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FireRed hack: Pokémon: Liquid Crystal [3.3.xxxxx Live Beta]

All hell is breaking loose here!

Quick question: I have defeated the first gym in Valencia, I have seen Zane in that old mansion when all the grunts run off. Is this the End of the beta or is there more to the Team Zane (I forgot the name, Xenos? Is it?) storyline in this beta.
Well guys, I mentioned earlier that I should make some sort of Blog that I post on whenever I make a change to the Live Beta so you guys can know when I last updated it exactly. But that would take time, effort and I don't want to post everything I do to a Live Beta blog. Then I thought that posting to a blog would be the same as posting here, apart from not alerting everyone to the changes.

So I decided to take the Live Beta to the next level, and introduce Live Log.

Live Log.. What the..?
Live Log is a very simple concept, and currently in a very basic stage. The Live Log is a change log which I'll edit for people to see what was done on a particular date. There will also be a time stamp of when I updated the Live Beta last accurate to within a few seconds or so.

Awesome! So how do we view the Live Log?
That's very simple. You simply Click Here to be taken to a basic web page with all the information you need.

Well that's it really. Nothing more too say. Enjoy the Live Log and as always if there's any issues with the Live Log then let me know and I can fix them. It's still in very early stages.

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Great idea Link! The only problem is the link has an error

"Not Found

The requested URL /livebeta/check.html was not found on this server."
In the cave of wisdom I talk to the statue and instead of the k.tended pokemon it sends a level 32 disrupt. Lol, what do I do
Will there be a way to evolve pokemon such as Machoke and Haunter?

Yes. Pokemon that evolve when traded evolve in LC using other conventional methods. Machoke evolves at Level 42 and Haunter evolves with a Moon Stone. The old lady living in northern Cianwood tells you how a Pokemon currently in your party evolves.
Yes. Pokemon that evolve when traded evolve in LC using other conventional methods. Machoke evolves at Level 42 and Haunter evolves with a Moon Stone. The old lady living in northern Cianwood tells you how a Pokemon currently in your party evolves.

Thanks a heap now I don't have to play with Haunter the whole game!
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In the cave of wisdom I talk to the statue and instead of the k.tended pokemon it sends a level 32 disrupt. Lol, what do I do

I already mention that, and so has someone else that it was an unfinished event. The game finishes right after zanes event.

UPDATE: I added the Live Log directly into the Liquid Crystal section of the Hack Bug Report Database. You know that place where you report bugs, and also check up to see when the latest bug was fixed. I figured instead of having it all on yet another page, it should be integrated into the place you guys should be checking for minor bug fix updates.
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I made it to route 51 i went through the mansion and got out of it and now i don't know where to go any help? and that hiker is blocking the wisdom cave -_-
I made it to route 51 i went through the mansion and got out of it and now i don't know where to go any help? and that hiker is blocking the wisdom cave -_-

This is the last time I answer the question... The game finishes right after zanes event.

The post was right above yours...
Sorry for being a idiot and i'm guessing there isn't gonna be another beta for awhile?

It seems to me that people haven't grasped the idea of a "Live" beta. So I'm going to spell it out to everyone so they understand how, why, what it is.

Why did I create the Hack Bug Report Database?
For all those people who have used the Hack Bug Report Database, and thanks for everyone that has, you would of noticed that you can report a bug there, give it a detailed description, and that it's marked as "Unconfirmed". If you also noticed that some of the reports have been marked as "Fixed". Well why do you think I have that setup? Why do you guys need to know that something is fixed now? It's not so you can wait for another 2 years before you get to experience that fix. It's so you can download the Live Beta IPS and patch it to a new FireRed ROM, and then play the hack using your old save file, and continue where you left off with a now bug fixed version. How does that work though?

Normal Releases
As we all know, there is a large gap between releases. The gap between beta 2.1 and beta 3.1 was 2.5 years. During that time a lot of changes and additions were made to LC, but one thing still remained a fact: you guys can't play it until I released it. Another thing remained a fact: if there was a bug on the beta, you had to wait 2.5 years for it to be fixed.

Take the example of another hack. The owner will release a beta for example Beta 1.0. They then upload this beta to a file sharing site such as Sendspace or Mediafire, or upload as an attachment to their post here on the forums. Members then download that release and play it like any normal release. Any changes that the owner makes to the hack hereafter won't be public until the next release.

