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PokèCorrupt [PG16ish]

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OOC: I hope it's okay to give Sarah a middle and last name. ._. If you don't like it, I'll edit it out.

IC: It was a new day. The sun rose in the distance, forcing its way through the curtains of a hotel suite in Mandarin Island. A small blonde stirred as the rays gently tried to pry open her eyes. She let out a groan and pulled a feather pillow over her face. Once more a disgruntled expression left her lips as her head rest firmly on the mattress beneath her. She wasn't going to win this one.

While Sarah Rose Bennett and her father, James Bennett, resided on Mandarin Island, they had booked a hotel closer to Sarah's destination, simply because she had expressed a disgust for walking so far. Ordinarily, a normal day for Sarah would consist of wearing out the backs of her pushover of a stepmom's credit cards, but today was different. Today, she took one step closer to her destiny--becoming a Pokemon master.

"Sarah Rose, come down here! You're going to be late!" her father bellowed from the kitchen. Sarah emitted a low groan as she pulled herself out of the bed and began to dress. She pulled on her shirt first, a bright pink off-the-shoulder number with a white bullseye on the left side. This was the PokeCare logo. Next was a pink miniskirt, matching the top perfectly. Finally, she slid her legwarmers onto her thin, pale legs.

"Oh! Almost forgot!" she exclaimed, picking up a white handkerchief and tying it around her neck. Her cornflower hair spilled neatly down her shoulders, reaching about an inch or two down her back. She thought for a moment before tying it into two loose braids on either side of her head. Everyone needs to change their hairstyle occasionally. The blonde bounded out the door to be greeted with her father's open arms. She giggled and threw her arms around him in return.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie," he said as he buried his face into the top of her hair, tears threatening to reveal themselves at any moment.

"I know, daddy." She stood on her toes and kissed his chin. Her dad had known how much she had wanted to become a trainer, and he was going to support her. She had passed her exams, but barely. Still, she knew she would be great once she started actually training Pokemon--you can't test someone's battling skill through written words!

"Oh, by the way, this came for you." Her father pulled out a hot pink Pokedex.

"Oh wow, it's so cute!" She grinned and hugged her dad.

"You better go...you're going to be late..." his voice trailed off sadly. "I'm going to miss you." Sarah felt torn. Never before had she doubted what she wanted to do. On the other hand, she'd never seen her father so sad.

"I know you will." She gave him a small smile. "But you have Sharon. I'll be fine, don't worry." With that, she bid her final farewell before making her way over to 113a Barthon.

"A...boat?" She perked up instantly. So they would be taking a cruise somewhere! Happily, she took a seat on the end, leaving two seats between her and the two girls.
((OOC: Oni Raichu is taking to long to post XP I'm far too excited to wait. Nathaneil is now officially late for the boat. He'd better hurry up ;3 ))

The thick salty ocean air stung Kassandra's sensitive eyes as she thought to herself "Why did it have to be a boat...why?" A rickety ladder stretched from the dock to the boat, which was rocking rather violently with each wave crashing against the haul. Kassandra let out an irritated sigh and began to argue it out in her head "You have to do this Kassandra, or you'll never get off this Island. And you'll never be a Pokemon Breeder." After a few moments of awkward silence, she nodded to the old man and stepped onto the boat.

The very moment her feet left the security of the dock she started to feel sick... and scared. "So..." she called over to the old man and tried to reassure herself, "We're just taking this boat to an airport right?"

The gentlemen let out a hardy chuckle and replied "No dear, I'm taking you all the way up to Vermillion City, in Kanto. The boat ride will take about a day or two. There's not much room to sleep, but I'm sure you kids will manage."

"Kids?" Kassandra put a major emphasis on the plural.

"There's a few of you coming, all brand new trainers. Six of you... I think." He replied with a nod. This was the first time Kassandra had acutally looked the man over. He was pretty old, must be in his late sixties. Thinning gray hair on his head and covering his face. Definitely a man of the sea, Kassandra could tell these sorts of things, she liked to stay away from people who were out at sea a lot. But she never really knew why, Kassandra just never felt they were trust worthy. Nothing from the sea was in her opinion. He was wearing a dull gray jumpsuit, with the same symbol sowed into the back of it, that she had on the front of her hoodie. A silhouette of a PokeBall. It was the symbol of PokeCare. After a brief silence the man began to speak, his voice was course and deep, "I have everyone's Pokemon, and their supplies. Once everyone is here I'll hand them out."

