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Emerald hack: Pokémon Theta Emerald EX

About 800 Pokémon or a second region in a ROM hack?

  • 800 Pokémon

    Votes: 44 54.3%
  • Second Region

    Votes: 37 45.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Limited Capacity
  • 638
    It's been over a year since I really updated the original Theta Emerald, with only 650 Pokémon. Then I released an alpha of Theta Emerald EX...which I still hate to this day. I wanted to recreate the game, start from scratch, and start over. That's what I did, and now I can finally that the new Theta Emerald EX is officially released!

    -721 Pokémon: Every Pokémon from Bulbasaur, all the way to Volcanion, is in this game, and they are all available to catch!
    -600+ Moves: All moves (up to Gen VI) are in the game, and work as they do in Gen 6!
    -Proper Physical/Special Split: I mean, why not?!
    -100+ Abilities: All abilities (up to Gen VI) are in the game, and work as they do in Gen 6!
    -Fairy-type: Fairy-type has been included, and given to their respective Pokémon and moves!
    -New/Updated Items: There are battle ready items to collect, where they can be bought, or found on wild Pokémon!
    -Item Pocket Extension: I couldn't find a better way to say it. The Main Items Pocket has been extended to hold 200+ Items!
    -100+ REUSABLE TMs: How else can I describe it haha!
    -Proper Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion: I hated the way Mega Evolutions were in the dumb alpha, so it works as intended now!
    -Battle Frontier Updated: I did this for the fun of it. The Battle Frontier has no limits to which Pokémon you bring (You can use your Mega Rayquaza holding a Life Orb). But the Trainers there are allowed to use them as well ;)
    -Running Indoors: Way more convenient, in my opinion.
    -New Repel System: Instead of hunting through your bag for a Repel, the game will ask you if you want to use another one!
    -Gain EXP from capturing a Pokémon: Now with no more Pokédex glitch!
    -Deletable HMs: THANK GOD!
    -Level 1 Eggs: No other way to describe this!
    -New Battle Backgrounds: It makes it look a little more updated!
    -Harder Difficulty (as of 2-5-2017): I've received complaints of the game being too easy, so the game has been adjusted accordingly.
    -Level 250 (as of 2-5-2017): 7.8/10 too much level


    Not glitches:

    • Lack of animation of some moves. (They will be done as time goes on)
    • Lack of form/forme changes. (They will be done as time goes on)
    -DizzyEgg/KDS: For dealing with my annoying nature and helping me, and their Emerald Battle Engine
    -MrDollSteak: Gen 6 Pokémon Sprites
    -Chaos Rush: DS-Styled sprites (Gen 1-5), and his patch changing some of the palettes to Ruby
    -Sky High/SBird: Pokémon Expansion
    -Starfall321: Item/TM Pocket Expansion/Extension
    -Blue: Editing the rest of the Trainers that I did not have the time to edit
    -PurpleOrange: For showing me how to make the National Dex available at the beginning of the game
    -Drayano: For using his Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire as a base
    -Game Freak: For using Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire for the location of items and TMs ;)
    (If I forgot to credit anyone, let me know)


    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/t9tcxmaj1o7j15o/Theta_Emerald_EX_2-27-2017.rarhttps://www.mediafire.com/file/dmrg301f373aa37/Theta+Emerald+EX+2-12-2017.rar

    -Patch of the game
    -Patcher application (click Ignore checkbox when patching)

    Happy playing, my friends :)
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    Hi. Thanks for your hack, it looks awesome!

    I have a question: Any chance of you add the Black & White 2 XP System in the game? Also, any chance of you add more boxes for pokemons? 14 is not enough to catch'em all :(
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    I presume this is the best place to report bugs to you, but if not please let me know where you would prefer it.

    While playing through the current build, I noticed a few oddities:
    1) Tympole's box sprite is really high up and could do with being lowered. It looks like it's flying compared to the other pokemon.
    2) The grassy plain battle background is too small on the foe's side, meaning that most of the time trainers and pokemon look like they're falling off the podium (you probably know about this though tbh)
    3) When Zorua levels up or has its illusion broken, it seems to sometimes change gender. My male Zorua showed as a female when its illusion broke, then when I checked my party to see whether I was going mad it was male. When I exited out of the menu and back to the battle, it was male again as normal. So yeah, it seems to be going through somewhat of a gender crisis.
    4) Softlock when Purrloin was switched in vs an Aqua Grunt in Slateport City. Toxic Spikes were on the field, and the game froze on "Purrloin was poisoned" as it was sent in. EDIT: The same Purrloin later softlocked when sent in again, even though Toxic Spikes weren't on the field. Starting to think this is a Purrloin issue.

