvl 15 and only knowing tackle and splash and possibly misbehaving from time to time]
alright alright im interested... a little bit farm boy, a little bit engineer... i have a little bit of nitpicking with your writing but it's certainky not bad... hmm. okay! if you havent done so yet i'd like you to read the player document (linked in the IC thread) and the chapters that have been posted thus far. you can start all the way back on the same ferry as the others if you want or you just arrive in slateport whenever. other characters are experiencing anywhere from Thursday Sept 17 to Saturday Sept 19 so you should probably start somewhere in that range...

as for calamity... i'd like to put him at level 18 to begin with, but only with splash and tackle. and i really want jay to majorly struggle with controlling him for a good while! i want to see this struggle with memory and behavior IC, not just in the backstory. cause whats cooler than hearing about it is seeing it, yknow? what do you think?
That sounds good, I'm reading over everything and figuring out what to write. The player documents mentions a discord for rolling encounters, but i can not find a discord link anywhere. so i think i will write out the prologue and chapter 1 to partially catch up to rest of the players, and then work one chapter 2 once i have figured out how to request ecounter rolls.
That sounds good, I'm reading over everything and figuring out what to write. The player documents mentions a discord for rolling encounters, but i can not find a discord link anywhere. so i think i will write out the prologue and chapter 1 to partially catch up to rest of the players, and then work one chapter 2 once i have figured out how to request ecounter rolls.

ooh, knew i was forgetting something ahaha. we dont let the discord link sit in public cause yknow... who knows lol. here it is, though! let me know if it expires before you get to it.

(Still accepting OC's into this at all or this is now filled up?)

FULL NAME: Andy Richter
AGE: 16
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
HOME REGION: Johto Region/ Mohagany Town
DEVICE: Pokegear
POKEMON ON HAND: Aquamarine (Azurill)

APPEARANCE: Long Khaki pants that have quite a few pockets, with the leg sections going down to the sneakers, a light blue polo long sleeve shirt black sneakers with a Pikachu tail thunderbolt design. Andy also packed a pair of blue jeans, a thick sweater that's mainly gray with red sleeves and tan leather boots for Tundra-like areas. As long as the clothes are clean, Andy isn't one for fashion though he could resemble a walking kaleidoscope to some. Aside from that, he will always strive to look presentable.

Carries a smile of cautious optimism, keeping a close eye out for new friends or unexpected events or new areas. Andy walks with great posture giving off an air of confidence that most people will take notice of, it makes him quite easy to talk to without looking as if he's seeking attention.

His complexion would be clean aside from the little post-acne bumps scattered around the dark-skinned face

PERSONALITY: Andy is eager to observe the world around him and somewhat inquisitive. That inquisitiveness has made him very bright in terms of knowledge of nature but has also led to an unhealthy sense of danger because of it. Due to still being young, he is still a little naive, which results in him falling for pranks, such as April Fools pranks. However, when this does happen, he will see it as a learning experience and, in fact occasionally going along with it knowing full well that it's a prank for the sake of humor. One example of this comes from Ratattas or other prankster pokémon hiding his items all over Mahogany Town, the pokémon themselves belonging to other trainers. The scavenger hunts don't bother him as he sees the pokémon as being playful or silly. Andy has high morals and won't allow anything to happen to his friends, going out of his way to try and settle disputes between other locals, even though it's clearly none of his business, telling the truth whenever he does something wrong, or just being around for people that have had bad days. This does lead to him getting into some sticky situations, however, such as people ignoring Andy during a dispute, at which point he will leave them alone.

Andy will start out shy to any person or pokèmon but will gradually warm up to them as time goes on and strive above most things to keep his friends happy, beware he will run away from anyone that lashes out at him. Battle-wise Andy favors being more on the defensive side, envisioning pokémon battles to be more like chess matches rather than matches of power preferring to pick his opponents apart with strategy instead.

BRIEF HISTORY: Born into a quaint, moderately sized house in Mahogany Town Andy was an introvert at the start of his childhood, clinging mainly to his parents, Bob and Martha Richter for protection due to extreme shyness. This led to him being homeschooled and learning basic reading, writing, and math from them. The parents wanted him to make some friends with any other kids at their favorite spot, which also happens to be where the parents met, Corsola Cove, around Mt Mortar, dubbed that due to the abundance of Corsola present. However, if they tried to help him he would run away without saying a word with a very scared expression on his face, thus leading the local kids in Mahogany to label him an oddball.

This continued until age 6 during one routine day at Andy's new favorite area. He was busy making little designs in the sand, with his parents watching him while they were lounging around. That is until a Water Ball pokémon popped its head out of the water. The Azurill, as identified by Mr. and Mrs. Richter who still carried pokèdexes just in case, merrily bounced up to the trio with a squeak. This was Andy's first encounter with a pokémon so initially, he recoiled away from it. The Aqua Mouse Pokémon just waved its bouncy tail at him, smiled, and squeaked once more which made Andy more cautious now more than afraid as he reached out to pet the Azurilll of which it took full comfort in. Bob and Martha saw this occur and became overjoyed that their bundle of nerves seemed to have taken a shine to a pokémon and potential new friend. After a whole day of play by Andy and his newfound poké-friend, Azurill, the Richters got ready to return to Mahogany Town. Before they left, she squeaked again, waved using that tail of hers, and walked back into the lake.

From then on, Andy slowly became more outgoing. By age 10 thanks to repeated visits to see Azurill, he was at least being more vocal with the Mahogany Town locals, unless it was the first time meeting a person, in that case, he would start out timid but warm up to him or her after a few minutes of conversation. Andy's homeschooling was going well too, he was learning Middle School levels of reading, writing, and math. Though he was homeschooling well, he wasn't as interested as much. His love of nature though never really diminished still wanting to go to places along Johto such as Corsola Cove, Ecruteak City, and Olivine City, though couldn't exactly do that without the parents around.