Hearing this lifted Kassandra's spirits. She'd forgotten about her new Pokemon. Anyone who scored 95% or higher on their written exam got the luxury of choosing their own starting Pokemon. All the other application had theirs assigned based on some crazy personality matching stuff that Kassandra knew was just bullshit. "At least if I have my new Pokemon with me this boat ride might not be too bad..." Kassandra was still trying to wrap her mind around all this. She hated the ocean and everything about it, and now she's going to take a two day trip through it. Her focus slowly slipped away from the old sailer and rested out into the deep blue abyss that laid before her. It seemed so peaceful and calm, but Kassandra knew the truth. And it scared her.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice the second trainer approach the boat.

"Is this the free ride for new trainers?" A young boy, with messy long hair called out from the dock. Kassandra adjusted herself in the uncomfortable little seat, and looked up at the second trainer.

"I don't want to be with these people." Kassandra's nerves began to get to her. Having the be on the Ocean for two days was bad enough, but she had to do it with people who would no doubt hate her. "I'll just try and stay quiet, hopefully they wont bother me." This was always her best defense. Kassandra would have loved to make friends, but she knew deep inside that this time would be like all the rest, and for some unknown reason these people would dislike her. It's always that way.

The old man nodded, pointed to the boat and spoke in his generic deep voice, "Yes it is. All new trainers this way."

Only moments later another trainer arrived. This one was a girl. She didn't say anything, just took a seat. She must have overheard the boy ask his question.

From the road another girl came running up to the boat. The fourth trainer. Overhearing the old man's reply, she too quickly took a seat.

Now everyone was just waiting on two more people. Or maybe one. The old man didn't sound like he had any idea of how many people were coming. The less the better in Kassandra's opinion.

((I'm just going to bunny Derek into the boat, I really hope you don't mind. If you do, I can change it ;3))

The first trainer who had showed up also took a seat, after reassuring himself that he was indeed in the right place.

"Well, it's already noon, we need to get going soon. We'll give the other kid about 10 minutes." The old man looked over the crowd of vibrant young faces sitting on his boat. Hoping for some response, but getting none he seemed disappointed, but continued with his speech. "There is a pile of life jackets by the door to the drivers area. I expect you all to be wearing one, at all times. No exceptions." The man glanced down at his watch and back up to the street.
(No problem! ^_^) (bleh...short post. Sorry.)

Derek kicked back in his seat a little and looked around. The water was a little rough, but it didn't seem like it would be too bad of a trip. He looked up at the old man. "I wonder how much this guy really knows...he seems a little absent minded." Derek thought, as he smirked to himself. He then yawned and gave the other passengers a quick look around.

Derek was the only boy on the boat. He cocked his head a little and laughed under his breath. "So....how's it going ladies? Are you all new trainers too? I'm Derek." He smiled. He didn't know if they were gonna be nice, but he had to say something. Derek isn't exactly one who stays quiet.

As he sat there waiting for anwsers, he heard a splash. He looked in the ocean and saw some water pokemon. "Cool. One day, I'll be able to catch all kinds of pokemon friends." He thought as he stared semi dreamily into the water.
Nathaniel Gradex was no ordinary person. For starters, he liked strawberry yogurts... Not that it was a bad thing, but it left most restaurants rather annoyed with him, and today was no exception.

"Eh, bonjour, monsior," a waiter walked up beside him carrying a tray. "Are you, eh, ready to order?"

Nathaniel looked around at his surroundings; it was your normal restaurant, people eating and staff running around like crazy. Hardly anything decorated the walls inside, which Nathaniel though was rather sad, and was the main reason that he decided to sit outside. There was a ship opposite him the restaurant, just docked beside the entrance. The young boy checked his watch. He should've boarded the boat half an hour ago. They'd wait for him, of course, as he was the epic Nathaniel Gradex.

He diverted his attention back to the waiter. "Ah, yes," he said politely. "Sorry for taking so long there, this old bean sometimes gets clogged up." He tapped his head for effect. "Now, for my main course, may I have a Spagetti all Boliganaise? Yes, thank you." Nathaniel watched the man walk away before he impulsively shouted; "And for my starter, may I have a strawberry yogurt?"

The waiter turned around, frowned, and said; "Why, yes. Of course. Quite a, different dish than what we're used to serving, but, yes, I'll see what I can do."

A horn blared, it was the ship. Nathaniel looked up and groaned. "This'll be the third boat I've missed this year, and it's only January!" He exclaimed as he leapt from his table and ran at full speed towards the boat. "This'll be one to tell my kids, when I have them," he said to himself between breaths. "'How did you become a Pokemon Master, daddy?' 'Well, it all began with a strawberry yogurt'."

