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Pokémon & Yokai Watch

  • 60
    Welcome to the thread!.

    Note: English is not my native language.

    Of course Pokémon is older than Yokai Watch. Yokai watch copied many aspects of Pokémon like the idea of collecting monsters. In the beginning of Yokai watch game & series, that ghost Whisper came out of a capsule that looks like a Pokéball. Also, the hero of Yokai watch was catching insects, when he found Whisper. Every new Yokai watch episode introduces a Yokai to us similar to Pokémon.

    The new Pokémon sun & moon looks very similar to Yokai Watch. Both series are copying each other.
    Well, I think using the word "inspire" is better. Both series are inspired by each other.

    I have collected more information from the Internet. I did a little research. Wait for the images to appear. Ok

    The Z-ring toy (Pokémon) looks similar to the Yokai watch toy:
    Read about the Z-ring here:


    And here is the Yokai watch:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    Second the Rotom pokédex is similar to the role of Whisper in Yokai watch:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    The posture of Ash in the poster is similar to the posture of the hero of Yokai Watch:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    I said in a previous thread: those z-moves look like the dances of Yokai Watch.

    The comedy of the new Pokémon series is similar to that of Yokai watch:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    The setting of the new Pokémon series is a school (similar to Yokai Watch).

    The colours of the outfits are similar or very near (the red, blue .....).
    Notice the similarities. They even have the watch-like toys:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    I guess the introduction of the Ultra beast (Pokémon) was to add some strange monsters like those of Yokai Watch.

    The idea of adding culture to Alola region reminds me of the cultural parts of Yokai Watch. Pokémon needs fictional culture in order to success with the international fans. Still Pokémon SM has many references to the culture of Hawaii. Yokai Watch is very related to the Japanese culture.

    Do you think there are more similarities?I think the new changes of Pokémon SM are the answers of Pokémon to the fame of Yokai Watch. Raising up the competition!Competition is fine. It brings creativity. It gets people out of their laziness.

    This discussion is about Pokémon & Yokai watch.
    With the Sun and Moon is like Yokai Watch theory, I can understand where it comes from. There's a few things that should be noted though.

    1) Strange poses and comedy are the focus of a lot of Japanese animes. Pokemon and Yoakai just take inspiration from what's been know to work in Japan. So with both these animes representation those, it's just them trying to appeal to the Japanese audience. The change to this in Pokemon may have been affected by the success of Yokai Watch though. This is because the Pokemon anime wasn't doing so good in Japan this past series,but YW was. So they may be taking inspiration from it to try and better the popularity of the anime in Japan.

    The first few points do stand though. The Z ring is like the watch, but functions very different, so it's not an entire copy.

    2) I don't really see the outfits being similar. The colors are opposite, but Red and Blue always are. Ash is taking his look for the male protagonist of Sun and Moon. Which has a lot less similarities to YW. So I can't say that links the two animes together. Although other thoughts on this would be interesting.

    3) I also have to say that I can't see UBS being Yokai references. That's because we already have those. Mawile is based on a Yokai, and I can't think of the others atm. Imo UBs are more meant to be super bosses or something more. After all the games made these, not the anime. The games aren't trying to complete with YW as they sell better, but the anime doesn't and is competing.

    We'll see more to separate the UBs as their own thing in the games most likely.

    4) The cultural aspect is an interesting one. Again imo, I don't see it mimicking YW. YW is based on Japanese culture and stories. Sun and Moon is based in Hawaii, which is probably the most culture filled place in the United States. They have vast legends and lore, and are great at story telling.

    With Sun and Moon being a celebration of the series, it's likely that they chose Hawaii to help celebrate all the different stories they've told over the years, with a new and exciting one that embodies them all.

    However this is another thing easier to have a discussion on when we see more of it in game.

    Outside of these points, I'd say anything I didn't cover is certainly meant to be taken from Yokai Watch. Most likely to try and boost the anime's appeal as it hasn't done well in Japan in the past few years. It's why I hope the Sun and Moon anime does well in the west to, as I wouldn't want to see it fail.

