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Monthly Moddity of elmodooscuro Vol. III (GlitchxCity, Animal Facts, The Power of Teamwork) [Daily Bloggity Entry #179]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
  • 7,239
    [css-div="background-color:#3366CC ; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000"]

    Date: 06 November 2014
    Time: 4:19 PM ET
    Mood: Got a jiggling fevah going on!

    "Monthly Moddity" is, as the name probably suggests, is a once-a-month edition to the Daily Bloggity that reflects the month's events on a Moderator standpoint, as well as reflecting on goals that I have set myself the previous month. The point of this is to actually get things done as well as working on improving my activity. It will usually appear sometime at the beginning of each month at 5PM Eastern Time.

    Well...this is a tad awkward. It seem that for some bizarre, reason, I forgot to create an October edition for the Monthly Moddity (cue the boos from the readers.) I can't exactly recall why I personally didn't create a new edition for it, but I thinkit may have been because of school getting in the way and a possible stoppage of the Daily Bloggity in general. Either way though, the Monthly Moddity is back and rearing to go, and thus here is this month's edition of the blog.

    Daily Music - "Giratina Battle Remix" by GlitchxCity
    Similar to as it has worked in the past, this kind of entry will be a self reflection on modding duties and provide goals for myself to better my work. As such, it works in a "stoplight" fashion: red indicates expectations weren't met, yellow means there is still room for improvement, and green indicates a job well done. Here were the goals from September:
    • Bring back the PokeCommunity Podcast for the Daily Bloggity
      [*]Stay consistent with Meet the PCe'rs for the Daily Bloggity
      [*]Stay consistent with Gotta Catch 'Em All for the Daily Bloggity
      [*]Stay consistent with QOTD for the VIP Forum
      [*]Create an event for the VIP Forum
      [*]Continue building on interpersonal skills on PC and on Skype
      [*]Start up 2 new series for the Daily Bloggity.
      [*]Become more active again on the Battle Server
      [*]Publish September's Coming Soon edition and keep it updated every day with news.
    I suppose a good spot to start on would be bloc-related goals. The podcast has always been a pretty fun idea, but it's unfortunately not too practical at the moment. Because the podcast in itself took anywhere between 4-5 hours to edit, CSS, and format, it's always been a pretty big eye sore for me to actually get done. Similar to the "Coming Soon" entry, I always dreaded having to publish it just because there were other things that I felt were more meaningful for me to do. I might bring it back in January once I have a lot more free time on my hands, but other than I think it will stay on a long hiatus.

    Daily Comic - "Exercises with Pets!" by Gemma Correll of Animal Facts
    The VIP Forum goals worked for awhile, but it ended up crashing and burning. For one thing, it was awesome to see people actually becoming active in the section. However, as the days turned into weeks, it increasingly became more and more difficult to produce PC-centric threads. In the back of my mind I had thought that at some point I could transition it in a way in which the QUOD's could extend beyond what goes on PokeCommunity...however, I just couldn't accurately figure out a way in which to do it that would personally satisfy myself. At the same time it was becoming increasingly difficult to produce a thread everyday (unlike my blog entries which I can set it up in a way to publish on a day and time of my choosing.) The event too was a nice goal at the time, but again, I just couldn't get the time to actually produce something in that forum.

    Daily Video - "The Power of Teamwork" by animator Khmer OsJa
    I think my biggest achievement overall though - even though it's color coded yellow - was getting myself over the hump of being anti-Skype. It has been overall a great gate way of communication for myself and my other mod partners - i.e. Dragon and Klippy - to bash on Klippy create events for the Video Games forum. I personally believe that it's been a strong proponent as to why Video Games has become so active as of late, as we have found an easy way to bounce ideas off of each other in a simple and effective manner. We have a larger group Skype chat which includes all of PC staff, but I don't exactly go on that as much due to the ever-changing conversations on there (although it's a great read from time to time when I'm bored and I'm looking for something to perk me up.)

    For the month of November, these are my goals as a Moderator:
    • Stay consistent with the Daily Bloggity.
    • Follow through with your plans for Entries 190-200.
    • Create 3 challenges/events for the Minecraft server.
    • Host more video game events for Video Games.
    • Attempt to become more active in Pokemon-centered forums.
    • Amass 500 quality posts (i.e. become more active in general.)
    • Keep clubs of mine active.
    • Continue with A Year of Funny Pictures.
    See y'all in the next edition of the Daily Bloggity!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

    You never posted the podcast with myself, John, Zach, Lapras and..I forgot the other person. Was wondering about that, but if you do find time to do another I'd love to join :D
    Axeliira;bt100340 said:
    You never posted the podcast with myself, John, Zach, Lapras and..I forgot the other person. Was wondering about that, but if you do find time to do another I'd love to join :D
    I completely forgot about that! You know what's pretty funny? I just searched through my old email account and I actually still have the podcast in it's entirety. Maybe I'll release it as a "lost" podcast or something when I have the time; who knows!
    Axeliira;bt100340 said:
    You never posted the podcast with myself, John, Zach, Lapras and..I forgot the other person. Was wondering about that, but if you do find time to do another I'd love to join :D
    Wait, was that the one I actually managed to pull through the whole thing? I can't remember lmao
    Tsutarja;bt100343 said:
    Wait, was that the one I actually managed to pull through the whole thing? I can't remember lmao
    Yeah you kept bailing out on every podcast in the middle of them -_-