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Pokémon Odyssey: A New Beginning [T] [Best Veteran 4Q '12]

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Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Despite his well known claims of 'Demas is a mad scientist' Vigil still armed the bomb and quickly ran downstairs. Penance wasn't an idiot and quickly made his way down too. "Knowing Demas this entire place will be rubble!" He shouted down as he sped as fast as he could and heard the bomb explode. They both made it out as the Cannon fell through the tower and crashed onto the floor. Penance just closed his eyes as dust and rubble came flying out and he coughed a bit. "Alright... not so bad." He said as he got up and dusted himself off. If it had been like Demas' other creations the entire block could have been taken out.

Everyone, report. Any injuries or deaths? If not then we meet up. Bloodthirster! If you can hear me from where you are then stay up there and give us aerial support! Find out where the Sentinels are and tell me where the army is heading in from!

He turned to Vigil, "Well, we just stay here for now and-"

"Who are you?!" Penance froze and quickly whipped around with two Water Pulses ready in his hands to find a Scizor there. He immediately thought of 'Sentry' and gritted his teeth, although now that he looked the Scizor over he really didn't look like 'Sentry'. He lowed his hands and frowned at him. "We're the Gold Tribe! And just who are you? Can't you see a battles about to start-" He saw the gold pendant he wore and smiled, "A-Are you Gold Tribe?"
Jirmonji Sly

Jirmonji started to laugh hysterically. "I am a member of the Gold Tribe, indeed. I know who you are! My brother was a Gold Tribe member long ago as well, but he perished in the down fall..." he trailed off, then remembered the oddly colored pokemon before him. He looked at the golden Pawniard. "You're Zane 'Vigilant'!" he looked towards the Golduck then. "I don't know who you are though." He couldn't believe his luck! He had escaped the jaws of two sentinels to find the biggest hero in the Gold Tribe! The only thing that could make this better is even more members of the Gold Tribe! "Put your attacks away friend."

"My name is Jirmonji Slynt, but my title is 'The Swift'." He walked up to the two Gold Tribe members. "There was another here as well, Kyle 'Gallant'. He disappeared while I distracted Frost and that dreaded monster Sovereign." He spit the last two names out like poison. "What battle? 'Gallant' and I were dueling with the traitors when someone destroyed the cannons. I suppose that was you?"
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Zane ran quickly out of the watchtower as he saw it explode behind him. The device worked to perfection! He also noticed simultaneous explosion occurring as well around the edges of the city in the distance. The other watchtowers followed. The plan went off without a hitch, which was good news given what happened the previous day.

"Alright... not so bad." Defender said. Zane panted and got up off the ground, patting Defender on the back.

"See, brother? I told you it would all work out." He said, adding an encouraging smile. Defender began speaking again when suddenly a voice came from a Scizor behind them. Zane immediately went on guard and assumed it could have been Sentry, but this one was noticeably different, and this one had...a Gold Tribe emblem!

"A-Are you Gold Tribe?" Defender asked, surprised. Zane was as well. The Scizor, who introduced himself as 'The Swift' began speaking about how he actually knew Zane. Zane was legitimately surprised. He hadn't expected that he would be known so well on a name or title basis. It was both a thrilling feeling, and a nerve-racking one. On one hand, he felt that people were truly hearing of what they were doing, of how they were fighting the Silver Tribe. On the other, Zane hoped that the stories didn't exaggerate any of the tales to the point of him having to live up to the hype. But there was a smile that appeared on Zane's face towards the end. Gallant? That was the title of his teacher back at the Heroes Alliance School. It was good to hear that he was still alive.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, brother." Zane smiled to the Scizor. "Though I wish our meeting would come under better circumstances. Yes, it was us who blew up the towers. We had to. At this moment, General Belas, General Hazone and the Alpha Alliance army are coming to retake Albia, and we needed to take those towers out so that they could have a smoother entry. There's more of us, across all of the towers."

"We need to come together and help with the invasion. There's a city that needs liberating." He transmitted to all of them. Zane motioned for the two of them to follow. He assumed Gallant would be alright by himself for now, and the others they would find in due time. Zane ran to the side of the watchtower, to get a better view. He hid behind a house and saw in front of him as thousands of Ancients were pouring towards the front gates of the city, to meet the Alpha Alliance army approaching.

