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[Completed] Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita (New Version OUT NOW; ENG/GER)

LOVING the game so far, but ran into a little hiccup. I currently have a level 44 clauncher on my team that still hasn't evolved. It usually evolves at 37, but I don't know if you increased the level or if this is a glitch or something?
LOVING the game so far, but ran into a little hiccup. I currently have a level 44 clauncher on my team that still hasn't evolved. It usually evolves at 37, but I don't know if you increased the level or if this is a glitch or something?
You'll need a Waterstone. You can find one in Riveridge City or Route 8 :)
Hey not sure if this a known error.. I have a pangoro in my party and it got hit by a psybeam? is there a script error where the game doesn't register that Pangoro is part dark?
Hey are there ever gonna be plans with implementing a randomizer for this game? i think it would be rly cool
I am stuck and I can not move anymore (and I don't have acces to fly)


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita (New Version OUT NOW; ENG/GER)
    Capture d'écran 2024-02-15 182041.png
    19.4 KB · Views: 2
Recherchez Game.rxdata, c'est le nom du fichier sécurisé
thank you but can you help me to unblock my save (I am stuck at Riveridge city)
My save if neccesary:
rename the .txt into .rxdata


  • Game.txt
    221.1 KB · Views: 2
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looks cool is there an encounter chart per area in the game or on a some sort of file like pdf or something
looks cool is there an encounter chart per area in the game or on a some sort of file like pdf or something
thanks, route signs show encounters in every area. there is also a txt data inside the pbs folder of your main folder which shows all the encounters (location names are german inside the txt tho)
thanks, route signs show encounters in every area. there is also a txt data inside the pbs folder of your main folder which shows all the encounters (location names are german inside the txt tho)
ok thanks is there also water encounters location and is there rewards for Pokédex completion
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