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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Today it's been exactly one year since I started my monocolor challenge! To not really celebrate this, here's an update on Sapphire.

My first team member was a Poochyena, who was accompanied by an Aron a bit later. They were pretty good together, but Anorith, the third team member, helped quite a lot once it evolved. While searching for a Relicanth, I encountered a shiny Clamperl! And then I killed it because I can't use it. Anyway, Relicanth was kind of horrible and not really good at all. It had an OK moveset, but it just couldn't seem to do anything. It was so late in the game too, it was pretty worthless adding it to the team. Oh well, at least I'll know in the future.

Onto Pearl!


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Moldavite the Mightyena, Lv 53 (♀)
Item: BlackGlasses
Crunch, Howl, Strength, Shadow Ball

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Palladium the Aggron, Lv 51 (♂)
Item: Soft Sand
Metal Claw, Iron Defense, Earthquake, Headbutt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lithium the Armaldo, Lv 53 (♂)
Item: Sea Incense
Brick Break, Water Pulse, AncientPower, Dig

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fluorine the Relicanth, Lv 50 (♂)
Item: Hard Stone
Surf, AncientPower, Yawn, Ice Beam
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

My Black monocolor is still on hold, so I started HeartGold a few days ago and made quite a bit of progress. Kinda wish more people would update so it's not just me and Chevitile, who never posts more than once per game, lol. Any chance you could do some mid-game updates like me? Anyway...

Update #1 on HeartGold.

Name: Green
Rival: Silver
Starter: Chikorita

  • Started with Basil the Chikorita, then picked up Trapper the Bellsprout just past Violet City.
  • Trained them in Sprout Tower, then took on the Violet City gym.
  • Falkner was a little tough, but Basil was able to beat Pidgeotto with PoisonPowder, Synthesis, and some Razor Leaf crits.
  • After the battle, Basil evolved into Bayleef!
  • Moved south through Union Cave and got to Azalea Town, where I defeated Team Rocket in the Slowpoke Well.
  • Defeated Silver to get some more experience, then took on the gym. While inside, Trapper evolved into Weepinbell!
  • Bugsy was hard with his Scyther hitting hard with U-Turn, but PoisonPowder and Reflect helped Basil win in the end.
  • Went through Ilex Forest and arrived in Goldenrod City, then went straight to the National Forest and the Bug-Catching Contest.
  • After a few encounters, Scyther appeared twice, and I caught the male one. Named him Reaper again.
  • Got 2 Facade TMs from the Dept. Store Lottery and taught them to Trapper and Reaper. Also bought SolarBeam for Trapper.
  • While I was doing all that, I got a call from Gina, who then gave me a Leaf Stone!
  • Trained Reaper up on some trainers I skipped earlier, then took on the gym.
  • Whitney was easy to defeat after I switched out Reaper to Basil against Miltank, and Magical Leaf 2HKOed.
  • After the battle, I used my Leaf Stone on Trapper, and he evolved into Victreebel!
  • Got the SquirtBottle and defeated Sudowoodo, then went to Ecruteak City.
  • After defeating Silver in the Burned Tower, releasing the beasts, and getting Surf at the theater, I challenged the gym.
  • Morty was tough but not tough enough to deal with Reaper's Pursuit, although he fell to Curse. Basil finished up with Magical Leaf.
  • Now that I could Surf, I did so with a Tentacool I fished up to catch Kermit the Poliwag in Violet City.
  • Also went through Union Cave to access the grass in the Ruins of Alph, where I caught Quetzal the Natu.
  • Trained them both up while exploring the rest of the cave and going to Olivine City.
  • Kermit evolved into Poliwhirl and Quetzal evolved into Xatu!
  • I had gotten the King's Rock from the depths of Slowpoke Well, and with some Evolution Editor help, Kermit evolved into Politoed!
  • Reached Olivine City and scaled Glitter Lighthouse, where I got a quest from Jasmine.
  • Surfed to Cianwood City, got the SecretPotion, then came back to heal Amphy.
  • Got a call from Baoba that the Safari Zone was open, I went back to Cianwood and made my way there.
  • Had to unlock the Area Customizer to get the Mountain area, so I waited for a few hours until it was.
  • Mountain unlocked, I caught several Larvitar before I found one I liked, and named him T-Rex.
  • Trained T-Rex on the water trainers I skipped on my way to Cianwood, then took on the Cianwood Gym.
  • Chuck was easy, Reaper was able to solo him with Wing Attack.
  • Got the Fly HM and taught it to Quetzal, then flew back to Olivine to take on Jasmine.
  • Jasmine was easy as well. T-Rex took out 1 Magnemite with Dig, then Kermit Surf'd Steelix and the other Magnemite to win.
  • Moved on through Mt. Mortar to Mahogony Town, and T-Rex evolved into Pupitar, and Basil evolved into Meganium!
  • I am now saved at the Lake of Rage.