"Damn...." Zane said. "That's a lot of Ancients..." There was no way tactically for them to be able to simply jump up and start fighting them right now. Not even the Gold Tribe could fight off an army. Zane decided to lay low and think. "Any ideas?" He asked the Swift and Defender. "Maybe we can way until the army is all the way out of the city, and then together with the others, we attack the back of the army. It'll be a strike on both sides, crippling them. What do you think?" He asked them.

Frost meanwhile was on a manhunt for Gallant, but no matter where she looked, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Frost! What is going on?! How did they get in the city?!" Sovereign yelled through the smoke and fire of the watchtower debris. "What the hell just happened!?"

"It was the Gold Tribe. It had to have been them. I don't know how, and I don't care." She looked around once more for any sign of any of them, but none to be seen. "We should go slaughter that army. We may not have the cannons, but we still have superior numbers...and four Sentinels in the city. Ignitus and Deluge should be on the way to the gates as we speak."
Jirmonji noddednas the golden Pawniard stated his idea, thinking of what he could do. "That sounds like a fine plan, but the key is to get around them without Frost or Sovereign knowing. I barely escaped the monstrosity, and Frost was close to taking Gallanty down. He escaped, but he is probably dying. They're fierce fighters." He chewed his lip thoughtfully. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind! "We could go across the roofs! That's how I escaped! Where are the others? Tell them to meet here. I have a feeling they won't be watching the sky anymore. What say you?" He was anxious to fight with his brothers again. He wanted to be in the action. He wanted to avenge his brother by taking as many of the Ancients and Sentinels as possible. He wasn't going to stand idly by while Gallant lie dying. "I might have another plan if that one isn't sufficient."
Emerald took a deep breath looking around her. She though a member of the Gold Tribe had managed to hide in Albia for several days, just biding her time. She knew that the Alpha Alliance would show up at some point, well she didn't know, she was just strong in her belief. But now it was starting, Emerald had managed to stay hiding blending in with those in Albia. She hadn't been found out yet luckily. Suddenly the Blissey was snapped out of her thoughts when the earth started shaking and explosions were heard. Resulting in Emerald being knocked to the ground. With a frown she was about to get up when she felt someone grab her arm and looking up she saw a Floatzel helping her up. "are you okay M'am" he said looking at her.

Emerald smiled and nodded. "I'm fine thank you" she said "but you should get to shelter"

"What about you?" he asked his tone worried as he looked at her, obviously thinking she couldn't handle herself.

"I'll be fine, I can handle myself" Emerald said calmly. The Floatzel nodded and ran off towards shelter. After seeing him on his way, Emerald turned and ran towards the direction the explosion had come from. Once getting there she spotted a Bisharp, a Scizor, a Golduck, and a Zangoose. "Who are you guys" she asked warily. She wasn't going to trust them, until she had proof that they were on her side.
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Sovereign didn't much like to hear Frost talk, she liked the sound of her own voice too much. But this time was different. "We should go slaughter that army." He liked the sound of that. "Sounds like I'm gonna have a ball out there," said Sovereign with a deadly smile on his face.

"Sovereign!" He turned around as quickly as his large body would allow to find Vera sprinting towards him. She skidded to a halt in front of the two Sentinels. She panted as she said, "What's happening Sovereign? Why did the towers just explode?"

"There are Gold Tribe Members in the city, and an army at our front door." Sovereign sounded like a child at Christmas who knew he was going to get exactly what he wants. "Better get moving before all the good ones are taken," he said as he began walking towards the impending battle. Vera followed suit, just barely catching her breath before catching up with Sovereign. She stared at the buildings of the familiar place she had grown up in as she walked.

I wanna watch this city burn...
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

As the Scizor spoke of Gallant Penance felt his mind relax somewhat. Gallant had been a teacher for him, it was good to hear he was alive. In fact, Gallant would be a great help here in the city. Now if only they could find him. He didn't have his mind linked up with him, but if he could reach out he knew he could find him. Only problem was that it would take some time to find him and he would be distracted during it so if they were attacked he would have to start all over again to find him.

