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Norway - first month.

  • 2,910
    So yeah, some of you (mostly plug.dj folks) know I moved to Norway (Oslo) for a while. My company sent me here to work.

    I got there from Poznan (Poland) by plane at 27th April, 2 days before my birthday. I don't know if I should consider it as a birthday gift or not, but that was a major change nonetheless.

    I'm here for over a month now and what are my initial thoughts?

    - The city is gigantic, there's so much places to go I don't even know where to start.
    - The mentality of people here differs from mentality of Polish people. I would say it's much better.
    - Everything here is expensive, I've heard Oslo is most expensive city to live in Europe, I might be wrong.
    - Water is so clean, you can drink it from sink.
    - The communication system is fast enough, I don't need a car to move around.
    - Last thing, I definitely get more money here than in Poland, but here it's just a minimum wage.

    Work here isn't bad at all, but our management system is fucked up. I don't work enough hours, and everything here changes constantly like in kaleidoscope.

    I managed to visit couple of interesting places, I've posted photos in PC: Behind the screens thread. I definitely won't forget the Ski jump tower.

    I'm planning to be there until end of year, at least when my contract will fade. Of course I'll make breaks and come to Poland in August and October (that's what I plan to do at least). I hope to save as much as possible to come back to Poland and life my live peacefully.

    Btw. Ten months since I quit smoking!
    lol I moved to a new state (not quite country) two days after you did... which is both our birthdays. sorry I just find that cool. but it's cool that you're finding positives c:
    Kura;bt103049 said:
    Congrats on quitting smoking.. also.. you're in Norway so you HAVE to try brown cheese. It's freaking amazing stuff.

    I wanna visit Norway :c!!!

    It's a great country for sightseeing, but has an expensive lifestyle. I have to try that cheese though :)

    Come to Oslo then haha!
    Forever;bt103053 said:
    lol I moved to a new state (not quite country) two days after you did... which is both our birthdays. sorry I just find that cool. but it's cool that you're finding positives c:

    Oh wow, so we're pretty much in similar situation. Though I haven't moved completely, I only had my bag with me.

    There are positives, but there are also couple of cons as well.

    Great that we share something in common, maybe there will be more perhaps? :P