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Red hack: Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

  • 330
    • Seen Mar 29, 2024

    Pokémon Maize Version
    Hack of Pokémon Red Version
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Giveaway Event | About | Features | Story | Screenshots | Soundtrack | FAQ | New Items | New Pokémon | Download | Changelog | Credits | Bugs | Support

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    [a id]giveaway[/a id]

    Event Pokémon Giveaway

    Pokémon Maize has an event Pokémon giveaway system! To claim your event Pokémon, visit this website: Event Pokémon Giveaway

    The current event Pokémon is:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    [a id]about[/a id]


    Pokémon Maize is an ambitious hack that overhauls Pokémon Red Version and brings a whole new experience to the player. I've been working on Maize periodically for four years now, so it has a lot of new features! The current release is Beta 3. There are tons of new features and gameplay, and the Beta ends after 6 badges in Entropia City. This hack also has an optional Nuzlocke Mode built in to it, so it enforces the rules for you! Keep reading below to see what Maize's Beta 3 has to offer.

    [a id]features[/a id]


    • Brand New Region of Boldor
    • 181 Pokémon
    • Battle Factory
    • Steel, Dark, and Fairy Types
    • Physical/Special Attack Split
    • Shiny Pokémon that are trade-compatible with G/S/C.
    • New Music
    • Event Pokémon Giveaways
    • 26 Future-Gen Attacks
    • New Items
    • Day & Night System
    • Nuzlocke Mode (optional to turn on)
    • Swarms (like in Gold/Silver)
    • HM06 - Dive
    • Running Shoes can be acquired
    • Roaming Pokémon
    • Critical Hits are not based on speed, like in newer games
    • ...and Much More!

    [a id]story[/a id]


    I decided to stick with a traditional Poké-storyline. An organization known as Team Quarry is excavating vast amounts of materials from the ground in pursuit of building a mighty city to be the center of their empire (or something like that). While wielding your trusty broom, you set out on an adventure to become a Pokémon master. Explore the region of Boldor while you attempt to thwart Team Quarry and tolerate your ridiculous childhood acquaintance.

    [a id]screenshots[/a id]


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    [a id]soundtrack[/a id]


    The custom soundtrack can be found here:

    [a id]faq[/a id]


    Q:"My game does not have any color in it. It's black and white like regular Red and not like the screenshots. Why is this happening?"
    A:You need to play in SGB (super gameboy) mode. Most emulators support this. VisualBoy Advance is a popular emulator that will do this. Shiny pokemon flash the screen black when they appear, so that's how you can tell in case you can't get the colors to work. They also have a "!" in the top-left corner in their stats screen if you catch one.

    Q:"Why didn't I receive the Town Map?"
    A:Your rival's sister didn't give it to you. You can acquire it later on.

    Q:"Why aren't my Running Shoes working?"
    A:You need to press and hold the B button. You also need to acquire them from somebody in Agate City.

    Q:"Why won't my Item Stone evolve my Slowpoke/Magmar/etc.?"
    A:Those Pokémon aren't in the game. Please see the list of new Pokémon in further down in this thread.

    Q:"Why isn't my Ring working?"
    A:Items like the Shield Ring or Scouter only work when they are equipped in the top slot of the inventory. That means that only one special item can be equipped at a time. When in doubt, read the in-game item descriptions by selecting them in the items menu.

    Q:"Why can't I find the Old Rod?"
    A:It's in Agate City. Just look harder.

    Q:"What is the main character holding in his hand?"
    A:It's a broom.

    [a id]newitems[/a id]

    New Items

    Please note that not all of these items are obtainable in Beta 2.2. They are all fully functional in the game, though.
    1. Item Stone: Evolves certain Pokémon that require items to evolve. (Scyther, Onix, Murkrow, etc.)
    2. Scouter Ring: Beeps when wild Pokémon with high DVs appears, so you know if you've found a top-percentage Pokémon.
    3. Shiny Ring: Increases shiny encounter rate to 1/64 chance. (This includes stationary Pokémon and gift Pokémon.)
    4. Focus Ring: Has a chance to prevent your Pokémon from fainting, similar to the Focus Band.
    5. Blunt Ring: Boosts the power your physical attacks.
    6. Wizard Ring: Boosts the power your special attacks.
    7. Shield Ring: Boosts your defense against physical attacks.
    8. Bubble Ring: Boosts your defense against special attacks.
    9. Amulet Ring: Increases money received from trainers after battle.
    10. Booster Ring: Boosts experience gained by your Pokémon.
    11. DV Ball: Sets the DVs of the captured Pokémon to maximum.
    12. Shiny Ball: Makes a captured Pokémon shiny.
    13. Hustle Ring: Increases levels of wild Pokémon.
    14. Wonder Ring: Makes attacks that would do no damage do "ineffective" damage. (Using Body Slam on a Gengar will do 1/2 damage instead of doing no damage.)
    15. Healing Ring: Heals your party Pokémon by a little as you walk around.
    16. TM 04: Now teaches Iron Tail
    17. TM 30: Now teaches Scald
    18. HM 06: Teaches Dive

