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Misadventures at Hogwarts: Term 2

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Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    OOC: Yes we already did that Batesy.

    IC: I started to walk up to the castle with Feathers perched on my shoulders and my broomstick in hand. I found Karli wondering the halls upset about something. Shoot! What did I do now? Or what happened while I was away? I thought was I walked up to her. "What's wrong? Did I do something? If not what's upseting you?" I asked as I walked beside her.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    "Don't worry about it too much," Cassidy assured Johann, smiling at the new broomstick he held in his hands. She noticed the picture, and it made her grin more. "I'm sure Karli is okay with it. And even if she isn't, she's really forgiving. I bet you can both work it out."

    She hopped on her broomstick, and kicked off, hovering a foot or two above the ground. She had an adventureous grin on her face as she looked at Johann.

    "Come on," she insisted, smiling. She pointed to his broom. "Let's see what you can do on that thing!"


    Andrew, who hated to be cooped up inside, got bored with lazing around in the Common Room, and left for a walk. He caught Karli's encounter at the very end, just in time to see her punch a Slytherin in the face. He recognized Randy with them, a few of his teeth missing thanks to Andrew's gift of exploding candy.

    "Hey!" he called sternly down the hall, stepping between the Slytherins and Karli. "What's your problem? You have no need to pick on someone smaller than you. Lay off."

    Randy snickered.

    "Well, well, well..." Randy sneered, circling around Andrew with narrowed eyebrows. "If it isn't Mr. I'm-too-good-for-Slytherin."

    "Get lost," Andrew snarled, and followed Karli down the hallway, his face hot with the anger he tried to suppress.

    "What? You think you can make us?" another boy challenged, picking up his pace to catch up with them.

    "I wouldn't waste my time!" Andre said hotly, and looked at Karli urgently. "Let's walk faster..."

    "Running away? I don't think so!" one of the larger boys tackled Andrew to the ground, pinning his arms so he couldn't reach his wand. "Hold him down, Randy, while I teach him a lesson!"

    Randy held his arms back, and succeeded in keeping Andrew on the ground, no matter how much he twisted and squirmed. The large kid sat right on Andrew's stomach, grinning triumphantly.

    "Whatcha gonna do now, pretty boy?" he sneered. Andrew made a face, continuing to struggle, but to no avail.

    The big guy lobbed a punch that hit him square in the nose. Andrew made no noise in protest, but struggled harder. It was no use. As the other Slytherins gathered around to assist in his beating, Andrew narrowed his eyes angrily, and wondered if Karli was still in the vicinity...

    Jesus Freak Josh

    In my mind's eye, I see You...
  • 2,968
    OOC: Thanks again

    "I'll be going upstairs to open my presents!" I said. "I'll be back down soon!"
    I ran upstairs to the seventh floor. I found all of my presents under the tree. I opened them all and ran back downstairs to the Great Hall. "I love what you all bought me!"


    ~Change the World~
  • 5,471
    I gasped as I turned around and saw Randy on Andrew. I pulled out my wand right away.
    "Wingardium Leviosa!" I said. Right away Randy was lifted into the air. I did I motion with my wand, (like I was throwing something) and he flew into the wall. I help Andy up, and held my wand in front of me.

    Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    I was walking along when I saw the scene. I walked over to them and put a ferm hand on Karlis wrist that held the wand. "You shouldn't fight other peoples fights. I made that mistake." I said as I lowered her hand to her side. "Andrew you need to learn to fight your own fights. No one will help you when your alone. Your lucky Karli came around when she did." I said wisely. Wow! I'm wise now! As they say wisdom only comes with experience. I thought and smiled slightly at the thought. I helped Randy up and said, "Nice job, next time hit him harder." I then slipped 10 silver coins to him, but neither Karli nor Andy heard this or saw this.

    Randy nodded, "I had doubts you were going to pull through on your bargain." He whispered silently to me. "I'll make sure to do that next time." He whispered in my ear before he left. He than walked silently away, not saying another word.

    "Well I guess we all should have some fun! I mean we have the whole day ahead of us!" I said smiling leading them in the opposite direction of Randy.


