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Laguna's Goodbye


Sir Zangoose
  • 1,659
    • Age 26
    • Seen Aug 31, 2016
    So I have come to note that I have reached a whole one hundred posts. and then 900 more.

    However because I have crippling OCD and wouldn't bear to have any more than exactly 1000 posts even though I'm pretty sure blog posts count toward the post counter, I will refrain from going on this forum until the end of time. Thanks guys, and have a great time. ;_;




    Nooooooope, just kidding. Holy crap, one whole thousand! Some people might not consider that all that much but this number is huge for me, I'm pretty sure it's almost five times the amount of posts I put into any other forum. Hell, I just checked another forum I used to frequent and I found the low, low, low number of 214, which I'm pretty sure was my record before. All the forums I absconded from because I was like 11 and everyone hated me probably don't have as much. But we're not here to talk about my very stupid past, we're talking right now and the future. I WILL be going just as strong as I was before, make no mistake about that. Now it just comes added with the ability to intimidate newbies, which is always fun. =3

    As for things generally happening in my life, I managed to sort things out with school so now I'l be able to participate normally. Except for my timetable, that's still just as retarded. Speaking of school, I got sick in school on the second goddamn day of Autumn, give me a medal. I even came out a half hour early because I had a migraine, and I usually tend to soldier on through it. I probably won't be going to school tomorrow as I only have one lesson anyway but the sucky thing is I probably won't be able to record videogames for my YouTube! ;_; The worst part is that we're tarting to get to the really fun parts of FFVII, so taking a break is kinda demoralizing. Also I recorded the first episode of another LP that I'll probably really enjoy doing but I'm not willing to record when I can barely make my hands move.

    Well, that's pretty much all from me. Have some cool beats as usual and I'm hopefully gonna be fine soon.

    the name of this game is tugging at my inner Yuropean, it's supposed to be castlevania the new generation dammit
    Emboar;bt103934 said:
    you'll stop caring after 3k.
    Don't you think that getting here first and saying something like that might, y'know, ruin the moment? I'm not denying the trueness of that but this is all just in good fun, you don't have to shoot it down immediately.
    I care about postcount. I screencap each time I reach a new mark so yeah. I was misled into thinking you were quitting PC though hahaha
    I remember caring when I was hitting the 2k mark, 'cause by then I would get a blog.

    Now I'm at 3k and now I'm starting to question about my life xD