    [a id]newmons[/a id]

    New Pokémon

    1. Skarmory
    2. Mareep
    3. Flaaffy
    4. Ampharos
    5. Drilbur
    6. Excadrill
    7. Steelix (Item Stone)
    8. Houndour
    9. Houndoom
    10. Gligar
    11. Gliscor (Item Stone)
    12. Murkrow
    13. Honchkrow (Item Stone)
    14. Scizor (Item Stone)
    15. Espeon (Happiness + Day)
    16. Umbreon (Happiness + Night)
    17. Leafeon (Moss Rock)
    18. Glaceon (Ice Rock)
    19. Sylveon (Happiness + Fairy Move)
    20. Bonsly
    21. Sudowoodo
    22. Tyrogue
    23. Hitmontop
    24. Sneasel
    25. Weavile (Item Stone)
    26. Slowking (Item Stone)
    27. Politoed (Item Stone)
    28. Crobat (Happiness)
    29. Hoothoot
    30. Noctowl

    [a id]download[/a id]

    Release Info & Download

    Beta 3.2 (Released February 3, 2015)
    Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/xrrug2ubuy17bsi/maize-beta-3-2.ips

    The current release of Maize is playable through 6 badges, the last of which is in Entropia City. You can download the .ips patch from the link provided above, and then you'll need to apply the patch to the Pokémon Red Version (english) ROM using a .ips patcher program, such as Lunar Magic.

    [a id]changelog[/a id]


    3.2 - Fixed bug where pokemon seen/owned and number of badges weren't being counted properly.
    3.1 - Fixed broken Gym Leader team in Entropia City.
    3.0 - 6 Gyms. Battle Factory. Lots of new stuff.
    2.2 - Nuzlocke NPC gives a Clefairy instead of Paras. Various bug fixes. Added Shiny Pokemon, Shiny Ring, and Shiny Ball.
    2.1 - Fixed Basalt Cave ladder placement. Added NPC who gives player HM-learning Pokemon in Nuzlocke Mode.
    2.0 - Complete overhaul of beta 1. Rebuilt entire project using the pokered disassembly. Added many new features.
    1.2.1 - Fixed evolution bug that calculated new stats incorrectly.
    1.2 - Finished Pyrite City. Added Honchkrow. Fixed growlithe evolution bug. Fixed starters' evolutions' growth rates.
    1.1.2 - Added Nostalgia-filled building and Pyrite City Outpost. Fixed some typos.
    1.1.1 - Bug fixes: pokedex now correctly displays caught/seen status; Growlithe no longer evolves by level if the battle is finished with Mareep; PP UP now works; fixed shared map data for Jade Village house and Pyrite City house.
    1.1.0 - Fixed future-gen attack animations. Finished Ma(i)ze house in Pyrite City. Squirtle is obtainable.
    1.0.2 - Added 3 new songs
    1.0.1 - Added 3 new songs
    1.0.0 - Initial Release. Playable through 4 badges.

    [a id]credits[/a id]


    • Danny-E 33, padz, IIMarkus, Sanky, and several others over at Skeetendo for lots of support and ideas
    • pokered disassembly project
    • Sawakita for lots of help regarding gen 1 hacking
    • Blue Emerald and Chamber_ for the party mini sprites
    • Analgesic Productions for the protagonist, Young, from their indie game called Anodyne
    • Someday, dhogan, and Tynanan for beta testing

    If you think you or somebody else belongs on this list, please let me know! I've probably forgotten to mention some individuals.

    [a id]bugs[/a id]

    Known Bugs

    These will all be fixed in the final version of the game!
    • Entering the "Timmy" lab after you've beaten him may cause the game to freeze.
    • Dark-type attacks aren't super effective against Ghost types.
    • Mirror Move can break the game if it's trying to copy Dive. (Maybe this is the case for all new attacks...? Not sure.)
    • Town Map locations are incorrect for several indoor houses. (Same problem with pokemon nest locations.)

