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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Platinum Mono-Color Brown Run Update #3 and #4

Update #3 and #4 (sorry for the lull in updates, moved into a new place and was getting settled in. Then again, I seem to update more than other people, so I don't know :/)

Notes on Update #3

Notes on Update #4


The team so far (everyone actually looks brown now!):

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Okay, so I started Purple/Silver a while ago, and just made it to Mahogany. My Golbat hates me apparently, because he just won't evolve. He hasn't fainted and I've been training him and loving him but HE WON'T EVOLVE. And I need Crobat for Fly. *sigh*

My team is something like:
Starscream the Lv. 31 Golbat
Darkstream the Lv. 28 Gengar
Drillhorn the Lv. 28 Nidoking

And yes, all my names are Decepticons. Deal with it.
Final Update for Ultimate Gray Monocolor Challenge!

Final Update (#3) on White.
  • Time for the postgame!
  • I decided to add Aggron and Machamp to my team. However, I wanted to give them egg moves.
  • So I got a Skull Fossil in Twist Mountain and caught a Tyrogue on Route 10 (swarm).
  • I then revived Cranidos and evolved Tyrogue into Hitmonchan, then had them learn Head Smash and Ice Punch, respectively.
  • Caught a female Aron and Machop in White Forest, and some breeding time later, out hatched Ironhide the Aron with Head Smash, and Muscle the Machop with Ice Punch!
  • EV trained both Muscle and Ironhide, then traveled around eastern Unova, training my team up to face the Elite Four again.
  • Along the way, Muscle and Ironhide evolved all the way to Machamp and Aggron!
  • Eventually I challenged Morimoto and Cynthia and beat them, although Cynthia took a few tries (Garchomp...).
  • After getting everyone to L73, I decided that was good enough and we took on the Elite Four once more.
  • Shauntal was beaten by Skye, Ironhide, and Zolata
  • Caitlin was easily soloed by Zorro.
  • Grimsley wastaken out by Cashmere, Muscle, and Ironhide.
  • Marshall was tough but I beat him with Muscle, Cashmere, Skye, and Ironhide finished it.
  • Finally it was time to face Alder. Here's the video and play-by-play of the final battle.



Hall of Fame:

Team Gray (Final):

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Skye the Careful Unfezant, ♀ - L73 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Super Luck
Moves: Return, Hypnosis, Fly, Quick Attack
Final Stats: 225/226/140/108/113/182

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zolata the Jolly Stoutland, ♀ - L73 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Return, Wild Charge, Crunch, Work Up
Final Stats: 239/215/164/63/150/176

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cashmere the Lonely Cinccino, ♀ - L74 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Technician
Moves: Tail Slap, Bullet Seed, Wake-Up Slap, Rock Blast
Final Stats: 228/234/91/104/114/201

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ironhide the Adamant Aggron, ♀ - L74 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Head Smash, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Autotomize
Final Stats: 246/257/283/88/116/90
Elite Four 2 MVP

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Muscle the Relaxed Machamp, ♀ - L74 @ Leftovers
Ability: No Guard
Moves: DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Bulk Up
Final Stats: 275/263/157/118/144/78
Alder MVP

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zorro the Quiet Zoroark, ♂ - L74 @ Life Orb
Ability: Illusion
Moves: Night Daze, Focus Blast, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot
Final Stats: 202/166/113/270/116/167
Elite Four MVP, Ghetsis MVP

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Oshawott - Cut, Surf, Waterfall, Dig [boxed]

Going with Brown next, starting on FireRed.
Guys, I'm going to do it. I haven't EVER beaten Black or White, but I just saw that I've got 4/5 of the games down. So I'm actually going to finish my Brown Challenge.