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Lonely Scyther, ♂ - L30 @ Shell Bell
Ability: Technician
Moves: Wing Attack, Pursuit, Facade, Cut
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Trapper the Jolly Victreebel, ♂ - L31 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Facade, SolarBeam, Acid, Sleep Powder
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Quetzal the Mild Xatu, ♂ - L30 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Shadow Ball, Fly, Confuse Ray, Silver Wind
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

T-Rex the Impish Pupitar, ♂ - L30 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Rock Slide, Thrash, Dig, Screech
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kermit the Calm Politoed, ♂ - L31 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Surf, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Rain Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Basil the Bashful Meganium, ♂ - L32 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Strength, PoisonPowder, Magical Leaf, Petal Dance

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sandshrew - Rock Smash, Cut, Strength [boxed]

Lol, sure thing. I'll make my updates more detailed too, so it's not just a summation of the run as a whole. Starting right now!

The Gray Pearls Party, part 1.

♦ Started up the game, picked the male character and chose Chimchar as my starter.
♦ Got the Pokédex from Prof. Rowan, and then headed back home to get the this-is-so-useless-why-did-they-even-put-this-in-the-game Journal before continuing my adventure.
♦ I reached Jubilife and hunted down the 3 clowns scattered around the city, to get the Pokétch.
♦ Skipped almost every trainer on Route 203 to get to Oreburgh as quickly as possible, where I caught the first team member, Beryl the Machop.
♦ After training her up a bit, I challenged the gym and won easily with Karate Chop and Low Kick.
♦ Made my way up to Floaroma, beating up some Galactic grunts and other trainers along the way.
♦ Bought some Honey, and eventually got a Burmy! Named it Garnet.
♦ Trained her a bit as well, and then infiltrated Team Galactic's HQ.
♦ Traversed through Route 205 and the Eterna Forest, where Garnet evolved into a Plant Cloak Wormadam!
♦ Currently saved in Eterna City.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Garnet the Wormadam, Lv 20 (♀)
Item: None
Protect, Tackle, Hidden Power, Bullet Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Beryl the Machop, Lv 22 (♀)
Item: None
Low Kick, Revenge, Focus Energy, Karate Chop
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Update #2 on HeartGold.

  • Defeated the Red Gyarados, then talked to Lance about weird radio signals.
  • Infiltrated and defeated Team Rocket in the Hideout. Then got the Sludge Bomb TM for Trapper.
  • Defeated Pryce with just Trapper. Sleep Powder + SolarBeam FTW.
  • Team Rocket had taken over the Radio Tower, so I went to Goldenrod to deal with them.
  • Archer was defeated easily by Kermit's Surf.
  • Went to Blackthorn City, then trained a bit on the Mountain Road.
  • Took on the gym and defeated Clair with less trouble than anticipated. Went to Dragon's Den to get the badge.
  • Got a Muscle Band and Choice Scarf from Mom, awesome!
  • Went to defeated the Kimono Girls in Ecruteak City, then climbed Bell Tower to catch Ho-oh.
  • Made my way to Victory Road, then went through it, defeating Silver at the end.
  • Did some Pokegear rematches and a little moveset editing, then took on the Elite Four.
  • Will was soloed by Quetzal holding a Choice Specs and using Shadow Ball.
  • Koga was defeated with a team effort, with T-Rex doing quite a bit of damage with Rock Slide and Dig.
  • Bruno was taken out by Trapper and Reaper.
  • Karen was a tough customer, I needed help from most of my team to defeat her somewhat diverse team.
  • Finally Lance was up. It took healing items and a major effort from Kermit to defeat those Dragonite, as I was pretty underleveled.

