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Nintendo I love you -- now with video!


Who cares to know, eh Bubbles?
  • 419
    • Age 32
    • Seen Feb 22, 2021
    Simulcast release this October of new Pokemon games, X and Y. Full 3D environment and new Pokemon. With a Fire fox starter and Grass squirrel. I am in love.

    The trailer is already up on the official YT channel as well, so have a go if you haven't gotten to see it yet:

    Thoughts, PC? :)))
    The fact of how hyper I am is not able to be put in words. <3
    The Legendaries are sooo pretty <3
    I'm glad I got my 3DS last Christmas, cos I knew Black 2 & White 2 were going to be the final Pokemon games on DS.

    At least the Grass-type starter wasn't a disappointment this time, the Water-type looked ugly though.
    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS. I'm going to live on your blog for the next week ok. :)

    I've played every game aside from Blue since the release month of the originals in America. NONE of the sequels have triggered this much excitement in me. None of them. This blog post had to be made.