OoC: Sorry, for not posting earlier.
((OOC: I am not letting this RP die! If you guys fail to make a decent amount of posts, like at the very least keep up with me. I'm going to re-cast your character. I'm not trying to be mean, or threaten anyone. I just want to keep this Role play alive. On another note: I've added just my own two cents on a few topics, please check the first post and read over them.))

Acknowledging the sailer's plee for the kids to put on their safety jackets, Kassandra reached over and pulled a vibrant, red life-jacket from the pile and secured it tightly. She was far to absorbed in getting the Life-Jacket on that she didn't notice the final trainer make his way onto the boat. She did however noticed the clanging from the old man pulling the ladder onto the seating area of the motorboat.

"Alright kids, time to get your supplies and your Pokemon." The man said with a false sense of enthusiasm. He pulled a key chain from his pocket and unlocked the tinted windowed door of the boats **** pit, and stepped inside. The tension and anticipation radiating from the kids was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Even Kassandra was excited, all thought she already knew what her Pokemon was, these other kids looked like they had their Pokemon assigned.

The old man walked out of the room holding five crammed full backpacks. Each was a different color, there was a pink one, a green one, a white one, a red one and an orange one. "Now." The old man said, clearing his throat "Each of these backpacks match the color you picked for your Pokedex. So now if you could all just get out your PokeDex I can give you your bag.

Kassandra was the first one to whip out her PokeDex, not a hard feat seeing as it had been her hand the entire time. She held it out, balancing it on the palm of her hand. The old man nodded and placed all but the Orange backpack at his feet. "As I'm sure you're all well aware of, PokeCare takes pride in helping it's registered trainers. So you'll be given everything you need to start your journey. I see you're all wearing your contract clothing, that's wonderful. You'll find a secondary pair of your choice clothing in this bag." The sailer knelled down in the middle of the boat deck, so that all the trainers could see what he was doing. "I'm going to go over the contents of your bag with you, before we set off to sea." He unzipped the front pouch of the backpack, proudly sowed onto the pouch was that oh so familiar symbol of PokeCare. Inside the pouch was two objects, he grabbed one with each hand and hide them deep inside his sweaty fist. "In the front pouch you will find the two most important things you'll be given today." He unfolded his left hand reviling a tiny red and white ball, a Pokeball to be exact. On the top part of the Pokeball was a star. "This is your starting Pokemon. And this..." He released the fist of his other hand, unveiling what looked to be a bulky watch. "Is your PokeCare PokeWatch. This little thing contains hundreds of programs to aid your every day trainer needs. Make sure to keep it on your wrist at all times, I can assure you it will come in handy. I don't have time to go over everything it does, we'd be here all week listening to me talk. All you need to know is that it's a hundred percent water proof and scratch resistant. This big button on the side will activate the application menu, you can choose which program you like from their. There is a small stylist tucked into a groove in the top, use this and only this to touch the screen." He nodded to all the kids, then placed the objects back into the front pouch and zipped it up tightly.

Kassandra was completely overwhelmed. Up until this very point she must of been in shock, she was so happy that this was finally happening. Her own Pokemon is sitting in that front pouch. And in only a few minutes she'd finally meet it face to face.

The sailor placed his hand over the left pouch on the backpack and continued his lecture "In here, you'll find five Pokeballs. If you need more you can purchase them with your credits at any register PokeCare store. Theres not a city in this world that doesn't have at least one."

"Umm... sir?" Kassandra spoke with a soft echo of uncertainty. "What's a credit, and how do we get them?"

"Good question." The man replied. "Your Pokedex keeps track of and registers all information about you and your Pokemon. Including battle records. Every time you battle anyone or anything you'll get credits. They're like virtual trainer money. You can get credits in lots of different ways, but depending on the outcome of the battle, that's typically the best way to get credits. If you all flip open your Pokedex's you should see a little symbol in the top corner, followed by the number five hundred. That's how many credits all trainers get for passing their exams. Next time you want to buy something just give the clerk your Pokedex and he'll deduct the cost of of your transaction from your current credits. Simple?"

Kassandra nodded to the man, and glanced back down at her Pokedex.

"Now in the main pouch here, you'll find clothing in a shrink wrap bag. If you need to get some clothing you just need to release the seal and the bag will expand to about four times its size. Then you can take out your clothing. After your done simply reseal the bag and the pump will shrink it back down to a convent carrying size. I think there is some winter clothing in there, a swimsuit and some underwear. Not much, but it's enough." The sailor paused and looked at his watch. "Okay we need to get going! I think there are a few more things in your bag, like a flashlight or something, but nothing that I need to explain. So come grab the bag that matches the color of your PokeDex and lets set off!" The man grinned and walked into the cockpit of the boat, locking the door behind him. A few moments later the roar of the engine kicked up.

