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FireRed hack: Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]


More cowbell~
  • 1,519

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]


    Nothing is pure in this world. Each of us have a darker side locked away in our soul. Only one thing known to man is pure - the legendary Pokémon Suicune, one of the three legendary dogs. Born to this world with Entei and Raikou, Suicune has watched over the world since its creation, keeping the world's harmony in balance. When mankind became corrupt, Suicune's power purified their hearts. When powerful Pokémon tried to seize control of civilization, Suicune defeated them and locked them in hidden prisons for the rest of eternity.

    Only a few humans have ever laid eyes on Suicune. Only one person has ever touched it. It's beauty and radiance has driven the weak power hungry and insane. Legend has it that Suicune can turn fatal, filthy water into pure, drinkable water. If it is captured, Suicune's power will turn its captors into gods. For the past few centuries, Suicune has been dormant along with Entei and Raikou because there has been little corruption in the world, until now...

    Our story begins with a young child. They wake up and walk downstairs to find their father ecstatic about something. Their father, a world renouned professor on the three legendary dogs, believes he has finally located Suicune after 20 years of research. He gives his child an errand as he leaves to find Suicune. The child then leaves to run the errand, unaware that they are about to be pulled into the adventure of a lifetime...

    Thread Rules

    • No spam.
    • Criticism is allowed.
    • Please read first post before posting.


    • A new region - A new place to explore
    • New rivals - More people to love and hate
    • A new berry system - Watch berries grow and grow
    • Time travel - See how the region used to look
    • Sidequests - Help people out for some yummy rewards
    • Item trees - Small, solitary trees that will occasionally yield items
    • Golden pokéballs - Rare items and pokémon are waiting to be found


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released][PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released][PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released][PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released][PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]



    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]


    When reporting bugs, please make sure you are playing the latest release: Alpha 1

    • Some graphics/sprites and item descriptions need changing
    • There are a few grammar errors/inconsistencies and texts that need changing
    • Heads on the worldmap are weird at times
    • Worldmap data is incomplete


    Q. Where does the beta end?
    A. At the 2nd gym.
    Q. I'm having some problems playing/patching the game.
    A. https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=73966
    Q. When will the next alpha/beta come out
    A. Asking for release dates counts as spam.
    Q. Will you change the tiles?
    A. I have changed them, but they've been kept Fire Red style.
    Q. Will you add D/P Pokemon?
    A. No, the original 386 Pokemon are enough.
    Q. I found a bug/glitch/oddity, what shall I do?
    A. Please post it and I will try and fix it ASAP.


    • Cuddlesthefatcat (sprites)
    • Fangking Omega (tiles)
    • Kyledove (tiles)
    • HackMew (asm)
    • Esmas (sprites)
    • Coronis (sprites)
    • Vrai (for not giving up on me)


    Alpha 1 - ends at Seaside City gym.
    Download - https://www.pokecommunity.com/attachments/58758&d=1296678707
    Mirror download - https://www.sendspace.com/file/ol2tza

    Last edited:
    The story is excellent by far one of my favourites
    and the features look good too!
    I'm going to enjoy this.

    I hope!

    Well seems i don't have right fr
    rom i'll just wait for someone to say which one.
    Last edited:
    This seems like a good game, i think ill play it :), btw i like the story for this hack, hope you can finish it.

    ps: i think the game would be better if you change the hero OW (just my opinion). im not forcing you to do it but i think it might be better.
    Last edited:
    Looks good. I also find the storyline to be intriguing, and will definitely play this hack when you've got it all finished and polished up. :)

    Good luck!
    Ah, a new hack,eh?
    Well this might turn out to be a good hack, just don't quit the hack. And if you need help, like mapping and such, I'm a pretty good mapper.
    The story is excellent by far one of my favourites
    and the features look good too!
    I'm going to enjoy this.

    I hope!

    Well seems i don't have right fr
    rom i'll just wait for someone to say which one.

    The rom is Fire Red version 1.0.
    You should be able to patch fine if you have the right rom. You just won't be able to open it in hacking tools (apart from VBA) when patched properly.

    Now time for some updates...

    Pokécenter and Pokémart

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    So basically, I ripped these from the old old Infernal Legend. :3
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    My biggest qualm with this is the amount of consecutive battles after going through Rainbow Forest. I blacked out twice because I ran out of moves on my Marshtomp, Teddiursa, & Spearow. But it's pretty good so far, keep up the work.
    My biggest qualm with this is the amount of consecutive battles after going through Rainbow Forest. I blacked out twice because I ran out of moves on my Marshtomp, Teddiursa, & Spearow. But it's pretty good so far, keep up the work.

    Yeah, I know. It also means Pokémon level up too quickly. So I've reduced the amount of trainers in all maps. Most maps had an average of 6 trainers; now they have an average of 4. :3

    Well, everything here is looking neat as ever. Palettes are in a good blend, your scripts are a go-go, and I'm excited to see progress on your last event. Good luck with it, because luck is all you might just lack!

    Well, everything here is looking neat as ever. Palettes are in a good blend, your scripts are a go-go, and I'm excited to see progress on your last event. Good luck with it, because luck is all you might just lack!

    Thanks. :3

    Eastward Cave Event

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    Just thought I'd show a little event in Eastward cave. Seems like you need rock smash but you won't have got the HM or the badge yet. :badsmile:

    Maybe the hiker could help... if you do something for him first. :3
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    No fear, Harry is here. I feel like commenting longer on this but I have chicken wings waiting and they're making me go omnomnomnom while looking at this hack. Pretty work though, I'm wondering why the map data is incomplete as it's terribly easy to fix.
    No fear, Harry is here. I feel like commenting longer on this but I have chicken wings waiting and they're making me go omnomnomnom while looking at this hack. Pretty work though, I'm wondering why the map data is incomplete as it's terribly easy to fix.

    Because I made it incomplete on purpose. I fill it up as progress goes along. :3
    Okay, progress has been going slow because of all the homework I've been given. However, I've been able to map a new route. :3

    Teal Path

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    So this is just another everyday path. :3
    It's congested with trainers, but most battles are optional.
    There's a healing house here so you won't have to backtrack through Eastward Cave if you need to heal. :3
    Okay, so yesterday, I decided to try some music hacking, and I found I could get Sappy to work. So I decided to rip some music I like and put it into Stardrop. :3

    New Music

    Just ignore the locations I'm in; this was an on the spot music test.
    First theme - Verdanturf Town from Emerald.
    Second theme - The hidden Crystal Pokécenter theme in Emerald.
    Third theme - Pokémarts in Emerald.
    Fourth theme - Lavaridge town in Emerald.

    I will definitely be using these themes, but I'm not sure if I'll insert anymore music. I hope you like them. :3
    Nice selection of music, Haseeb, but the cave entrance has a tile error (it needs a layer of mountain above the entrance). I'll have to get myself to play the Alpha soon, btw. :D

    you need to map for me ;o;
    I discovered an error in the script. Upon defeating this Rocket grunt and talking to him again, his dialogue just goes off the screen...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stardrop Version [Alpha 1 released]

    Other than that, though, I really like this hack. Interesting how despite being a FireRed hack, you're using mostly Hoenn Pokemon.