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Lot's WiP comic and general talk

ehhh.... i don't know... just because :3

Fair enough. :coolrim:

yeah :3
but..... layla won't have a choice once it comes time to go home.... she will ''have to'' climb all the way back up there.... what, unless she's going to ask for a ride? i don't think fiona's going to do that for her, is she? :hattremhuh: 😅

*note: in game, layla will be wearing the duck hat, so she'll be climbing naturally in game... but still 😅 *

You could always say that Fiona 'can't lift her very far up' only 'save her from a high fall', that way it fits story wise and game wise. She could 'be riding on Layla's back' while she climbs back to her home maybe?

i thought so :3

Have you got the hook yet? It's pretty fun to use! :D

the creepy spirit hands in the swamp keep pulling me down, though.... it's annoying & i hate that 😑 😖

They are very annoying for sure... >_> Though I don't think they are in any other level than the shadow forest, so once you finish the stuff in the swamp you won't need to deal with them again to progress.

ooh, i like that :D i want to use that :D

funnily enough, a while back, i was actually looking through a book of medicinal herbs that my mum has, but i gave up... but i think i'll look again :3

Great! I'm glad you liked it!

Sounds like a neat book. It's quite possible that you'll find something to use for Buttermilk's sister in there.

edit at 2:27 pm: i finished 2 new characters :D based on my now not used espurr sona & based on my now not used vulpix sona

Those both look fantastic! I love the coloring on the Fox especially! And the cat's eyes are so pretty! :love:

look what i drew Ages ago :3

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buttermilk, she's probably literally my mascot by now :love:

be in for youtube or anything else
:coolrim: :love:

That's a very cute drawing! ^^

Spoiler: i think she need more expressions ^^ please give me ideas for them...

Hmmm, well, how about 'very happy' and 'kinda hungry' (since you have one of her eating)? I could probably come up with a few more if I think about it though.
Fair enough. :coolrim:

You could always say that Fiona 'can't lift her very far up' only 'save her from a high fall', that way it fits story wise and game wise. She could 'be riding on Layla's back' while she climbs back to her home maybe?
that's good :>

fiona can still fly, though, while she climbs :3

Have you got the hook yet? It's pretty fun to use! :D
not yet... i've been playing acnh recently :3

They are very annoying for sure... >_> Though I don't think they are in any other level than the shadow forest, so once you finish the stuff in the swamp you won't need to deal with them again to progress.
i'm glad >.<
Great! I'm glad you liked it!
Sounds like a neat book. It's quite possible that you'll find something to use for Buttermilk's sister in there.

Those both look fantastic! I love the coloring on the Fox especially! And the cat's eyes are so pretty! :love:

That's a very cute drawing! ^^
thanks ^^

Hmmm, well, how about 'very happy' and 'kinda hungry' (since you have one of her eating)?
yeah, i could try those :3

I could probably come up with a few more if I think about it though.
that'd be great :D

i wonder if she'd be mischievous? :hattremhuh:

edit at 1:58 pm: i did 'very happy' & 'kinda hungry' :3 & a possible mischievous
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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that's good :>

fiona can still fly, though, while she climbs :3

Of couse, otherwise she might get in Layla's way.

not yet... i've been playing acnh recently :3

Oh, fun!

i wonder if she'd be mischievous? :hattremhuh:

That's up to you. :p But you did a nice job drawing her mischievous face, so it would be a shame if she didn't ever feel that way even once.

edit at 1:58 pm: i did 'very happy' & 'kinda hungry' :3 & a possible mischievous
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They look really good! I really like the eyes on her mischievous face.

For a couple more, how about sleepy and relaxed?
Of couse, otherwise she might get in Layla's way.
yeah :>
i'm on the hunt for erik right now :love:
That's up to you. :p But you did a nice job drawing her mischievous face, so it would be a shame if she didn't ever feel that way even once.
They look really good! I really like the eyes on her mischievous face.
thanks! :coolrim:
For a couple more, how about sleepy and relaxed?
ooh, i'll try those :3

edit at 1:33 pm: i drew them :D
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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thanks :>
65 tickets in & no erik yet :<

Darn... I hope you find him, even if he's being a bit stubborn about showing up.

i can try that :3
edit at 10:12 pm: i drew it :> i managed to do it slightly different from scared :love:
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Nice! I'm having a tough time trying to think of any more... Hmmm... Huh, how about 'when she's thinking about something'?
Darn... I hope you find him, even if he's being a bit stubborn about showing up.
yeah :o

i'm down to 10 tickets now 😑

edit at 11:33 pm: out of tickets in my pockets ... & no erik....
i'm gonna ask someone as i planned....
Nice! I'm having a tough time trying to think of any more... Hmmm... Huh, how about 'when she's thinking about something'?
hmmm.... i'll try that :>
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hmmm.... i'll try that :>

i tried it out :hattremhuh: i didn't know what to do....

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Maybe have her paw up by her face like she has in her 'confused' look, that might help a bit.

edit at 8:54 pm: i ended up getting erik for my acnh island from a treasure island on nookazon :D
I was going to ask if you'd managed to get some help with him, but you already have my answer haha! That's awesome, I'm glad you were able to get him for your island! :coolrim:

i redesigned noopan's shiny :3

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Nice! What made you want to change it though? :hattremhuh:

you know what? i think when i've finished the potle dex, i think i'm gonna make a video going over how you say their names... how you pronouce them :3
like this one here - you say it like ''the ' noo ' in noodle & the ' pan ' in panda :woop:

That sounds like a good idea. There are even some regular Pokemon who's names I have a hard time saying correctly. 😅
Maybe have her paw up by her face like she has in her 'confused' look, that might help a bit.
i had that before i edited it, but hmmm.... maybe :3

I was going to ask if you'd managed to get some help with him, but you already have my answer haha! That's awesome, I'm glad you were able to get him for your island! :coolrim:
so am i ^^
i'm changing his house interier right now, to his new leaf interier, plus a couple of extra items :3
Nice! What made you want to change it though? :hattremhuh:
well.... it looked too much like loleri before, i think :3
That sounds like a good idea.
There are even some regular Pokemon who's names I have a hard time saying correctly. 😅
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I think her paw up like that fits pretty well!
i had a idea for part of my buttermilk comic.... :>

what if... what if ''lotus the snake & buttermilk's mum, juniper were friends, but something happened between them.... but buttermilk &, lotas's daughter, leaf became friends.... ''

i don't know : o

edit at 2:40 pm: i made a new character :woop:
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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i had a idea for part of my buttermilk comic.... :>

what if... what if ''lotus the snake & buttermilk's mum, juniper were friends, but something happened between them.... but buttermilk &, lotas's daughter, leaf became friends.... ''

i don't know : o

I think that's a really good idea honestly!

edit at 2:40 pm: i made a new character :woop:
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Cool! I love her eyes and the brown fur accents!
I think that's a really good idea honestly!
great! :woop:
Cool! I love her eyes and the brown fur accents!
thanks! :woop::love:

any other suggestion ideas for buttermilk's expressions, by any chance? :3

edit at 9:55 pm: can mice play with plushie toys, i wonder? i want buttermilk's sister, summer & her to have toys to play with :>
also... how old do you think buttermilk & summer are? :hattremhuh:
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