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Basil the Bashful Meganium, ♂ - L43 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Petal Dance, PoisonPowder, Hidden Power (Water), Frenzy Plant
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

T-Rex the Impish Pupitar, ♂ - L41 @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Rock Slide, Crunch, Dig, Thrash
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Quetzal the Mild Xatu, ♂ - L43 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Shadow Ball, Fly, Future Sight, Confuse Ray
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kermit the Calm Politoed, ♂ - L43 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Surf, Focus Blast, Mud Shot, Ice Beam
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Lonely Scyther, ♂ - L42 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Technician
Moves: Aerial Ace, Cut, X-Scissor, Rock Smash
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Trapper the Jolly Victreebel, ♂ - L41 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Facade, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder

The Gray Pearls Party, part 2.

♦ Took on Gardenia in the gym, and won with some struggle. I had to rely on Garnet to take care of her, which took some time since it only had Tackle. When her final Pokémon Roserade was down, it grew a level and learned Confusion. What is life
♦ Raided the Galactic HQ pretty quickly, and then went Underground to get an Armor Fossil.
♦ After a really long time (why are they so hard to find?), I got one and went to the Oreburgh Museum, where it got turned into a Shieldon! Named it Niobium.
♦ Went to Hearthome City, training Niobium along the way. Defeated my rival as well.
♦ Continued to Solaceon, and went in the Lost Tower. While in there, Beryl evolved into Machoke!
♦ Made my way to Veilstone, and trained everyone to Lv 30 before taking on the gym. At Lv 30, Niobium evolved into Bastiodon!
♦ Swept the gym with Garnet's Psybeam and Beryl's Vital Throw. Maylene was no match at all.
♦ Helped Dawn with the Galactic Grunts at the Warehouse, and went down to Pastoria City.
♦ About to take on Crasher Wake.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Beryl the Machoke, Lv 35 (♀)
Item: Hard Stone
Low Kick, Rock Tomb, Focus Energy, Vital Throw

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Garnet the Wormadam, Lv 35 (♀)
Item: Mind Plate
Psybeam, Tackle, Hidden Power, Razor Leaf

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Niobium the Bastiodon, Lv 35 (♂)
Item: Quick Claw
Strength, AncientPower, Shock Wave, Iron Defense
Username: PokeNerd22
Color: I Pick Brown
Game: Pokemon Sappire,Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Red
Ultimate: Not Now
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Black).

While I'm running around Kanto on my Green Monocolor on HeartGold (currently with 7 badges), I started the Unova leg of my Black ultimate, on White 2.

Update #1 on White 2.

Name: Black
Rival: Hugh
Starter: Sneasel

  • First thing I did was to activate Challenge Mode, then started the gym in earnest.
  • Since the first black Pokemon available isn't until after the 2nd gym, I hacked in Malice the Sneasel as my starter.
  • Malice took care of the Cheren pretty easily because he learns Faint Attack early.
  • Moved on to Virbank City and trained some in the Complex.
  • Took on the gym, and was able to squeak out a victory against Roxie.
  • Visited the PokeStar Studios, defeated the Team Plasma grunts, then sailed to Castelia City.
  • Went to the Sewers and into the grass area to catch Kuro the Eevee.
  • Several massages and a massive amount of bike riding later, Kuro evolved into Umbreon!
  • Trained Kuro and Malice in the Sewers and the Battle Co., then took on the gym.
  • Burgh was somewhat tough. Malice took down the first three, but Leavanny fought back, with Kuro prevailing in the end.
  • Moved on to Route 4, where I defeated Colress, then went to the Desert Resort, where I caught Nazca the Sigilyph.
  • Trained Nazca up on trainers on Route 4 and the Desert Resort, then defeated the trainers on Route 16 and Lostlorn Forest.
  • Challenged the Nimbasa Gym and defeated Elesa with a team effort. Malice being able to learn Dig is awesome.
  • I am saved on Route 5.