Kassandra reached down from her seat and pulled her bag between her legs. Preparing herself for the long trip through the ocean.

((OOC: Okay I know it's a long dull post, but I just wanted to explain the key elements of some of the cool devices the trainers receive.))
Hi, I'd really like to join your RP, but more like a main character. I know you don't want this RP to die, and I am online everyday, and it seems really fun so can I please join?

I can be boy or girl, you choose.
I know you dont want this RP to die so could I be an evil character who becomes a sort of rival to the group. I'll post my sign up if so.
I know you dont want this RP to die so could I be an evil character who becomes a sort of rival to the group. I'll post my sign up if so.
This is a great idea, when we get further into the plot I will discuss this with you!
((OOC: Hope this is a long enough. I'll try to post as often as I can and when I can write enough based on previous posts. But note I am a senior in high school balancing some high stress classes. I usually post after seeing what others are doing so I can make a decent length post in my own.))

Erin grinned as she slipped on her own life-jacket noticing the last trainer, another boy, finally arriving in a run. As soon as the boy was on the ship's deck the man pulled the ladder up onto the boat, before putting it aside, and motioning for them to follow him. They entered a cabin that was pretty much empty with the exception of five seats and five backpacks in different colors. She saw the girl from earlier with the greyish-white hair respond to his comments about the backpacks and Pokedex's step up holding out her Pokedex which was an orange color.

The man launched into a long explanation which she didn't really pay that much attention to figuring she would figure out for herself where everything was later on anyway. It wasn't until she heard the words "Starting Pokemon" that she actually started to pay attention taking note of the Pokeball that the man was holding up that had a star on it. She then started paying more attention mostly to find out when she could get her backpack so she could meet her own starter. When the man finished explaining about the Pokewatch she couldn't help but think, 'Okay this is definately going to be interesting. I mean just how many applications can one little watch have? Apparently a lot if the guy said we would be spending a week listening to him talk about it if he was going to go over everything that device has.'

She started to tune him out again when he began talking about shopping again. She had never been big on shopping and would only shop if the need really arrised. She knew as a trainer now that she would be doing a lot more shopping than she had ever done in a long time. But things were different with this she realized she was not shopping for the girly stuff her Mom had usually dragged her to the mall for, she was buying things to help her become a better trainer.

She half-way listened to him talk about the remaining things that were contained in their backpacks, while wondering what she was going to do with the backpack she had brought with her. As he finished talking she came to a conclusion she would send her old backpack back to her Mom once they docked at their destination. Should be simple enough, probably could pay for the shipment with those credits the man had been talking about. And if she had too her Mom had packed some emergency money away in the backpack just in case. So she could use the money to send if it back if absolutely had too.

For the meantime as the man finished talking she would move her things from her old backpack into her new backpack. As he told them to pickup their backpacks she grinned thinking 'Finally!' as she picked up the red backpack that matched her Pokedex before taking a seat next to the girl from earlier before asking the man, "When can we release our starters to meet them?"
"There is a pile of life jackets by the door to the drivers area. I expect you all to be wearing one, at all times. No exceptions." The man glanced down at his watch and back up to the street.

"Life jackets?! Ew..." Sarah grimaced as she picked up a bright orange life vest. It was wet from being on the ship, and smelled of brine. She slipped it tentatively over her head, coating her hair in a generous helping of water. "Sick..." she added.

Soon, there was only one empty seat on the boat. Sarah glanced around. Three girls and one boy. The last trainer had to be a boy. After all, she didn't remember signing up to be part of a harem.

"Gosh, I hope he arrives soon!" She giggled. "I know I wouldn't want to miss the boat!" Almost like magic, the boy appeared, obviously having had to sprint so as not to miss the boat. "Gee, glad you could make it!" she said, teasingly. "Well, now that everyone's here, can we get this show on the road?" Indeed, she was rather talkative for having just met these people...and she hadn't even properly met them. In fact, she had simply sat beside them for the past twenty or so minutes.

"Alright kids, time to get your supplies and your Pokemon." The man said with a false sense of enthusiasm. The blonde let out a small giggle and clapped her hands. She had no clue which Pokemon she would receive. Hopefully something cute, like Jigglypuff. She so hoped. Sarah didn't want anything icky like a Heracross. While Sarah was lost in thought, the old man had disappeared.

The old man walked out of the room holding five crammed full backpacks. Each was a different color, there was a pink one, a green one, a white one, a red one and an orange one. "Now." The old man said, clearing his throat "Each of these backpacks match the color you picked for your Pokedex. So now if you could all just get out your PokeDex I can give you your bag.

