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My 103.5 Week From Hell (Bastille, Calvin and Hobbes, Tracer vs Scout) [Daily Bloggity Entry #339]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    My 103.5 Week From Hell

    Date: 17 August 2016
    Time: 9:30 PM ET
    Mood: Drinking some Arnold Palmer!

    Follow me on Twitter!
    A Year of Funny Pictures: August 10th

    I'm the kind of person who very much has a "go-go-go" type of mentality. Thus, I don't really take the time for myself to just relax and enjoy the moment. However, last week I decided to give myself a break from work through a vacation in which I could just relax, maybe read a good book, and spend some quality time with my awesome girlfriend. However, I wasn't able to do any of that because of a certain happenstance occurring...

    Daily Music - "Good Grief" by Bastille
    On the Sunday before my vacation, I ended up getting a really nasty cough that also ended up becoming a 103.5 temperature that persisted all the way to Friday of that week. It was absolute hell, and that is putting it lightly. I was sweating profusely, waking up in the middle of the night to drenched clothing and destroyed bed sheets, coughing vehemently constantly to the point where I vomited on one occasion, and day in and day out being fatigued to the point where I couldn't muster the energy to get things done.

    Daily Comic - "Tigers" by Bill Waterson of Calvin and Hobbes
    It really was bad timing. I couldn't believe my luck that the one time I actually decided to give myself a vacation that all this had to occur. I really blew too because I had so many things that I needed to get done. I ultimately fell behind in both chores and my academics as a result. Thankfully, I was able push through it (thanks to my lovely girlfriend who came through with some incredible home remedies) but my god that was probably one of if not the worst health experience I've lived through in a long time.

    Daily Video - "Tracers vs Scout - Rap Battle" by JT Machinima
    So yeah...103.5 temperature, nausea, and an irritable cough that lasted all week. What about you guys? What was the worst sickness you've ever experienced? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

    Whenever I get a fever, it's an immediate trip to the ER for me because my body gets shot up to 104 degrees which is really serious. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling much better though! Hopefully you are taking good care of yourself while you get your stuff done.