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I can't understand/hate that stereotype.

@Shining Raichu: Stupid religious people, but I have never, ever been told anything remotely like that as i'm a left handed writer. Your society must have a lot more ridiculously misinformed and fanatic religious people spouting their mouths off about us lefties :) It's just plain idiocy really, but if anyone tells me i'm devils spawn they can expect a good ol left handed slap in the face! >:)

Yes in that last paragraph i'm inferring I believe negative American stereotypes to be true but I think any rational, well educated and hard working American has his voice drowned out by the very vocal and very ignorant percentage of the population that may or may not be disproportionately large due to misguided religion, poor education and an innate sense of overbearing pride stemming from the U.S's previously dominating position in the world. All I can say without wrongly classifying the sensible Americans on this forum is that you guys have a few tourists being ignorant overseas and the dumb things said by morons get a lot more coverage than they should so it seems like that is what your society is made up of, or at least idolizes :) And don't get me started on the political system or your unhealthy fixation with guns or a 250 year old scrap of paper, eugh.

(All that writing to explain my dislike of a country which could simply be put down to 'I hate America hurdurr fat people:P')

OK firstly my post about left-handers was a joke and I'm kind of shocked that not one but two people actually took it seriously haha.

Secondly there is a lot of anti-American hate here in Australia which all comes down to the fear that Australia is becoming more Americanised. I for one welcome our new donut-eating overlords. At least then we'll have some decent television.
Secondly there is a lot of anti-American hate here in Australia which all comes down to the fear that Australia is becoming more Americanised. I for one welcome our new donut-eating overlords. At least then we'll have some decent television.

What does more Americanized mean? I have a friend who studied abroad in Australia, and from what he said it was very similar to the states.
I get really Ticked off when people talk as if everybody from Kentucky is a hillbilly. I for one am a computer programmer. I will admit though, that there are people like Ernie (aka "The Turtleman") but we are just as up-to-date as any other state.

Yea, I know plenty of wonderful Christians who have no problem with gays. I think the people who make that stereotype are just thinking from their own experience. Christianity is a very heterogeneous religion, so people's experience with it varies. For some people, their only experience with the Christian religion has only consisted of bigotry and hate, while for a lot of other people, their only experience with it has been love and kindness. That's the problem with generalizing based on your own experience--our experience is really limited.

The stereotype I hate most is that people seem to think that Christians absolutely HATE AND DESPISE homosexuals. Let me quickly say, people who say that are just flat out wrong. Sure there are certain Christians who do, but they're honestly just being... wrong. *sigh* It's a bit of a touchy topic for me since I seem to get it a lot, seriously, what is the matter with some people, I HATE NO ONE DANGIT.

I'm religious And I don't hate anyone, sometimes I may hate myself but that always passes, I may not agree With them, and I sure as heck don't encourage homseuality. Saying that we hate homosexuals is like saying that people who disagree hate one another...

Another stereotype that I hate are the ones about Christians, Christians aren't stupid, gullible, ore anything else. The only difference is that me don't have the same beliefs as you and we have different morals.
omg YES.

I hate how people think that an autistic person is one who constantly bangs their head against a wall while screaming. It drives me nuts. Most autistic people are highly intelligent, yet they are constantly misunderstood. I mean, I can walk, talk and pretty much do most 'normal' things. I do have my 'episodes' where I go into overload panic mode, but you wouldn't even know I have it unless you lived with me. :/

I know there are some severe cases, but even then not ALL of them are going to scream like banshees and bang their heads into a wall. I could go on forever about autism stereotypes, to be honest... but I don't want to turn it into a debate. ^^;
Secondly there is a lot of anti-American hate here in Australia which all comes down to the fear that Australia is becoming more Americanised. I for one welcome our new donut-eating overlords. At least then we'll have some decent television.

I love American television and music, so I wouldn't complain.

Plenty of the Muslim stereotypes tick me off, and I keep coming into contact with people who believe them. For one thing, people think that we're a monolithic croup. There's many divisions of Islam. Even within the Muslim community I get flak from Sunnis because I'm Shia. The differences between Sunni and Shia Islam are substantial. I'm from a mixed Sunni/Shia country. I'm also not thrilled with the stereotype that we all hate America and the West. I love America and enjoy reading about it - I have a few books on American history. (Often I have to teach my parents and grandparents about it!) Also, the whole turban thing is pretty silly. No, Muslims don't run around in turbans anymore. These days, it's usually Sikhs who wear them. The religious headgear that I wear sometimes looks more like a yarmulke. Someone mistook me for Jewish when I wore it to school. (What we wear is actually called a taqiyah.) And even though I'm Arab, I get annoyed when people think that all Muslims are Arabs. That's very far from the truth. My two best Muslim friends are Turkish and Bosnian - definitely not Arab countries! I would list more stereotypes, but unfortunately I'd be here all day if I did.

However, growing up in a crappy area of Sydney put me in contact with Muslims who did fit the stereotypes.
People in other countries seem to think Americans are lazy and are rich. For the most part, we are lazy but there are some of us who actually work our butt off. Also, a small percent of us are rich. It doesn't make me mad or anything.
I dislike the stereotype that anyone who loves K-Pop/J-Pop is a homosexual (I was insulted as such in the early stages of the global Korean craze).

I also dislike the stereotype that all gays are effeminate, non-athletic people. I have met sporty guys who are gay. Also, Tom Daley.