Though the white-haired girl was the first to retrieve her Pokedex, Sarah, too, was quick on the draw, whipping out her Pokedex in a flash. The man deposited various bags at his feet, one of which matched the color of Sarah's. She could only assume the bag was for her.

"As I'm sure you're all well aware of, PokeCare takes pride in helping it's registered trainers. So you'll be given everything you need to start your journey. I see you're all wearing your contract clothing, that's wonderful. You'll find a secondary pair of your choice clothing in this bag." The sailer knelled down in the middle of the boat deck, so that all the trainers could see what he was doing. "I'm going to go over the contents of your bag with you, before we set off to sea."

As the man talked, Sarah examined the various items he pulled out. Her eyes lingered on the starred Pokeball. Her Pokemon was only one click away. Her eyes glossed over and she became lost in daydream...that is, until she heard the word "watch".

"Make sure to keep it on your wrist at all times, I can assure you it will come in handy," the old man instructed the trainers.

"Ew!" Sarah was on the verge of complaining as her eyes hovered on the watch clutched in his large, withered hand. "Do we have to? I mean, watches are like, so ten years ago. Don't you have, like, a cell phone or something? Cell phones are so in." The man gave her no response, and simply continued explaining.

"Okay we need to get going! I think there are a few more things in your bag, like a flashlight or something, but nothing that I need to explain. So come grab the bag that matches the color of your PokeDex and lets set off!" The man grinned and walked into the cockpit of the boat, locking the door behind him. A few moments later the roar of the engine kicked up.

"So cute!" Sarah squealed, clutching the bag tight to her chest. It truly was adorable. It even matched her outfit! She quickly rummaged through the pockets before pulling out her Pokeball. She hoped she would be granted a cute Pokemon.

"So, uh," she began, sounding rather ditzy at the moment. "When can we, like, you know, open our Pokeballs? I kind of want to, like, see my Pokemon!"
Derek put on his lifejacket without hesitation. He wanted to become a trainer, so he wanted this ride to be as smooth as possible.

He listened to everything that the man said, and once he pulled out the backpacks, Derek grabbed his pokedex. He then reached down and grabbed the green backpack. Derek peeked inside of it as he listened to the man talk. The backpack was full of lots of cool stuff.

"So we need to keep these watches on?" Derek said as he pulled his out. The old man nodded and Derek strapped his on. He held it out and stared at it. He then scrummaged through his backpack until he pulled out his pokeball.

"This is my pokemon...." Derek thought as he sat there looking at it. "It could be anything....A Tauros.....a Lavitar....an Aerodactly! Oh I can't wait to see what it is...." He clutched his pokeball when he heard the girls question. He then looked up at the man, waiting for an anwser. He wanted to see his new pokemon.
Kassandra looked over while the other trainers desperately pleaded to find out what their mystery starter Pokemon was. But the old man couldn't hear them through the locked driver's booth.

Kassandra smirked, and thought "I don't see any reason why not." She leaned down and unzipped the front pouch of her backpack. Using one hand she fished out the PokeWatch and wrapped it around her left wrist, admiring its complexity. She snapped the watch tightly on her wrist, with the sound of the clasp clicking Kassandra felt a small prick from catching a bit of her wrist in the clasp. "Ow..." she sighed, rubbing her wrist. While comforting herself she accidentally clicked the large button the the side of the PokeWatch, activating it.

"Hello, trainer 8787348:03" flashed across the touch-screen of the watch. "Please write name with stylist in area below" quickly followed, then the whole screen went blank. Kassandra slid the small stylist from it's grove and scrawled her name across the watches screen. "Welcome" was now written across the screen, with an exact duplicate of her signature below it.

While she programed her name into the PokeWatch the other trainers where still waiting for approval before finding out what Pokemon they got. Kassandra didn't worry about what the man would said, she knew he didn't care. Nodding to the other trainers she confidently pulled the small star labeled Pokeball from the pouch on her new back pack. She took a deep breath, "This is it" she though happily "My very own..." Kassandra let the small ball roll in the palm of her hand, she clicked the tiny white button in the middle and it expanded to fit snuggly in her hand. Kassandra clicked the button once more, instantly the top part of the ball swung open, reviling it's mechanical insides. The odd technology inside the ball was quickly obscured by a thick red beam of light. The light sharply poured out from the ball and began to form an old shape on the ground. As quickly as the light had appeared, it faded off and the Pokeball snapped shut. Left where the beam had just been was Kassandra's new Pokemon.