Team Black:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kuro the Quiet Umbreon , ♀ - L31 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Faint Attack, Quick Attack, Return, Screech
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Malice the Lonely Sneasel, ♂ - L32 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Faint Attack, Hone Claws, Strength, Dig
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Nazca the Lax Sigilyph, ♀ - L31 @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Psybeam, Fly, Air Cutter, Tailwind

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Patrat - Cut
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-Ridley evolved
-Lotus evolved
-Beat Magma
-KOed Kyogre
-Beat Wallace
-Trekked Victory Road
-Grinded and Rare Candied everyone up to Level 50
-Took on the Elite Four:


Final Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tokay (Sceptile) ♀ Lv. 50 (Soothe Bell)
Leaf Blade, Dig, Return, Hyper Beam
Overgrow, Naive Nature
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lotus (Ludicolo) ♀ Lv. 51 (Quick Claw)
Hydro Pump, Giga Drain, Ice Beam, Surf
Swift Swim, Quirky Nature
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Spore (Breloom) ♂ Lv. 50 (Silk Scarf)
Mega Drain, Sky Uppercut, Sludge Bomb, Headbutt
Effect Spore, Hasty Nature
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pepper (Electrike) ♂ Lv. 50 (Everstone)
Thunder, Rain Dance, Bite, Iron Tail
Lightningrod, Quiet Nature
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ridley (Flygon) ♂ Lv. 51 (Blackglasses)
Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Fly
Levitate, Quirky Nature
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Areca (Tropius) ♀ Lv. 50 (Miracle Seed)
Solarbeam, Fly, Sunny Day, Steel Wing
Chlorophyll, Bashful Nature

HM Slaves: Zigzagoon (Cut, Rock Smash), Tentacool (Surf, Dive), Makuhita (Strength, Rock Smash)

I'll Probably start Sinnoh today.
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I was supposed to make an update sooner, but I got so caught up in the game that I actually completed it.

The Gray Pearls Party, final part.

♦ Took on Crasher Wake and won thanks to Beryl and Garnet.
♦ Stalked the Galactic Grunt with the bomb and defeated him, and then received the SecretPotion from Cynthia.
♦ Backtracked to Hearthome City, where I defeated Fantina without a lot of trouble.
♦ Made my way to Solaceon Town, and walked up north to eventually reach Celestic Town.
♦ Defeated the Galactic Grunt near the ruins, and got Surf from Cynthia's grandma.
♦ Taught it to a Buizel and then went west of Jubilife City to capture a Glameow. Named it Amethyst.
♦ Did some Surf sidequests around Sinnoh, training up Amethyst along the way. Eventually, she evolved into a Purugly! With the help of an Evo Editor, Beryl also evolved into a Machamp!
♦ Surfed to Canalave City, defeated my rival and then sailed to Iron Island.
♦ Helped out Riley in there, and then went back to Canalave to take on the gym.
♦ Byron went down without me even breaking a sweat, due to Beryl and her Fighting-moves.
♦ After some chit-chat with Professor Rowan & friends, I went to Lake Valor and defeated Saturn, only to find out that Mars was at Lake Verity. Flied there and beat her.
♦ In order to get to Lake Acuity, I had to trekk north, so that's what I did. I couldn't get into the lakefront, so I went to Snowpoint instead, and took down the gym and its leader, Candice.
♦ After the battle, the lake was no longer blocked, so I went in there and saw Jupiter with my rival. They were both incredibly boring, so I went to Veilstone and infiltrated Galactic's HQ there.
♦ After setting free the Legendary Trio of Sinnoh, I went to the Spear Pillar and defeated Team Galactic once and for all.
♦ The downfall of Galactic made it possible for me to go to Sunyshore City, so I did, and found Volkner at the lighthouse. After convincing him to battle with me, I completely crushed him in the gym with Beryl's Earthquake and Brick Break. He was happy about it, so it's OK.
♦ Made one final strech through Victory Road to reach the Elite Four. But first, my rival wanted a battle that was over pretty quickly.
♦ Aaron wasn't too tough, although it did take a team effort.
♦ Bertha was really easy thanks to Garnet.
♦ Flint also required a team effort, but was still beatable.
♦ Lucian went very smooth until Bronzong came out, whom I had to stall out of Psychics before being able to do something. Other than that, nothing troublesome.
♦ Cynthia was fairly easy as well, although I did get quite lucky with some freezes and other hax.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Amethyst the Purugly, Lv 56 (♀)
Item: Sky Plate
Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Body Slam