BW is amazing though! Go into it with an open mind, I'm sure you'll love it. I know I can't wait for BW in my Weedle Solo.
Platinum Mono-Color Brown Run Update #5

Update #5

-Kazza learned Psychic at Lv.40 (like it wasn't already obliterating things with just Psybeam)
-Oh hey, look at that, we beat up Barry again
-Went to the Iron Islands to train, where Brienne evolved into a Hippowdon at lv. 34 and Umber evolved into a Infernape at Lv.36!
-Found two Heart Scales (in Oreburgh City and Route 213 respectively) and taught Brienne Ice Fang and Fire Fang at the move relearner in Pastoria
-Brienne and Wallace tag-teamed Byron, utterly demolishing him
-Beat up Jupiter at Lake Valor, beat up Mars at Lake Verity
-Slapped the EXP share on Edgar for a couple battles in some tall grass so he evolved into a Bibarel so I could teach him Strength to get through Mt. Coronet
-Trudged through some super annoying snow
-Umber burnt down most of the Snowpoint Gym (punching some faces along the way for good measure), but Candice herself was a group effort


The team so far:

Ultimate Blue Run: Part 3 Ruby: Update 1

Current Team

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Platinum Mono-Color Brown Run Final Update


-Got the TM for Rock Slide from Mt. Coronet, Taught it to Jordan.
-Beat up Team Galactic at the place, released the legendaries.
-I. Hate. Going. Through. Caves.
-Beat up the same old bad guys, then went through the Tedious Multi-Dimensional Maze Puzzle Thing of Doom
-Killed Girantina because why not.
-Brienne single-handedly diestroyed Volkner (I know it's a typo but it works haha)
-Got through Victory Road with little to no issue. Found the TM for Stone Edge somewhere along the road (/rimshot), taught it to Umber.
-Decided it would be more beneficial for me to have Light Screen on Kazza rather than Reflect. Flew to Veilstone to buy the TM and teach it to him.
-Spent as much of my money as I could, because everyone's probably a bit underleveled, and I don't feel like grinding, so the league might take a few tries
-Oh right, Barry. He was actually tough this time around. That Staraptor is ridiculously annoying
-After 4 "warm-up" runs we finally did it! It wasn't the most graceful of victories, as in a lot of items were used on Cynthia, but as much fun as this whole run was I wanted to get it done with.
- I didn't pay attention to who won each battle for me, but Kazza was definitely the MVP (as you can probably see from his level compared to everyone else). Brienne was a close second, taking physical hits for days, and an honorable mention goes out to Jordan for being the designated revenge killer with Sucker Punch.




I had a ton of fun doing this, most of all keeping track of it on here. Pretty sure I'm gonna turn this into an Ultimate, continuing on to FR/LG here soon.
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

What a coincidence Huggermugger (that's a hilariously oxymoronic nickname by the way :D), I started Brown on FireRed!

Update #1 on FireRed.

Name: Brown
Rival: Blue (the name, not the color. :D)
Starter: Squirtle

  • After I finally got the Pokedex, I caught Thrasher the Mankey on Route 22.
  • Beat Brock easily with Karate Chop, then continued on through Mt. Moon.
  • Grabbed the Dome Fossil for later and arrived in Cerulean City.
  • Beat Blue and the Nugget Bridge trainers, then caught Esper the Abra.
  • Fought my way to Bill's house, and Esper evolved into Kadabra!
  • After saving Bill and getting the S.S. Ticket, I took on Misty and won with some difficulty.
  • Beat the Rocket guy and taught Dig to Thrasher.
  • Continued on to Viridian City, where I boarded the S.S. Anne to get Cut, and Thrasher evolved into Primeape!
  • Challenged the gym and won easily with Esper's Psybeam.
  • Got Flash and went through Rock Tunnel without much trouble, and caught a Growlithe on my way to Celadon City.
  • Took on the gym after some training, and Growlithe was able to beat Erika with Flame Wheel.
  • Renamed Growlithe to Firebeast in Lavendar Town, then went to the Rocket Hideout to get the Sliph Scope. Giovanni was not hard.
  • Climbed Pokemon Tower, beating Blue on the way, and near the top I caught Skully the Cubone, who was holding a Thick Club! :D
  • "Rescued" Mr. Fuji and got the Poke Flute, which I used on the Snorlax south of Lavender Town, and Skully evolved into Marowak!
  • Next I caught Hawkeye the Pidgey, and she evolved right away into Pidgeotto!
  • Made my way to Fuchsia City, where I got Surf and Strength, then evolved Esper into Alakazam!
  • Took on the gym and beat Koga with some difficultly.
  • Surfed to Cinnbar Island while avoiding trainers, and revived Reaper the Kabuto, my final team member.
  • Saved in Route 15, in the middle of training up my team.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Hasty Kabuto, ♂ - L30 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Rock Slide, Mud Shot, Surf, Aerial Ace
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hawkeye the Naughty Pidgeotto, ♂ - L31
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Return, Steel Wing, Fly, Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Skully the Gentle Marowak, ♂ - L32 @ Thick Club
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Headbutt, Bonemerang, Brick Break, Bone Club
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Thrasher the Docile Primeape, ♀ - L34
Ability: Vital Spirit
Moves: Brick Break, Dig, Mega Punch, Mega Kick
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Firebeast the Serious Growlithe, ♀ - L38
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Flame Wheel, Ember, Take Down, Leer
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Esper the Gentle Alakazam, ♂ - L38
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Psychic, Shock Wave, Thief, Reflect