"Pika!" the little monster cheered while opening it's bright blue eyes to gaze upon it's new trainer. A very thin coat of vibrant yellow fur lined it's eyes and covered its entire little body. It had short limbs and floppy biped legs, and although it stood on his back paws, it could easily and probably would rather run on all fours. Bright red check-pads accented it's adorable eyes and it's long slender ears perked upwards curiously. Below a set of brown striped on its lower back, grew a large lightning bolt shaped tail.

"Pikachu!" Kassandra blurted out, despite the fact that doing so could very well attract the unwanted attention of her fellow ship-mates. But that entire problem just floated away, along with all of the other doubts and problems Kassandra had. Love and first might might just be a concept that can only exist in a movie, but this is about as close as it gets. The bond that Kassandra and her Pikachu made at the very moment their eyes met each other, is a bond that is so very rare to find among humans.

The Pikachu happily wagged it's tail and leaped onto Kassandra's lap and snuggled up against her tightly.

(((OOC: Before making a post could everyone read my post in the OOC thread, regarding important plot detail. ))
When Derek saw the girl begin entering her name, he pushed the button on the side of his watch. It lit up a bit and text was displayed across the bottom screen.

"Hello, trainer 83787348:01." It read. "Please write name with stylist in area below." Derek pulled the stick out, and wrote his name in. "DEREK" It read. He turned it off afterwards and put on an accomplished grin.

Derek looked up at the girl who put her name in first. She was holding her pokeball! And she opened it. It was a cute little yellow Pikachu! Derek couldn't contain himself anymore, so he reached down into his backpack and grabbed his pokeball. He pressed the button in the center of it....but nothing happened. He hesitated a second, but then pressed it again. "Success!" It opened up and a bright red light came out.

A tiny monster emerged from the light. It had scaley orange skin, arms, with little 'claws' at the end of them, stout little legs, also with these claws, a yellow belly, but most uniquely, it had a tail with fire burning at the tip of it. Derek tilted his head. "Charmander!" It said happily. Derek bent down and smiled happily. "Awesome, a Charmander!" He said as he patted the Charmander on the head. It smiled and "talked" happily. "Charmander, char char!" It said. Derek smiled. "You're gonna be great!" He said happily.
Erin pulled out her own Pokewatch around the same time as the others and fumbled around with it a bit until it finally turned on. Following the instructions that appeared on the screen she removed her own stylist quickly scrawled her own name on it. Once it was done she looked up to see that the girl with the greyish white hair had released her Pokeball to reveal a Pikachu. One of the boys she had remembered introducing himself as Derek earlier had released his own Pokemon to reveal a Charmander.

Digging into her own backpack she pulled out her own respective Pokeball and tossed it into the air and it opened. A second later she found herself staring at a small bluish Pokemon with a horn on its head, small whisker like things, and two big ears. The Pokemon greeted her with a "Nido" before running up to her and rubbing up against her leg. She blinked a couple of times before reaching down to scratch the Pokemon behind one of her ears while thinking, 'A Nidoran Female, huh? Well these little guys do have a lot of potential. I think things will be just fine. Its better than getting a Jigglypuff or something else like that.'

She then picked up the Nidoran and placed it into her lap so it was facing her before speaking to it, "So litte guy what should I call you? I want all of my Pokemon to have good names so we will always be remembered when we win the World Tournament. So lets see, Nina?" She said as her first suggestion as she went through possible nicknames in her head.

The small Pokemon vigorourously shook its head before she said, "Nah your right too plain. Hmm how about Doku?"

The Pokemon once again shook its head and she said mostly to herself, "Yeah. That sounds more like a name would you give a male Pokemon. No offense. How about Puchi?"

The Pokemon again shook its head before she came up with another suggestion, "Yeah your right too cutesy. Uh huh I got it how about Kei?"

The Pokemon seemed to pause to think for a second before nodding its head. Erin grinned and said, "So Kei it is then." The two then settled down to watch the other trainers get acquainted to their new Pokemon.
The wait was unbearable. Sarah stared disgustedly at the watch in her small, pale hand. It appeared you had to put the thing on to open the Pokeball.

"This sucks!" she yelled melodramatically. With a sigh, the blonde slid the watch onto her bony wrist. Grimacing, she pressed the large side button.

Hello, Trainer 83787348:05. Please write name with stylist in area below. A large, blank space stared up at Sarah, willing her to fill it. Sarah was confused, and it wouldn't be the first time.

"Like, uh..." Sarah began. "Do you have to write, like, your whole name? Like, first, middle, and last? Cuz, uh, my name's, like, long and stuff." Glancing over at the boy next to her, she noticed that he had scrawled one word across the line: "DEREK".