    [a id]support[/a id]


    Put a support banner in your signature!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    - Made by qaz015393

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    - Made by qaz015393

    Follow Maize's development on Twitter!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Check out my new channel on YouTube!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Last edited:
    Definitely going to try this out! It seems interesting, and I hope that just because you're sticking to the traditional Poke story, it doesn't get boring. I've got faith in this game. Good luck on future progress. :)
    Wow I can't believe tat only one person has commented on this ! this hack is amazing I always love gen 1 hacks !! don't give up man :D
    Definitely going to try this out! It seems interesting, and I hope that just because you're sticking to the traditional Poke story, it doesn't get boring. I've got faith in this game. Good luck on future progress. :)

    Cool, be sure to let me (and everyone else) know what you think after you've had a chance to play it through! The story has some substance to it, but it definitely doesn't take itself as seriously as other hacks you see around here.

    Wow I can't believe tat only one person has commented on this ! this hack is amazing I always love gen 1 hacks !! don't give up man :D

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to see what more people have to say about it. Have you played it, already?
    Cool, be sure to let me (and everyone else) know what you think after you've had a chance to play it through! The story has some substance to it, but it definitely doesn't take itself as seriously as other hacks you see around here.

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to see what more people have to say about it. Have you played it, already?

    Unfortunately I cant as I have my board exams right around the corner.. but after that I difinietly will play this hack !!! and besides I have a feeling this hack is gonna be amazing
    This game is great!

    I love it. It's stuffed full of references and puns. It's not a grindfest under the guise of "difficulty." But, it does make you travel quite a bit. Great job on this game, Shanty! I love that all the towns follow a naming theme. I love the item stone, and the feud between Copper Town and Pyrite was done lovely. I'm posting some screens of stuff that cracked me up or made me smile.

    Uh-oh. Fighting Toph?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Well, I guess not.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Just 'cause you're a thug doesn't mean you can't be a brony.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Emulation's big in the Pokemon world, too.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    CUT a piece of Pi - This one actually had me laughing for like five minutes.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    "Can I interest you in a potion or pokeba--" "NAH BRAH. I'M GOOD."
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    What a jerk.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    All in all this game was done wonderfully. I really appreciate your work here, Shanty! Looking forward to the next beta.

    Ended the game with the following team:
    Level 25 Onix(Was gonna evolve to Steelix around level 35)
    Level 32 Arcanine
    Level 29 Ivysaur
    Level 28 Flaafy
    Level 22 Pidgeotto
    This game is great!

    I love it. It's stuffed full of references and puns. It's not a grindfest under the guise of "difficulty." But, it does make you travel quite a bit. Great job on this game, Shanty! I love that all the towns follow a naming theme. I love the item stone, and the feud between Copper Town and Pyrite was done lovely. I'm posting some screens of stuff that cracked me up or made me smile.

    Uh-oh. Fighting Toph?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Well, I guess not.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Just 'cause you're a thug doesn't mean you can't be a brony.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    Emulation's big in the Pokemon world, too.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    CUT a piece of Pi - This one actually had me laughing for like five minutes.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    "Can I interest you in a potion or pokeba--" "NAH BRAH. I'M GOOD."
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    What a jerk.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

    All in all this game was done wonderfully. I really appreciate your work here, Shanty! Looking forward to the next beta.

    Ended the game with the following team:
    Level 25 Onix(Was gonna evolve to Steelix around level 35)
    Level 32 Arcanine
    Level 29 Ivysaur
    Level 28 Flaafy
    Level 22 Pidgeotto

    Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it. I was hoping people would appreciate all of the little things that make this hack what it is. I do have an important question, though. Did your Growlithe evolve on its own at level 16, or did you use a Fire Stone? One of my friends was playing the other day, and his Growlithe evolved on its own, which I had never encountered in any of my testing. I'm a bit concerned that it's a huge bug...
    Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it. I was hoping people would appreciate all of the little things that make this hack what it is. I do have an important question, though. Did your Growlithe evolve on its own at level 16, or did you use a Fire Stone? One of my friends was playing the other day, and his Growlithe evolved on its own, which I had never encountered in any of my testing. I'm a bit concerned that it's a huge bug...

    See, I originally thought you'd make it evolve via leveling. But, after about lvl 25, I gave up and used the fire stone I got from the charmander.

