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Completed Event PMD&D: Paradox Tower

  • 25,778

    PMD&D: Paradox Tower

    Welcome to another Get-Together edition of Pokémon Mystery Dungeons and Dragon(ite)s - Paradox Tower.

    As the name implies, this is a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-inspired TTRPG (tabletop roleplaying game) much like D&D. Granted, we designed this system to be much simpler and more beginner-friendly than actual Dungeons and Dragons. Someone with no TTRPG experience should find this just as easy to understand mechanically as someone who has been playing similar games for years.

    To put it simply, your Game Master (either myself or Lycanthropy) will be guiding you through a PMD-inspired story we have put together just for this Get-Together. You will take on the role of a Pokémon hero - much like the games themselves - playing out interactions, solving puzzles and engaging in battles with the aid of (virtual) dice rolls to determine outcomes. That's the general idea. We'll explain more during each group's Session 0 (more on that below). However, you are plenty welcome to ask questions in advance in this thread.

    To participate you will need an account on Discord and Roll20. (Both are free!)

    Note: While we understand talking out loud during a TTRPG can feel a bit awkward at first, especially if you're someone who is really trying to get into character, you will need to be able to participate vocally in a Discord call to join. We have come to notice playing through text slows down the gameplay a lot and isn't really practical when you're on a time crunch. But don't worry, we're all fun and friendly people!

    The Story

    The world is in chaos and threatening to crumble down around its inhabitants. A dangerous foe is laying siege to the everything, determined to see everything come to an end. The conflict is reaching a head and while the world's defenders have made much progress, it looks like they will fall just short of the finish line. But Celebi has a plan - one last attempt to seal the deal and protect everyone. Celebi has reached through time itself to summon forth heroes of the past and future to save the present.

    That's where you come in! You are one of these mighty heroes brought to the present from another time. The world's final hope. Your task is simple, but far from easy. You must reach and enter Paradox Tower, ascend to the top and defeat the legendary powers seeking to bring everything to ruin.

    Available Player Pokémon

    As a player, you can choose one of the fourteen Pokémon below to be your character's species. Of course, just about everything else about them - personality, history, etc - is up to you. We ask that you let us know which of these Pokémon you plan to play as on the 17th at the latest so we can arrange a selection of moves for you to choose during the character creation session (I promise, I'm getting to that). But first, the Pokémon you can choose:


    We will be running this game for three groups, each having two sessions over the course of the GT. During week one, we will have a character creation session. This is the session where rather than play the game, we will explain how the system works to you in a little more detail, introduce you to your character sheets and help you actually create your adventuring Pokémon ready for adventure. Then, the next week, you will actually play the game. Each time slot is listed below.

    - Friday August 18, 6:00pm EST (Group A - Character creation)
    - Saturday August 19, 10:00am EST (Group B - Character creation)
    - Sunday August 20, 4:00am EST (Group C - Character creation)
    - Friday August 25, 6:00pm EST (Group A - Game session)
    - Saturday August 26, 10:00am EST (Group B - Game session)
    - Sunday August 27, 4:00am EST (Group C - Game session)

    Groups A and B will be run by me while group C will be run by Lycanthropy. We're aiming to have 3-5 players for each game, but if we end up with more than that for any of them we'll see what we can do. Character creation is expected to last an hour or so while the actual game session will last 3-4 hours, so keep that in mind when you sign-up.

    This is a helpful tool for converting the above timezones to your own.


    This is a collaborative game, so there's isn't really any way for any one team to do better than the other here. Instead, we'll be giving 25 participation points to everyone who participates in both their Session 0 and the game itself. Essentially, the more of you that join the fun, the more points you'll earn for your team.


    tenthcompanion (Group A) - Iron Valiant
    LeGoldenWolf (Group A) - Great Tusk
    Aldo (Group A) - Scream Tail
    5qwerty (Group A) - Iron Bundle
    Mersie (Group B) - Slither Wing
    Faf (Group B) - Roaring Moon
    jbsundown (Group B) - Sandy Shocks
    Celeste (Group B) - Scream Tail
    kaizodakitten (Group C) - Iron Jugulis
    Kitty (Group C) - Slither Wing
    Shak (Group C) - Flutter Mane

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    I'll be on vacation from the 18th to the 25th. I'm hoping to have the character creation session a bit earlier in private and join the B group on the 26th. I took part in last year's event but have no experience otherwise.
    I'll be on vacation from the 18th to the 25th. I'm hoping to have the character creation session a bit earlier in private and join the B group on the 26th. I took part in last year's event but have no experience otherwise.

    Would you be able to do Group C?
    I can make six work in theory - and fit you in earlier in theory - but it would be more ideal to get you into the other group. Also we'd need to know which pokemon you're choosing basically immediately.
    Would you be able to do Group C?
    I can make six work in theory - and fit you in earlier in theory - but it would be more ideal to get you into the other group. Also we'd need to know which pokemon you're choosing basically immediately.

    Ah I see B is already full... No unfortunately C doesn't work for me, I'll join next year then no worries. I have many other things to do anyways, so perhaps its better for me too.
    I believe I can take part in group A assuming there are enough people to run it 😅 I'll be Iron Valiant if the session fires