    It looks like it could be a lot of fun to watch. It might be mimicking Yokai Watch's humor, however I think we'll humor in a different but still fun way. At least in the dub, as Yokai Watch is still popular in the states, but not as big as it is in Japan. So they might make the anime less like it here, but still take inspiration from it.

    The result should certainly be interesting! I'm looking forward to whenever the first episode airs so I can see what's it like.
    ...Pokemon and Yokai Watch are both animated by the same company, so of course they're going to borrow from each other. Quite nonsensical to compare them. Please stop comparing the two. It's getting kinda upsetting in my opinion. There's really no competition and that's that. Also, Nate life doesn't resolve around school. =/

    Whisper gets info, he doesn't contain it. How is that similar?

    The watch summon Yokai, and the Z ring is for Z moves, no similarity there.

    (BBL to add more).
    Last edited:
    ...Pokemon and Yokai Watch are both animated by the same company, so of course they're going to borrow from each other. Quite nonsensical to compare them. Please stop comparing the two. It's getting kinda upsetting in my opinion. There's really no competition and that's that. Also, Nate life doesn't resolve around school. =/

    Whisper gets info, he doesn't contain it. How is that similar?

    The watch summon Yokai, and the Z ring is for Z moves, no similarity there.

    (BBL to add more).

    There is no reason for this to not be brought up or discussed. It can become an interesting topic based on what direction this anime goes in. And the same company making them, would of course make it sensical to compare them.

    And a good portion of Yokai Watch takes place in school. Same for this season from the looks of it. We also see that like Yokai Watch, they'll be a lot of adventures outside of school. So they are similar in that regard.

    Where do you think Rottom Dex gets info? Not from himself. The data is given to him, like what happens with Whisper. It's a pokedex, people make them, not the machine itself. Therefore it can't maintain itself, it needs additional help.

    The Z ring, as I said, and can agree with, is pretty different to the watch. Plus it's an add on to the mega ring. So it isn't directly mimicking the watch. The poses can be considered, but I think that's just a GF choice as this game has had a lot of time to be developed and seemingly the Z ring existed before Yokai Watch got big in Japan.
    I've made a Disquis article about this issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if MatPat from the Game Theorists does a Deadlock episode on Pokémon and Yo-Kai Watch and anger both fanbases with his research much like what happened with his TF2 vs. Overwatch episode.

    Besides, I heard Yo-Kai Watch 3 failed to reach 1 million units in Japan compared to the first two games and the spin-off. If that's not an indication that Pokémon's not dead yet, then I don't know what is.
    I've made a Disquis article about this issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if MatPat from the Game Theorists does a Deadlock episode on Pokémon and Yo-Kai Watch and anger both fanbases with his research much like what happened with his TF2 vs. Overwatch episode.

    Besides, I heard Yo-Kai Watch 3 failed to reach 1 million units in Japan compared to the first two games and the spin-off. If that's not an indication that Pokémon's not dead yet, then I don't know what is.

    I was going to bring that up actually. If they did plan to make the Sun and Moon anime based on Yokai Watch, it could end up seemingly bad timing with the 3rd game showing a decreased interest in YW.

    Hope the Sun and Moon season can still do good though as it look's pretty fresh and nice. I don't think it will flop though, as there are a lot of comedy animes that do well, like the recently big One Punch Man, which the upcoming series sort of reminds me of.
    Warning! Rambling Post... a bit Image Heavy

    Yokai Watch and Pokemon resonates with different ethnicity's... That's why the series sold well in japan even overtaking Pokemon in merch - because of this most westerners believed that it would dethrone Pokemon as the defacto monster collecting game (Even tho the series was just a fad and the series itself is now struggling only after 3 years). It didn't sell as well outside of Japan because it was so Japan-centric -

    (Gameplay wasn't good either... It's an RPG with almost no substance what's so ever... Just wait for the Yokai to attack -> Spin the wheel to Change Yokai -> use special move by doing an awfull minigame -> Repeat until enemy is purified.)

