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Pokémon Around your area?

What Region is your country most like?

  • Kanto

    Votes: 17 30.4%
  • Johto

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • Hoenn

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Sinnoh

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • Isshu

    Votes: 14 25.0%

  • Total voters
Well I live in Australia, its sort of like Hoenn, being surrounded by water. We have a very large desert as well.
Pokemon? Lots of hardy ones, like sandshrews. And fire types, as it gets hot here. Growlithes and Charmanders. Water types around the coast, like wingulls.
Lots of different Pokemon, we would have a wide range.
Its a BIG place.
My town would have all little Pokemon, Pikachus, Vulpixs (we have foxes), Bunearys (rabbits...) and lots... Pidgeys, LOTS of birds, cat Pokemon and dog Pokemon.
Wow Singapore would definitely be Johto!
Being a mixture of modern and ancient things, warm and things.
i live in a small village in the middle of nowhere .u. /animefall/

hehe n_n; well, considering we live in a farm town, there would
probably be lots of ponyta trainers. rattatas too, and pidgeys
and hoothoots. and zubats, since in the park there's bats at
night. maybe ekans and arbok~ and zigzagoons! oh, and in my
backyard we have a forest, so there would probably be oddish.
and maybe a hippowdon since there's a marsh back there. C:

i think my area's probably like kanto. i wanna say johto, but
then again, certain parts are like every region~
I chose Hoenn because I live in Australia on the Gold Coast, so it's by the sea and has loads of seagull's like Wingull and Minor's like Taillow and loads of Electric pokemon because of the amount of power used like in New Mauville and had woodland with pokemon like Oddish and Poochyena.
I live in a small town (With barely 600 inhabitants) so I guess that pokemon around me would be Pidgeys, Pidgeottos, Murkrow, Rattata, maybe a Stantler or two around.
My town is sort of weird. There is one part that is really rural and has some farms in it and then the other side has more of a city atmosphere to it with buildings and a highway running through it. I live on the rural side so I end up seeing a lot of animals. I'd probably see Pokemon like Stantler, Meowth, Wigglytuff, Pidgey, Murkrow, Pachirisu, Pikachu, Noctowl, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Cherrim, Vulpix, Diglett, and Politoed to name a few.

The United states is a little too big and diverse to fit into one Pokemon region so I'll just base my answer off of all of New England seeing as I live in MA. For me I think New England fits Johto the best. It's full of rural towns and forests, but there are a few major cities thrown in the bunch. Not to mention a lot of historic and old towns and cities which reminds me of how Johto has a deep history entwined within it.
Ah, generic thread is generic but I'll bite.
Wingulls, Fearows, Spearows, Pidgeys, Pidgeottos, Pidgeots, Rattatas, Raticates, Farfetch'ds, Stantlers, Zigzagoons, Growlithes, Houndours, Arcanines, Houndooms, Budews, Roselias, Roserades, Ledybas, Ledians, Caterpies, Metapods, Butterfrees, Weedles, Kakunas, Beedrills, Venonats, Venomoths, Wurmples, Silcoons, Cascoons, Beautiflys, Dustoxs, Buneary, Lopunny, Nidorans, Kricktots, Kricketunes, Igglybuffs, Jigglypuffs, Wigglytuffs, Parases, Parasects, Smroomishs, Brelooms, Meowths, Persians, Mews, Skittys, Delcattys, Glameows, Puruglys, Articunos, Moltreses, Zapdoses, Zubats, Golbats, Crobats, Poliwags, Poliwhirls, Poliwhraths, Politoeds, Croagunks, Toxicroaks, Machops, Abras, Geodudes, Gravelers, Golems, Ponytas, Rapidashes, Koffings, Weezings, Gastlys, Tangelas, Tangrowths, Goldeens, Seakings, Heracrosses, Tauroses, Magikarps, Eevees, Vaporeons, Jolteons, Flareons, Umbreons, Espeons, Leafeons, Glaceons, Porygons, Munchlaxes, Snorlaxes, Teddiursas, Ursarings, Chikoritas, Bayleafs, Meganiums, Sinaraks, Ariadoses, Pichus, Pikachus, Raichus, Togepis, Togetics, Natus, Xatus, Mareeps, Flaffys, Ampharoses, Bellossoms, Sudowoodos, Hoppips, Skiplooms, Jumpluffs, Sunkerns, Sunfloras, Yanmas, ...
Well, I think you get my point.
Tropius, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Seel, Dewgong, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Wingull, Pelipper, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Rattata, Raticate, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Psyduck, Golduck, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Ponyta, Rapidash, Farfetch'd, Shellder, Cloyster, Onix, Krabby, Kingler, Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra, Goldeen, Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Lapras...etc.
You get the point. x3
I'm pretty much in the woods. lmao

