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PokéCommunity Daily: Make-a-Mega 3: Finished

What changes should be made to Mega Lapras' stats?

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  • 25,778

    We all know that there's a lot of Pokemon that just plain suck competitively. However, the introduction of mega-evolution as a mechanic allowed many Pokemon that would otherwise be very weak to suddenly become very usable. In the case of some Pokemon (ie. Lucario or Mawile), their mega-evolutions give them such a boost that they jump from lower tiers into Ubers.

    So, for the Daily series Make-a-Mega, we're going to take a Pokemon that is ordinarily quite weak and create a mega-evolution that will render it usable in a higher tier. In the Make-a-Mega just passed, we took Luxray and changed it from being useless competitively to a brutal physical attacker with an even more fabulous design. Now it's time to do the same for another Pokemon. First we'll select which Pokemon we'll focus on, then as we develop its typing, ability and stats PC's dazzling artists over in Art & Design will develop a design.

    Week-by-week breakdown

    Week One: Pokemon is determined
    Week Two: A&D work begins, type change (if any) is determined.
    Week Three: Ability change (if any) is determined.
    Week Four: Stat changes are determined. Featured design is selected.

    Each week (excluding the artwork) is broken down into three days where ideas are suggested and then a four day poll to determine which idea we apply. The article is then written and published as the next polling process begins.


    1. The chosen Pokemon must be fully-evolved or have no evolutions.
    2. It should not already possess a mega-evolution.
    3. It must be from a tier below OU.

    Previous Selections
    1. Roserade
    2. Luxray

    I'm going to suggest Ursaring.

    It's always been portrayed as powerful and badass in the media, has a killer design, a decent movepool and a great attack stat but is still completely useless because its other stats are terrible. I'd like to see it get a much needed boost.
    I'll recommend Carracosta. The fifth gen needs more megas, and Carracosta seems like a fine candidate. We didn't do a Water or Rock type yet, Carracosta has untapped potential(just look at that moveset), and everyone loves a fossil 'mon.
    I thought about suggesting Tentacruel again but I'd like to go down a different road and suggest Shiftry. Shiftry is an average Pokemon for the most part but has a really cool move in Defog, which is uncommon outside of flying types. I feel like with it's solid movepool, mixed stats, and great offensive typing we could really make it into a formidable OU Defogger.
    I'll nominate Mudkip
    I will second Usaring, it's one of my favorites.
    Also I think butterfree/slowking/froslass would be good choices but I'm sticking with Usaring.
    Alright! Round 3, here we go~
    I'll nominate, Torterra :)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Make-a-Mega 3: Finished

    Therefore, Weezing for me!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Make-a-Mega 3: Finished
    Nominated Feraligatr because I love using it since it is such an underrated threat. Both Sheer Force and Torrent are great abilities for it as well.
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