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[Discussion] How many original characters do you have?


Silence is Purple
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 8,215
    At present, I have 38 ocs that are in my current project, and have six new ones I am going to be making prototype threads for (on my private twitter) throughout the next week. I have just given all of them names. (So, I guess 44, but only 38 of them are finished.)

    I also have five others that are, in lore, now probably dead but will be giving them names and Picrews in the future for lore purposes.

    Plus, some parents that have names given to them but I do not consider these "ocs" just "family members with names assigned to them and have character design descriptions, but not picrews" Currently have maybe four of these. But, I do not count these.

    & 1 that is "a generic npc" with an actual name and lore because I got too deep into this "generic npc" This one is actually fleshed out already and is in the story a lot. But, I don't want to consider them an oc even though they came from my own head.

    So, for the moment, I have 38 fleshed out ocs. 6 work in progress ocs. 6 parents with names (which I don't consider ocs, but I did make them myself, so...they count, right?) And 1 "generic npc" oc.

    This is all in my current alternate universe.

    But, I guess, in my original work, I had around...somewhere in the 70s, I think. Most were just ones with names but I never did a single thing with any of them beyond the finished novel, but I had plans to write like five different universes in the same series but in other "worlds" (I had an entire lore for this when I was 17/18, help).

    This time around, I plan to write all of my ocs, in one way or another, but I understand I cannot write all 38 (eventually 44) all the time.
    I'm not sure how many OC's but in my 'Rose of Team Magma' story there are numerous characters that I have.

    Their level of depth varies, whilst Rose herself, her friend group (Sarah, Ben, John etc) and rival (Claire), get back story and development, some of the trainers she interacts with and battles will have their trainer class and name but little else (For example Pokemon Ranger Sally), others will just have their trainer class listed (Such as a Collector and pretty much every Team Aqua Grunt).
    I too probably have quite a few OCs here and there across many fics, but I can mention at least ones for my more recent projects. Foul Play has Iokua (Nanu's son that I made up), Iokua's wife, Becky who is an Aether employee, Ronald whom Grimsley had saved from Team Skull, Sana who is my version of The Faller and a few other random trainers and tour guides. On my upcoming FE3H multi-chaptered fic I have a few OCs from the region of Duscur and another OC having a connection with a canon character. In another FE3H story I also have two fankids, one of them a main character in it.
    How many...
    Honestly I don't even know how to start answering this question. Last time I took a quick count at my wiki's database it pointed to about 45 OCs between humans, Pokémon and one something-else. And those are only the published ones, there's at least 12 more in development.

    One reason why keeping a consistent count is difficult for me is that... well, two of my main OCs are Nidos, and they keep breeding. But it's not like I'd not want that. o3o.

    At present, I have 38 ocs that are in my current project, and have six new ones I am going to be making prototype threads for (on my private twitter) throughout the next week. I have just given all of them names. (So, I guess 44, but only 38 of them are finished.)
    If you need help with a number of those I would be willing to assist through here at least. Reaching to around 50 OCs seems like a worthy goal :p

    But, I guess, in my original work, I had around...somewhere in the 70s, I think. Most were just ones with names but I never did a single thing with any of them beyond the finished novel
    Ooooookay goal accomplished, how can you even keep up, 70 sounds like too much even for me (inb4 more Nidos) but hey, kudos!

    I honestly don't know. Between a fic, text RP and TTRPGs there's a lot.
    This is a mood. Even more in that at least in my case, RPing is where many of my characters were actually "born". RPing in general is basically a machine for making characters!
    Honestly I don't even know how to start answering this question. Last time I took a quick count at my wiki's database it pointed to about 45 OCs between humans, Pokémon and one something-else. And those are only the published ones, there's at least 12 more in development.

    One reason why keeping a consistent count is difficult for me is that... well, two of my main OCs are Nidos, and they keep breeding. But it's not like I'd not want that. o3o.

    If you need help with a number of those I would be willing to assist through here at least. Reaching to around 50 OCs seems like a worthy goal :p

    Ooooookay goal accomplished, how can you even keep up, 70 sounds like too much even for me (inb4 more Nidos) but hey, kudos!

    This is a mood. Even more in that at least in my case, RPing is where many of my characters were actually "born". RPing in general is basically a machine for making characters!

    Oh, no, I'm good, I know what I'm doing with my ocs, but thank you for the offer, though!

    I'm just too creative for my own good, LOL.