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[Life] Mental health club

You *never* have to feel guilty of unloading stuff on me. I know from experience this is something that's hard to tell someone, but I hope you give me the opportunity to show you instead.

Have you considered volunteering somewhere? I know how intimidating that sounds, but, when I was in your position, I let someone talk me into it, and it helped a lot more than I thought it could have. For me, it was a Soup Kitchen, but anything you can think of that might help you feel valid for even a minute will help in the long run. And please do not forget what FCG said--I can tell you from personal experience things are MASSIVELY easier with a support community, and you have at least three people here wanting to be that for you.

Regarding helping others, yeah, your inner you is going to try to stomp you to the ground at every attempt just like mine did. However, if you keep at it with support, that inner you will slowly weaken until you can regularly defeat him on your own. You are not alone anymore.
Thank you...

Like the others said, we are there to support you all the way, Crustan. Give yourself the time you need, and believe us when we say you are a great person. We are with you.
Thank you..

Honestly, I suffer from Depression, Autism, ADHD, and anxiety. Not to mention that when I am alone, I get really stressed out.
I apologize if it came across as critical--that was not my intent! It's just that with my autism, I sometimes need people to be direct, so I was trying to just be direct in case it was the same for you! I didn't mean anything negative whatsoever.
It's fine. Normally I do need others to be direct as well! But that's why I like online chats--you can re-read as much as you need to in order to understand a point.
My BPD and mental health have both had me by ropes ends at my worst shitty depressive states lately. So definitely not good. I take 150mg wellbutrin and does it's job like 50/50 sometimes it works and does it's job and sometimes it doesn't. I blame myself for having too many energy drinks lately though.
Well it's been a while since I posted anything about my mental health on here. I left here due to my mental health actually it got to a point where it affected my life pretty badly. However I'm happy to say I'm doing fantastic on my road to recovery and now thriving actually living life to the fullest with a smile. I still get days ups and downs though not really honestly. I have C-PTSD or just PTSD the C is for chronic meaning on going like it keeps happening to me. So I don't have a social life online or irl and I made peace with that. All due to online and in person trauma with people hurting me in all different ways, I'll leave that is that. I have other mental health issues like my anxiety and social anxiety is pretty bad and one point leaving the house was very hard for me. Now I get out more with my family or myself on a walk or walk somewhere nearby a store or library. Hm.. I'm not sure on what to add but the time away from here online in general has helped me even though I missed everyone and this wonderful community.
I need to vent a little.

I had a strangely vivid dream of my dad last night. I dreamed he had a bunch of medical papers in his hands. He was apologizing for passing away. Only then, I woke up and found out from my mom today is the anniversary of his death. I wasn't even thinking about him at all prior nor did I remember this.

I don't know if dreams have any sort of meaning or not, but upon finding out it made me cry.
I need to vent a little.

I had a strangely vivid dream of my dad last night. I dreamed he had a bunch of medical papers in his hands. He was apologizing for passing away. Only then, I woke up and found out from my mom today is the anniversary of his death. I wasn't even thinking about him at all prior nor did I remember this.

I don't know if dreams have any sort of meaning or not, but upon finding out it made me cry.
I am sorry you had to go through this, Zeostar...
I've struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. What triggers it? Well, it could be anything from a crowded room to a simple phone call. It's like my brain is wired to expect the worst outcome in every situation.
Over time, I've learned to manage my anxiety through therapy and self-care practices. Meditation has been particularly helpful in calming my mind and grounding me during moments of panic.
Also, breathing exercises. They're simple yet incredibly effective. Whenever I feel that familiar wave of panic rising, I'll take a few minutes to do a quick breathing exercise. I usually use the Calmer app for this.
And sharing my experiences and seeking support from others who understand what it's like to live with anxiety have been helpful.
Managing anxiety is an ongoing process, so I feel I still have a lot to learn about it.
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I need to get this out, my boyfriend said he kinda wants to break up with me. I know it may not be a guarantee and we will talk later but I think I just need some help with how I should go about this.
I understand why he may be thinking of it but I'd not want to I mean it's just a "kinda" right? I have a tendency to overthink but I just might need some help with like what to do.
I need to get this out, my boyfriend said he kinda wants to break up with me. I know it may not be a guarantee and we will talk later but I think I just need some help with how I should go about this.
I understand why he may be thinking of it but I'd not want to I mean it's just a "kinda" right? I have a tendency to overthink but I just might need some help with like what to do.
I am sorry to hear this, Luci.
I offer you my best wishes for you to find the help you need, and for your situation with your boyfriend to get better.
I need to get this out, my boyfriend said he kinda wants to break up with me. I know it may not be a guarantee and we will talk later but I think I just need some help with how I should go about this.
I understand why he may be thinking of it but I'd not want to I mean it's just a "kinda" right? I have a tendency to overthink but I just might need some help with like what to do.
Ok so an update: we are just friends, which definitely puts me at ease because staying friends is better than losing him altogether.
Ok so an update: we are just friends, which definitely puts me at ease because staying friends is better than losing him altogether.
I'm really sorry for the stress you're facing :( But it's good you're still friends, that is definitely a huge relief. Losing someone important altogether would be really painful. I'm glad you two can continue to stay in touch!
I have been crying this morning. Late yesterday afternoon a little stray cat staggered into my backyard, a gray gentle being. He was clearly sick and lethargic, moving slowly, mostly laying there breathing. I wanted to take him to get some professional care, but my vet isn't open on Sundays. I looked at rescues like my local Humane Society and Aarf, but they are also not open on Sundays. I didn't know what to do, but wait until the morning/today where i could secure a place to take him. So I just let him into a spare room for the night, kept him isolated from the other pets, making sure there was warm bedding and fresh water, a litter box. Tried to feed him giving him what would be soft and easy to eat like chicken and salmon, even broth, but he wouldn't touch anything. Morning has come and he did not survive the night. I feel so sad, and responsible, wondering if maybe I had been more proactive, just putting him in the car and driving somewhere even out of town I could have found a doctor to treat him. It may not have been something he had to die from. 😿