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Let's do the Time Warp agaaaaaaaaaain

Misheard Whisper

[b][color=#FF0000]I[/color] [color=#FF7F00]also[/c
  • 3,488
    Whooshing back in time to Generation III! I picked up Emerald and FireRed again the other day, and I am having so much fun.

    I'm novelising Emerald as I go through it, but FireRed is just 4 teh lulz. And there are plenty of lulz. I caught a Zubat and named it Shinji (dun ask why just cos). Shinji sucks ass. Bad. I'm not sure I should even bother . . . but I want a Crobat. Never had one before.

    So we've got Shinji the Zubat, Citrinin the Bulbasaur, and PIDGEY the Pidgey, because I forgot to name it. Just wait till we get to Lavender Town. Then I can think up a better name for Shinji, too.

    Emerald is fun. Because I'm writing it as I go, the save file has four hours on it already, and I only just got my starter. L-O-frickin'-L.

    Ah, the nostalgia. I'd go further back in time, but my idiot of a sister lost my Blue. In Australia. T_T
    At least it's frigging purple this time, not that cacophony of autumn pictures I had last time. Although the comment box needs a little work. :/
    I'll make some colours for you. :)