    ♠ [child] p r o d i g y
  • 2,268
    Berii looked for Johann because she didn't had the chance to give him his gift. She was holding two wrapped boxes, one for Johann and one for Will. Inside the box, covering Johann's gift, was the black shirt with the dragon designs, a painting of a dragon, and she put in a few sketches of him riding a dragon which she made herself. For Will, she had a golden dragon figurine and a wooden swordsman that looks kinda like him which, again, she made herself.

    She walked back to th Common room, hoping she'd see him later. In the comon room, she took her coat and went out to look for Johann, again.

    "Finally!" she thought as she had found him..arguing with Karli, she frowned.

    "Johann, here's your gift and could you please give this to Will?" she paused as she handed them the gifts. "Thank you!" she thanked as she ran off quickly, hoping, if the two of them would fight, she wouldn't hear them.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    Andrew threw a dirty look at Johann, wiping blood from his nose.

    "Jerk," he muttered. "I don't know what Karli sees in you. Cassidy was right to judge you the way she did in the beginning. Get out of my way."

    He shoved past Johann, pushing him hard against the wall, and went to the hospital wing to get his nose fixed. He was infuriated. The nerve of that guy!


    Cassidy was in deep meditation, sitting on a patch of ground she had cleared of snow. She was still and stoic, and did not brush away the hair that floated into her face, like she would have otherwise.

    Her mind, completely relaxed, she felt a ripple within. Something bad had happened, because it made her cringe with uneasiness. She slowly came out of her trance, and went indoors, seeking Andrew. She knew it was him. Something had happened.

    "Andy, what happened to your nose!" she cried, seeing him walking down the hallway. He was holding a towel over it, a great bruise beginning to spread.

    "Some Slytherins attacked me from behind, the cowards," he grumbled. "And no thanks to that jerk, Johann, they gave me a bloody nose!"

    Cassidy stopped short, feeling a little confused. Was her first intuition of him correct? She pushed the thoughts aside, and walked with him to the common room, brushing off some snow that had found its way to her jacket. They arrived just in time to see Berii leave, and despite the current situation, Andrew grinned and blushed slightly.


    ~Change the World~
  • 5,471
    I was shocked. I had never seen Andy act that way before. I looked at Johann, and sighed.
    "Once again..." I said. "You can really blow things sometimes Johann"
    I shook my head, and went after Andy.

    Once I got to the Common Room, I walked over to Cassidy and Andy.
    "Andrew are you okay?" I asked him. I looked at Cassidy, with a worried look on my face.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    "Yeah...I'b fbine," he said to Karli, his nose stuffed up. His expression was one of swollen irritation, and his nose was turning black and blue. He removed the towel carefully, and threw it away. "I honestly can't belive that guy."

    Cassidy looked deep in concentration. Her mouth was set in a grim line, causing small creases on either end of her lips. Her eyes were cold and devoid of happiness. She was furious, and trying to control it.

    "I'm really disappointed in Johann," she said flatly, not looking at Andrew or Karli. "I thought he was an okay guy, but I guess a first impression is usually right. I'm sorry, Karli, because I know you care for him greatly, but I just can't tolerate the way he treated you or Andrew, especially Andrew. I can't deal with that kind of negative energy in my life. If you see him, please tell him that I will not speak to him, and it would be best if he just left me alone."

    The infuriated Cassidy, still bearing a calm, reserved manner, made her way upstairs, leaving Karli and Andrew in the Common Room.

    "I'd like very much to tell you she's kidding," he told Karli, following Cassidy up the girls' dormitory steps with his eyes. "But I'm afraid she's wicked serious. I've never seen her so angry. I'm suprised she didn't loose it..."

    He trailed off, and looked at Karli, his expression compassionate.

    "I'm afraid she's put you in a rather tough spot..." he said sadly.


    ♠ [child] p r o d i g y
  • 2,268
    After strolling around outside of the castle, Berii walked towards the entrance and before going in, she wiped off the snow on her coat and continued walking inside. She walked back to the common room and went inside the girls' dorm.

    She saw Anna, beside her were few letters. "Thanks, 'Naa." she said, reading the first letter. It was from her parents.

    Dear Berii,
    Honey, we're really sorry! But you can't go home tommorow, we have to go to your granma's house, she's really ill. I hope you'll have fun there with your friends.

    Mom and Dad.