"Ooh, so Derek couldn't, like, be your first, middle, and last name! Unless your name was like, Derek Derek Derek. But that would be just, like, dumb! I'll just write Sarah then!" With that, she elegantly wrote her name in loopy, cursive, girly handwriting. "Welcome, Sarah" the screen read. With that, Sarah Rose Bennett scooped up the Pokeball in her hands. Her stomach was going crazy with anticipation.

"Well, here goes nothing..." she said, more quietly than her previous statements. With that, she pressed the button in the center of the ball with her thumb. A line of crimson light shot out. Sarah traced it with her eyes, until they finally settled on a round mass being born of the red light.

Two round feet...two round arms...a big, blobby body, and a head of equal size appeared slowly. Two circular ears topped the head. Color returned to the Pokemon--brown with white trim. A tiny, fat, bear. Sarah squealed.

"You're so cute! Teddiursa!" she giggled, running to the center of the boat to pick up the chubby bear, squishing him against her face, slowly rubbing her cheek through his soft brown fur. The bear hugged her back, claws wrapped tightly around her head. Actually, there was an equal chance that he was trying to kill her. She deposited the bear at her feet. The bipedal Pokemon looked up at her with huge dark eyes, one claw stuck innocently in his mouth. He tilted his head to the side. Looking around, Sarah came to the stark conclusion that her Teddiursa was much cuter than anyone else's Pokemon.

"Let's give a one-two punch, Teddiursa!" Sarah exclaimed, holding her left hand close to her body and jabbing with her right. The bear mimicked her, raising his fist in a victory pose. Sarah scooped the bear up into her arms once more. "You're the best, Teddiursa. You're adorable." The Pokemon climbed up onto her shoulder, sitting flat on his bum, legs dangling off her shoulder, just barely touching her collarbone. Sarah grinned and took her seat. Now....now she couldn't wait to be a Pokemon trainer. Even if she did have to wear that ugly watch.
Nathaniel panted, he had made the ship by use of a ladder as it left the dock. What was with that? They weren't even bothered to wait for him. He entered the compartment that he had watched the group he supposed were getting their Pokemon walk into about thirty seconds beforehand. One boy and three girls were sitting down. One of the girls, a blonde, looked up and said teasginly;"Gee, glad you could make it!"

Well, at least she had realised he existed, and there was a vacant seat beside her's. Nathaniel shrugged and strolled over to it before sitting down beside her; "Hey, my name's Nathaniel, who the Hell are you?" He asked, grinning.

A man walked over to him holding an orange top of some sort. "A life jacket is needed if you wish to be on this ship, Master Gradex." The man held it out for Nathaniel to take, which he did.

As the young boy was struggling to put the water-gear on, he asked; "How did you know my second name was Gradex? Actually, how do you know who I am?"

The man chortled. "Why, you just introduced yourself to this fine woman here, and I have read the registration documents. There was only one Nathaniel, and his second name was Gradex."

Nathaniel frowned. for some reason, that alibi didn't really seem, well, real. "Okay."

The man handed him a white bag. "This contains your Pokedex and your PokeWatch, as I like to call it."

Nathaniel nooded his thanks and unzipped the bag. He took out a blank watch. He pressed a button and waited for something to happen.

Hello, Trainer 83787348:04, please write down your name using the stylus.

Nathaniel wrote his name down and pressed the button at the top of his watch.

A red beam shot out from the device. A blue turtle emerged. "Squirtle!" It squeaked.

"How this mechanism works, I will never know." Nathaniel said to himself.
After her each trainer went one by one releasing their Pokemon. Instantly Kassandra could identify them all, she did graduate head of her class from a Pokemon Academy after all. Not knowing simple things like that would be an embarrassment.

Pikachu snuggled into Kassandra's lap joyfully, receiving pleasing strokes from his new master. But the satisfied look on Kassandra's face slowly faded to a look of sickness as a queasy feeling in her stomach began to take hold.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" Kassandra blurted out with the feeling of her breakfast swirling around in her gut. Instantly the overwhelming awareness of humiliation over shadowed her sea-sickness once she realized that she had drawn the eyesight of the other kids. She jolted to her feet, placing her Pikachu back down on her seat behind her.

Kassandra could feel the contents of her stomach pushing it's way up her throat with each tilt of the boat. She ran to the front most edge of the vessel. Squeezing herself between the protective railing and the cockpit room, she made her way to the front bow of the motor boat.
((OOC: I have no idea what you'd call that little booth with the controls for the boat. Is it even called the cockpit? >__> I don't know. But hopefully you all understand what I'm referring too. If not check out my lovely picture of the boat in the OOC/Discussion thread.))