Ratatta/Raticate, Stantler, Spinarak/Ariados, Zigzagoon/Linoone, Tailow/Swellow, Scyther, Poiltoed, Starly/ravia/raptor, Eevee(lutions), Zubat/Gol/Cro, Bidoof/Bibarel, Dustox, Mothim, etc. Those are some of the things that come to mind.
I saw this on serebii and I though, why not take it here!

Basically the purpose of this thread is to list what Pokemon would live in your city or town, if Pokemon existed in our world.

I think we would have loads of wingulls around Cardiff since their are loads of seagulls and some pidgeys and maybe mamepatos too as pidgeons...! I live near a park too so people would walk their houndours, vulpixs, growlithe's too! I always hear crows in my garden in the morning that wake me up so maybe murkrows?

Also, for the poll I voted Hoenn since I live in the UK and Hoenn is an island with loads of water and its with same around the uk (except its probably hotter in hoenn)

So what about you guys? :D
Ill go with what you said :P
I'm not on an island, so not Hoenn or Sinnoh.

I live near a cemetary(Lavender Town), a big thriving city(Saffron City), and a river(river below Lavender Town and east of Fuchsia and Vermilion City) so I guess it could be Kanto.
Hoenn, my hometown has a lot of Wingull's and Taillows, and a lot of Poochyena's, Beautifly's and Dustox's. There are also some whales like Wailord. I also like the huge green dragon and big red beast and watery blue thing.

The last sentence was a joke.
Kanto because of a few rivers and other features like a few mountains. It doesn't really snow here much either so.
I live in a small city with lots of rural areas. I picked Kanto because it reminds me more of my city. Actually, the whole state I live in would be Kanto. Like Kanto, we have our larger cities, but the majority is smaller towns and cities. Pokemon that would inhabit my city would most likely be bird and bug pokemon due to the many trees and forests, grassland type pokemon due to the farms and bare land we have around, and a few poisonous pokemon since we have two swamps.
I live in a seaside town, so there will be plenty of Pidgey and Wingull. In the fields, i'd see Mudkipz,Croagunk,Bidoof,Sumgleaf and Wurmple.

I chose Ishhu because in the UK, as the are a lot of huge cities and some old towns.
I'd say there would be a lot of Growlithes and Meowths/Glameows here. I live in a place somewhat like the Isshu region, so I guess there would be more civilized Pokemon.
Definitely a lot of forest dwelling Pokemon. Around the swamps and such, probably a bunch of Politoed, Wooper, Wiscash and such. We'd have plenty of Sunkern and Sunflora due to our open fields and many sunflower areas. Many grass type.
I live in Richmond, Virginia. Our city is very urban, with not a lot of big buildings compared to places like New York or California. You can see Swellows or Pidgeots flying to the morning sun as a group of Meowths are seen prowling outside the alleys. Students and their Pokemons are racing down the street for the bus because it's never there on time.

There isn't exactly a single region can describe Virginia by itself. It's more like a combination of everything. The middle of Virginia are very rural, with all the banks and corporations, like Isshu. As we move out of Richmond, you can find it urban, like Kanto and Johto. To the Appalachain, one would describe it to Mount Coronet in Sinnoh. To the east, one would stumble upon many ports, which would resemble Hoenn with its vast stretch of water.