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[Life] Mental health club

I have been crying this morning. Late yesterday afternoon a little stray cat staggered into my backyard, a gray gentle being. He was clearly sick and lethargic, moving slowly, mostly laying there breathing. I wanted to take him to get some professional care, but my vet isn't open on Sundays. I looked at rescues like my local Humane Society and Aarf, but they are also not open on Sundays. I didn't know what to do, but wait until the morning/today where i could secure a place to take him. So I just let him into a spare room for the night, kept him isolated from the other pets, making sure there was warm bedding and fresh water, a litter box. Tried to feed him giving him what would be soft and easy to eat like chicken and salmon, even broth, but he wouldn't touch anything. Morning has come and he did not survive the night. I feel so sad, and responsible, wondering if maybe I had been more proactive, just putting him in the car and driving somewhere even out of town I could have found a doctor to treat him. It may not have been something he had to die from. 😿
I am sorry to hear that, VisionofMilotic...
I have no doubt you did everything you could have done.
*Big hug*
I am sorry to hear that, VisionofMilotic...
I have no doubt you did everything you could have done.
*Big hug*

Thank you, for always being so loving and positive Fact Checking Gardevoir. Yesterday was rough. He was laid to rest by a tree in my garden, buried under the earth and wrapped in the cat bed I gave him to sleep in. I picked some flowers and put them on top of the mound, and did my best to make a funeral service for him with my pets and my mom in attendance. I am still heartbroken, he was clearly very young, not long out of the kitten stage, and deserved a long life in safety where we was loved. I would like to believe he might be reincarnated though in another form, and attain that
Thank you, for always being so loving and positive Fact Checking Gardevoir. Yesterday was rough. He was laid to rest by a tree in my garden, buried under the earth and wrapped in the cat bed I gave him to sleep in. I picked some flowers and put them on top of the mound, and did my best to make a funeral service for him with my pets and my mom in attendance. I am still heartbroken, he was clearly very young, not long out of the kitten stage, and deserved a long life in safety where we was loved. I would like to believe he might be reincarnated though in another form, and attain that
I would like to believe that too.
Thank you, for always being so loving and positive Fact Checking Gardevoir. Yesterday was rough. He was laid to rest by a tree in my garden, buried under the earth and wrapped in the cat bed I gave him to sleep in. I picked some flowers and put them on top of the mound, and did my best to make a funeral service for him with my pets and my mom in attendance. I am still heartbroken, he was clearly very young, not long out of the kitten stage, and deserved a long life in safety where we was loved. I would like to believe he might be reincarnated though in another form, and attain that
Really sorry to hear that VisionofMilotic, it's really sad what happened to the poor soul.

Please don't kick yourself over it, nature and life are often cruel and you did your best, maybe even more than he actually would have gotten had you not met him.

We believe in reincarnation in ny culture, and I pray his next life would be a long and fruitful one, and may he meet someone who cares about him as much as you did.
I have been crying this morning. Late yesterday afternoon a little stray cat staggered into my backyard, a gray gentle being. He was clearly sick and lethargic, moving slowly, mostly laying there breathing. I wanted to take him to get some professional care, but my vet isn't open on Sundays. I looked at rescues like my local Humane Society and Aarf, but they are also not open on Sundays. I didn't know what to do, but wait until the morning/today where i could secure a place to take him. So I just let him into a spare room for the night, kept him isolated from the other pets, making sure there was warm bedding and fresh water, a litter box. Tried to feed him giving him what would be soft and easy to eat like chicken and salmon, even broth, but he wouldn't touch anything. Morning has come and he did not survive the night. I feel so sad, and responsible, wondering if maybe I had been more proactive, just putting him in the car and driving somewhere even out of town I could have found a doctor to treat him. It may not have been something he had to die from. 😿
Please don't feel responsible, you done absolutely everything you could. Sometimes it's just not meant to be 😿

There's a very good chance that a vet would have put him to sleep anyway, as I unfortunately know all too well.

Try to take solace in the fact that, instead of being cold and alone, he spent his final night in the presence of warmth and love. Animals are far more like humans than people care to admit, and you gave him the most peaceful ending that you could. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Animals are far more like humans than people care to admit, and you gave him the most peaceful ending that you could.
Very exact explanation of the correct facts 👌

This is what it actually is. Animals, plants and humans coexist in same biosphere hence it must be taken care of that all of them exist in balance, and disrupting the balance will result in multiple issues.

Bur sadly, humans are real being. They kill the other living creatures for sake of their fun. At one hand we see that animal rights activists say big-big things regarding protecting the animals, and then we also come across the facts that they don't mind eating stuffs like octopus, sharks, cows, buffaloes, goats, birds, etc.

So they themselves contradict their so called values. Hence I don't see the point to learn from them, as the general human value which I learned from my mother is to maintain peace with every creatures around us. It is to that much extent that I watch my step to make sure inncoent ants are not getting killed by my actions.

But not all humans are cruel, and VisionOfMilotic's experience is just one another proof of it.

People bringing the same valued as VisionOfMilotic will shape a better harmonized world for sure !
Thank you, for always being so loving and positive Fact Checking Gardevoir. Yesterday was rough. He was laid to rest by a tree in my garden, buried under the earth and wrapped in the cat bed I gave him to sleep in. I picked some flowers and put them on top of the mound, and did my best to make a funeral service for him with my pets and my mom in attendance. I am still heartbroken, he was clearly very young, not long out of the kitten stage, and deserved a long life in safety where we was loved. I would like to believe he might be reincarnated though in another form, and attain that
You are an amazing person! Do not blame yourself for anything at all! What matters is that you cared and did what you could. Try not to focus on the end results, but, as has already been said here, that you gave him a comfortable end. The world needs people like you.
Thanking all the kind souls who were there for me in this thread when I had something sad happen.

I want to share something different with the mental health club that I hope will have a positive effect on others. This is an animated short I saw on YouTube that I thought was nice, it's meant for anyone who survived childhood sexual abuse. Not everyone has an adult who is as wise and supportive as the voice in this video, but this is what you deserved to hear after you were hurt. Also if you know anyone who was trauma like this in the past, maybe you can be the source of light this girl receives in the story.

Thanking all the kind souls who were there for me in this thread when I had something sad happen.

I want to share something different with the mental health club that I hope will have a positive effect on others. This is an animated short I saw on YouTube that I thought was nice, it's meant for anyone who survived childhood sexual abuse. Not everyone has an adult who is as wise and supportive as the voice in this video, but this is what you deserved to hear after you were hurt. Also if you know anyone who was trauma like this in the past, maybe you can be the source of light this girl receives in the story.

That's a very good video! I don't know the laws in countries outside of my own, but, in the United States, the statute of limitations doesn't start until the child turns 18, so people need to be aware that "it's probably too late" isn't necessarily the case.