Vigil led them to an area behind a house and Penance had to fight back from groaning at all the Ancients that streamed past. Great, just more enemies to hit down. As the Scizor explained his own plan Penance had to shake his head, "I'm afraid that won't work. There are many Aerodactyl's up there. The Sentinels will probably send some of them to attack the army sure, but there will be others that will be hunting Gallant and you down as well, which means if we get up there we could have all of them sending down attacks at us as well as tracking our movements so that the Sentinels can easily find us. No.... first we need to regroup, together we will be much stronger. Instead we can use something around here."

He pointed at the still standing watch towers. "This will be very risky, I know, and if it doesn't go according to plan we could do some harm, but we could send off some attacks at the Watchtowers. I know Bloodthrister knows some tricks. A Hyper Beam or two and we could make them tumble over and crush the army."

He wanted to continue but he saw a Blissey walking toward them. The Golduck gritted his teeth and held his hand out. "Miss! Head to safety! We are Gold Tribe, just get out of this danger area!" He said and quickly turned back to surveying the Ancients, not really getting a good look at her and thus did not notice the necklace. "If we do go by rooftop then we need Bloodthirster to knock those Ancients out of the sky if we stand a chance. Otherwise they will blow our cover!"
Emerald stopped and glared at the Golduck putting her hands on her hips. It was obvious he hadn't noticed her necklace, and he was yet another Pokemon that underestimated her. "I'm not going anywhere" she said. "you may not have noticed but I'm part of the Gold Tribe too" she sighed frustrated and gestured to the necklace around her neck. "My name's Emerald Chance, though I'm also known as 'Healer', though I can do a lot more than just heal" she looked at them taking a breath. "Also, at this point I'm pretty sure they know we're here and are looking for us"
Jirmonji noted the still nameless Golduck's points, nodding. This is very true. I'm surprised they didn't kill me ages ago! Then a noisy Blissey approached them. "Who are you?" She asked accusingly.

The Golduck replied, "We are Gold tribe." The Blissey replied that she was as well. Her name was Emerald Chance.

"Well Healer, we are in the middle of a battle. Do you have any ideas about how we can get around these freaks? Have you seen a Sawk anywhere recently?" He began to ask. She must've been in hiding, as the Golduck and Vigil didn't know her.

Zane listened the the Swift give his plan. The rooftops might have worked if, like Defender suggested, there weren't a bunch of Ancients up there, most of them being Aerodactyls. They were suddenly spotted by a Blissey who Defender attempted to send away, but before he could, she showed them her emblem, revealing herself to be a member of the Gold Tribe. Zane was surprised. In as little as a few minutes, he discovered three new Gold Tribe members in Albia (including Gallant who wasn't present). It was strange. The same thing happened in Eternity City. He decided that perhaps the Gold Tribe were lured by battle, as per their function. He pushed the thoughts aside and focused back to the planning.

"Knocking over the watchtower might be a good idea. If we combine our strengths together, we'd be able to do it. I'll gather everyone over to the Southwestern watchtower structure."

Zane connected with everyone's mind with TrueStriker and Defender's link.

"Gold Tribe, listen up. We've decided to try and knock over the ruins of the southwestern watchtower, right onto the army. Everyone meet up by my current location, so we can proceed together to the watchtower. Bloodthirster, if you can, clear out the skies in that area for us so we can try heading over the rooftops."

"Gotcha, heading there now!" He heard Guardia's voice in his head. Zane motioned to the others to follow.

Zane began to shift, making sure to avoid being spotted by the army still heading to the gates. He could already hear the two sides beginning to clash. The war had began, and the Gold Tribe had yet to be in on the action. Yet.

Calamity and TrueStriker met back with the group first, Calamity eyeing The Swift and Healer, the newcomers to the group. He noticed their Gold Tribe emblems, and smiled nodding politely to both of them.

Speculum, Noctus, and Dryad came soon after, Speculum deciding to take the form of a Grovyle during the trip. Noctus eyed the area and scratched his head. "Is it just me, or are there more of you Goldies all of a sudden?"

Hoodhide, Guardia, and Wildfire met up soon afterward as well. This was the largest collection of Gold Tribe members Zane had seen in a long time. Since before this whole war had started. When Bloodthirster touched down, they all appeared to be here, except for Gallant, but Zane had no idea where he could be. They'd find him around. The Swift mentioned that Frost was after him, so he might be in trouble. They had to work fast.

