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Emerald hack: Pokémon Spirit Emerald


  • 21,057

    Pokémon Spirit Emerald


    So this is my second Pokémon Emerald hack, which is slightly different from Pokémon Expert Emerald. I wanted to create a hack that didn't steer too much away from the original, yet incorporate newer features to make the game more entertaining and modernized. This game doesn't solely focus on difficulty like my previous hack, although there is an alternate difficulty patch for those who enjoy the challenge!

    What this hack entails will be listed below with a detailed background around each new feature incorporated. I would like to say thank you to LCCoolJ95 for providing me with the essentials to create this hack, without him this probably wouldn't have been possible.


    The following features have been incorperated to this hack:​

    • 494 Pokémon - Yes! All Pokémon right up until Generation IV can be obtained in this hack. So this includes all Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh Pokémon. This also includes Sylveon as the 494th available Pokémon.
    • New Moves - Over 100 new moves from Gen IV-Gen VI has been added to the game. A full list will be provided with the download
    • Fairy Type ~ Fairy-type is now present in the game, this replaces the "???" Type.
    • Physical/Special Split ~ Moves are now split into Physical, Special or Status category.
    • Re-usable TMs ~ All TMs are now reusable just as they are in Generation V.
    • Stat Changes ~ Some minor to moderate stat changes have been made to Pokémon with lower base stat totals.
    • Events ~ All legendaries can be caught by triggering an event which enables a one-off battle. These will be scattered around Hoenn with some being accesialbe before battling the Elite Four!
    • Movesets ~ The movesets of each individual Pokémon have been updated to their level-up moves in Generation IV, V & VI.
    • Alternate patches ~ There are two alternate patches to play with. The original patch just has a moderate difficulty but nothing too drastic with a comfortable level curve. The challenge patch on the other hand offers a more difficult approach, not much different to the vanilla patch with the exception of difficulty. In this patch you will find that all bosses use stategical full teams with a steeper level curve overall.

      There will be documentation to accomodate most of the new features and detailed lists of all new aspects to the game such as moves, evolutions, locations etc.​


    Just a selective few images of the many in-game changes!


    Special Thanks​

    • LCCoolJ95 ~ Providing me with the essentials to create this hack
    • Karatekid552 ~ For his tutorials and awesome Gen 3 Hacking Suite tool
    • Chaos Rush ~ For his tutorials and DS-style sprite project
    • Tlachtli ~ For his Physical/Special/Status icons
    • Jambo51 ~ For his very useful Trainer Editor tool
    • Aruaruu ~ For helping me with the flags to activate the Event Items
    • Pia Carrot ~ For the information on editing the Double Battle with Steven


    • The Pokédex entries may corrupt in which they are shifted half way across the page
    • The newly added Pokémon have yet to have their description edited, this is due to the text corruption issue
    • Castform no longer has the "Forecast" ability as the sprites became sorta glitchy in the process of adding newer sprites. It gains the ability "Speed Boost"
    • Picking up the Elemental Stones (particularly Fire Stone) before receiving the PokéNav will prevent you from receiving the PokéNav all together.
    • Kakuna & Metapod may learn some unusual moves

    Change Log​

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    Nice :-) It Finally Came With A Bang x] You Made Hells Of Changes Since Expert Emerald. Your One Of The Coolest Pal.

    I Have A Question, Will You Make A Pokemon Fire Red Generations 2.0 Too? :-D Regardless When, Just Wanna Know -_-

    Edit: I Notice The Move Description Of Close Combat Is The Same As... I Think Its Double Edge. Is That Intentional Because Of The Limited Space Of Descriptions?
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    Great to see another hack by you Hoenn and the best part is that it is another Emerald one.
    Go to play it as soon as i can.
    Minor (imho) bug: wild Sinnoh Pokemons always hold a random item. Mostly ????????s but Turtwig hold RM.6 Key.
    Minor (imho) bug: wild Sinnoh Pokemons always hold a random item. Mostly ????????s but Turtwig hold RM.6 Key.

    Thanks for this. I think I have a good idea as to why this happens. I'll fix it later as I'm already planning a couple of changes to the patches.

    Does this have any new abilities?

    Not right now, but it's definitely something I'd look into for future updates.
    Major Bug: After (partly skipped, dunno why) cutscene in Devon Corp. I don't obtains PokeNav, Brendan don't waits in Rustboro and there is no Briney in his house.
    Major Bug: After (partly skipped, dunno why) cutscene in Devon Corp. I don't obtains PokeNav, Brendan don't waits in Rustboro and there is no Briney in his house.

    Same bug. I'm playing the challenge version, if that matters. At first I thought maybe you'd just removed the PokeNav, and I missed that detail in the OP. But there actually isn't anyway to progress.

    Other than that. Enjoyable hack so far.
    I've got the same issue as the above, except I'm not playing in challenge. Once I got through the Devon corp stuff, I can't continue. I'll stalk the thread probably to see if it's fixed though, since I really did enjoy what I had played so far!
    Lots of Rotoms: Good
    No friendship evolutions: I really liked that kind of challenge.

    As for Scizor or the other pokemon who evolve with a held item, a Link Stone (as in other games) could have been useful, also useable-as-stones Magmarizer, Electrizer and Porygon's Upgrade and Dubious Disk.

    I really like what you done on this hack, as it's a very good alternative to Emerald Omega.
    Keep it up!
    Right so after a lot of searching, I've hopefully found the source of the glitch that prevents you from receiving the Pokenav and progressing with the storyline. I've also made a couple of other alterations to the new release. See Change Log for Beta 1.1 changes and details.

    If you've already downloaded the patch and started, then unfortunately you'll have to use the new patch over a clean ROM in order for the changes to be made. Luckily there wasn't much progress to be made after Rustboro anyway due to the glitch. Any issues or if the same glitch persists please let me know via VM/PM.

    Thanks. n_n
    Awesome Hack. By the way, do you think you could add the features Black and White 2 Repel System and Running shoes work indoors in the next update?
    I downloaded 1.1 patch(normal Edition) and started all over again but it seems that i still can't progress due to Pokenav issue. After receiving a Great Ball, he just takes me to Devon Corporation Building and nothing else is happening.