LeafGreen Monocolor Brown Challenge Update #1 and #2

Uh-oh, our teams are gonna end up pretty similar. I'm not copying you, I promise :P. (Not like our teams can be that radically different anyways, the choices are pretty limited)

First Update for Leaf Green:

Update #2:

The Team So Far:
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Username: Azumin
Color: Purple
Game: Firered
Ultimate: No
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Final Update (#2) on FireRed.
  • While training, Hawkeye evolved into Pidgeot, and then Reaper evolved into Kabutops!
  • Beat up Sliph Co and defeated Blue and Giovanni.
  • Took on the Saffron and soloed Sabrina with Reaper's Rock Slide.
  • Flew to Cinnabar Island, and after beating all the trainers on the water, defeated Blaine as well.
  • Did the Sevii Islands quest.
  • Back in Viridian City, I challenged the gym, and Firebeast reached L49, so I evolved him with a Fire Stone into Arcanine!
  • I then beat Giovanni pretty easily with Thrasher and Reaper.
  • After a bit of moveset editing, I defeated Blue and went through Victory Road to the Pokemon League.
  • I got everyone to L52, then challenged the Elite Four.
  • Lorelei was taken care of by Reaper, Esper, and Firebeast.
  • Bruno was defeated by Thrasher and Esper.
  • Agatha was beaten by Skully, Hawkeye, and Firebeast.
  • Lance was handled by Reaper, Esper, and Skully.
  • Finally it was down to Blue, the Champion. Here's the video and play-by-play of the fight.



Hall of Fame:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Brown (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Hasty Kabutops, ♂ - L54 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Rock Slide, Brick Break, Surf, Blizzard
Final Stats: 131/166/115/87/82/133
Elite Four co-MVP, Blue co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hawkeye the Naughty Pidgeot, ♂ - L52 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Return, Steel Wing, Fly, Quick Attack
Final Stats: 164/123/99/88/87/118
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Esper the Gentle Alakazam, ♂ - L53 @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Psychic, Shock Wave, Cam Mind, Future Sight
Final Stats: 135/74/53/177/124/145
Kanto co-MVP, Elite Four co-MVP, Blue co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Thrasher the Docile Primeape, ♀ - L53 @ Black Belt
Ability: Vital Spirit
Moves: Cross Chop, Strength, Earthquake, Bulk Up
Final Stats: 138/147/83/70/91/133
Kanto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Firebeast the Serious Arcanine, ♀ - L52 @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Flamethrower, Bite, Fire Blast, ExtremeSpeed
Final Stats: 170/124/100/150/102/128
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Skully the Gentle Marowak, ♂ - L53 @ Thick Club
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Double-Edge, Bonemerang, Brick Break, Iron Tail
Final Stats: 146/116/117/73/110/78

Username:Nickmonster Color: Yellow Game: FireRed, Ruby, Diamond, Heartgold Ultimate:Yes
Blue Team Ultimate: Part 3 Ruby Update 2

Current team
will update l8r
Been a while since I posted, due to laziness and so on