Zane snapped back to reality as he heard clashes of Alpha Alliance soldiers and Ancients just outside of the wooden walls of the city. Sword and Shield would probably be among them on the battle, fighting momentarily along with his brothers and sisters. They had to help, and then had to do it now. "Alright, we're here together." He said, looking at Defender. "We bringing this thing down, then?"
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Ragnaros 'Bloodthirster' Phylax

The distant sound of the explosions reached the skies, where Bloodthirster floated, using the clouds as a hideout. He peered at the ground to see Albia flooded with ancients and the army of the Alpha Alliance approaching the city; a tiny grin formed on his face. The ancients were in for some massive beating, but if he descended there, he would be spotted. He then smirked his eyebrows as Zane's voice echoed into his mind through TrueStriker's mental powers.

Gold Tribe, listen up. We've decided to try and knock over the ruins of the southwestern watchtower, right onto the army. Everyone meet up by there. Bloodthirster, if you can, clear out the skies in that area for us so we can try heading over the rooftops.

Bloodthirster dove down from the clouds, tearing the sky apart as a red and blue figure with blinding speed. Albia was getting closer and closer; he was not sure where the rest of his brothers and sisters were, but something hinted him, maybe TrueStriker's beacon of psychic power. He silently thanked the Gallade, and the next moment his keen eyes spotted all of them.

Taking an angle where the sky guard wouldn't have a chance to see him, he approached Albia. Ragnaros landed heavily on the ground next to the Gold Tribe with a plain expression, like nothing was going on; he threw a glance at the golden Bisharp.

"Let's not waste any more time here, shall we?"

Bloodthirster jerked his head towards the Blissey, and then the Scizor, noticing their golden emblems. He nodded with respect, having a frown.

"Follow me," he shouted with a needlessly loud voice, launching himself from the ground as he did so. He spotted the Aerodactyls of Albia's sky guard that were circling around. The closest Aerodactyl spotted him as well, but way too late - the Salamence bashed his body againist the Ancient, sinking his thundering fangs in the neck.

At that point, many enemies were drawn towards him as he was flying above the rooftops, following the path his allies would. Hyper beams were shot againist him, but to no avail - he dodged them with an agility this kind of dragon was not known for. Bloodthirster answered the skies with a stream of water, once the Aerodactyls stopped shooting; the stream hit two of them, knocking them unconscious and sending them to their deaths below. The others then charged at the dragon, screeching in fury.

The Salamence's claws ignited with red and blue flames, and his own roar made them flinch as they'd reached close to him; he took the opportunity and impaled one of his opponents, the dragon's fire engulfing the Pokemon. The Ancient was dead long before he touched the ground, but Bloodthirster wouldn't stay and look - he continued hacking through the sky guard, not allowing them to get a single hit on him.

Blood dripping from his jaws and claws, he looked back at the Gold Tribe to get them moving faster.

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Jirmonji 'The Swift' Slynt
"With me brothers!" (Through the Fire and Flames starts to play) Jirmomji leapt to the nearest roof to be met by two Kabutops and a Cradily. Before they could attack, he nailed one of the Kabutops with a powerful Bullet Punch. It tumbled off the edge and into a sea of ancients. He turned around to be slashed across the face by the remaining Kabutops. He fell backwards, but leapt forward to knock his attacker off the roof with a Metal Claw. The Cradily, which was watching, unleashed an Energy Ball. The Swift doged it and removed it's head with the ultimate X-Scissor.

He leapt to the next building, again met by a horde of seven Kabutops. "Come at me brothers!" He called out to them.

"Challenge accepted." The leader smirked, and they all rushed him at once. (Cue Solo) He danced throughout the midst of them, striking out with Metal Claws. He wailed on the nearest one, beating his head to a pulp. They cornered him inside a circle and stabbed simotaneously towards the center. Jirmonji dropped to the floor and used Aerial Ace at one's feet. It fell over and impaled itself on another's scythe.