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Niobium the Bastiodon, Lv 58 (♂)
Item: Hard Stone
AncientPower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Garnet the Wormadam, Lv 56 (♀)
Item: Rose Incense
Psychic, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Toxic

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Beryl the Machamp, Lv 56 (♀)
Item: Razor Claw
Cross Chop, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Earthquake
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Oh hey Monocolor. It's been forever. This isn't gonna be a huge update, but it's something, eh? :p I might actually have time tonight to play a bit more and add to thism but for now:

Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge Platinum Update #2

-Skipped down to Route 213 and fished up Gardener the Lv.15 Remoraid. Slapped the Exp Share on him.
-Found the Magmarizer without looking for it. That'll come in handy at some point :p
-After the fight with Barry outside the Pastoria Gym, Gardener evolved into an Octillery :)
-Went through the Gym and took on Wake a couple of times before I realized I needed a bit more levels to get him down
-Trained up on the route west of Pastoria
-Took an hour or two detour to go around everywhere (including the Underground) to get the shards I needed to get the Move Tutor to teach Dhyana Zen Headbutt
-Renamed Gardener to Starkly, to make the reference more obvious :p
-Wake was still fairly tough, everyone saw some action

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

The Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Casper the Rotom, Lv. 36 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Levitate
-Shock Wave
-Ominous Wind

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dhyana the Meditite ♀, Lv. 34 @ Mind Plate
Ability: Pure Power
-Hidden Power (Ground)
-Calm Mind
-Zen Headbutt
-Hi Jump Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Umberto the Scyther ♀, Lv. 34 @ Cleanse Tag
Ability: Technician
-Fury Cutter
-Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Starkly the Octillery ♂, Lv. 33
Ability: Suction Cups
-Focus Energy
-Bullet Seed
-Aurora Beam

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Copper the Kricketune ♀, Lv. 29
Ability: Swarm
-Fury Cutter
-Focus Energy

HM Slaves:
Chimchar: Rock Smash
Staravia: Defog
Budew: Cut, Flash
I started the Sinnoh leg of my challenge. I decided to switch to Platinum so I could get Eevee

-Chose Turtwig
-Beat Barry
-Named Turtwig Terrorpin
-Caught Starly (HM Slave)
-Caught Budew named Bouquet
-Beat Barry
-Caught Onix (HM Slave)
-Beat Roark
-Terrorpin evolved
-Beat Mars at Valley Windworks
-Guided Cheryl through Eterna Forest
-Caught Bronzor named Cobalt
-Caught Bidoof (HM Slave)
-Bidoof evolved
-Beat Gardenia
-Beat Jupiter at Galactic Eterna Building
-Bouquet evolved
-Received Eevee named Fern
-Fern evolved into Leafeon
-Taught Fern Bullet Seed
-Beat Fantina
-Beat Barry

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Terrorpin (Grotle) ♂ Lv. 28
Overgrow, Impish Nature
Razor Leaf, Bite, Mega Drain, Tackle
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bouquet (Roselia) ♀ Lv. 26
Poison Point, Naive Nature
Giga Drain, Magical Leaf, Growth, Stun Spore
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cobalt (Bronzor) Lv. 26
Levitate, Quiet Nature
Extrasensory, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Iron Defense
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fern (Leafeon) ♂ Lv. 27
Leaf Guard, Gentle Nature
Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Tackle, Sand-Attack

HM Slaves: Starly, Onix (Rock Smash), Bibarel (Cut)
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Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Black).

