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Completed Event PMD&D: Paradox Tower

Never done DnD before but I'll go with Group A

EDIT: with Jigglypuff, idk the name yet
Hey, something came up unexpectedly, I'll have to drop out. Give my spot in Group B to apro if they still want it.
Group A Iron Bundle (if possible still)
Actually nvm, idk how busy I'm gonna be next Friday
Always wanted to join but alas this year I actually have IRL commitments
I can put you down and if you can't make it you can't make it. You just don't get the points. Up to you.

I can do tomorrow, I'm just unsure about next Friday since I'm going on a trip the day after.
This was awesome! Thank you so much for hosting this and a huge thanks for Mersie, Faf and Celeste for being such a cool team! Sank will remember the amazing time he spent with you all and grow some tasty fruits with the Mulch!