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[Released] Pokémon Story

Creator of Story

Make Your Story a Great One!
  • 12
    • Seen May 12, 2022
    Greetings. I have attempted and failed to properly introduce myself a number of times now, but I believe I have finally figured it out. I am the Creator of Story, which is the alias I have chosen to use for this portion of my online existence. It may seem like an unusual name; however, the name is derived from the game I created and wish to present to the world today.
    Indeed, that is because I am the Creator of...

    Pokémon Story Edition​
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Story

    This game I have created isn't like most other Pokémon games. Rather than creating a game that focuses on bringing new, unique Pokémon to life, or perhaps highlighting a degree of challenge or difficulty, I wish to do something different.
    I wish to tell a story.
    This game that I have created is more like an interactive visual novel over anything else. If reading dialogue from text boxes and pressing a button to advance the text for a large majority of your play time is not something that appeals to you, then perhaps this is not the game for you. For those of you who are interested however, allow me to show you what I can offer.

    Currently, this game is in a demo state, with progress only complete up to the first Gym Badge.


    • An interactives story that currently provides over twelve hours of gameplay.
    • A brand new region with a comprehensive backstory.
    • Moral choices which can drastically change the outcome of the story.
    • All Pokémon from Gen I-Gen VIII are available.
    • The ability to customize the Player Character.
    • The ability to customize the skintone of certain other characters.
    • Over a dozen unique side quests, and an interface to keep track of them.
    • Relationship "Affinity" Points can be accumulated, not just with the Player Character, but with other characters interacting with each other.
    • Music compiled from different franchises, such as Pokémon, Mario, Fire Emblem, DanganRonpa, and other Anime themed soundtracks.
    • A special Library which showcases the stories of real people, should they wish to provide their own unique story.
    • And plenty of other quality of life updates which are humbly provided thanks to the Creators and Contributors of Pokémon Essentials.


    Well, these aren't issues per say; however, I am aware that this game is far from perfect. I'd like to express awareness of this game's current grievances.
    • Some of the Graphics are very outdated/unappealing. Unfortunately, I am a very poor graphic artist.
    • With exception to one song (the opening song which could sound much better), every other song is copyrighted. I do not know how to make music.
    • Debugging certain Generation VII and Generation VIII Pokémon can result in unintended results, including crashes. I am not a very talented scripter.
    • I made this game entirely on my own, which means there is a very likely chance that there will be a bug of some sort.
    With all of this said, I am currently seeking assistance. If you would like to become the origins of a team and assist me in the creation of this game, please feel free to let me know at this email address. [email protected] Likewise, if you notice any bugs or any other issues that need to be brought to my attention, please use this email to inform me, and I will attempt to fix the issue in a timely manner.

    This game contains certain adult language, depictions of cruelty, and otherwise disturbing circumstances that may be unsettling to certain people. If at any point, you feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form, please do not force yourself to continue playing. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Any and all individuals whose works are used in this game are named in a text document labeled "Copyright". This text document is located directly above "Game.exe", and contains a large variety of names, sources, and otherwise necessary disclaimers. If you believe that a name, source, or anything else may be missing from this document, please inform me using the email listed above, and I will swiftly update the document.

    Warning, it is a large list.


    Last edited:
    Woo hoo! I am not sure why the pictures are no longer positioned where they are supposed to be, and I will be sure to edit that a little bit later down the road, but I am glad that I finally managed to get this game posted.
    I hope that those who play this game enjoy it!
    Lovely so far, I just got to the part where you can pick starters, and the script when you pick Ponyta hangs afterwards, as your Friend goes to pick the other choices.
    Also.. can you take out that snippet about flashing lights? Its kind of pointless.. and just annoying to scroll through EVERY TIME we launch the game/reset..
    Thank you everyone for sending in bug reports so far. While I am certain we are far from finding every single issue, I have gone ahead and made a new version of Pokémon Story Edition to accommodate certain issues, a few of them involving game crashes.

    To update from Version 1.0 to Version 1.0.1, please redownload the game using any of the above links.

    • Fixed the issue that caused a crash whenever anybody chose Ponyta as a starter.
    • Fixed the issue which caused catching Furfrou to crash the game...by replacing it with another Pokémon (I am not a good enough programmer to understand why this happens).
    • Updated graphics to make a reflection appear when you stand over a puddle.
    • Change some of the dialogue in certain parts of the game.
    • Added an additional television event in a currently undisclosed house.
    • Cleaned up some of the Graphics files, and updated the .dat files.
    • Updated the Copyright Document.

    If none of the above concerns you, you do not have to install the new version.

    In regards to the warning of flashing lights, I have not changed this issue, as I feel it is a necessary message. However, if more people legitimately have issues regarding this message, then I will find another way to present the message.