The Swift jumped back to the other side of the roof. "Do you still want more?" The leader, who was still alive nodded. He gave his companions a nod and charged yet again. Slynt caught the first one with a clotheslines styled Metal Claw, and struck the next with a X-Scissor across his chest. The remaining three shot Water Pulse's at The Swift. He shot slashes of energy with a mighty Silver Wind, which cut the Water Pulses down. He leapt forth and struck one with a Quick Attack, driving it off the edge. The leader nodded at the last one, who nodded back. The pair shot a Water Pulse then rushed forwards. He cut the Water Pulses with a Silver Wind, but was knocked back by a twin Double-Edge. He slid off the edge, but flew back up and came around to hit one with a Metal Claw. Soon the leader stood alone, terrified by the fearsome warrior. "Surrender."
"Never." It charged against his opponent and slashed out with a slash. Jirmonji blocked it with a Metal Claw, then used a Bullet Punch and wailed on his face. The Ancient fell without a word. "Onwards brothers!" (The song ends)​

The sound of battle echoed across the city. Towers were crumbling into bits and pieces. Smoke filled the air. Sovereign was headed towards the heart of the battle when something caught his eye. He could see a winged figure fly straight towards the ground with great speed. It couldn't be. Only a few moments later, the figure took flight once again. The remaining Hyper Beams fired wildly at the moving target, but to no avail. As the sky guard moved in, the figure became engulfed in purple and red flames.

"We need to move faster, Vera," Sovereign said before taking off, running faster than he had run in his entire life. He knew he couldn't miss an opportunity like this. There was a dragon on the field. And he had a feeling he knew who it was.

Vera kept pace easily. She was much faster than Sovereign, even at his fastest, but didn't want to push too far ahead of him. Sovereign stopped within range of his target as the dragon finished tearing apart Ancients. He could see it's face as the flames subsided. It was definitely Ragnaros. Sovereign needed to grab his attention somehow. When one is caught up ripping up enemies, it can be hard to focus. "Stay back, Vera."

"What are you going to do, Sovereign?" She sounded very serious. "Alright, I warned you," he said as the earth began to shake. Vera quickly realized that he was starting an earthquake, and swiftly jumped as far as she could to avoid taking damage. He let out a loud, mighty roar, as buildings around them began to crumble, creating a giant cloud. He ground his feet into the dirt as the dust began to accumulate into granules of sand, which immediately began sweeping through the sky in a mad flurry.

Your move, Ragnaros.
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Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penance followed after Vigil with a smirk. Already his mind was calculating how to bring down the tower safely and without as few casualties on their side. He would have to factor in wind resistance as well as how heady the tower really was. He didn't want the Ancients being able to scamper away either so they would have to perform their attacks all at once to quickly break it otherwise they would lose their cover.

The Swift fought off some Ancients that had somehow strayed behind the group but the Scizor fought them off. Nothing big really. Eventually the group did make it to the tower where everyone met up and Bloodthirster was still in the sky fighting off the Ancients there. Good, they needed a distraction.

Penance turned to the others. "Alright, here's the plan. We all need to simultaneously attack the tower with your most powerful attack, but we need to be on the right side to do it. The tower will end up falling down wherever we hit the tower so everyone will need to get prepared and then position themselves so that we can hit a portion of the wall that is facing the Ancients. We will also probably take out some of the army as well, but don't mind that. We get that tower down and take out as many Ancients as we can until the Army will have superior numbers, then we hit the Sentinels. Stay in a group, do not split up the party or else we will be picked off! We have no idea how many more Sentinels there are in the city so always be prepared. Vigil, count us down and then we'll all rush over to the other side of the tower and get in a victory, got it?"
Ignus Delurus
Prince of Light

The ground shook, startling Ignus and making him drop his meal. He looked up from the mess he made, just in time to see the watchtowers fall.

Damn. The crazy bastards sure know how to start a battle.

Ignus had known that the Gold Tribe was going to attack sooner or later, but he didn't think they'd be able to actaully take Albia, because of the watchtowers. Now that the biggest threat was out of the way, it seems the Alpha's and Gold's had a fair shot, maybe even and advantage over the unintelligent Ancient Army.

Ignus ran behind a building, initiating his ability. Appearing behind a group of Ancients, he shifted into one of them. The dumb brutes never noticed him. Moving with them toward the Alpha Aliance's army, he made a plan in his head.

