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I missed PC. v u v


  • 11,205
    • he / they
    • USA
    • Seen Apr 2, 2024
    I've been having moments lately where I just go ".... ;A; PC..", and suddenly want to just spend hours on here. Granted I'm usually at work and I can't do it at the time, but in general I think that I just had an overload of stuff going on, and a few years of constantly being around for hours a day due to being on staff, but since I took a few months and was barely here at all ever, I've gotten to the point where I just miss posting around. It's not necessarily that I miss being on h-staff, I just miss talking to people, and posting around and etc. So I think (and I've already started to, I guess..) that I'm gonna start coming back slowly. I left because I felt like on top of life happenings that were both good and stressful, that PC was just something I couldn't pay attention to. Lately, I've gotten a better grasp on just how much I'm doing offline, and I'm learning to chill and manage my time better. I'm doing a lot more offline, and it's fun, but I also now still have plenty of online time too. 8D

    Maybe a lot of people didn't even notice any lack of Drew around, but eh, I've been here for like seven years, and I can't just completely leave.

    Hello. v w v
    Drew is back, and we hope you never leave us again.

    Even though you've got to juggle an admin job on Ever Grande, we hope you'll still become active on PC again.