Nightly Builds
For people that haven't heard about a nightly build, it is when the developer will release the most recent version after every night they have made a change or addition to the project. This gives everyone access to an "unsupported" and "in-progress" version mostly every evening for them to be able to follow closely to the development. A nightly release build mostly consists of a lot of links all named on the date they were created, along with a short change log of the addition. So nightlys are always separate links for each release that was made.

What about an LC Nightly Build??
So what about if there was an LC nightly build? An unsupported download which I released every night for you guys to try out the latest additions and fixes too the hack? That's the thing, that's partly what the Live Beta is, except the Live Beta is not a nightly build and is not a separate file each time I make a change. So if it's not a nightly build, then what is it?

What exactly is the Live Beta?
LC's Live Beta is like a nightly but better. Imagine a nightly build that is uploaded to a server every night for you guys to download. Now imagine that I uploaded the nightly every 12 hours for you guys to download. Now imagine that I upload it every hour for you to download. Now imagine that I upload it every 30 mins for you to download. And finally, imagine that I upload it roughly every 10 mins or so for you to download.

So, there is a file being uploaded very frequently for you guys to play with. And it contains every single thing that's been done to the hack on that minute. But where is all the links? I said that a nightly has a list of links and a change log posted with each one. What If I said there was only one link. And that the link is always the same. That is the Live Beta. It is a direct link to a Liquid Crystal IPS file for you to download, that contains the changes made to the ROM at any given moment. It's called the "Live Beta" system because it is a "Live" release. It means its in constant development and you guys have access to it whenever you like!

Why did I create the Live Log system?
The recently created Live Log system is to make the Live Beta system act more like a nightly system. It will show to you when the Live Beta was last updated, and will give you a change log which shows what was done on each date. This was partly as a response to people asking how do they know when the Live Beta has been updated.

If the Live Beta is updated the following things happen:

  • The date changes
  • An issue has been marked as "Fixed"
  • The download link will not change

That's all for now...
I'm hoping everyone can understand how the Live Beta and Live Log system works and won't have to ask or wonder again. The key thing to do is this:

  1. Check over at the Hack Bug Report Database page for LC
  2. Has the date changed since you last downloaded the Live Beta?
  3. If it has, then check the Live Log to see what changed
  4. If the date has not changed, then the Live Beta has not been updated
  5. Finally, check up on different issues to see the recent activity, checking if any have been marked as "Fixed"

As always if someone still has a question, then ask and I will try to explain better.

Caught a Shiny Ledyba, if I delete my rom and install the latest live beta on a clean fire red will I be able to keep the save ?

Edit : Ok...name the Rom and the SAV the same and my save file was recognized...I was afraid I would loose my shiny...^^
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Caught a Shiny Ledyba, if I delete my rom and install the latest live beta on a clean fire red will I be able to keep the save ?

Heres a quote from the first paragraph of my previous post:

"download the Live Beta IPS and patch it to a new FireRed ROM, and then play the hack using your old save file, and continue where you left off"
I know but for some reason last week my save files was not recognised so I had to start over...

Did you improve the shiny encounter rate or am I lucky to encounter a shiny after my first badge ?

Is the Fire Red/ Leaf Green bug that made the legendary beasts disappear from the game if they use Roar still there ?
I know but for some reason last week my save files was not recognised so I had to start over...

Did you improve the shiny encounter rate or am I lucky to encounter a shiny after my first badge ?

You have to make sure the file name is exactly the same for both. For example "Liquid Crystal.gba" and "Liquid Crystal.sav". That allows the emulator to read it. If that still doesn't work, then use File - Import - Battery file... and select your old .sav.
And what about the legendary beast issue ? Was it kept from Fire Red or somehow fixed ? Because if not catching Entei and Raikou will probably be really difficult...
And what about the legendary beast issue ? Was it kept from Fire Red or somehow fixed ? Because if not catching Entei and Raikou will probably be really difficult...

The fact that the Pokedex doesn't work correctly? That wouldn't make a difference as the roaming beasts system in LC is not "real". The 2 dogs are simply roaming in the wild in Johto only and you will randomly encounter them. Sadly even if the dec showed the johto map, they can't be tracked yet.