    - Pokemon relates to people from all over the world, as the monsters designs are based off on animals and different mythological creatures from all round... Why do you think it stood the test of time?

    In the anime front - the notion of pokemon is copying or inspired by Yokai watch is born out of ignorance in the state of anime alltogether... The art style change is a reflection of the changing process of anime production: New equipment and Software had birthed a new feel and style that was seen in XY Series and now being built upon in Sun and Moon (I don't get why people are saying that the "Animation looks rushed too" the only thing the detractors are doing is pausing on individual frames: The Pokemon Anime is an Anime not a manga the shows aren't a bunch of slideshows - I bet most of the people who judge don't even watch a whole lot of anime, but that's just me assuming.) The recent trailers only proves how high the quality of animation there is in the new show and I'm now looking forward to the show... Still don't like the Satoshi redesign tho :D

    Also comedy stills are in a lot of shows... it's not exclusive to Yokai watch and Pokemon.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    Anyway, The 'Poses' that you say Pokemon is copying from yokai watch... Are based on Sentai or Hero Shows (Power rangers and Masked rider in the west) where the hero strikes a pose before unleashing a devastating finishing maneuver.

    Setting - Yokai watch is confined on a common Japanese neighborhood, to get that real world feel while your hunting Yokai all over town (Sequels change the setting somewhat - Different era's in japan etc.) Pokemon Sun and Moon is based on Hawaii and the Islands that surround it and is more focused on adventure than an individual town, and from what the trailers are showing: are meant to convey a Getaway vacation. If pokemon was inspired by yokai watch they'd go back to basing regions in Japan (like the first three generations)

    "Yokai Watch" a watch that can detect and show the location of Yokai also using a medal can summon a Yokai. "Z ring" is a device that gives you the ability to use special moves that your pokemon can use. Yes they're both wrist based devices but they are different (Not to mention the abundance of wrist based devices in Japanese media). If you think about it the Z ring is based more on Kamen rider belts (They use the belts to execute their finishing maneuver)... Toy wise Yokai watch (Toy) is more of a collectible card game than anything else drawing inspiration from the belt toys from said hero shows. While the Z-ring has in game functionality drawing inspiration from game peripherals that's all the rage in japan...
    here's a list of some https://www.ign.com/articles/2014/03/13/9-of-the-most-baffling-gaming-accessories-ever-made

    some japanese toys

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon & Yokai Watch

    In Conclusion: Both series have there similarities yes, both are inspired by different forms of anime media yes, is Pokemon drawing inspiration from Yokai watch? no. Both series has a right to exist. In my opinion tho... Pokemon is vastly superior in all fronts (Anime, games, etc.) the pokemon series has stood the test of time. Yokai watch had already burnt out only after 3 years (which is why I call it a fad) and is about to be shown the door... Mainly because of Level - 5 milking the crap out of it. 3 years = 3 games.
    I've made a Disquis article about this issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if MatPat from the Game Theorists does a Deadlock episode on Pokémon and Yo-Kai Watch and anger both fanbases with his research much like what happened with his TF2 vs. Overwatch episode.

    Besides, I heard Yo-Kai Watch 3 failed to reach 1 million units in Japan compared to the first two games and the spin-off. If that's not an indication that Pokémon's not dead yet, then I don't know what is.

    If the new Yo-Kai Watch game flopped sales-wise, it must be a sign Pokemon is winning the war between the two franchises.
    Yokai Watch and Pokemon resonates with different ethnicity's... That's why the series sold well in japan even overtaking Pokemon in merch - because of this most westerners believed that it would dethrone Pokemon as the defacto monster collecting game (Even tho the series was just a fad and the series itself is now struggling only after 3 years). It didn't sell as well outside of Japan because it was so Japan-centric -

    To be fair, Splatoon is Japan-centric too, and yet it became popular in the U.S. too (though you would argue that it's because shooters are popular over there compared to Japan).
    To be fair, Splatoon is Japan-centric too, and yet it became popular in the U.S. too (though you would argue that it's because shooters are popular over there compared to Japan).

