NintendoQueen? Are you the evolved form of Nidoqueen?!
Meganium90: Feraligatr has told me all about you...he's kinda scared of you tbh! And yes, i'll be seeing you around the forums >:)
Algo Fonix: I don't have shoes, I'M A FISH! ...or a snake, i'm not sure...
Hikari10: Oshawott master... *bursts into laughter* I'm interested in striking fear into the PC, not sure where my favourite victims reside yet...heheh >:)
Cirno: Thanks for the welcome! Maybe I won't eat you after all...
Shining Raichu: We'll see how shiny you are after I bury you in an earthquake!!
Criminon: Thanks, but but i'd rather be overboard than aboard. I prefer the water, of course...
Thanks all, now i'll go swimming around the forums looking for innocent trainers to use Splash on! :17: