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It's Time to re register!

Master Kwesi Nkromah

"Pokéfan Kwesi"
  • 992
    It's Time to re register!

    If you've had trouble with registering with the community before tight now is the perfect opportunity to get a fresh new start. There were literally 100's of people stuck in limbo because their activation email never arrived. Since these members were in limbo they weren't allowed to post or re register; but now you can.

    If you registered with the community but never received your activation email (or wasn't allowed to post for some reason), please take this opportunity to re register with us!
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    Hey, I never got my activation email, but I can still post, I think.

    How do I re register?

    Do I just sign up again?
    i dont have to reregister do i?
    If you registered with the community but never received your activation email (or wasn?t allowed to post for some reason),

    you guyz are able to pozt, zo if I read thiz right, you don't need to re regizter v.v;

    OMG! Kwesi you zcared the witz out of me!! O.O I read the title and thought they were rezetting PC again XD
    Nah, he's just saying people who once signed up but couldn't should try again. And maybe some names they tried to use before that were taken by dormant members could be available. ^^; Like how "Haruka" was taken on the old PC, when I wanted it.
    And some Booted Ouet members were Booted In @__@
    (I saw that when browing the Other Chat and found out that Shelz4U wasnt banned...)
    That happened as a result of the intrusion recently, the guys who got in unbanned everyone.
    I think that that was kinda obvius he/she would unban some members...
    Was there any other problem, other than this and all the Threads of Q&F and Annoucements being deleted?
    Sort of the wrong topic, but that was most of the damage. Zapchu's account had to be fixed, and there were some other minor bugs we squished like broken pics. ^_^;
    Okay, thanks and sorry for my offtopicness XD
    But if people who were banned from the PC re register you can take on look at there information such as email address and you will know if that users email address is a matching banned users email address. Won't you?
    metagrossman said:
    But if people who were banned from the PC re register you can take on look at there information such as email address and you will know if that users email address is a matching banned users email address. Won't you?
    You can't use the same email twice to join on PC (so no two members will have the same email on PC).

    cooldudicusx said:
    Hey, I never got my activation email, but I can still post, I think.
    You got the activation email, no one can post on PC without it. Unless you never got it and sent an S-Mod or higher a PM saying you never got it and they changed your usergroup.
    Oh i think i get it! what about the emails that got lost in all the limbo? where did they all go?
    metagrossman said:
    Oh i think i get it! what about the emails that got lost in all the limbo? where did they all go?
    Emails that gets lost? I don't know, most of the time it might be some one putting the email in wrong or something.
    Imagine if my mum got it! she would be telling me off for Joining--"another poken\mon site!?" again! LOL
    Well, I just joined these forums yesterday, but I read somewhere that some people didn't get their activation E-Mail for a week, while some got it within 30 minuetes. Well, I just wanted to be sure that I don't have to re-register. Because I really want to keep this username, unless there was a way to keep it and re-register but...I don't know if it's possible.