    Finally, regarding the issue that presents an error that says Pokemon_ShadowPokemon539, can you please send me your save file so that I can investigate the reason as to why this has occurred for you? Thank you.

    That is all. Until next time.
    just found a new issue in 1.0.1 that wasnt in 1.0, idk if it was due to loading my 1.0 save file in 1.0.1 or not but
    Issue mentioned in the above post has been resolved! You'll have to redownload Version 1.0.1 for the effects to take place.

    I have realized that this has pretty much turned into a public beta test. Perhaps I should have reached out to others before posting this game to the world.
    In other words, please be patient with me. I will get you to the end of this version, one way or another.
    yo so when i try to play i get locked and dialogue doesnt continue right after absol leave and mother green say shit
    Issue listed in the above post has been resolved! Please redownload Version 1.0.1 for the effects to take place.
    Update! Version 1.1 of Pokémon Story Edition has been released! Most of these changes are quality of life updates; however, there is at least one change that solves an issue that can result in a crash.

    A big thank you to Maruno for his help.

    • Fixed a script error that caused capturing Pokémon with multiple forms to crash the game.
    • Re-added Furfrou to the game, as it was in Version 1.0.
    • Added an icon sprite for Shiny Furfrou and Star-Trim Furfrou.
    • Fixed an audio bug that caused a sound effect to play unnecessarily during an early game cutscene.
    • Fixed an issue which caused the overworld Pokémon of Khorinbue Lake to become unable to move.
    • Fixed an oversight on the town map, which incorrectly states Route 13 as Route 14.
    • Fixed the dialogue of an NPC who refers to Route 14 as Route 15.
    • Edited the metadata so that entering TinBell Town will result in a text box dropping down from the top left corner with the name "TinBell Town".
    • Added additional names to the Copyright Document.

    If you have already downloaded Version 1.0.1 and the above issues are not an issue for you (or perhaps you are a fan of Wooloo), you do not have to redownload the game.
    And as always, if you find anymore bugs, oversights, or other issues, please continue to let me know. I appreciate it, and thank you once again for playing my game.
    just got around to finishing the demo or w/e u wanna call it, that ending kinda hurt me a bit tho i do have some theories about it but will hold off on saying anything since for one the next big update aint out yet ofc and because it partakes to something that could possibly happen in the next big update
    Hey so i ran into this bug where i cant switch out of porygon no matter what ---------------------------
    Pokemon Story
    [Pokémon Essentials version 17.2]

    Exception: NameError

    Message: uninitialized constant PBEffects::TracedAbility

    PokeBattle_Battler:524:in `pbInitialize'

    PokeBattle_Battle:1348:in `pbReplace'

    PokeBattle_Battle:1368:in `pbRecallAndReplace'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2806:in `pbAttackPhase'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2773:in `each'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2773:in `pbAttackPhase'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2574:in `pbStartBattleCore'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2573:in `logonerr'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2573:in `pbStartBattleCore'

    PokeBattle_Battle:2559:in `loop'

    This exception was logged in

    C:\Users\Corruptedchris\Saved Games\Pokemon Story\errorlog.txt.

    Press Ctrl+C to copy this message to the clipboard.
    Issues listed in the previous two posts have been resolved! Please redownload Version 1.1 for the effects to take place.

    In other news, I am very happy to see that people are making it to the end of the current version, and have at least become somewhat invested in the story. I wouldn't say this classifies as a demo, but I wasn't really sure what to call something that has only reached the first Gym Badge, so I stuck with the word demo.

    The next big update will be a few months from now, at the minimum. Until then, please continue to enjoy the current version. If you find yourself with time to spare, you can always load up another save file and do things differently to see a somewhat different story.

    Fun Fact: If the game detects that you have multiple save files, you can skip the Prologue in its entirety! That way, you won't have to skip through the same text all over again.

    But that's all from me for now. Until next time.
    will we get more chances to raise affinity to get more events because i feel like i messed up somewhere along the way when i only got nina's
    Every chapter will have its own affinity events, and each chapter will have a specific number of characters that can have their affinity increased. For Chapter 1's case (plus the prologue), there are six characters that you can increase affinity with. But you knew this.

    Don't worry though, it is perfectly normal to have only reached the set goal for one character on the first playthrough. Doing the math, the maximum number of characters you can reach the set goal for in Chapter 1 is any combination of two (in regards to the Player Character with another character). It is impossible to max every character's affinity in a single save file, so choosing who to increase affinity with largely rests on you.

    But to answer your question, there will be more chances to raise affinity with the characters in Chapter 1. From there, if you have not reached the set goal for certain characters, you will be able to do it then without feeling as though you missed out on anything (think of it like the confidants from Persona 5).
    Awesome. So i've reached the end and honestly i am excited for chapter 2 the story is pretty good and the ending got me thinking on some things.