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Yellow hack: Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019


Quiet Pokémon fan
  • 36
    Pokémon Yellow Advanced (Final) changes (Last Update!)

    This hack is an update of my previously version of this hack (Pokémon Yellow Advanced), done back in 2012. It is now final for real!

    Here is the list of the majority of the changes that I did:
    - Almost all Pokémon learns at least 1, 2 or 3 new moves at level 1! They are picked from their Egg moves list, or move tutor, up to Generation 7, even including Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee.
    - Also, most Pokémon can learn new moves (from Gen 1, of course!) while they level-up as well. These moves have been taken from future generations (Even up to Gen 8!), egg moves or duplicates of the same great and essential moves that needed to be relearned (To avoid a Pokémon from being walled completely!). Each moveset have been carefully done, and in total, 553 new moves have been added among the 151 Pokémon (Except Ditto, Caterpie, Weedle and Magikarp, of course!)! Enjoy! (For a list of the new movesets, visit the section in the website, or view a joined PDF or Excel document!)
    - Geography has been enhanced! Routes are expanded a little, with some empty houses to make them habitable! (Just for decoration, you know)
    - Many important items have reduced prices (Mostly inspired by Pokémon Crystal's clearance sales of Goldenrod City's Dept-Store rooftop). The items include Poké Balls, potions, full Heal, revives, vitamins, etc. This will help you, especially in the beginning!
    - Some items, such as the Moon Stone, Ether and Elixer, now have a price, to match the legal price in later games.
    - All trainers, Gyms leaders, Rival battles and Elite 4 have changed significantly! They are all harder than before! Many have brand new Pokémon too! Some trainers even have up to 6 Pokémon on their team, so be prepared for some challenges! Also, movesets for Gyms and Elite Four have been carefully done and revised to give you a great challenge!
    - Your rival's starter is a Dratini.
    - You can now buy all TMs at various Marts through Kanto. For example, you can buy TM19 and TM48 at Pewter City's Mart.
    - TM04 is now Gust instead of Whirlwind (They are similar moves, right? Since I couldn't change TMs compatibilities, it's the only new TM in this game! Also, Whirlwind is completely useless in a trainer battle, so Gust is a slightly better option).
    - Some attacks have been readjusted to be like the future games (Like they should always have been in some cases!). For example:
    o Karate Chop is a Fighting-type move.
    o Gust is a Flying-type move.
    o Sand-Attack is a Ground-type move.
    o Mega Drain has a power of 75 and Absorb has a Power of 40 (That's the same as LGP/LGE)
    o Jump Kick and Hi Jump Kick have power of 100 and 130 respectively (Like since Black/White!)
    o Dig and Fly has power of 80 and 90 respectively (Like since Diamond/Pearl!)
    o Other moves have been adjusted according to 7th Gen (Sun/Moon positives changes in power only).
    - You can get Mew via an In-game trade! (Cool!)
    - The Snorlax on Route 16 is level 35 (The other at Route 12 is level 40), Zapdos is level 45, Moltres is still level 50, Articuno is level 74 and Mewtwo is level 80.
    - Game corner prizes have changed: Meowth, Ekans and Koffing (Counter 1), Omanyte, Kabuto and Porygon (Counter 2), and PP UP, Moon Stone and Master Ball (Counter 3).
    - Wild Pokémon have changed significantly in every route, areas or caves, and even in the sea (See a joined Word Document for details). Also, each Pokémon is sure to appear in the wild in this game, but some are really very rare!
    - Many dialogs have changed or have been improved! You'll mostly hear new dialogs about many things about friendship or life. (I hope that you'll learn a couple of things, or if not, that you'll remember important things about friendship, coz I really think that friendship is important for everyone, and we have to know it well in order to have great friends, and to be a great friend to them as well!)
    - You can buy Rare Candies at Celadon Dept-Store (5F), which are sure to help you in the later part of the game. (Note you can still trade Pokémon by using TGB DUAL, and since traded Pokémon grow faster, it will sure help!)
    - You can now name your player and your rival! (I fixed that!!)