    Splatoon's main point of selling was it's uniqueness. It wasn't gory or some Nazi hunting game, it was a bright, new, fresh, and colorful take on the shooting genre. With COD losing fans due to uncreativity, a lot of people found Splatoon super fun. It had a cool story, nice music, fun stages and a lot of content for a new ip. This all factored into launching the games into success.

    It worked cause it appealed to both nations. With the anime it's harder to do though, as the east and west have very different ideas on how it should run. Which is why this new season could aim to appeal to both. It's trying to be very different so we'll see how that turns out.
    ...Pokemon and Yokai Watch are both animated by the same company, so of course they're going to borrow from each other. Quite nonsensical to compare them. Please stop comparing the two. It's getting kinda upsetting in my opinion. There's really no competition and that's that. Also, Nate life doesn't resolve around school. =/

    Whisper gets info, he doesn't contain it. How is that similar?

    The watch summon Yokai, and the Z ring is for Z moves, no similarity there.

    (BBL to add more).
    Well, I am not the only one who think that the Z-ring is similar to the Yokai watch. The mechanisms aren't important. The fact that they can be worn in the hand is important.

    Kotaku website said about the Z-ring: "This seems like it's taking a page from Yokai Watch's business playbook."

    This is the reason why I said that the Z-ring is similar to the Yokai Watch. It is because I read this article of Kotaku (a website for games, anime, ...)

    The information in Pokémon SM will come from a ghost. Whisper of Yokai Watch is a ghost too. Then Rotom Pokédex is similar to the role of Whisper in Yokai Watch. Many people share this opinion in the Internet (twitter, reddit, ...).

    Why did Ash suddenly turn to do these strange postures of the Z-moves? Where did this Rotom pokédex come from? Why do the trailers give the impression that Pokémon SM will include many comedies?
    Yes, other series have comedies too. But it is strange how Pokémon SM brought out many changes suddenly. For years Pokémon has been following the same formula. Why now?

    I read in many websites that Yokai Watch has influenced Pokémon SM. Then I made the thread.

    The reason why I cannot defend or fully explain my opinions is because English is not my native language. And my opinions are shared by many people. I'm not the only one.

    In the past the Internet used to compare Digimon with Pokémon. Now it is Yokai Watch and Pokémon. It is unlikely that they will end each other. No reason to be upset. I don't know why you are upset. It is a discussion. Knowing is better than not knowing.

    Comparing the two series is not upsetting to me. It is fun and informative. I try to include sources and references as much as I can. Thanks.
    Well, I am not the only one who think that the Z-ring is similar to the Yokai watch. The mechanisms aren't important. The fact that they can be worn in the hand is important.

    Japan has a plethora of different toys that can be worn... it's not exclusive to Pokemon or Yokai watch. Kamen Rider toys, Mahou shoujo toys etc.

    Kotaku website said about the Z-ring: "This seems like it's taking a page from Yokai Watch's business playbook."

    This is the reason why I said that the Z-ring is similar to the Yokai Watch. It is because I read this article of Kotaku (a website for games, anime, ...)

    The Yokai Watch Business model is to sell tons of Yokai Watches (Over the years 3 years it already has 3+ iterations of the original toy not including the anime seasonal watches) and to sell tons of medals.

    Pokemon had been selling Mega bracelets even before Z rings. This bracelets can be used to mega evolve in the Pokemon Z arcade game.

    while the Yokai Watch... is well a watch that can spin medals around. I won't deny that the two are similar (Them worn on the wrist), but japan has a dime a dozen toys which matches both those descriptions. Both as Collectibles and As game Peripherals.

