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[Completed] Pokémon Empyrean [v1.1] (~! Final Arc Released !~)

is they anyway to change my game to a natural mode? i didnt know about it at first and finally have my full team of shinies and dont want to grind for GP
I was wondering if the tileset for Deshret Region was free to use. I really like their look and was wondering if I could use them in my own project with credits.
First of all, great game. Really enjoyed playing it for a long time now.

However, I have a slight problem, that after the final battle in the Deshret-Arc, the game consistently crashes at the end of the credits. That ain't supposed to happen right?
I'm in random an i'm at the point where you have to fight DEUS, but it's W.T. instead and he has 6k hp (doesn't he have only 5k). Also he has 2 abilities (force and godlike), is that a bug. BTW Force blocks stuff like return and stored power (another bug ?), had to learn something real quick to my smeargle (yes, i'm going for moody strats, my team is like lv100)
Another bug I got when doing new game+: Assist calling assist calling assist ... (Happened in random, with moira's purrloin)
game is good but wish that there was more endings and character endings world tournament and encounter list and maybe recreated on the newer one
Does there exist a full random mod (random moves and abilities) ? If no, are there modding tutorials out there ?
Just wanted to ask, if someone knows the Ost of the fight against the mutant Kirlia , like the fusion of Willie and Kirlia, early in the game.
I just love this music and i'm just asking for it, thank you for replying for me :)
And Just to tell, the game is awesome, even in 2023 !
Bonjour, c'est un jeu excellent que j'adore =). Mais je voulais savoir si il y a une traduction en français prévue pour la région South Deshret🤔? Car je comprend malheureusement très peu l'anglais donc je ne comprend presque plus rien de ce que les personnages racontent =(. J'aimais bien l'histoire du jeu donc c'est un peu dommage de devoir m'arrêter la.
Emmanuil breaks the 4th wall if you beat him in the first encounter, but would have been nice if doing it actually changed the story (especially since it's perfectly doable with new game+)
I know any sort of sequel/continuation of the story probably isn't ever going to happen, but I can dream. Officially on my 4th playthrough and still love it just as much as I did the first time. There are so few fan-games that have things I look for, but this is one of them. GP is dope, regional/alternate forms are nice, I'm normally not big on fakemon but the ones in this are actually really interesting, multiple different endings, the ability to train beyond level 100, the card system, the romance (Ashy kind of a baddie), the post-game, it's all there. As far as fan-games go, in my opinion, this one right here is the pinnacle
Am I missing something about apriplums? I've planted so many blue apriplums, but I still haven't gotten any royal ones. I've gotten dozens of crimson and dream, but I haven't gotten a single royal
Is it worth it to reset for platinum ditto ? (resetting on the 5GP fusion, not the obtention)
Bonjour, c'est un jeu excellent que j'adore =). Mais je voulais savoir si il y a une traduction en français prévue pour la région South Deshret🤔? Car je comprend malheureusement très peu l'anglais donc je ne comprend presque plus rien de ce que les personnages racontent =(. J'aimais bien l'histoire du jeu donc c'est un peu dommage de devoir m'arrêter la.

Malheureusement ça m'étonnerais qu'une traduction arrive pour cette partie.
Very nice mister...
i just started the game n i already love this shit...
keep up the work
Is it true this is completely done? I do see a couple major bugs possibly mentioned in the replies