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Tool: Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

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Question / Mention... Quention!?

-Quick question to any understand the GBA pointer system.

I'm adding the "more than 6 digit" ability everyone's been asking for, but I'm not %100 sure how GBA pointers are stored after 0xFFFFFF;

Does the 08 at the beginning / end of the pointer simply change to a 09?
-or am I missing something here?
Cookies to whoever helps

On another note,
I might as well mention that I'm also tricking out the bookmark system.
Among the improvements I'm making to it, I might mention that one of the new features is the ability to easily script bookmarks from within NSE. Yay! dynamic bookmarks! :D
The way I think this "scripting" is going to work is a simple drag and drop approach -cuase it's all command based...
(eg: Dragging a "Read" icon onto an ordered table and specifying to read 4 digits from 0x800000, then telling it to take the read digits and set them as the "image offset" of the sprite by dragging a return icon onto the table)
Of course you can make much more complicated scripts (if / while statements, dynamic memory, math operators, and a few other more essential commands will be available the memory stack now has constant pointers to each of your variables, and you can specify which variable you want to "add 5 to") and you can still just simply provide the offsets
And after the script is made, It's compiled into a custom byte code, that gets embedded into the bookmark file, but can still be edited at a later time, it de-compiles scripts just as easily as it compiles them)
(eg: as a test I quickly made a script similar to the old pokemon plugin just for one sprite though and it took up only about 100 bytes of size inside the bookmark file!, and these hundred bytes worked for all BP header roms)

It's still in production phase, I'm presently writing the interpreter as I post this, but hopefully it will make it into the next release of NSE.​

Feedback, Ideas, Suggestions? Oh and someone please answer my question :P
-Quick question to any understand the GBA pointer system.
I'm adding the "more than 6 digit" ability everyone's been asking for, but I'm not %100 sure how GBA pointers are stored after 0xFFFFFF;

Does the 08 at the beginning / end of the pointer simply change to a 09?
-or am I missing something here?
Cookies to whoever helps

Well, it actually is that simple, surprisingly enough. :P
-Quick question to any understand the GBA pointer system.

I'm adding the "more than 6 digit" ability everyone's been asking for, but I'm not %100 sure how GBA pointers are stored after 0xFFFFFF;

Does the 08 at the beginning / end of the pointer simply change to a 09?
-or am I missing something here?
Cookies to whoever helps

Yup, it switches to 09 after 0xFFFFFF
[/INDENT] Well, it actually is that simple, surprisingly enough. :P

Yup, it switches to 09 after 0xFFFFFF


Now after 09 does it go to 0A and then 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E...
^ If so we could have some very large roms ;)
What's the largest offset a pointer can point to?

OH! and you both get an imaginary cookie for answering my question... they're delicous
Whenever I edit an Item and save it, I get the error, Data is not Lz77 compressed blah blah blah..
after that I can't even look at the item anymore because it says Data is not Lz77 compressed every time :s

What should I do?
Now after 09 does it go to 0A and then 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E...
^ If so we could have some very large roms ;)
What's the largest offset a pointer can point to?

OH! and you both get an imaginary cookie for answering my question... they're delicous

Actually we can only have roms of 32Mb, that is, 09XXXXXX roms.
Because the gba hardware makes a mirror of the rom in positions 0A,0B,0C,0D.
And about 0E, thats the save ram, where all our progress in the game is saved.


Update! Alpha 2.5

Quite simply:
I'm going on a 2 week vacation = no pc or internet = no way to work / update/ fix bugs/ answer questions = missed deadlines = :'(​

So... To make these 2 weeks a little smoother I have a somewhat updated version of NSE for you to play with (Yay!)
Note: This is not the current build of NSE 2.X, but it is a pre-build (ie. features are disabled or not included)

  • BookMarks!!!!!!!!!!! (All the old features you loved, none that you hated ;))
  • Bug fixes!!
  • Emerald support for the Pokemon plugin
  • ...that's it... wait... what?

::As I said "this is a pre-build" of NSE (hence the 2.5).
There's no way I can release an untested, potentially unsafe NSE into the wild.

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

So let me talk about BookMarks:
The Good:
  • BookMark creation tab looks exactly the same as the Navigator. Simple
  • Unlimited amount of folders within folders within folders within folders...
  • BookMarks are tree based (Think a hieracrchy like a binary tree where each node points to its child nodes aka folders!!!)
  • Scripting dynamic BookMarks is there... well sort-of... You can't create scripted BookMarks
  • BookMark current sprite button compatible with plugins
  • Multiple BookMark files supported (so you can have different files for pokemon, than super mario, or final fantasy)

The Bad
  • Did I mention you can't script BookMarks yet, - sucks, I know
  • No way to move BookMarks up or down or from folder to folder

-Features left out of this release:
  • 32mb roms
  • Some BookMark features
  • Selectable offsets for repointing (ex: you can choose which offsets you want to repoint)
  • Undo, Redo
  • Importing Adobe color tables
  • The "new-sprite" form (which for some reason is still enabled arghhh...)
  • Palette Editting

To Plugin Developers:
*Plugins - to wire your Editor controls to the main-form you have to SetEditor each time focus is set to the form
*Please store external data for your plugins in the "Core\\Plugin Data\\" + "whatever your plugin's name is" folder
*Keep a version of your source!!!, when I do implement the undo / redo, It will break any non current plugins.