    I also have a few suggestions since a lot of the grass patches are a little cramped with so many pokemon species in them:
    1) The game corner in vanilla Emerald allowed you to exchange coins for TMs and dolls, could it be made to offer pokemon as prizes like other games in the series? Depending on how many are obtainable here, it would mean that a fair few of them could be taken out of grass patches to seem like the world is a bit less crowded.
    2) This wouldn't be quite as good, but there could be a pokemon seller somewhere who sells specific species.

    Both of the above would serve as a nice way to obtain pokemon that don't really fit sensibly anywhere in Hoenn (like Snover, for example).

    3) I don't see you going for this either, but would you ever want to add minor new locations? Such as another floor in Rusturf Tunnel? Some places seem rather underdeveloped as it currently stands and could use some fleshing out. This would also provide opportunities to spread out the pokemon more easily in a natural way.

    Hopefully you read this :P I'd love to see your hack continue to improve as time goes on. I'll post any bugs I discover here, unless you'd prefer them elsewhere.
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    forget what i said before in your other thread because this is the best rom hack ever
    but i cant play it because i cant patch this
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    I like everything about this hack EXCEPT the level 200 thing.
    Thanks for your hard work, I might play it :)
    This is really great so far!

    One suggestion I want to make, and I really hope you can implement this, is to add one small area from each generation accessible from the SS Tidal (i.e. Kanto Ticket, Sinnoh Ticket, etc). They would be small sections, a dungeon/cave or a few routes and MAYBE a town, but that would really help the crowding issue since you could put some (not all) out of region Pokemon in their own zones. As it is there's just a bit too many Pokemon in each area, even though you've divided them pretty smartly. But using the SS like this would be really clean, and it circumvents having to screw with fly points/the map so it wouldn't be hard. If you don't want to deal with using just port towns you could have an NPC who "flies" (warps) you to the areas instead.

    Let me know what you think. Something like this could add a ton of content without a huge amount of work so I really hope you'll consider it

    EDIT: can anyone who is successfully playing this tell me what exactly (Emerald dump, emulator, settings, etc) they used to get it to work? VBA blackscreens and No$ just crashes, and my EZ4 gives a white screen.
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    Will you make a Base Rom out of this AWESOME (in my opinion) Rom?
    Similar to your 650 emerald patch, a plain emerald Rom but with all this awesome features (except max level being 200, I don't like that sorry :D )
    The updated version is outstanding, easily one of the best hacks I've ever played.

    Thanks again LC.

    If anyone needs 6IV Dittos, I can add them to your .sav file, or I can give you the codes you need to make them. I've tested a few Gameshark codes already and they work just like the do in vanilla Emerald.
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    The updated version is outstanding, easily one of the best hacks I've ever played.

    Thanks again LC.

    If anyone needs 6IV Dittos, I can add them to your .sav file, or I can give you the codes you need to make them. I've tested a few Gameshark codes already and they work just like the do in vanilla Emerald.

    I do! Can you pm me or something?

    LC, how is shinyness and breeding like in this game? Did you add in the destiny knot?
    Illusion doesn't quite work in double battles. I'm not sure if it's just a visual glitch or what, but Zorua still appears as Zorua with the name of the pokemon it's meant to be transformed into.

    Other than that, pretty fabulous job so far. I'm right by Brawly and I love what I'm seeing. The only pet peeve of mine is 200 levels... not a fan of that change.
    The updated version is outstanding, easily one of the best hacks I've ever played.

    Thanks again LC.

    If anyone needs 6IV Dittos, I can add them to your .sav file, or I can give you the codes you need to make them. I've tested a few Gameshark codes already and they work just like the do in vanilla Emerald.

    I definitely do. Would you be able to PM me? I'm a little concerned about how I'm gonna beat the Battle Frontier now that everyone has competitive pokes, so the more I can get the better! Are there any 6IV codes that work with this game?
    ​Congratulations on the release LC! Thanks so much for your hard work, I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far. Especially looking forward to the Battle Frontier! Got a few things that I've noted down as I've been playing, none of which are particularly significant and some were probably intentional lol. Though I'd let you know regardless in case you weren't aware:
    • The berries you've added read 'Cheri' when you plant them, and in the bag it says you have '?1' of these new berries too.
      side note: do you know if there are any patches to fix RTC so the game can be played on hardware? I'm playing the game on my 3DS but none of my berries are growing :( I have tried this patch (in addition to this patch that fixes saving) but it seems to scramble the Pokémon names.
    • Some Pokémon have quite long pauses after their cries - e.g. Shinx
    • There don't seem to be any hidden items on the ground where there were in the original games - is there any need to use the Itemfinder?
    • You start with ₽50,000 (I'm not complaining as it meant I could buy loads of TMs in Mauville)
    • Game Corner is missing...? (Fair enough if this is intentional)