    Here are some pictures:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Yellow Advanced 2019

    Download the IPS file from this link:


    Patch this file using Lunar IPS to an original English Pokémon Yellow ROM.
    Website of the hack:

    Hope that you'll have fun with my game!


    • Pokemon-Yellow-Advanced-Final-docs.zip
      837.3 KB · Views: 195
    • Pokemon Yellow Advanced (Final).ips
      89.6 KB · Views: 112
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    I appreciate your effort (especially with the Pokemon distribution), but some things bother me:

    1. Are the player and rival's names fixed? I haven't downloaded the game yet, but that is what your post implies.
    2. Both Lance and the rival have a Dragonite? They're consecutive battles.
    3. There is a 20 level gap between Lorelei and the rival. Why not leave room for rematches instead of this? Are the regular trainers adjusted for this level curve?
    4. There are some weird omissions in the rosters. I prefer LGPE's for the most part.

    Personally, here are the things I'm looking for in a Yellow hack (please don't interpret this as me telling you what to do):

    1. This is a big one, but following Pokemon across the board.
    2. The physical/special split, and preferably two Special stats. Other mechanics aren't needed.
    3. More essential moves. LGPE didn't quite nail this, but they could be used as a base.
    4. Cross-generational relatives and even Alolan variants (they could be incorporated as separate species).
    5. The LGPE rosters as a base with some improvements. Also rematches.
    6. Being able to pick between Pikachu and Eevee would be nice, as would letting them evolve.
    7. More anime characters and references. Brock and Misty could show up every now and then.
    8. Story-wise, more about Mewtwo, Mew, Mr. Fuji and even Green (or alternatively Red if you play as Green). Cerulean Cave could have more powered-up clones reminiscent of the first movie. Silver, Archer and maybe Ariana would add substance to Giovanni's defeat.
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    Been looking through the docs, but wasnt able to see anything, have you chanhed pokemon that evolve via trade or has that been left untouched?
    ericgall you eliminate the missigno glitch mew glitch and another glitches?
    Hello everyone!

    I published the final update of this hack, coz i fixed some things about some wild Pokémon and I improved most dialogs to be different.

    Everything has been updated on the first post of this topic, and on the website as well!

    You should update your game with the newest and final IPS file. (It's named Pokémon Yellow Advanced (Final).ips)

    I hope you really enjoy it! ;)


    Hi, Eric. I love your game! BTW just curious is there a way to evolve trade pokemon like Kadabra to Alakazam or Graveler to Golem?
    Not in the game, but you can always trade by using TGB Dual! It's really a fantastic tool that will let you trade Pokémon with other ROMS. ;) Trust me, it works once you know how to use it! ;)
    When do rare candies get unlocked? Cant seem to find them in dept store..
    So... I downloaded this hack thinking it would be really good. Updated maps, egg moves being incorperated, the typings of Gust and Karate Chop being fixed (especially the latter being cool, Mankey is awesome in this hack), better TM availability, increased Pokemon availability, increased difficulty. It has the foundation of a great hack but I have major problems with it that dampen the experience a lot.

    First, why was so much dialogue changed? I mean normally I wouldn't have an issue with that. When I first started, I wanted to talk to every NPC to see what was different. But I quickly found that almost everyone is one-track-mindedly obsessed with friendship and loneliness to an odd, unrealistic degree. It's really distracting and offputting. I stopped paying attention to the dialogue period. Also, why does everyone seem to know the player's name?

    Second, the fact that trade evolutions weren't removed, and that Pikachu can't evolve. (I was gonna say "starter Pikachu", but it's all Pikachu, because in Yellow, any Pikachu matching your OT and Trainer ID is unable to evolve. So, a Pikachu caught on Route 1 can't evolve either.) You say in the comments "You can use TGB Dual", but that is such a hassle. The entire purpose of the trade evolution mechanic does not contribute to the emulation experience. The purpose of that mechanic is social, and you'd be trading with yourself which instead makes it contrived. When I found out I can't evolve my Pikachu, I ended up releasing my starter Pikachu, I used a Wild Pokemon Modifier cheat to find a Raichu, catch it, and used a move modifier cheat to give it the same moves as my Pikachu. I am not installing a special emulator just to be able to use a Thunderstone on my starter, or to activate a trade evolution. I also doubt TGB Dual works on smartphones, meaning people playing on smartphones would be totally out of luck trying to evolve their Pokemon.