    It may be that he used an unclean ROM. I didn't encounter any problems besides animations from moves outside of Gen I messing up, but you mentioned that, and it's as easy as inserting the animation.

    But, yeah, I evolved using the stone.
    Hey ShantyTown

    I really enjoyed playing this beta, I really wish there were more gen 1 rom hacks of this quality :). But during my playthrough, I was unable to evolve Murkow with the Item Stone. I was just wondering, does Murkow evolve by level or was it supposed to evolve with the Item Stone? Thanks for the great game
    Wow this is great. I laughed at the HM01 thing, Cut Pi xD Going to play it! Keep up the awesome work!
    Well I played this hack and I must say i'm really impressed !!! I love the simplicity of the game and especially some of the random jokes :P but the only think that I found the least appealing were the starters :( I found them a bit hard top play but then everything was simply FUN :d ICANT WAIT FOR THIS TO BE COMPLETED!!!!! A ll your hard work shanty for the past three years have not gone in vain :D :D !!! Keep it up man :D
    See, I originally thought you'd make it evolve via leveling. But, after about lvl 25, I gave up and used the fire stone I got from the charmander.

    It may be that he used an unclean ROM. I didn't encounter any problems besides animations from moves outside of Gen I messing up, but you mentioned that, and it's as easy as inserting the animation.

    But, yeah, I evolved using the stone.

    I just remembered that I gave my friend an older version of the hack, so that might be why his Growlithe evolved. That's reassuring to know that your version worked correctly. Regarding the animations, I just never got around to it. Plus, I never play with the animations on, so it's less of a priority for me. It is kind of funny to watch the glitchy animations, though.

    Hey ShantyTown

    I really enjoyed playing this beta, I really wish there were more gen 1 rom hacks of this quality :). But during my playthrough, I was unable to evolve Murkow with the Item Stone. I was just wondering, does Murkow evolve by level or was it supposed to evolve with the Item Stone? Thanks for the great game

    Thanks for playing! I just haven't inserted Honchkrow into the game, yet, so Murkrow doesn't evolve. Sorry for the confusion. I thought Murkrow's giant head would make up for it.

    Well I played this hack and I must say i'm really impressed !!! I love the simplicity of the game and especially some of the random jokes :P but the only think that I found the least appealing were the starters :( I found them a bit hard top play but then everything was simply FUN :d ICANT WAIT FOR THIS TO BE COMPLETED!!!!! A ll your hard work shanty for the past three years have not gone in vain :D :D !!! Keep it up man :D

    I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry about the starters, but at least you can catch the other starters. (Well, not Squirtle, but eventually you will be able to catch it.)
    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to work on Maize Version for the last month and a half because I've been busy with school. However, I started doing some music hacking over the weekend, and I've actually made a ton of progress.

    After reading a bit about what others have found out about the music format in RBY, I thought it would be fairly easy to write a program that converts a MIDI file into a format that I can insert into the ROM. Luckily, I was right. The MIDI file format is fairly straightforward, so it was easy to parse. My program works really nicely, and I've been able to insert some things like a new title screen song (the main theme from the game Anodyne) and a new tune that is played when healing your pokemon (Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time).

    There are still a bunch of unknown commands in the pokemon music format that I need to figure out, like pitch modulation for example.
    I've been working a lot on music hacking lately, so I figured I would share what I've completed so far. I've inserted three songs into the ROM. You can listen to them by clicking on the three links below.

    Title Screen
    Lapis Town
    Routes 1 & 2

    The Title Screen song is from the game Anodyne, which is where the main character in Maize Version is from. I wrote the second two songs.

    Let me know what you think! Also, I'd appreciate more feedback on the rest of the game if you have any.
    OMG!!! This hack looks great! I can't believe you did this all on your own. I give you major props dude. I'll probably play some when I get back home from vacation. I wish you the best of luck on the future of this game :)

    PS. I love the title of the game. I love me some maize and blue
    OMG!!! This hack looks great! I can't believe you did this all on your own. I give you major props dude. I'll probably play some when I get back home from vacation. I wish you the best of luck on the future of this game :)

    PS. I love the title of the game. I love me some maize and blue

    Thanks a lot! You should do a Let's Play if you're up to it!

    In other news, I've continued with my music hacking adventures. Here are three links to more songs that are in the latest beta release:

    I also made two songs for 80C's Grape Version hack. The first is for the final battle, and the second is the credits. I'll let 80C reveal them, though.