► Started Emerald, and soloed with Treecko until I could find Whismur, who got through
more than half of Hoenn for me. I named it Caramel.
► Wattson can go away. Somewhere dark. Joined by Brawly.
► After beating the normal man, I got my second team member, HoneyPuff the Jigglypuff.
► HoneyPuff and Caramel did all the work until I could Dive. When that happened, I caught
my third and final team member, Ice Cream the Clamperl.
► I evolved it into Gorebyss right away, since Clamperl doesn't learn anything by levelling up. (And I have to say, Gorebyss is amazing)
► The rest of Hoenn wasn't difficult. I didn't use Caramel that much, because it didn't
have that great stats. But it wasn't lacking in levels compared to the other two, since
it did clear out more than half of Hoenn.
► The Elite Four was sorta meh. I almost managed to pull a Rollout sweep on Glacia, but no.
► Wallace wasn't difficult, some Thunderbolts and Body Slams here and there and it was over.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Caramel the Whismur, Lv 58 (♀)
Item: Everstone
Hyper Voice, Stomp, Shock Wave, Howl

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

HoneyPuff the Wigglytuff, Lv 63 (♀)
Item: None
Body Slam, Shadow Ball, Rollout, Thunderbolt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ice Cream the Gorebyss, Lv 61 (♂)
Item: None
Surf, Ice Beam, Psychic, Amnesia
Username: roen52 Color: Brown Game: Red, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, White Ultimate: Yes
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

I'm continuing my Ultimate Brown Monocolor challenge on SoulSilver.

Update #1 on SoulSilver.
Name: Brown
Rival: Silver
Starter: Cyndaquil

  • After the Mystery Egg quest, I caught Ratti the Rattata on Route 46.
  • After training in the Sprout Tower, I took on Falkner and won thanks to a critical hit Bite and Quick Attack.
  • Went through Union Cave to Azalea Town, where I cleared out Team Rocket from Slowpoke Well.
  • Challenged the gym, where Ratti evolved into Raticate!
  • Bugsy was not hard at all with Hyper Fang.
  • Beat Silver easily and navigated through the forest to Goldenrod City.
  • Played a lot of Voltorb Flip and bought Maximus the Dratini (you get a cookie if you can figure out the dragon reference) as well as an Ice Beam TM.
  • Went north and participated in the Bug-Catching contest, where I caught Breaker the Pinsir.
  • The next day, after numerous tries, I won the Dragon Claw TM from the Dept Store Lottery (Sunday no. 1 prize). Also picked up the Return TM.
  • After training Breaker and Maximus up north, I took on Whitney. Breaker shook off his attraction and dominated with Revenge.
  • Watered the fake tree and caught Petro the Sudowoodo.
  • We marched to Ecruteak City, where we got the Surf HM, then beat Silver and woke the beasts in Burned Tower.
  • Challenged the gym and beat Morty, mostly with Ratti, who used a Chesto Berry and Bite/Crunch to great effect.
  • Saved in Ecruteak City.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maximus the Naive Dratini, ♂ - L23
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Headbutt, Twister, Surf, Dragon Rage
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Breaker the Careful Pinsir, ♂ - L21
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: Headbutt, Brick Break, Dig, Seismic Toss
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Petro the Bashful Sudowoodo, ♂ - L22
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Rock Throw, Headbutt, Low Kick, Mimic
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ratti the Docile Raticate, ♀ - L24
Ability: Run Away
Moves: Strength, Rock Smash, Crunch, Cut

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FireRed Mono-Color Brown Run Final Update


First up, some apologies:
-Sorry for the gap in updates
-I actually lost most of my notes for this update :( so this is just gonna be the E4 update
-I accidentally left my Lv.10 Farfetch'd in my party and ended up using him to heal on Agatha. I hope this is alright and doesn't make this invalid :/ (At least he's brown)

-Grinded up everyone to at least lv. 50 and then went to the E4
-Eddard and Horace took care of Lorelei with relative ease. Eddard's Detect came in useful when Cloyster would Dive
-Syrio and Horace 5-shotted Bruno without taking a single hit
-Agatha was tough and a complete group effort. Arya deserves special mention for avoidance of Ghost moves and a surprisingly powerful Drill Peck.
-Lance was another group effort, with Syrio pulling ahead as being a bit more useful than the rest with Metal Sound and Ice Beam.
-Gary was the most group effort-iest of them all by nature, but was still pretty easy



Will start up HG/SS soon.