Update #2 on White 2.

  • Beat the trainers on Route 5 then crossed the bridge to Driftveil City.
  • Took on the gym after teaching Malice Ice Punch from the Move Tutor.
  • Clay wasn't too difficult, my team was able to wear him down and Malice was able to outspeed Excadrill with Ice Punch.
  • Did the PWT and defeated Team Plasma on the ship.
  • Played some more PWT and a round of Battle Subway, then bought a Razor Claw for Malice.
  • Wen to Route 6 and got Surf from Cheren, which was taught to Malice (yeah, she can learn Surf!).
  • Soon afterwards, Malice evolved into Weavile!
  • Went through Chargestone Cave to Mistralton City.
  • At Route 7, I caught Z-Bolt the Zebstrika and Asmodeus the Seviper.
  • Beat a bunch of trainers in Mistralton and Chargestone Caves, Route 7, and Celestial Tower.
  • Then we took on the gym and defeated Skyla easily with Malice and Z-Bolt.
  • Took a jet to Lentimas Town, then went over to the Strange House, where I caught my final team member, Marionette the Banette.
  • Trained her up while exploring Reversal Mountain, and we arrived in Undella Town.
  • Beat more trainers on Route 14 and Undella Bay, then defeated Hugh.
  • Went through Route 13 to Lentimas Town, defeated Zinzolin alongside Hugh, then moved onwards to Opelucid City.
  • Did some shopping at Mall Nine, then defeated some trainers I skipped to get there.
  • Took on the Opelucid Gym. Malice soloed Drayden easily with Ice Punch while growing two whole levels!
  • Team Plasma froze the city, so I defeated Zinzolin again before the DNA Splicers were stolen.
  • Made my way to Humilau City, where I availed myself of the Move Tutor, then took on the gym.
  • Marlon wasn't too hard, with Asmodeus and Malice handling it.
  • I am saved on Route 22.

Team Black:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kuro the Quiet Umbreon , ♀ - L47 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Dark Pulse, Quick Attack, Psychic, Dig
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Nazca the Lax Sigilyph, ♀ - L47 @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Psychic, Fly, Air Slash, Hypnosis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Marionette the Naughty Banette, ♀ - L48 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Insomnia
Moves: Shadow Claw, Pain Split, Sucker Punch, Will-O-Wisp
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Asmodeus the Modest Seviper, ♀ - L48 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Venoshock, Strength, Dark Pulse, Giga Drain
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Z-Bolt the Adamant Zebstrika, ♂ - L48 @ Magnet
Ability: Motor Drive
Moves: Discharge, Bounce, Wild Charge, Return
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mailce the Lonely Weavile, ♂ - L49 @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Night Slash, Cut, Ice Punch, Surf

The Gray Warriors, part 1.