Her eyes somehow found their way down below the safety railing that lined the boat. The tip of the ship sliced through the surface of the seemingly bottomless pit of dreadful deep blue salt water. Up until this point it seemed that Kassandra's fears of the ocean had just melted away, and were replaced with the feelings of pure bliss centered around having her very own Pokemon. But the moment her alluring dark blue eyes rested on the waves of the sea, all of her irrational fears and paranoia about the sea came rushing back. Followed quickly was something else that come rushing back to Kassandra, the fowl taste of half digested cereal.

She dry heaved harshly and was throttled forward violently as a reaction, she gripped the safety bar tightly in fear that her next heave would knock her overboard. Kassandra gaged intensely once more, this time she was thrown forward, slamming her stomach against the thin metal bars that separated her from the ocean. The pressure on her belly from the impact combined with the dizzying rocking of the ship, caused poor Kassandra to lose it. With a final heave she choked up the disgusting acidy substance that once filled her stomach.

Afterwards she was feeling a bit better, but was still uncertain of the whether or not she was going to vomit again. So Kassandra decided to just slump down against the cockpit booth's wall. She sighed roughly and glanced up at the sky. The brief feeling of serenity was cut short as something alerted Kassandra's attention, it was the soft sound of muffled speaking, coming from the booth behind her head. Kassandra snickered and pressed her ear up against the sealed cockpit. "Is that old man talking to himself?" she pondered, trying to get a good position to eavesdrop on the old sailor.

"I don't care what you believe. We've decided that this experiment is much too dangerous." a voice demanded, from what Kassandra could only assume was coming from a radio or something. It was very distorted and most definitely was not the voice of the sailor, no this mysterious voice sounded much more youthful and much more sinister. And for some odd reason hearing the voice made Kassandra feel rather uneasy.

"But..but..sir... I mean they're only kids! I don't think it's fair that they suffer because of your stupid mistakes!" Kassandra was positive that this was the sailor's voice.

"We don't pay you to think, you bloody moron! I'm the one who does the thinking, and I assure you I've put more then enough thought into this. This is the only chance we'll get to end this issue. The fact that I've even let it get this far is a personal failure, and a huge embarrassment. I will not allow this too continue. The virus is far to unstable, this experiment must be terminated!"

"I won't do it!" The sailor protested.

"Ta' hell you wont! Don't be a fool, there is nothing you can do, my decision is final. Now you can do your damned job and live to see the sunset. Or you're welcome to keep this insolence up, and die with them." Kassandra swallowed roughly, the rage in the unidentified mans voice grew exceedingly with each passing sentence.

"Screw you! I quit, this has all gotten way too ****ed up."

"Fine have it your way."

"You bas..." the old man's voice was unexpectedly cut off and was followed instantly by a loud 'thud.'

Deeply concerned, Kassandra leaped to her feet and raced back over the main sitting area. A look of panic was obviously written all over her face, and as soon as her Pikachu saw her, it dropped it's ears sadly and copied her worried expression. Kassandra nodded to her little Pokemon and whipped it's Pokeball out from her bag, returning it into the the safety of it's ball.

With a deep breath Kassandra announced "I overheard the sailor arguing with someone about..." Kassandra paused and scanned over the four other trainers and began to shake with fear "about..." she gulped "killing us..."

((OOC: For those that wish to move the storyline forward please refer to my post in the OOC/Discussion tread before doing so.))
Nathaniel was doing what he thought he was meant to be doing; bonding with his Squirtle. He had nicknamed him, of course, the turtle would from now on be known as Sammi. He checked out his Pokedex, it was white, and sort of suited him.

Anyways, it was when Nathaniel was teaching Squirtle what was going on, did one of the girls burst back into their compartment after leaving, for the bathroom or something. Nathaniel was intriuged by the shock on her face.

With a deep breath the girl announced "I overheard the sailor arguing with someone about..." She paused and scanned over the four other trainers and began to shake with fear; "About..." She gulped. "Killing us..."

Nathaniel was never one to laugh off something like that, so he walked over to the girl and grabbed her by both shoulders before looking into her eyes, he had learned from experience that approaching a situation as hastily as that with such authority would get him respect very quickly.

He didn't need to ask if she had been hallunicating, she was shaking with fear, and that was enough proof. "Okay, where are they and what happened when you asked that? Second, if this is true, I don't really want to die and I'm pretty sure you guys don't want to either, so do yourselves a faouvour and get your Pokemon out to help you." He turned back to the girl. "Are you okay? You look terrible." He winced as he realised he said the wrong thing. "Mentally, as in, what you just heard... I should've shut up a while ago, shoudn't've I?"

He released the girl and, without looking to see what the other four were doing, he stepped out of the compartment.

This was going to be fun.
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