To all:
-Sorry I couldn't give you all of my planned new features, but I just can't in this short amount of time... :disappoin
-At least I got a working version of the BookMarks :\ - sorry
lol I love the TV dude folder. :P

So it's all the same kinda bookmarks like in NSE but more? And better? Sounds amazing. You're a genius, a nice genius, you, sir. Are Mr. Incredible. x
why won't mine load. every time i try to run it i get an error message, a [0xc0000135] how do I fix
WOW! This is going to save me a ton of time trying to export/import sprites. Thanks a ton!

Edit: err quick question, mine only has four Person sprites to edit (Oak, male/female fossil people, and Old Man)... how do I edit the rest? I tried entering other trainers/Pokemon's hex codes from the game, but their colors were all messed up in NSE. Thanks!
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Edit: err quick question, mine only has four Person sprites to edit (Oak, male/female fossil people, and Old Man)... how do I edit the rest? I tried entering other trainers/Pokemon's hex codes from the game, but their colors were all messed up in NSE. Thanks!
Did you edit the hex offsets for the palettes?
Would it be possible to make the Pokemon Plugin compatible with Sapphire? I've already done a lot of work on my Sapphire Sprite and would not like to have to switch to Ruby. Thanks!


I had an interesting story about what I'd been doing for the past month typed here, but then Chrome crashed. So Alas... I begin with no interesting back-story :disappoin

New Features:
  • Import Palettes (*.ACT, *.BMP, *.PNG)
  • Full support for expanded ROMs
  • Safety Repointing
  • Advanced Repointing
  • SMART Repointing
  • UI Enhancements

Now I could go through each of the new features in detail, but that might get boring.
So I've incorporated them into a short-collection of events (a story if you will) to make up for my lack thereof previously.

I'll begin here with the Navigate window.
Nothing to Exciting just a routine edit of the title screen.
I quickly type in the offset, select 256 color, grayscale, the right width and I'm off.

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

Here I am in a small version of the editor, very small actually, about to begin my edit.
I notice the black block at the top of the ruler as a new feature, showing me what color I have active, and think to myself, "Self, GrayScale's so boring, and it might cause issues with colors in game."
"HAVE NO FEAR, NSE IS HEAR", "Who said that?" I quickly ask myself...
"Oh wait, I did...chuckle"

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

I fire up VBA and wait for the title screen of Firered to appear.
I go to tools and export the background palette as "bg.act" selecting Adobe Color Table.
Strangely it comes out as "bg.pal", "Silly programmers and their little mistakes", I say to myself as I change the extension back to ".act"

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

Now, the real fun begins.
I go back to NSE, which had been waiting patiently this whole time, and venture into new Territory.
I go File>Import>Color Table.
Suddenly a brand new, shiny windows gleams in my face, practically asking "May I help you sir?", "Yes you may", I say as I load the exported palette file from my desktop.
I switch to 256 color mode, hit import and...
I'm suddenly swept out of a dull gray world and into the wonderful world of color.
No longer must I be forced to own Photoshop to succeed...

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

"What to do?" I asked myself, an alien planet at my feet. I take a minute to ponder.
I finally decide on my first steps, not leaps, but steps. I will transform the white text of the word FireRed to a more fire-ish red.
I open up the palette viewer and mix it with the power of NSE's fill button.
A few clicks later and FireRed looks like a different word (in a good way)
Now All I have to do is get my masterpiece into the game...

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

I venture over to File>Save and click_
The familiar save data form appears and I feel at home. But then I notice something new. I'm using a 32mb ROM...
So I might as well have some fun with it.
I type in 1DDDDDD and click save.
A Message appears. "0x1DDDDDD is not a safe offset... ...safe offsets end in multiuples of four (ex. 0, 4, 8, C).
"Thanks NSE, last thing I want is a corrupt pointer."
I change the offset to 1D00000 and hit save again.

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

This time another window appears...
I'm actually expecting this one. I give a quick look to any offsets that are being repointed (just one) and press repoint.

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

I excitedly fire up VBA, anxiuos to see if my magic has worked...
I dance around excitedly.
And then the curtains close and the lights fade.
And the audience, YOU, applause...
- "Thank You"

[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor 2.X

P.S. Let me know if you like the first post. I finally added some style :)
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OMG!! no pienso escribir en ingles 77
simplemente genial, soy un gran admirador tuyo, te has esforzado mucho con esto y mira ahora ^^
Personalmente pienso que el NSE es una de las mejores herramientas que han salido!!
Saludos y gracias!!
Bug Fix

Bug Fix

i was following your story step-by-step (as a guide to become more used to the program) when i ran into an error message. follow the following URL to view the error message. https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=8597...46C326742C1&id=8597B46C326742C1!124&sc=photos

OK I figured out what went wrong:
  1. You didn't have an active sprite to import to. (Your pic of NSE was void of editor windows)
  2. NSE wasn't checking if you had an active sprite when you clicked import (Thus resulting in a null pointer)

I've fixed the problem, and uploaded the fixed version ;)(attached to the first post)
version: Alpha 3.0 r1 (Although it won't say this in NSE)

Sorry to everyone- this was more a bug on my part :P
this is incredible, can you put all the attachments and the program into one file, or is that to much to ask yet?
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