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Event PC QueUp Music Sessions!

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 34,101

    [PokeCommunity.com] PC QueUp Music Sessions!

    The music is back!

    We're going to have regular (ish) QueUp music sessions going forward! We hope you'll all join us to play and / or listen to music and have a fun time!

    What is QueUp?
    QueUp is a social music streaming website where users can create and share playlists of their favourite tunes while enjoying a friendly text based chat!

    Who can join?
    Anyone can join in! You will need to create a free QueUp account to play songs and chat but that's it!

    How does it work?
    Simply use the included search function to find a song on YouTube. Once you have a song you want to play, click the play icon to add it to your queue. You can then click "join room queue" and your songs will be filtered into the room playlist. One song will play from each person's queue in rotation, so everyone gets a turn! You can change the order of your own queue at any time. Please keep songs appropriate and also limit them to under 7 minutes or so to be fair to other users :)

    I like that song! Can I save it for later?
    While each song is playing you can upvote it or - if you really like it - you can click on the heart logo next to the upvote button to add it to one of your own playlists!

    Sounds great! What time is the room open?
    The room is always available, so if you want to share music with your PC friends then let people know via discord or by using this very thread! Staff will only be available when we have free time, but we can still see the room history, so be nice to one another! We will also schedule official (staff run) QueUp sessions when we can!

    Join The PC QueUp Room Here!

    The next official PC QueUp session starts at:
    Fri 21st June at 7:00pm UTC / 8:00pm UK time

    Click on the time above to see when that is in your local time zone! :)

    Let the music play!

    Last edited:
    I checked but, sadly, I wasn't able to understand how the system of the website works. I even failed to start making a playlist.
    I checked but, sadly, I wasn't able to understand how the system of the website works. I even failed to start making a playlist.

    I see you created an account! Welcome! 😊

    The interface certainly is strange at first - I didn't have the remotest clue what I was doing when I started! - but it's actually a lot easier to use than it looks!

    If you want I can hop into the room and walk you though everything when we're both online, alternatively I could help you though PM here if you prefer! Let me know if do want to pursue either option, but thank you for giving it a try anyway! 😊
    I see you created an account! Welcome! 😊

    The interface certainly is strange at first - I didn't have the remotest clue what I was doing when I started! - but it's actually a lot easier to use than it looks!

    If you want I can hop into the room and walk you though everything when we're both online, alternatively I could help you though PM here if you prefer! Let me know if do want to pursue either option, but thank you for giving it a try anyway!
    If you want to explain me step by step how to create a playlist and enter the PokéCommunity group it'll be good, yes.
    It's QueUp time again! We'll be going live in 3 hours and 15 minutes from now, so set your watches!

    Also for those that decide to come in a bit later - that's totally OK! We're normally in there for a fair old while and as the room can be joined whenever, you're not locked out if you're not there when doors open!

    Hopefully see you there!
    *Saturday this week* Bumping this because we will be holding our QueUp session on Saturday instead of Friday this week 😊
    *SATURDAY THIS WEEK* I am unable to make Friday this week due to personal issues. As it stands we will be holding our QueUp session on Saturday instead this week unless stated otherwise in this thread.
    *Saturday this week* Bumping this because we will be holding our QueUp session on Saturday instead of Friday this week. A handy time for an end of GT party 😉