♦ Commenced my final branch of the Ultimate Gray challenge by catching a Lillipup on Floccesy Ranch, and a Pidove right outisde, after doing all the beginning stuff of course. They were named Charoite and Jadeite respectively.
♦ Took on Cheren after training them up and finding that guy's Herdier, and won with ease.
♦ Made my way over to Virbank City, and decided to go to the Virbank Complex. While in there, Charoite evolved into a Herdier!
♦ Went to the gym and faced Roxie, who was taken down with both Charoite and Jadeite.
♦ Hit the Movie Studios and got the starring role. After my 15 minutes were up, I sailed to Castelia City and immediately had to chase down some Plasma Grunts.
♦ Found them in the sewers, and beat them with the help of my rival. Then I continued to the Relic Passage and found a Drilbur (after an extremely long time, I might add) that I named Krypton.
♦ Trained Krypton and the others up on some Audinos before taking on the gym, and Jadeite evolved into a Tranquill!
♦ Jadeite breezed through the gym with Air Cutter. After the fight, I encountered Colress and later beat him on Route 4.
♦ Got to the Desert Resort and battled some trainers before continuing to Nimbasa City.
♦ After some events, I took on Elesa and won easily thanks to Krypton's Dig.
♦ On the way to Driftveil City, Charoite, Jadeite and Krypton all evolved!
♦ Beat Charles the Heartbreaker and finally made it to Driftveil, where my first order of business was to get a Zorua from Rood. I had to battle him first though, which I did, and won. Since Zorua used to belong to N, I sadly couldn't name it, but if I could... Quartz. Yes.
♦ Equipped the Exp. Share onto him and began battling in the gym. Eventually reached Clay, who wasn't too difficult with Charoite's Work Up and Crunch.
♦ Went to the Pokémon World Tournament, and competed in a round there.
♦ Got out and went on Plasma's ship with Cheren and my rival, where we beat up some goons.
♦ Currently saved in the Pokémon World Tournament.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zoroark, Lv 33 (♂)
Item: Exp. Share
Night Slash, Foul Play, Snarl, Taunt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Krypton the Excadrill, Lv 33 (♂)
Item: None
Hone Claws, Mud Slap, Dig, Rock Slide

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jadeite the Unfezant, Lv 33 (♀)
Item: None
Air Slash, Air Cutter, Roost, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Charoite the Stoutland, Lv 34 (♀)
Item: Silk Scarf
Work Up, Ice Fang, Take Down, Crunch
-Went through Solaceon Ruins and Lost Tower
-Terrorpin evolved
-Beat Maylene
-Stopped Galactic
-Cobalt evolved during battle with Maylene
-Caught Yanma named Odona
-Beat Barry
-Beat Crasher Wake

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Terrorpin (Torterra) ♂ Lv. 34
Overgrow, Impish Nature
Razor Leaf, Earthquake, Bite, Mega Drain
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bouquet (Roselia) ♀ Lv. 34
Poison Point, Naive Nature
Giga Drain, Magical Leaf, Toxic Spikes, Giga Drain, Stun Spore
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cobalt (Bronzong) Lv. 34
Levitate, Quiet Nature
Iron Defense, Extrasensory, Hypnosis, Confuse Ray
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fern (Leafeon) ♂ Lv. 36
Leaf Guard, Gentle Nature
Magical Leaf, Quick Attack, Synthesis, Sand-Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Odona (Yanma) ♀ Lv. 31
Compundeyes, Gentle Nature
SonicBoom, Supersonic, Detect, Uproar

HM Slaves: Starly (Defog, Fly), Onix (Rock Smash), Bibarel (Cut)
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im gonna try the color orange on emerald then after tha t green on emerald then after that purple.
continuing through FireRed after 2 busy months finally
Update for my Green Monocolor challenge on Crystal!

  • Chose Chikorita as my starter and named him Rex
  • Got to sprout tower and after a couple tough fights I won against the sage!
  • Rex evolved into Bayleef (so cute)
  • Beat Falkner and headed to Azalea
  • Solo'd Team Rocket and Bugsy with Bayleef, but Bugsy was quite the challenge
  • Got through to Goldenrod City and entered the Bug catching contest
  • After a few minutes, a Scyther appeared! I caught him and named him Hamlet II (after Hamlet from my run through red version)
  • Beat Whitney, Sudowoodo, and Morty
  • After obtaining the HM for Surf, I went to Union Cave where I surfed across the bottom floor and arrived in the back of the Ruins of Alph
  • Found a female Natu and named her Jade
  • Grinded; Jade evolved into Xatu and Rex evolved into Meganium
  • Beat Chuck, rescued Amphy and beat Jasmine
  • Pryce was easier to manage than I though so I beat him
  • Afterwards I trained and took on the rockets in the radio tower
  • Next, I headed to Blackthorn City and beat Claire after her shenanigans
  • Arrived at the league, and after about 3 tries, I beat Lance! (the video isn't working ;_; )
  • Now I am currently heading to Kanto...


