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[Showcase] My Artwork


The Master of Pokemon Breeding
  • 2,074
    • Age 39
    • NC
    • Seen Nov 20, 2023
    Here's where I will be posting all the things I've freedrew. Unlike my other thread this is just for freedraws. Okay, here's the first freedraw:

    [PokeCommunity.com] My Artwork

    I've noticed just about every generation, Pikachu gets a tad bit skinner. This is a theory of mine of what I think Pikachu might look like in a few more years. Probably not, but this does look pretty funny though.
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    Aw! That Eevee is very cute. Are you drawing with a tablet or a mouse?
    For Eevee: If that's a mouse drawing I am very impressed. I think you did a good job of getting the general idea of the Eevee's anatomy correct and kept perspective in mind as you did it. The proportions aren't bad either although a smidge off in places.
    It's with a mouse and I'm not really an artist. I can't even draw humans. And the mouse is built into the PC and there's no buttons. Just a pad. My mouse jerks a lot too. Hard to draw straight lines.

    [PokeCommunity.com] My Artwork

    My very first freedraw of the new Pokemon Meltan. I drew it with the built in mouse on my computer's Paint.NET system.
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    It's with a mouse and I'm not really an artist

    why aren't u an artist, there's no official test or exam u have to pass to call urself that

    ur pikachu drawing is hilarious, don't know if it's meant to be funny, i laughed real hard at that one, the other ones r funny too, looking forward to more of ur drawings
    why aren't u an artist, there's no official test or exam u have to pass to call urself that
    This! You are very much an artist, Konekodemon! It doesn't matter what art you make with or without what tools, as long as you're being creative and expressing that creativity, you are definitely an artist! :)

    Your Meltan is very cute, did you use a reference? I think if there's anything that could improve your work it would be to smooth out your linework, which I know is hard with a mouse but it still very possible with time and practice. So just keep it up! :)
    This! You are very much an artist, Konekodemon! It doesn't matter what art you make with or without what tools, as long as you're being creative and expressing that creativity, you are definitely an artist! :)

    Your Meltan is very cute, did you use a reference? I think if there's anything that could improve your work it would be to smooth out your linework, which I know is hard with a mouse but it still very possible with time and practice. So just keep it up! :)

    Not being an artist means just that I can't draw very well. You should see how I draw human characters. That's awful. On InuYasha I can't even begin to draw Sesshomaru.

    People here didn't think there could ever be a dolphin starter Pokemon because of it not being able to walk on land. But my Fakemon proves that wrong. My dolphin Pokemon walks on land like how the generation 7 starter Popplio does, by just dragging itself along by its front flippers. This Pokemon is a Water/Ice type.
    [PokeCommunity.com] My Artwork
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    Here's all three of my fan made Starters:
    [PokeCommunity.com] My Artwork

    The grass one is a grass and poison type. It always has its eyes closed. The second one is a cat type fire and dark type Pokemon. And you already know the last one is a water and ice type dolphin Pokemon.
    Oh those are cute! I like the Grass starter. n_n Make sure not to forget shading and highlighting on your scratch drawings though! It'll add depth and make your drawings look less two dimensional. :)

    I agree with gimmepie, the way you did the ice on that dolphin starter looks very well done. I'd love to know more about them though! What are their names? Do you have their evolutions planned?
    This isn't really artwork, this is a photoshop I made from a render of Ash in the Sun and Moon anime. But here is Ash what he'd look like with the current animation style if they dressed him up in the male character's outfit from the Pokemon Let's Go! games:

    [PokeCommunity.com] My Artwork
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    Here's my own fanmade Pikaclone I drew on my computer:

    [PokeCommunity.com] My Artwork

    Ugh, why does dark skins ALWAYS make white lines appear around renders I upload? It doesn't really have white lines around it. Dark skins on this site just make it look that way.
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    Overall, it looks like you have a pretty good grasp on the drawing basics. I'd actually be curious to see how you draw on paper or tablet since I understand it can be really hard to freedraw using a mouse. For myself, I feel that I'm pretty bad in drawing if I use a mouse, which is why I prefer doing so on paper or using my fingers in some way.