    Third, ...the updates to the maps are not good. You pretty much got rid of all the off-road paths and things requiring you to come back later. This makes the game less fun. You can immediately access those items on Route 2, immediately access the guy with the Dream Eater TM in Viridian City, immediately get the Old Amber. Viridian Forest is like entirely covered in grass which makes navigating it a huge pain without repels, essentially turning it into a cave. Mt. Moon is linear. Many routes are just giant fields of grass with a path cutting right to where to go. These aren't map changes that make the game more interesting, they make navigation more linear, less compelling, and thus boring.
    The only thing map change-wise I liked is that you made Mt. Moon accessible from Cerulean City, which was a thing I always hated about Kanto; Cerulean City being a point of no return until you reach Diglett's Cave. Speaking of Diglett's Cave, it's nice that you have access to some ground and rock Pokemon before the first gym now, but I hate that Diglett's cave no longer connects to Vermilion. It makes backtracking to that one guy to get the Flash HM a pain. I did not have 10 Pokemon yet when I first talked to the aide that gives out the Flash HM. I'm the type of player to not really care about completing the Pokedex, so normally I obtain 10 Pokemon by playing normally and evolving my team. I didn't realize the gravity of what was done to Diglett's Cave until I got to Vermilion, and it was a huge, huge hassle going all the way back there.
    And finally, this last thing regarding maps is tiny, but all those houses having toppled over plants and broken tables is really weird.

    Sorry if this was harsh, I'm just disappointed. None of these comments pointed out these major problems except the trading thing, which made me think this would be really good.
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    Second, the fact that trade evolutions weren't removed...

    Completely agree with this post, and especially this paragraph where I quoted the first sentence only for cohesion. I simply refuse to play any romhack that does not remove trade evolutions. "But you can use TGB DUAL", "But you can catch them in the wild", "But you can trade them in game" doesn't fly; there should be an alternative way for us lonely souls that cannot evolve their Pokémon that normally needs trading.
    Hi! I published a last and final update to this game, and it was truly needed.

    Bref, I updated the first post of this post.

    For short, I updated the movesets of almost all Pokémon with a total of 553 new moves among the 151 Pokémon (These moves are of course from GEn 1, but are inspired by future generations, egg moves and duplicates of key movers on some Pokémon (for avoigind these Pokémon to be walled completely!). Also, I corrected many dialogues, updated many trainers and several items has adjusted or reduced prices, along with the many other changes I did before!

    Hope you all enjoy it better than before, and I put a lot of time, precision, devotion and work into updating it! ;)
    I think I'll give this another whirl since I remember having fun with it before and I have a long airplane ride coming up.

    I'm confused as to what has actually changed since the last update though. Your post looks the same to me. Have any stats been altered? Does Leech Life now have a attack power of 80?

    Thank you for these hacks anyway.
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    are there any cheats for this game?
    trying to beat the elite 4 haha



    When do rare candies get unlocked? Cant seem to find them in dept store..


    Hi, Eric. I love your game! BTW just curious is there a way to evolve trade pokemon like Kadabra to Alakazam or Graveler to Golem?

    maybe. but I encountered & caught a wild Alakazam somewhere in cerulean cave though that encounter is almost rare
    It has the foundation of a great hack but I have major problems with it that dampen the experience a lot.

    Quickly checked out the new version. None of the issues I mentioned in my comment here were addressed whatsoever. Trade mons still can't evolve without trading, including Pikachu (The hacker hates people who play on smartphones who can't use GB Dual or whatever it was I guess). The dialogue was claimed to have been fixed but is still cringily one-track mindedly obsessed with friendship as ever, as far as I can tell. Diglett's Cave still does not lead to Vermilion which forces backtracking. The bad map changes in general remain, the removal of all reason to return to previous areas and routes being just fields of tall grass with paths cutting through them. And again, why do so many houses have toppled over plants and footprints all over them for no reason? It's so weird.

    Huge shame. Very disappointed.
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