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News: Only Ho-Oh distribution details in CoroCoro this month

  • 50,218
    As someone who wants US/UM news coverage to start, I am annoyed that we're getting another two-month drought. S/M suffered through that before finally revealing the starters, and we're not even getting any signs of a new trailer yet.
    as i suspected. since this month is the premiere of Movie 20th Anniversary, it would be all about the movie-related things. probably they will cover USUM by the next moth.
    No Hidden Ability for this distribution? Seems like a waste.

    As someone who wants US/UM news coverage to start, I am annoyed that we're getting another two-month drought. S/M suffered through that before finally revealing the starters, and we're not even getting any signs of a new trailer yet.

    We've still got July 19th for any form of US/UM news.