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I blame Magikarp for blaming Magikarps that blame Magikarps that blame Magikarps that blame Magikarps
that blame Magikarps that blame Magikarps that blame Magikarps that blame me for killing their fathers!
I blame Magikarp for letting Gordon Brown take Tony Blairs place.
I blame Magikarp for Pikachu existing? |:<
I blame magikarp because of the word lolapalooza
i blame Magikarp for not counting posts in the wifi center count curse you
I blame magikarp because i am not the 50th poster hmph :disappoin
I Blame Magikarp for breeding and making something as stupid as other magikarp.!!
I blame magicarp for makeing whezzing look like a cute pokemon
i blame magikarp for not letting me encounter shiny pokemon...
i blame magikarp for making latiace think linoone is awesome