    The information in Pokémon SM will come from a ghost. Whisper of Yokai Watch is a ghost too. Then Rotom Pokédex is similar to the role of Whisper in Yokai Watch. Many people share this opinion in the Internet (twitter, reddit, ...).
    Rotom was introduced back in diamond and pearl back in 2006, and has shown to posses different types of appliances. Rotom Dex is a rotom possessing a pokedex... The Pokedex itself is just a glorified bestiary anyway...

    Whisper on the other hand, is a guide and in game fills the roll of a "Pokedex" and Mascot, logging and giving information about Yokai.

    Why did Ash suddenly turn to do these strange postures of the Z-moves? Where did this Rotom pokédex come from? Why do the trailers give the impression that Pokémon SM will include many comedies?
    Yes, other series have comedies too. But it is strange how Pokémon SM brought out many changes suddenly. For years Pokémon has been following the same formula. Why now?

    Z-moves are based on Poses that Sentai / Heroes do before doing their finishing maneuver or Henshin Poses.

    This is from Kamen Rider black RX

    Pokemon Sun and Moon is built on the premise of you traveling around islands, competing in different challenges. while catching different Pokemon.

    In the anime (From what little is shown) is focused on Satoshi adventuring and learning with his new Classmates. From the looks of it It's structured as a standard adventure school show (See most toy commercial anime). Its just following the new game's (Which we haven't played yet) setting.

    Yokai watch game is set on one neighborhood, with you searching for different yokai which can be found hiding under plane sight.

    Yokai watch Anime never really put a huge emphasis on school life... it's more focused on the Yokai hunting, and seeing all the wacky ways that the Yokai can affect people.

    Changes? as you said pokemon has had the same formula for the past 20 years... why change it? because the formula's gotten stale for most fans. Not to mention the new director Shigeru Ohmori (Junichi Masuda-san is just the producer now) who directed the pokemon Delta episode from Oras.

    How about Changes in the anime? well comedy wise the two series has always been similar so whatever. Art style and animation - New technology and software.

    Here's a great video from "The Canipa Effect" explaining the art style changes.
    Z-moves are based on Poses that Sentai / Heroes do before doing their finishing maneuver or Henshin Poses.

    I thought Z-Moves were based on poses from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

    Changes? as you said pokemon has had the same formula for the past 20 years... why change it? because the formula's gotten stale for most fans. Not to mention the new director Shigeru Ohmori (Junichi Masuda-san is just the producer now) who directed the pokemon Delta episode from Oras.

    And yet people hated the Delta Episode in ORAS because of Zinnia, for the same reason this game was hated in Japan, and that information alone would've made them feel concerned about the direction for Sun and Moon.
    I thought Z-Moves were based on poses from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

    Kamen Rider, Sentai shows, Ultra man originated the "cool" posing and Japanese media embraced it into their pop culture. Anime shows from Neo Genesis Evangelion to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and now Pokemon are draw inspiration from them.

    And yet people hated the Delta Episode in ORAS because of Zinnia, for the same reason this game was hated in Japan, and that information alone would've made them feel concerned about the direction for Sun and Moon.

    Still the episode itself is very effective in deepening the pokemon universe/lore... If you think about it that Delta episode strayed far from simple pokemon end game content (Weaving almost an entire second campaign). Also, Little hero was asking - why the drastic change in structure? and hinged it on Pokemon "competing" with yokai watch... when in truth the changes just reflect the vision of an entirely different director.

    We'll see how the game goes... when Sun and Moon it comes out we're going to be free to openly criticize the game (Granted we finish it first XD). For now i'll see how many bonus stuff I can get from the Demo :D
    To the original post, Youkai Watch did not copy anything off Pocket Monsters. Pocket Monsters Aka and Midori (the original pair in the Pocket Monsters franchise) were not the first monster-collecting games. That honor goes to the 1987 video game NetHack. Also, no song plays when characters send out a Pocket Monster in any Pocket Monsters media.
    I don't see how this is important anymore honestly. Pokemon is still alive. Yo Kai watch is not. It's officially dead.
