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My new nail polish colors


There is no "-tina"
  • 24,271
    A few weeks ago I was talking to Nica about some new nail polish colors for me. She was no help at all (said she hasn't used it in forever.... no pun) so I had to find something on my own. And I hated this because I really really dislike picking stuff out, just like I hate picking out gifts. How do I know what looks good and what doesn't? I mean if it was me at home all day by myself then I could care less what others thought... seeing how I'd be the only one that saw my nails. But since I have to get out... yea. (thanks for nothing Nica -_-)

    Anyway... so I went to the mall (we got a small mall close to here, about 20 minutes away) hoping they'd have something I liked. About the only good stores in the mall are JCPenney and American Eagle (not counting food, I love mall pizza <3), everything else is just smaller stores no one cares about. And so I went there (JCPenney) to see if I could find something nice... well I guess small mall = small selection, they didn't really have anything I liked. And after wasting my time with the mall I went back home and see if I could find something online. And I was pretty happy with the results (I guess online beats local mall when it comes to selection). I got a total of 4 colors, I liked most of them but as for everyone else... well no one has said they disliked it, so I guess that's a good sign. XD

    YAY for random pics all over the house!
    Also forgive the crappy webcam pics.
    (click for larger view)

    I wanted at least one softish color so I went with a pink. I think it looks pretty good, I'm not complaining.

    I don't really like this one. I mean it's ok, but it wasn't what I was expecting. I don't think it fits me... I don't know why.

    This one is my second fav out of the colors I ordered, it's called "Essie Playa Del Platinum". You can't really see it due to the sucky lighting in the room but it's sort of a grey but at the same time not... I can't find the right word to explain it. It just looks good.

    And I just had to get a red. It's a little darker then the SA color, but it's close enough. What can I say, it's my fav color. XD
    I like this shade because it's not too dark or too bright.

    I should have just painted each finger with a different color and that way I could have gotten all the colors in a single pic. But I wanted to see what they'd look like, and wanted to wear each for a few days to a week.
    ...wow they are really pretty. o_O

    I'm glad I waited. XD

    Nice color choices. n.n

    You must like the lighter colors mostly. XD

    ..I actually like that second color....even if you don't.

    Still, the dark red ish smexy too~ *won't ever get red because Red is not his color u.u* I can do pinks...but reds are just...meh

    @ everyone but Arcanine and Signomi:
    Yeah, I totally brought nail polish into the trendy things to blog about~ :D
    I second what Syd said. I always knew you were sexy, but damn does that red look good on you.

    *saves pictures to my computer* ;D
    Siggy: Why thank you Siggy.

    KanadeTenshi: It's my fav of the four, like I said... red is my fav color so... yea. XD

    Nica: Well if you would have given some good advice that night then maybe I would have gotten some better colors. But so far I think I did a good job. XD

    : No thanks, I think I'll keep my feet to myself. XD

    Syd: Sorry Alabama, I can't help you there.

    Pachy: Thanks. I do believe I like the lighter colors (not counting the red), I just think they look better on me. I could give the darker colors a try someday, but for now I'll stick with what works. XD

    Tommy: That's kind of freaky coming form you. And more so that you saved the pics... but, thanks... I think. XD
    I think this just single-handedly made my day.. XD

    I like the Platinum, it goes good with your skin tone. n n

    Also, the SA red is pretty badass.

    Maybe I should get some orange nail polish one of these days.
    Wait.. ._. Since when did you become metrosexual? I used to rant on you for not even wanting to shave your teen-stache.. Now it's almost Mustache Movember and youre painting your nails? @_@

    Well anyways, the best nail colour to get is the OPI brand. Lasts the longest, vibrant colour, and no chipping ._. To help make it last like 3 weeks then I suggest you get a top coat to seal in the vibrant colour and so it wont get dull.