Mana du vortes, aeria gloris.
- 443
- Posts
- 15
- Years
- Currently playing Pokémon Brown.
- Seen Mar 19, 2010
I think I pretty much said what I'm supposed to say here in the title.. I think the most annoying Pokémon would be Bidoof.
"Zubat in caves or Tentacool at sea." :P
Wingull are also annoying, when you like Grass types >,<Originally posted by DonRoyale
Simple as that.
Wingull are also pretty annoying.
It's called Phanpy. Because DAY after DAY after DAY after DAY when I first played Crystal, I woke up early whenever possible in order to meet one (no wai in hell that ever happened), and capture one (and if the previous actually happened, it fled EVERY single time...)
Damn you Phanpy!!