    She frowned, not because she couldn't go home, but because she was worried for her grandmother. Berii replaced her worried thoughts into a happy one, she knew her grandmother was strong and won't give in.

    She smiled once again and walked down the stairs and, the common room.

    She saw Karli, Cassidy, and Andy talking. She saw Karli's expression, she knew it wasn't good.

    "What's wrong, Karli?" she asked worriedly.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    Andrew tried to smile comfortingly at her, but failed. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder instead.

    "Sobby for causink you tvouble," he said, and couldn't help but chuckle at his silly voice. He reagined his composure and looked at Karli. "It'll be awight. Thinks bill bork out for da best."

    He wanted to say something more, something that would being her comfort, but he could think of nothing else, and settled for silence instead.


    Cassidy sat on her bed, feeling very odd indeed. She was furious, and usually so good at keeping herself under control. She was fantastic at keeping a mask over her true feelings, and somehow, it was crumbling.

    "What is the matter with me?" she demanded, falling back on her bed. She looked up at the canopy and sighed. Her side had begun to hurt again, and her stomach was turning in discontent. She clutched her side, feeling a searing pain ripple through her body.

    Yes...you want to release this anger, don't you, Cassidy? a voice asked slyly out of nowhere. Cassidy narrowed her brows in confusion, still clutching her aching side. Give in. Release it. You'd be suprised how powerful you can become...

    "You lie! Leave me alone!" she cried, rolling on her good side. She was nearly in tears now because of the pain.

    I could kill you, you know, the voice sneered, and Cassidy felt as if someone had grabbed and twisted her side. She cried out in pain. Isn't the anger eating you alive??? You're just a mere human, and a very non-magical one compared to the rest of the wizzards here. You have an excuse to just release it, especially after how badly Johann treated your brother and your friend.

    "Leave me be!" she shrieked.

    Fine... with one more powerful twist of pain in her side, the voice, and the twisting subsided.

    Panting, Cassidy picked herself up, sitting on the edge of her bed. Confused and bewildered, she went to the window for some fresh air.

    "What was that?" she asked herself, and lifted up her shirt to look at the scar. It looked much more fresh and recent than it had these past few days. It was scabbed over as if she had just received it yesterday.

    Dumbfounded, she sat back on her bed, and hoped no one had heard her screams.


    ~Change the World~
  • 5,471
    "Cassidy!" I said shooting my head up. I ran up to the girls dormitory.
    "Cassidy! Are you okay?" I asked. I felt a new presence. I grabbed Cassidys arm. Something began to come up the stairs. It was a man. I backed away, but felt a hand slip around my neck. Soon I saw a knife spread out before me.
    "Dont move" he said in a cold voice. He then crashed through the window with me. I screamed....


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    "KARLI!!" Cassidy screamed, watching her body fly out the window in the clutches of a strange man. "Karli, hang on!! Andrew, I know you can hear me! Get up here now!!!"

    Andrew was soon by her side, a little uncomfortable being in the girls' side of the dorm, but nonetheless ready. He called his broom to him, as did Cassidy, and they flew out of the broken window together, looking around fiercely for Karli.


    ♠ [child] p r o d i g y
  • 2,268
    Berii thought she heard a faint shriek. She then saw Karli ran to the girls' dorm and followed her after a few minutes.

    "Don't move!" she heard someone said in a cold tone, she hated it. Befire she could stop him, he jumped out the window, with Karli.

    "Accio broom." she said as prepared to ride her broom. When she got her broom, she flew out the window and followed the man Andy and Cassidy.

    "Who's he?" she asked, catching up on them.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    "I'm not sure..." Cassidy replied over the winter wind. She pulled her scarf tight around her face, and spotted the man dragging Karli away. "There! Get him!"

    She zoomed down in a dive towards them, her eyes set unblinking on pummeling the man over, hopefully to Karli's rescue. Andrew was beside her also, preparing for a double attack.

    "Come on with us, Berii!" Andrew called to her. "Help us get his attention!"


    ♠ [child] p r o d i g y
  • 2,268
    Berii stood up on her broom and nodded on what Andy said. With her standing up she controlled her broom easily and faster. She prepared for an attack and readied her wand. She looked at the man angrily and flew beside Cassidy, waiting for them to lead.

    "Ready, when you are." she said, saluting.
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