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Male, female, does it matter?

If we're talking about today's game mechanics no not at all but in GSC where the male gender had a slight stat boost it oh so did matter.
I think gardevoir, misdreavus and milotic should be female.
Most of the Pokemon on my team in Pearl are female.

Well, except for Vaporeon and Torterra, because I honestly don't have the patience to SR for a female starter or a female Eevee.
I care about the genders when it concerns my frontier team. (for instance: Umbreon is male, Salamence is female, and Suicune is neutral) I pay close attention to gender because attract can really run over a team in the frontier; so I stay prepared by spreading things out. :D

Outside of the frontier, I couldn't care less.
Usually I don't have a preference, but for some, like Gardevoir I go for a female.
I prefer my team to be girls, I'm not sure why, I just do... (Maybe because I give them girly nicknames)
I like my team to be like either half in half or mostly girls.
my Emerald team is all girls except swampert, and they did pretty good.
girls, because you can give them cute nicknames like kawaii said and also, i'm just like that.
For me it really doesnt matter. Unless I need a certain gender for breeding in the day care.
I always like female Eevees. For breeding purposes. I have a shiny female Eevee pack on Ranch. They're fun to play with.

I've always wanted a female starter Pokemon... once, I downloaded the Japanese version of Platinum, and I was able to start out with a female Piplup! I was so happy, but then I saw that I couldn't understand the game much since it was all in Japanese. xD
I prefer female in most cases. For breeding purposes mainly.
Another reason is ppl I play with have one or two pkmn with attract and it can be annoying (on a female since there are more males).
People may call me crazy, but I think I would prefer female pokemon. It's only because I like to use female characters in whatever game I play, and to me you are still likely to see male pokemon.
I have a whole lot of both males and females.

The only Pokemon I would be picky about being a male is Aerodactyl. A female Aerodactyl.. just doesen't seem right. Lol.

But I kind of want a lot of my Pokemon to be female as I have quite a few female Lv.100s (or close to Lv.100s) on my Emerald.
I have:

A Lv.77 Female Salamence,
A Lv.100 Female Alakazam,
A Lv.100 Female Crobat,
A Lv.100 Female Feraligatr,
A Lv.82 Female Pidgeot (YAY ADAMANT!),
A Lv.66 Female Butterfree (Adamant nature? WTH?),
A Lv.73 Female MODEST Breloom that i'm never going to touch again,
A Lv.34 Female Lapras,
A Lv.43 Female Rhydon (Why did I teach that thing Flamethrower? It has crappy Sp.Atk lol),
A Lv.45 Female Sableye,
A Lv.51 Female Ninjask,
A Lv.45 Female Aggron, and a
A Lv.38 Female Mawile.

I have a LOT of females. Some of them doesen't fit the female role though. Like Aggron and Mawile. Lol.
I never noticed. My best Pokemon, Machamp, was a female. I didn't care until one day me and my friend were battling, and I sent out Machamp, and my friend was like "It's a girl?!" Then I wished I caught a male Machop.
Yes, it does matter to me a lot.
It usually has to be one gender or another.

Female Starly, Male Bidoof, Male Shinx, Female Kricketot... a bit of perfectionism. :(
I usually go with males, so that I can teach them TMs and freely egg them later if I want.
Omfg, I'm like "sexist" when it comes to genders on pokemon.xD; I would NEVER catch a female Larvitar or a male buneary. At all! xD; On pokemon emerald, I'd also never catch a male Ralts because I liked female gardevoirs better.:P I usually go with males when the pokemon look male..
What's really lame, for those of you who have to have male Larvitar families, is that the Tyranitar in Colosseum is always female. At least for me, it is. I have never gotten a male Tyranitar in that game, and I've played through it more times than I can count. How sexist!