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Red hack: Pokémon Maize Version [BETA 3 RELEASED]

Just found about this hack. Love how you're doing event pokemon as well! Have you done other event pokemon in the past?

The first event was a Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise with glasses (like the Squirtle Squad). And then the shiny Pikachu is the second event. If I ever get around to finishing this game, there will be more events.
The first event was a Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise with glasses (like the Squirtle Squad). And then the shiny Pikachu is the second event. If I ever get around to finishing this game, there will be more events.
That's awesome! Hope to see this get finished one day then!
Great work! Amazing hack, keep up the good work! Life gets busy, so take all the time you need, we support you!
Wait a sec, how do you access the Town Map? I got it from Marth's unnamed Sister, but it isn't in my bag like it usually is in Gen1 and the topic doesn't mention there being multiple bag pockets or anything, so...? What am I missing?

EDIT: Whoops, the last post was in Summer 2016!
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Wait a sec, how do you access the Town Map? I got it from Marth's unnamed Sister, but it isn't in my bag like it usually is in Gen1 and the topic doesn't mention there being multiple bag pockets or anything, so...? What am I missing?

EDIT: Whoops, the last post was in Summer 2016!

She doesn't give you the Town Map. You can get one in the Rocky Point Cave, or whatever I called it. It's after a couple of badges. Otherwise, you can view the map in some NPC houses.
You have to exchange a HM01 Coupon for it at the bike shop. It's in the second or third city, I think.
seems like a cool hack ima do a playthrough or lets play of it once i get my new pc friend :)
How do I use the gameshark code to change my Pokemon's moves in this? In the Pikachu event I wanted the one with Surf but it gave me the Fly one. So, I'd like to switch that move out.
Hi ShantyTown!

I wanted to implement roaming Pokémon in my own Red hack, (using the disassembly, of course) but I can't seem to get it to work. I also didn't want to do it on my own without your consent, because I didn't want you to think I was stealing your ideas.

Do you have the source code for the roaming Pokémon mechanic? I've also had the idea that one more roaming Pokémon can appear if you catch the other two. How can I implement this in my hack? Thanks a bunch! :)
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Hi ShantyTown!

I wanted to implement roaming Pokémon in my own Red hack, (using the disassembly, of course) but I can't seem to get it to work. I also didn't want to do it on my own without your consent, because I didn't want you to think I was stealing your ideas.

Do you have the source code for the roaming Pokémon mechanic? I've also had the idea that one more roaming Pokémon can appear if you catch the other two. How can I implement this in my hack? Thanks a bunch! :)
It's not my idea--it's Game Freak's. All the source code is on GitHub, and there seem to be 3 commits that added the necessary changes.
1. https://github.com/huderlem/maize/commit/29b35f36516e759ce28b1076557ce032fd213a61
2. https://github.com/huderlem/maize/commit/f1abe52e82f9089712f32db732a3548ee35c8adc
3. https://github.com/huderlem/maize/commit/2b8f1ec806b52a80a7c82c529d686194cfd63d26

I seem to remember having the roaming mon's encounter rate set to 100%, but I don't remember for sure.

for when a release date of your game?
Probably never, unless I add an extremely abrupt ending to the game.
Would play but unfortunately I can't get by the rival (Doing Nuzlocke). Nuzlockes start after you get the pokeballs but it end when my rival beats my starter by pure RNG. Closest I got was when I randomly chose Staryu but even when I harden to get defense up against Barrage it just Leers. May wanna fix it where it starts after you get pokeballs or at least give the player a potion like in the real games.

Looks like a great game by the way.
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I just started playing beta 3.2 and I'm honestly amazed at how futuristic this hack was. I mean, an actual day and night feature that functions along with items that can be equipped alongside descriptions? I'm yet to see any GB Pokemon hack with those features. I really do hope that this will be completed someday because honestly, I'm barely in and I'm already having a blast with how well written the dialogue text is as well!
@Inner Rhymes i hate to say this the game is dead because the hack is too much for him
Correct, this game won't receive any more updates. I've moved on to bigger and better projects over the years. There is an outside chance I'll reboot Maize as a pokeemerald project, but no guarantees or concrete plans for that right now.
a remake of this hack would be awesome actually, I fully enjoyed this hack when it was in production, especially the GBfied versions of Sonic 2's Chemical Plant Zone and other songs you made to fit the game on top of the unique maps you set up. I would love to see this game given new life when you are able.
my pokemon maize has some wierd glitch no matter whatever version i try it always dispaly colors incorrectly only red and green