and the team is:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rex the Meganium (M) Lvl. 52
- Body Slam
- Poisonpowder
- Razor Leaf
- Reflect

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hamlet II the Syther (M) Lvl. 51
- Swords Dance
- Slash
- Wing Attack
- Fury Cutter

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jade the Xatu (F) Lvl. 50
- Peck
- Confuse Ray
- Night Shade
- Fly​
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-Odona evolved
-Taught Fern Dig and Aerial Ace
-Beat Cyrus
-Beat Barry
-Beat Galactic at Iron Island with Riley
-Taught Odona Shadow Ball
-Beat Byron
-Taught Cobalt Flash Cannon
-Beat Saturn
-Beat Mars
-Bouquet evolved
-Beat Candice
-Beat Cyrus
-Beat Saturn

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Terrorpin (Torterra) ♂ Lv. 47
Overgrow, Impish Nature
Razor Leaf, Earthquake, Crunch, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bouquet (Roserade) ♀ Lv. 46
Poison Point, Naive Nature
Petal Dance, Toxic, Giga Drain, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cobalt (Bronzong) Lv. 46
Levitate, Quiet Nature
Flash Cannon, Extrasensory, Gyro Ball, Confuse Ray
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fern (Leafeon) ♂ Lv. 46
Leaf Guard, Gentle Nature
Giga Drain, Dig, Aerial Ace, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Odona (Yanmega) ♀ Lv. 46
Tinted Lenses, Gentle Nature
Slash, Supersonic, AncientPower, Shadow Ball

HM Slaves: Starly (Defog, Fly), Onix (Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb), Bibarel (Cut, Surf)
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The Gray Warriors, final part.

♦ Continued towards Mistralton City after the PWT.
♦ Battled Skyla and won easily thanks to Charoite's Ice Fang and Krypton's Rock Slide.
♦ Flew to Lentimas Town after tracking down Professor Juniper in the Celestial Tower.
♦ Explored the Reversal Mountain with Bianca, and then reached Undella Town, where I defeated my rival.
♦ Explored the routes south and north of Undella, and after some travelling, I crashed in Opelucid City.
♦ Challenged the gym, and again, won thanks to Charoite's Ice Fang.
♦ Battled a bunch of Plasma members after they had frozen the city.
♦ Got word from Cheren that I could travel to Humilau City, which is what I did. The gym leader, Marlon, was not a hinderance at all.
♦ Went up to route 22 and got the Colress Machine from Colress. I backtracked until I got to the Seaside Cavern, and used it on a Crustle that was blocking my way there.
♦ Infiltrated Plasma's Frigate and took on Colress and the Shadow Triad.
♦ After the ship moved to the Giant Chasm, I hunted it down and defeated Ghetsis, along with White Kyurem.
♦ Continued to Victory Road and eventually made it to the Pokémon League.
♦ Marshal was easy thanks to Jadeite and Charoite.
♦ Zoroark and Krypton were the downfall of Caitlin.
♦ Shauntal took a team effort, but wasn't hard.
♦ Grimsley got swept by Krypton.
♦ Iris also took a team effort, and was a bit tougher than the rest of the Elite Four.

My next color will be Brown. I'm gonna go with LeafGreen, Silver, Ruby, Diamond and Black 2.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zoroark, Lv 61 (♂)
Item: Scope Lens
Night Slash, Toxic, Shadow Claw, Taunt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Krypton the Excadrill, Lv 64 (♂)
Item: Hard Stone
Swords Dance, Earthquake, X-Scissor, Rock Slide

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jadeite the Unfezant, Lv 63 (♀)
Item: BrightPowder
Air Slash, Fly, Facade, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Charoite the Stoutland, Lv 62 (♀)
Item: Magnet
Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Return, Crunch
done with FireRed finally


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Dragon Claw

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Giga Drain

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Shock wave

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Ice Punch
Calm Mind
Lovely Kiss


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