I can slip away once we reach the front gates, as long as the Alliance doesnt catch me thinking I am an enemy....or...I can leave now, and climb a building. Once at the top, I'll have a better view of the area, maybe even find someone of the Gold Tribe. Yeah, thats probably better than running around like an idiot and attacking things.

Ignus broke off from the small platoon of Ancients and quickly scaled a building. At the top, he crouched down to keep himself unseen. As he surveyed the scene, he noticed several Ancients converging together, probably the main attack force. Closer to one of the watchtowers were two or three figures conversing, as it looked. Ignus couldn'texactly make them out, but he thought one of them could be Sentry, one of the Silver Tribe. From what he knew, anyone who made a name for themself in the Silver Tribe was not to be crossed, at least not one on one...

Ignus was just 20 or so meters from the front gates, and he could see the Alpha Alliance making its way towards them. Getting out of here would be tough.....but does he really need to?

I can help the Alliance and Gold Tribe...then I wouldn't need to run anymore. Ignis realized. He chastized himself for not thinking of this earlier. His first thoughts were always to run...

Ignus hopped down to a lower roof, and then another and another, making his way down. When close enough to the ground, he jumped off, rolling to break his fall. As he dusted himself off, he activated his ability to disquise himself as an average Nidorino. He scurried off, and positioned himself just inside the city, hoping to join the Alliance one they came in. Hopefully, this would lead him back to other Gold Tribesmen, where he could aid them further.​
Emerald nodded a determined look on her face. This was her time to help her fellow Gold Tribe members, as well as a chance for her to do something better than what she had been doing and that was hiding. "alright" she muttered before moving to follow the others. She knew staying in a group was important and she wasn't going to foolishly put herself in danger, if she did then all her hard work would have been for nothing. Looking at Defender she nodded already having in mind what attack she would use. Emerald nodded her eyes glancing up in the sky to were Bloodthirster was fighting before looking back at the others.

"I'll be ready, just tell me when" was all she said, and that's what she was going to do, be prepared, keep an eye out and wait for the orders to attack the tower. She figured that Defender was trying to figure out how best to attack the tower, that was fine with her, she already knew she was going to use Hyper Beam, she was just going to wait for the order to do so.
The Swift
They don't look like they need my help. "Brothers...and sister, I'm going to hold the ground forces off. Knock the tower down. Now, see you in Hell." He leapt off the tower and hovered safely to the ground. "COME AT ME BROTHERS!" He got into an offensive stance as multiple Ancients charged him. Pathetic. He smashed the first Kabutops in the face with a Metal Claw and spun around to take an Armaldo out with a Bullet Punch. "Is that all you got?" He screamed to the endless swarm of Ancients that moved towards him. He struck out at everything that came close, be it Armaldo or Omastar. "YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!" He shouted aloud.

There were too many... He couldn't hold them off forever. I have an idea! He used Aerial Ace to speed to the base of the tower, cutting legs out from under his enemies on the way. "TO ME DEMONS! TO ME!" He challenged the army. "TO ME!" Even more Ancients moved in. He was getting tired...and fast. "TAKE THE TOWER OUT! DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ME!" He screamed to his brothers on the wall. "DESTROY IT NOW!" Half the Ancients were around him now. His plan would succeed if they did as he asked...​

As Zane ran with the others to the tower, Defender laid out the plan. Hit the side of the tower, hit it hard, stay in the group. Simple to remember, effective to execute. Zane nodded in understanding. Directly behind him, Zane could feel the earth shaking and a familiar sandstorm engulfing the sky. If he had to guess, it was probably that same Tyranitar Sentinel he saw at the ambush. Few other Pokemon could produce this mass destruction. They had to hurry now.

Zane noticed the area becoming more and more congested with Ancients. In a large group like they were in, there was no way they couldn't get spotted. Seeing that, the Swift decided to go on the offensive and hold off the Ancient around while the others took the tower down.

"Crazy bast*rd." Guardia said to Zane close by. "Then again, I'd probably do something like that as well."

Noticing that he was attracting a lot more than he would be able to hold off, he knew it was now or never. "Alright brothers and sisters. We have to bring this down together. On the count of three, release your strongest moves. One. Two. THREE!"