During his 15th, Andy's adventurous side started showing up. He would sneak out during the night to explore the areas around Mahogany; not going too much farther than that because he didn't want to worry his mom and dad, he was very respectful of them after all. He yearned to explore the various regions learning about the many cultures and pokémon present throughout with his own pokémon, little did he know they both were planning quite a surprise for him. On his 16th birthday, the parents let him have a chance at his own adventure, before all that though, was the usual happy birthday Andy followed by the birthday cake and presents which included a backpack, a shell bell, a flashlight as well as a very special, secret surprise that Andy's parents decided to keep secret from him, a certain blue mouse. The soon-to-be breeder was very excited about all the goodies until he remembered he still needed a pokémon. Suddenly, he heard a familiar sounding squeak. He lit up like a Blitzle charging up a Thunder attack. He picked up the Aqua Mouse and paraded around the house and hugged it followed by the parents for getting his first real friend. Andy became ecstatic, he now had everything he needed to start his adventure; with that, he bolted out the door with all the gifts and Aquamarine, an affectionate name for his first pokémon, in tow after one last goodbye hug from his parents. His destination being Slateport City, Hoenn via the S.S Tidal, hopefully, he could still catch the ferry.

CURRENT GOAL: currently the badges but geez he finds these quite intimidating.
FLAVOR: Andy is a big worrywort, in the sense that every loss is taken personally
A bit of a case of stage fright (pretty much the IC reason I don't touch contests. OOC I'm just Trubbish at making cheerleader routines -__- this may change as this goes on

WRITING SAMPLE: (Note, this sample is from another discord server which i'm currently a part of)

With everyone present after some time Andy would make his way with the others to the top the mountain, Lance had taken out the pokemon known as the mountain in Gliscor. Now it was time for everyone to take down this charlatan of a king that just stands there in the Pelago Mountain while his 'kingdom' rots from below in Dominic.

He waits with bated breath, hands on all his available pokeballs ready to throw them out at Dominic so that they wouldn't give him any time to react...and then Dugtrio gave the signal they were all waiting for. "Now is the time to end this!" He thought, but of course, Dominic had his 'friends' too, and had just never seemed to end! Wave after wave of grunts appeared from everywhere, they were practically Medusa heads, for every one he saw, two more would not be far behind.

"I might not be able to take his whole team down, but I will at least have a shot at him!" He shouts now looking to push past this wave of cronies.

It certainly took some time but he, along with Lucas and Yu had made it, Dominic was right there...and now Andy would be the first to try to take him down. A plethora of emotions course through him: fear, trepidation, and a bit of anger. Here was the guy that nearly sent the citizens of York New to their graves, could he really stand a chance when he has pokemon to match his murderous intent? He was about to find out,

"Three fodder trainers dare block my way?" Dominic held a purple hazy orb that began to release smoke.

"Once I finish you three, I'll make my escape!" Three Weaviles came to his aid ready to fight them, one for each trainer, the dark mon perfectly symbolizing this guy's intentions, the viles' claws look like they have fainted or even killed pokemon and possibly humans, very sharp and capable of slicing through hides like butter.

"We will just see about that!" The 2v1 idea hadn't failed yet so why not use it now? This guy wasn't going to play fair anyway. Andy sends out the Ferroseed and the trusty mouse to start this off. Those claws had to be dulled before they made mincemeat of his friends, human and pokemon.

However that Weavile wasn't just strong, but fast as lightning, getting off a slash on the mouse before either of them could react! She actually survived the start of the onslaught and was able to even be charming for a moment to catch the mon unawares while ferroseed plants energy sapping leech seeds on the dark type. This left the vile mon unamused as the next attack decimates Aqua, the mouse clearly unable to continue with 2 large gashes on her body that were bigger than her. "The seeds are planted, now it just comes to survival," he thought sending out Ruby next.

He didn't fare well at all, the dark mon coming at him with a punch so cold it froze him solid with him fainting soon after without even thawing out. At least during that time, ferroseed was getting in metal claws, not to mention the planted seeds earlier.

Andy now is very worried that those seeds just wouldn't do enough, this one mon was steamrolling over his entire group! Tympole was next to replace the frozen and fainted bird. His fears soon get proven unfounded as with a combo of another metal claw and bubblebeam from the little tadpole and the leech seed, that monster actually goes down.

He had won. He had somehow triumphed over what was made to be a literal killing machine.
(Still accepting OC's into this at all or this is now filled up?)

FULL NAME: Andy Richter
AGE: 16
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
HOME REGION: Johto Region/ Mohagany Town
DEVICE: Pokegear
POKEMON ON HAND: Aquamarine (Azurill)
yessssss good to see andy again!! accepted ofc~ hope you've read all the Literature involved with this one lol. Most people are still in Slateport, so it'd be good if you started writing from there. You can arrive on the IC day of Thursday the 17th or Friday the 18th; the only caveat is that you have to wait 24hrs from the time you register your license to the time you challenge the gym. We do have a schedule for the gym- half hour time slots for each trainer, so you can choose one that's avalible from this list!


8:30AM Jack
9:00AM Kat
9:30AM Kira
11:00AM Sunny
11:30AM Edison
12:00PM Marie

- SUNDAY 7AM - 12PM / 1PM - 6:30PM
7:00AM Jordie
10:00AM Maritza
10:30AM Miranda

aaaaand here's the discord link: https://discord.gg/PXrBCg