...And that Arts students will not have a job, succeed in life, etc. Like since when does being a Science student guarantee future employment anyway, especially since everyone is going into it?
- People assume that those with autism are stupid, and that's most certainly not the case. I will ring your neck if you say anything of the sort.

omg YES.

I hate how people think that an autistic person is one who constantly bangs their head against a wall while screaming. It drives me nuts. Most autistic people are highly intelligent, yet they are constantly misunderstood. I mean, I can walk, talk and pretty much do most 'normal' things. I do have my 'episodes' where I go into overload panic mode, but you wouldn't even know I have it unless you lived with me. :/

I know there are some severe cases, but even then not ALL of them are going to scream like banshees and bang their heads into a wall. I could go on forever about autism stereotypes, to be honest... but I don't want to turn it into a debate. ^^;
I don't have autism, but having ADHD, I can in a way relate. I hate the stereotype that all people with a mental disorder or learning disability are retarded. While in some case that may be true, I've met a lot of people with ADHD, ADD, autism, Aspergers, etc who aren't. I was in special education from 8th grade to about my junior year of high school and there's was a good amount of people who would say "Oh that's the retard class" or "He's in the retard class." or "You're in the retarded class." I hated it so much. I know that wasn't the case. Not everyone with a mental disorder like ADHD or autism is stupid. While sometimes we may take longer to process something or to finish a test or school work, we still can still get a good grade on something and understand a concept eventually. Plus people like Albert Einstein are examples that not all autistic people are stupid. I mean , Einstein is considered a genius by a lot of people so that's saying something.
Let's see...I'm 100% Texan, but I don't own a gun, nor do I own any sort of cowboy apparel. Furthermore, neither I nor anyone I know have ever engaged in any act of racism or homophobia, overt or not.
I'd probably say any stupid ass gay stereotype considering I've met a lot of diverse gay people in my lifetime. Woo.
Let's see...I'm 100% Texan, but I don't own a gun, nor do I own any sort of cowboy apparel. Furthermore, neither I nor anyone I know have ever engaged in any act of racism or homophobia, overt or not.

You must be in a different part of Texas than I am. Where I am, the latter of those stereotypes is partly true. (Most people I know are fine with homosexuals and aren't racist, but there is a minority of people in my part of the state that are quite homophobic, and are at times even quite racist. And unfortunately, they're quite vocal about it.)

Also, in some countries I've been to people seem think that we Americans love guns more than life itself, and that stereotype is further exaggerated when in regards to Texas. Though while I can't stand this stereotype, I can at least see where it comes from.

And finally, Jews aren't greedy. If anything, if my family is anything to go off of, we're the exact opposite.
Someone mentioned the whole "Asians can't drive" stereotype and I can personally say that it's 50/50. Even though I would rather not admit it, the Asian drivers population in my community are hardly conscientious when they're driving on the roads...Even within my family, my dad and older sister both have tendencies to road rage because of their low patience levels -.- Mom on the other hand drives too slow XD I would like to believe I'm the most conscientious driver out of the family; that's pretty much the only piece of evidence saving that stereotype I have XD

Otherwise, there's the typical "Asians are good at math" stereotype. That definitely does not apply to me, though I wish it did ):
Gender stereotypes is something that easily get on my nerves. Just because I'm boyish doesn't mean I can't be a girl...
I am a swimmer, and I don't get why people think that all male swimmers are gay. I go to a swim meet of over 20 guys (our team is all male). There are two gay guys, but most of the other ones are straight and some even have girlfriends. Is it because of the revealing swimwear? (It's not as bad as when people compare my swimming to Ryan Lochte. I hate that guy.)
I am a swimmer, and I don't get why people think that all male swimmers are gay. I go to a swim meet of over 20 guys (our team is all male). There are two gay guys, but most of the other ones are straight and some even have girlfriends. Is it because of the revealing swimwear? (It's not as bad as when people compare my swimming to Ryan Lochte. I hate that guy.)
woa that's a stereotype I didn't even know of
what makes people think swimmers are gay?
In Israel, for unknown reason, Persian community (not the pokemon, the nation from Iran) are considered cheap. IDK why. And there is all that "Jews are evil" stuff. Why would you say that?

You say we "killed" Jesus? Not gonna get into christianity and judaism stuff, but according to history, it's not Judas who told on Jesus, it was someone else.

And, yes, the holacaust WAS REAL guys. There are german records and photos and movies the soldiers made.

OH yeah and that African-americans are not racist. That is hypocritic and wrong. They are throwing white jokes all the time, i have afro-american friends, believe me, after years of discrimination, doing it yourselves is a hypocrite thing.
woa that's a stereotype I didn't even know of
what makes people think swimmers are gay?

I mostly get it from Americans (not on here, mind you, but elsewhere). It's because of the choice in swimwear. It's also because of the publicity surrounding Greg Louganis and Matthew Mitcham (who are technically divers, but swimmers and divers get lumped together. I get annoyed at people who can't tell the difference). Plus there's rumours of famous swimmers being gay all the time.
When you're Mexican, some people would immediately assume you like spicy food. I'm one, but no, I don't really like them. :P
I dislike the fact my sexuality has always seemed to have be labelled as interested in dressing up as a girl in makeup and heels and whatnot. I used to get it a lot, "oh you're gay, you must like doing such and such?" Well no, I'd rather have a beer and play Skyrim thank you very much.