Surprised me to see there was a conversation clogging up this thread, but at least we know more about you now. Nice to meet you and welcome aboard, Lovitty!
I noticed you love Water and Fairy-types like I do, which means we might get along very well, and over in the Pokemon Clubs section we happen to have clubs for Water, Electric, Normal and Fairy-types (I happen to be owner of the Fairy-type club so do come and check it out!) but the others have suggested some nice places to check out as well. The Treehouse is a good one if you want to do some random chit-chat or you can also look around Pokemon Trivia or The Playground for some nice fun games to play. Battling & Team Building and Trade Corner are there for your battling and trading needs as well but do take time and see what interests you around the community.
On that note, good luck and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask us!