Zane rammed at the tower with an Iron Head, going full force into the flaming watchtower. Guardia launched her signature Thunder attack on herself, and then rammed into the tower as well. Calamity shot out a Thunder of his own at it. Noctus used his Focus Blast on it. The rest of the Gold Tribe released their attacks accordingly. After taking all the punishment from the Gold Tribe, the tower creaked from the damage, a line of wrecking across its body, before it slowly began to lean to the right, and then began to plummet to the ground. Ancients in the area began to notice this, but the massive size of the watchtower alone would give them no room to run away. Finally, the tower slammed onto the ground with a large SLAM, immediately filling the area with dust and smoke, and to Zane's ears he heard the screams of Ancients getting crushed under the weight of the tower. Even though Zane couldn't directly see it from the smoke and dust now in the area, he could hear the cheers and yells of Alpha Alliance soldiers. The Gold Tribe gave them an advantage. Now it was time for them to join the fight. Zane walked through the smoke where the tower fell. The tower smashed right through the wall leading right onto the battlefield where Ancients and AA soldiers clashed. Behind him, he saw Guardia crack her knuckles and neck, ready for action. "Let's do this." She said. Zane nodded.

"Alright brothers and sisters. Time to do what we do best. Stay reasonably close together. Be on the look-out for Sentinels. Let's move." With that said, Zane charged at the army, ready to do his part.
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

The Swift headed off and Penance inwardly groaned. If he went out there to fight then he would get hit by the tower! Did he not hear anything they were just discussing!? Still, he was gone before Penance could even speak and so instead he focused on the task at hand. Knocking down the tower as quickly as possible. They needed to turn the battle as quickly as possible. The group rushed over and soon everyone was firing off their attacks. Penance himself formed a large Water Bomb and let it hit into the foundation. As the attacks hit in quick succession the tower leaned and fell with a loud thud.

Penance could hear the cheers the army was giving but he couldn't focus on that right now. They still needed to find the Sentinels. Vigil was right, they had to stay together and not get separated. If they did they would go down faster than they could count. He just needed another strategy was all. He thought for a bit and as Vigil led the charge Penance followed after, already forming two Water Pulses in each hand.

He had to shout to be heard above the noise, "The Sentinels will probably head to the Generals! Stick around them and we'll see them in due time!"
The tower came crashing down on Jirmonji and all the Ancients around him. His life began to pass before his eyes. A young Scyther and a Scizor running through the Eden Forest, slashing out at the bandits around them. "Good. Keep fighting, Jirmon." The Scizor called out to the Scyther as if the warriors around them weren't there. The young boy grinned. He loved to hear his brother's approval. He was pinned down by a boulder. He was lucky. Ancients were all around him, scewered or crushed by stone. Damn. We got them. We got them good. He passed back into unconciousness. Two Scizors stood side by side, the older on the left. "I'm proud of you little brother. You proved them wrong." He was smiling. This made the younger brother grin. "All because of you brother." A Zangoose came forth and presented Jirmonji with a golden pendant. "You are now a member of the Gold Tribe, young warrior. What do you wish your title to be?" Jirmonji grinned. "I would like to be know as The Swift, sir." Jirmonji drifted back into conciousness again. The sounds of battle were all around him. A roar was cried out near him. This sent him into another slumber. Two Scizors stood back to back, fighting off Ancients left and right in the smoking Gold City. "Brother, we will not last much longer!" They were both exhausted and swamped by Ancients. The Swift noticed a Hitmonchan approach from a far distance. "HELP!" he called out to it, but as it closed in, it had a fire burning in it's eyes. It struck Jirmonji's brother with a mighty fire punch. He fell over, dying quickly. The Swift spun around and nailed the traitor with a Metal Claw, and finished it with a X-Scissor. After it died, he began to wail on the corpse with Metal Claw. "DIE, DIE, DIE!" He screamed. After his anger was satiated, he looked around. All the Ancients in the are had fled. "Oh Gods, I'm sorry brother. It's all my fault." He began to sob violently. "I must be stronger." He left Gold City and ventured into the nearby Korhal Mountains. He looked back at the once beautiful city. "I will return, brother. I promise on my honor." He turned around and never looked back as he kept walking.
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